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Amanda de Cadenet "FEMINIST" DUPED??? NOT SO FAST...

"One of England's finest Feminists."

 Should write another book...




Yeah Right...




For her "FEMINIST" cause
There's another 
She'll have to distance herself from..



Anonymous said…
Who hasn’t she used? John Taylor, Courtney Love, Keanu, Demi Moore riding coattails all the way
shamaro said…
CD, why didn’t Amanda make it public? Why not just quietly withdraw her support behind the scenes? What’s her motivation?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Amanda de Cadenet's first step into fame was at 17 on a British Show she hosted with Terry Christian. Called The Word.

Amanda de Cadenet was extremely beautiful.
Was known for her extraordinary beauty.
So my guess is... she got her face on British TV so young because of her beauty.
And as CD is suggesting. She slept/dated the right guy to get that opportunity.
She is the daughter of famous old racing car driver, Alain de Cadenet.

Through her TV period so young in London in the late 80's early 90's. She would have easily met Rock Stars. All the time.
So John Taylor of Duran Duran, being a major famous and rich musician, 12 years older than her.
Was another great opportunity.
To marry.

She took alot of drugs.
And so did he.
Ans she quite wisely got herself pregnant to him at 18.

She has experienced domestic violence in a relationship. 2 she claims.
But she always states after it. That it was neither John Tayor of Duran Duran or her current The Strokes band member she's now married to.
That assaulted her so badly.

So if she's telling the truth.
Who are the men that have bashed her in the past?

I don't know how long she remained married to John Taylor.
But long enough no doubt.
To get a huge financial divorce settlement.

I find it odd she's in a relationship with Nick Valensi of The Strokes.
she's alot older than him.
But I guess that begs a question.
What does he see in her?

And why does she want to be seen as a notable feminist? Later in life.
Is she on a bandwagon?
Or is it for money?
For her show interviewing women on that subject.
My feeling is. At least she's doing something meaninful.
Instead of marrying/shagging rockstars.
But she has had a bit of a career too as a photographer. .
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Speaking of all things women.

Can you comment of what's happened to the 'missing' woman, soldier from Fort Hood, Texas.

She's not just the latest soldier mysteriously gone missing from Fort Hood, Vannessa Guillen is part of of a list... that's getting long recently.

Men are vanishing from there too.
Or found murdered there.
In 2016, a 19 year old male soldier, named Dakota Lee Stump vanished. He was also based at Fort Hood. Not far from Fort Hood he was found dead in an upturned SUV. But the odd thing was.
When he was reported missing. The U.S refused to search for him.

In 2019 Gregory Wedel-Morales went missing from Fort Hood.
He was in the process of leaving the military at the time.
And oddly, his estranged wife, a black girl named
Penny Morales was arrested for criminal trespass directly after he vanished.
Then by November, his mothers house was burned down.
This month, Gregorgy's remains were found at Fort Hood, in Texas. With a tip off to the police.
His car is still missing.

Another recent one, found shot dead, 13 miles from his post, was Fort Hood Soldier, Brandon Scott Rosecrans.
Found in his burning vehicle.

There's something very evil going on at Fort Hood in Texas.
And just an indication. Earlier this year, a prostitution ring was busted there.
Strange place for a prostitution ring.
But is this just a distraction?
From the murders of soldiers. That's going on at Fort Hood.

Clearly Vanessa Guillen has also been murdered.
But why are they murdering soldiers at Fort Hood.
Male soldiers who plan to tell everything they know what's going on there?
And then they get get murdered before they tell their story.
Girlygirl said…
And CD, guess who she is now "friends" with? Take a guess. Yup, AG. Keanu's supposed new girlfriend and long time friend. ADC praises AG for not dying her grey hair because she is worried about getting cancer. Such fake women. Keanu needs to get out of LA and meet some real women for a quick tickle.
Chick'sOpinion said…
It appears it is too low for zero.
So why has Renate Blauel, Elton John's 5 minute ex-wife...launched legal proceedings against Elton in the High Court?

She's claiming it's because he went against a non disclosure agreement they both signed when they parted in 1984. To not talk about her in a book.

The fact is, she's always been a loyal and determined private person in regards to the Press and her time with Elton John.
And they are normally on good terms.

Why is she doing this now?
Elton John claims to adore her. So it's not like he is going to talk trash about her in his book.

And I wonder how Elton's marriage is going with David 'Furnish me with money' Furnish.
Kiwi said…
Ooh, interesting! I wondered about this woman! Never liked her. And yes,I remember reading an excerpt from her book about how when she met Keanu she hit on him and wanted to cheat on her husband with him. What a skank!
CyndiTx123 said…
shamaro this "Rider of Backs of Many Men" (my native american indian name for her) is trying to remain relevant during these covid times....Publicity good or bad is good for this lady.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I don't know whether Amanda de Cadenet has claimed to be 'a prominent feminist'
But she would certainly like us to veiw her that way I'm sure.

Also, I do think it's not only highly inaccurate for the media to claim this about her. But it's also insulting.
To a long list of 'real' prominent feminists.
Living and dead.

Here's an example of a real prominent American feminist, Gloria Steinem.
And Amanda de Cadenet doesn't even come close her.
Not even nearly.

And let's not forget. Alot of these real 'prominent feminists' like Gloria Steinem had an education..
A proper education. Made an effort to get one.
And wrote books on feminism. Went to jail for feminism.
Picketed the Whitehouse. Spent their lives at caucus meetings. Forums for women.
Battled misogynistic men who held all the power back then.

Gloria Steinem as an outstanding example, founded the National Women's Political Caucus.
Worked long and hard in politics to get legislation passed.

First started to get active when she assisted in the Adlai Stevenson Presential Campaign of 1952. She worked as a social and political activist, lectuerer, writer, journalist for years. And was a proponent of the Civil Rights Movement.
And an anti Vietnam War activist.

She Co-founded The Women's Media Centre.
And in the 1970's she campaigned for the American equal rights amendment. And testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
She published an essay on Gender Equality around 1970. And it was featured in Time Magazine in 1970.
She Campaigned politically for abortion rights and reproductive freedom for women.
And wrote 10 books.
As an aside, her stepson is actor, Christian Bale.
Gloria Steinem did not have children of her own.
Clearly she didn't have time to.

And there's many more of these prominent feminists that Amanda de Cadenet doesn't come up their boot straps. In influence.
Each decade produces a selection of these tireless amazing organized women. Who stay focussed at it for decades.
And yet Amanda de Cadenet thinks she become a famous 'prominent feminist'. By hosting a show where she invites celebrity women to come on her show.
And talk about women's issues.

I don't have anything against that.
Amanda de Cadenet is giving it a go.
But is she doing it for ego fame based intention?
So she can carve an easy route to new 'woke' identity in her older age?
It's a lazy route if you ask me.
With minimal effort.
She should stop filming her show.
And go home and read some key feminist literature.

Cause while she was bonking rock stars. Over 3 decades.
Feminist activists and engaged women were reading Germaine Greer.
And learning something worth sharing.
Anonymous said…
I do not get good vibes off Amanda either. She seems like that person that has ulterior motives behind every thing they do but has the ability to sweet talk in such a way that they're never found out. Man Keanu must have serious issues with boundaries he keeps losing good people and attracting the "shadows" into his life for some reason. I kinda feel bad for him seeing all these people around him that are so obviously, blatantly and shamelessly using him but he seems too gullible or oblivious to the fact.
Gold said…
Initials are A.G.
T. W. said…
I have no idea who this Amanda person is. I thought we were talking about Amanda heard at first.

Don’t name your daughters Amanda, Becky, or Karen.
T. W. said…
I had to Google this person. She does look nasty. I can see the nasty vibes & smell stink rays emanating emanating from her.

So apparently I’ve seen pics of this Amanda person not knowing who she was. I remember this pic:
T. W. said…

Thanks for the link!

I see Amber Heard is hiding one eye in the pic.

We know what that means.
Apple Monkey said…
Amanda deCadenet hasn’t got the greatest reputation here in the U.K. as Chicks said - she was married to John Taylor. She is an opportunist and became a photographer having a strange friendship with Courtney Love. I am surprised her and Nick have lasted so long. She was a former “it” girl who was a party girl and had a very chaotic childhood.Her father is in Epstein’s black book.
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey

Thank you for telling us about the Epstein connection!

Steven Bing was friends with Epstein & Bill Clinton too & he didn’t deny it. My research led me to conclude he was either suicided or Arkancided. I talk about it here:

TOLD YA R.I.P Steve Bing,,,

June 23, 2020
T. W. said…

I did some digging. I will provide links in another post.Rumor mill believes these are possible reasons Renate Blauel is suing Sir Elton a John:

1) He gave her an STD. I’m gonna say it. Rumor has it Elton John has had HIV for a long time. His ex-wife recently needed serious medical care & has no way to pay for it. She said she never asked him for anything since the divorce except for help with the medical debt.

2) He stated he would pay her medical debts but maybe he hasn’t done so.

3) He lied about his assets/wealth at the time of their divorce & shes now finding out she’s entitled to more.

4) She was portrayed in an unflattering light in the film Rocketman.

5) He wrote about her in his autobiography Me & that was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. Why is he allowed to talk & write about her over the years when she’s required to remain silent?

6) Rumor has it he wrote something unflattering and/or untruthful about her in his autobiography.
T. W. said…
I’ve said a few times Elton John is rumored to have The Illness. I believe this for many reasons. He’s in an open marriage so that could explain why he allows this.

Here are the links as promised, including the information about the olive oil wrestling...

1) The Wife Of Elton John

2) Revealed blind item about unprotected sex, hypocrisy, their open marriage, & the olive oil wrestling

Don’t Talk About The Three Of Us

3) Why the English media could go to jail for reporting on the olive oil trysts of Elton John's husband

4) Elton John Betrayed By Cheating Husband!
Blockbuster interview with handsome London businessman!
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey

I think I gave you the wrong link. I talk more about Steven Bing being suicided/Arkancided here:

"I Hate Obama.." Corona is his fault...
Chick'sOpinion said…

I saw the elton John movie, Rocketman. Mmmmmm I don't recall Elton's John's ex wife Renate being shown in that movie, in a bad way.

Also, if Elton John contracted Aids in the 1980's. He'd be dead by now.
They did not have the drugs then they have today to treat HIV/aids then.
They can prolong life a very long time now.

It's why Freddy Mercury didn't last long.
They didn't have the medications they have todau.

No. I agree. I think what angered Renate, Elton's ex all along. Is she got ripped off in the financial settlement in the dicvorce from Elton.

Now they married in Australia.
I remember thinking it was very odd he chose to marry in Australia.
He's British. She's German.

But perhaps he was touring Australia at that time.
But if you married in Australia I'm quite sure you have to have your divorce run through Australian courts.

He was high the day he proposed for a wedding to take place 4 days later anyway.

Did his financial people deliberately arrange for Elton John to marry outside the UK. For tax purposes.
It would take someone who is very experienced in UK taxation to answer that I guess.

But I always found it odd.

Renate is German.
Why didn't they marry in her home town.

No it's all very odd.
And Elton John's decisions were ruled by cocaine in those days.
So anythings possible.

If he has herpes. That wouldn't surprise me.
Most populations have it.
And in some. It will only reveal itself. When they are stressed.
Elton John was highly promiscuous as a gay man.
So doesn't surprise me.

What was Renate thinkimg when she agreed to marry a gay man?

I know,

Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

I think anyone who's friends with Courtney Love has to be strange.

And does Courtney Love have actual friendships?
She's rumoured to be an extremely selfish character.
And extreme selfishness doesn't usually work in friendships.

Amanda de Cadenet, being the famewhore rock chick.
Probably only got motivated for any kind of friendship with Courtney Love. Because the fame of Nirvana, Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love was so huge in the 1990's.

Famewhores know which fame train to get on. And off.
Amanda de Cadenet has probably heard the rumour.
That Amber Heard is about to get kicked out of Hollywood completely.
And all influential Hollywood people, including actors.
Are about to turn their backs.
On Amber.

So Amanda de Cadenet, close or not to Amber. Amanda de Cadenet is falling in with Hollywood rule.

Madonna's brother got kicked to the curb the same way.
Yet he'd done virtually nothing. To deserve it.
He'd had an argument with his sister Madonna over his occasional cocaine use.
Madonna and her brother were very good friends with Demi Moore and alot of the 90's supermodels.
Madonna forbade them to ever have contact with her brother again.
And those in Hollywood followed Madonna's orders.
He never had any contact from their Hollywood friends again.

Yes. Hollywood is a ruthless evil place.
Makes you wonder why so many people will do literally anything to be part of it.
Apple Monkey said…
TW HRH - it’s really spooky but I did wonder if Steve Bing had a connection to Epstein when I heard he died. Thank you for posting the link.

Chicks - Courtney Love is a strange one. Until CD posted his new feature I did wonder if she had something to do with his death. But CD said it was suicide so I believe him. Also Amanda de Cadenet is friends with Demi Moore. From memory, I think they worked on “The Conversation” together.
T. W. said…

You have been misinformed.

1) If Elton John did acquire the disease in the 80’s we don’t know the year.

2) Drugs to help fight HIV did exist in the 1980’s. I clearly remember the news reports, talk shows, and made for TV movies about AZT being a miracle drug. We had to watch Ryan White’s interview on the Phil Donahue Show when I was in elementary school. This was in the 1980’s.

3) Freddie Mercury was taking medication to fight HIV. His employees, family, close friends, and band mates confirm this. Brian May revealed Freddie stopped taking his medication because he didn’t like the side effects. You can see he was bloated in some pics. Brian May said Freddie was going blind and he had part of his foot amputated. So Freddie decided to depart this life. Brian said he wished Freddie held out for a few more months because newer medications with less side effects came onto the market. This information is in published reports.
T. W. said…
I did not watch Rocketman nor did I read his autobiography.


Because Sir Elton John has always been an open book. I’ve been reading tabloid magazines since I was a child. From the clips & articles of the film I have seen there is no new information in the film for me.

Also, Elton John’s public persona is a drama queen but he attended a wedding in a town near mine. People said he was NORMAL.
T. W. said…
If Elton was high when he proposed and when he married Renate then she is lucky she got anything. He could have successfully made the legal argument to have the marriage annulled due to fraud & because he did not have the mental capacity to consent. If this was shown in the film or discussed in the book then I can see why she is upset.

As for the potential herpes, how can she prove Elton gave it to her. You are right. Heroes can lay dormant in the body for years.

Herpes can be spread via skin to skin contact, so no full intercourse is required to spread and catch it. The virus is in the skin cells that are shedding. People are actually more contagious in the 7 day time period after the sores disappear.
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey you are welcome!

Anyone who is friends with Demi Moore should be viewed with suspicion. No further comment.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

And if Courtney Love didn't hire an assassin to kill Kurt Cobain.

She was probably certainly a bit happy when he died.

He was seeing someone else by then and about to divorce her.
And she knew it.

The rest of Nirvana despise Courtney Love.

Why is that?

I'm like you. I always believed up till now she had Kurt Cobain murdered.

As a wife....she inherited alot of his money.

I remember when Kurt and Courtney were hitting the headlines with their heroin addiction. And Kurt's scenes with guns.
Even in different countries.

And I remember thinkin one of them is gonna die.
Or both of them.

People were not that shocked when he died in a way if you recall.

What pissed me off is.
It wasn't Courtney Love.

I could never stand her.

She's a highly manipulative character.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion - Good points.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And Kurt Cobain's story with wife/gf Courtney Love is unfortunately a common sad story.

Kurt Cobain already had a nice American girlfriend at the time Courtney Love started stalking him with phonecalls. Even when he was touring in the UK.
I believe from what I've read, he dumped his sensible American gf immediately when Courtney came on the scene.

The gf he had was probably a perfectly sane and sober person.
Who would have probably saved him from addiction.
And depression
Courtney Love gives people depression.

It's a common story isn't it. When guys, who suddenly start to crave a girl who is a bit more dangerous. They shock everyone by takin up with some delinquent tramp.
And drop the nice girlfriend high and dry.

And they end up in a train wreck of a situation.
And on the road to hell. With some crazy bitch.

I used to think it was only a female afflication.
The deadly attraction to Bad Boys.
But nope. Men can suffer from the same affliction.
With the same results.
A lethal attraction to a bad girl.

And this is what happened to Kurt Cobain I think.

Oh and crazy bad girls are not easy to get rid of either.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I didn't know Freddie Mercury had part of his foot amputated before he died.
That's so shocking. And sad.

And you know they didn't put that in the bio pic of Queen.
I feel sad he went through so much suffering.

I guess Elton John's movie Rocketman didn't say anything new.

I knew he didn't get along with his mother.
But really she was a nasty cow.
And the movie demonstrates that.
And how absent emotionally his father was too.

I wouldnt be surprised if that drug for HIV you mentioned, AZT. Was the drug that HIV infected were all buying in Dallas. In the 80's.
That was shown in that 2014 movie, Dallas Buyers Club.
With Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto in it.
Not sure.

But there's no doubt. Desperate HIV infected people descended on Dallas in the 80's.
To get hold of a certain drug.
That was smuggled in and distributed by a HIV infected cowboy named Ron Woodroof.
True story.
It was a drug that American physicans were refusing to supply to HIV infected people at the time.
Because it was still in experimental stages.
I think it must have been AZT.

Dallas Buyers Club is one of best movies I've ever seen by the way.
Proved to me too, Jared Leto is a major actor.
T. W. said…

About Ron Woodruff

He purchased nutritional supplements and various medications from Mexico because the supplements & drugs were not FDA approved in America. Not all of the drugs were antivirals. One drug was an antibiotic used to treat a specific infection HIV/AIDS patients come down with. The drug is now FDA approved.

As for the Queen biopic

I didn’t watch it for the same reasons I didn’t watch Rocketman. Queen has put out a ton of documentaries over the years. Word leaked that the film would rehash all this information. Brian May & Roger Taylor confirmed this to be true.

Brian May is whiny and talks too much. Funny how he shared all these stories about Freddie while they were filming “Bohemian Rhapsody.” You’d think motormouth would have shared these stories before. We know the recent stories are true because others have confirmed them. I saw them in concert 3 years ago. My “impressions” were confirmed. I knew Brian is a Cancer sign but dude is very emotional and likes to talk.


As you know, Sacha Baron Cohen quit the project after 6 YEARS of work. The irony of a Jew portraying a Parsee-Indian was not lost on me.


Cohen said he wanted the film to be darker & to tell the real story with all the sex and debauchery. No sugar coating. Besides, many of these stories are available to read online & in magazine archives. Sex sells.

Well, one of the Queens whom Sacha declined to identify said they did not want to do that & the best part of the film occurs in the middle. Sacha asked “What?” The unidentified Queen replied “Freddie dies.”

Howard Stern said Brian May made that comment. I will post the link to the interview. I believe Howard. He said it twice. Like me, he has Gemini on house cusp 1 and 2 so that tells me he was serious. Besides. John Deacon ain’t said peep since the 90’s. Verified reports say he is suffering from extreme depression.

More tea. This will tie in with the concert I attended.

Brian told the press they wanted to create a feel good, family friendly film as a thank you to the fans.


I didn’t see the film but I do know Adam Lambert has a role as a man Freddie has sex with in a public toilet. Does that sound family friendly to you? At least the man wasn’t a police officer. Poor George Michael...

Now for the concert part.

A lot of adults brought their kids to the concert. I was baffled. Mind you, Queen’s songs aren’t as explicit as Janet Jackson’s or Madonna’s. But they do have some explicit songs.

But T. W.

Queen has a lot of songs and can easily perform a family friendly concert.


But this concert was not family friendly.

They performed “Get Down Make Love.”

Adam Lambert expertly supplied realistic sound effects.

The video display featured adult content. No, it was not X rated.

If Queen + Adam Lambert ever tour again I advise all adults to see them. You won’t be disappointed.


Sacha Baron Cohen on What Happened With the Freddie Mercury Biopic
T. W. said…

I forgot to comment on Jared Leto. I’m glad the rest of the world can now appreciate his acting.

Twenty-six years ago he was on the show “My So Called Life.” The show was superb but only lasted 6 months due to being placed in a bad time slot & ratings manipulation. Fun fact, the same thing happened to Star Trek - The Original Series.

To illustrate how good of an actor he is, every girl thinks he is a wonderful man like Keanu.

Jared Leto’s character is not like Keanu’s.

Readers of blind items and followers of reputable gossip and Truther/Conspiracy sites know Jared Leto is a dark entity.

No further comment due to safety concerns.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I saw the Queen movie with my much older cousin.

She hates anything with either gratuitous violence.
Or blatent sex scenes.
And would go beserk if she had to sit through homosexual sex scenes. I can tell you.

So there was no way there was any visible stuff like that in the Queen, Freddy Mercury movie.
But it certainly hinted at it.
They cleverly conveyed that was happening.

Like they did in old fashioned movies.
Without actually showing it. the way needs to come back.

As a movie person, I DONT want to watch porn or sex scenes in movies I watch.

Anyway ...I can assure you.
In most ways, Queen's movie on Freddie Mercury did turn out 'family friendly'

My cousin snd I discussed Freddy Mercury's more extreme sexual behaviour after we left the cinnima.
Cause the movie made it obvious he was involved in some kind of bondage and S & M.

You could tell by the outfits his bf's were wearing for a start.

As for Jared Leto, the actor.
I was just blown away how he played his difficult charater in Dallas Buyers Club.

That is an important movie.
From an historial aspect I think.
T. W. said…

I will have to defer to you.
Archi said…
Now she’s on AG’s back we will have something interesting ?

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