The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
hehehehehehehe! A girl can dream can't she? well an old one like me! hehehehehe
I really like Brad P. ! These feelings started for him way back when he starred on the best TV show eva in the 80's.... DALLAS!! hahaha! I am such a goof ball today folks- so pardon my silliness!!
It's Friday's Eve!!!! YES! Make it count and be humble doing it!
No. You are quite wrong. Brad Pitt is saving himself.
To marry ne.
I would have never believed it anyway - that they were dating.
So not his "type."
Angelina still has her hooks in him, she doesn't want him but she doesn't want anyone else to want him either!
CAP Anonymous
Love ya Chic's Opinion!!
Sex gets Olympic boxer Virginia Fuchs out of doping ban
US Olympic team boxer Virginia Fuchs will face no punishment for failing a doping test after the US Anti-Doping Association determined the violation had been caused by two substances transmitted by her boyfriend through sex.
I've said before on this blog. But it's a fact.
I had a dream years ago, that I was going out with Brad Pitt. And he suddenly turned really nasty on me.
In the morning when I woke up, I really disliked him.
Felt so betrayed too, that he was seeing someone else.
But anyway ...there was a strong nessage in that dream for me.
About a relationship I was in at the time.
I had strongly suspected my bf was f..cking the girl next door. Where he'd moved next door to, recently.
And yup.
I was right.
He was.
I turned temporarily into ....'a stalker, a watcher, a psychopath,
a maniac.'
But it was worth it.
Because watching his house in my car from a distance etc, gave me the evidence.
To get out of a toxic relationship with a lying arsehole. Who was also an alcoholic.
Girls listen to your dreams.
The spirit world try so hard to to warn ypu in dreams about certain people.
I want to know what happened to that English girl, Claudia Lawrence too.
I've been following that case more or less for a long time.
Do you know she's been missing for 11 years now.
Off topic.
And also yes. Meritocracy you mentioned before.
I fear that meritocray is across the board globally now.
Working class people without education.
Or an ability to do high education. Used to be able to earn big money regardless in manual jobs in Australia.
Not anymore.
Tradesmen are the only ones holding onto that level of wealth here now. As manual workers.
And they ARE educated. They go to Technical school for years before they qualify.
But straight manual workers in Australia.
Who used to earn a fortune working at the Docks, wharves, manufacturing....are unemployed today in Australia. 1000's of them.
And alot choose to stay unemployed. On unemployment benefit.
Because the wages are so low for working class manual workers today in Australia.
The only ones who are earning big today, in Australia.
Are educated people. And that is so wrong.
And unequal.
And discriminatory.
Miners earn big. But yet again, they have education too. Trades qualification. Most of them.
Little is discussed about the scurge of Meritocracy.
So I'm glad you mentioned it.
They wonder why the working class choose to be drug dealers today in Australia.
I don't wonder why at all.
They see it as far easier. Than working ridiculously hard in one of the few manual jobs earning virtually not even a living wage.
They know they can't get ahead, buy a house, a car or pay rent to live, in these really low paying jobs.
So they choose either short term or long term drug dealimg. Often.
It's probably the same problem for working class people in the UK.
Very low wages for working class people actually causes crime.
It's a no brainer.
CAP Anonymous
1) I’m upset about the working class working for pennies. Why work? They will repossess your property, turn off your utilities & evict you anyway.
2) We have got to find you a man. I pray God prepares you and the man so you are both ready for each other when you meet. Put a sprig if lavender in your bra when you are ready!
Yer. We know you weren't referring to us.
And anyway. He is our type. But me and CyndiTx123 are way out of Brad Pitt's league now.
Yes. I always try and listen to my dreams. And advice from friends.
Problem is ....I often forget my dreams as soon as I wake up.
Unless its deeply disturbing or obvious.
I forget them.
And concentrate on gettin up and feeding the cat.
Last week I dreamed all night about Angela Merkel.
I don't want a man.
I need another man like a hole in the head.
I hire 'hire a hubby' tradesmen.
That way... you get work done on your home.
Pay them.
And they go away.
It's a good deal all round.
And far more reliable.
How many woman have waited 6 years for a shelf to be put up?
A kitchen cupboard hinge to be repaired?
An eternity.
Possibly into the next Millennium.
Brad Pitt will have to consider others.
I'm outa his league.
And he probably can't fix kitchen cupboards within 6 years either.
And I agree TW. All these working class people who buy houses on low wages. And who maybe are not great at saving either.
Just get their houses re-possessed.
And what saddens me. Is they lose their huge deposit they paid on their home loan too when the re-possion happens.
You are definitely a Capricorn. You worry too much! We know what you mean. Please go in peace.