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Told Ya.. Money Money Money...

They are coming to get ya....

Oh Dear, what can the matter be.
Fergie isn't stuck in the lavatory.
But, she is deep in a shithole.
FBI, are watching her close.
Maybe that's how...
 They get Andy to croak...


T. W. said…
If I understood the article then they owe money on a timeshare.

I find this hilarious. Us rude Americans know timeshares are a scam. So why wouldn’t these blue bloods know?

That pic of Fergie in that hat made me she is a bird brain.

On a more serious note, I’m glad the FBI is actually doing their jobs. I pray they continue to do so. We need more justice in this world. May they receive God’s help to bring it.
T. W. said…
Fasten you’re seat belts. We have 2 episodes of “Only in America”!


Khloe Kardashian Shares Graphic Details: 'I Ate Tristan Thompson's Butt'


It all started when Khloe posted a picture of a cake she baked. She then joked that the cake looked like a "butt hole."

But didn't stop there. She went on to say that she "liked' the taste of a man's butt.


Woman Arrested & Charged After Telling 911 Her 'P*ssy' Was 'On Fire'


Katrina Morgan, 50, placed the called to 911 late Saturday evening to report that her "p*ssy was on fire" and that she needed someone from the fire department to "put it out with their hose," according to the arrest report.

Morgan then dropped the call, and when a police dispatcher called her back, she repeated the claim and asked for responders to "come put her p*ssy out because it is on fire."
diviner21 said…
CD love your captions . Yes indeed !

Epstein is sorely missed by old FergieFerg. Feds only found or reported just one check or "loan" Epstein wrote to Ferg, there were more know that.

I have a sneaking suspicion that maybe she would on occasion do a little hostessing a la Ghislaine or Naomi? Fergie is mistress of the grift and fast back alley payout.
diviner21 said…
That is hilarious that Kris and them used a damn CAKE to help Khloe advertise her prowess
Chick'sOpinion said…
I didn't know they owned a time share at Verbier.
Well Verbier is one of the best ski areas in the world.

Can you believe these pair live like Oligarchs.
And yet...they are minor Royals.

Well, they will always have a roof over their heads. Because Prince Andrew has Royal Lodge at Windsor in the UK. A mini mansion.
A 30 room residence that used to be owned by his grandmother.
It's his Royal residence today.

Since he's owned it since 2002. He has put in an indoor swimming pool.

See. This pair are hooked on luxury. To the point it has continially got them into trouble their whole lives.

In their never ending desperate attempt to maintaim a lifestyle of the Internstional Jet Set.
Or at least to be seen that way.

Prince Andrew has largely funded this lifestyle by making foreigners pay huge sums to be introduced the right wealthy peoole he knows. For business purposes.

And Sarah Ferguson has done a similar thing.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Fergie...Mistress of the Grift. Good description of her.

You know, Beatrice and Eugenie will probably be glad when their parents are gone.

They are an eternal embarrassment at the moment.

And from what Christian has indicated. It doesn't look likely to improve.

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