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If you think you've heard it all re PUTIN & TRUMP...

 If you think that it's treacherous.
In regard to Putin.
Paying the Taliban.
To kill American Troops.
With Trumps knowledge.
Just wait till August/September...
It is much worse
 than you can imagine...

Putin has recordings of what was talked about... 
 With his puppet Trump...

Putin is planning 
to release the tapes...

Late Summer early Fall...
Then  Summer/Fall 2021...

Then we will all see Trump...
For the 
He truly is...


chris said…
OMG. Trump deserves everything he has coming. TRE45ON
Chocmint33 said…
So the love affair has ended between Babyfart and P?

Has P found a new lover with China?

Interesting times.
T. W. said…
This is the one time I want Putin to do what he has planned to do.

When will people learn not to mess with rasPutin and the Dragon?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Unbelievable hey.

But so sad that it's true.

The thing is. Russia's defeat in Afghanistan 30 years ago, helped contribute to the collapse of the old Russian Soviet Union.
But that's another story.

The fact is....the Russians have rekindled their interest in trying to have another go. At gaining control of Afghanistan.

The last time, Russia was trying to install or to keep.....or establish more, a Communist government in Afghanistan.
Don't know if that is their new aim.
But they always claim their intentions for Afghanistan is just political and for control of a particular border.
I think that's horseshit personally.

The war the Russians lost with Afghanistan went from 1979 - 1989.
And 1 million Afghans died in the process. And all afghan infrastructure was destroyed.

30 years or so later, Russia rekindled or started a suspicious relationship with the Taliban in Afghanistan.
As a manipulation.
Inviting the Taliban leaders of Afghanistan to Moscow in 2018.
It's beleived it was part of Russia's attempt to regain power in Afghanistan. To suit Russian interests.
Cause they lost control of it back in the 80's.
In a very humiliating way.

The Russian block to getting control back of Afghanistan, was/is the fact that the U.S dominate control of the region.
Always have in modern times.

And the other fact is....the Russians have always supported the Taliban. As a sort of insurance policy.
For the future.
In that way Russia are double dealers.

Anything Russia could do to drive a wedge between Afghanistan and it's coalition partners they would try. Even if it means romancing the Taliban.

The Russians have even been accused of supplying arms to The Taliban.
So this latest story about Trump's involvement in Russia's plans for Afghanistan is just the tip of the iceberg really .
Of a long story.

Put simply...The back story is...
As the Russians famously lost control of Afghanistan in the 1980's. When they fought the mujahideen guerillas.
Their successors today in Afghanistan are a bunch of militants.
Who the Russians now sweeten too. With supplying them with Kalashnikovs.

The Militants are actually the big problem in Afghanistan.
Afghan Forces have a big problem controlling them.
And the last thing the U.S need and the Afghan Forces need. Is Russia arming them.
But they continue to do so.

No. The Russians are the ultimate liars. And double dealers.
When the U.S and NATO nations moved troops back into Afghanistan big time after the Sept 11 attacks in 2001. The Russians backed that 100 percent. To control and eliminate al-Qaeda and The Taliban in Afghanistan.
Or at least they claimed to back it.

But the Russians got bored with the long drawn out operation. Began to see it as costly, unwinnable. And didn't like the fact that it looked like the U.S were going to set up permanent bases there.
But happily for the Russians, when Obama came to power, Obama started a U.S troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Leaving minimal troops there.

Bad decision.
Militants quickly over ran Kunduz in the north.
And then even worse the same year. The Taliban militant cells started pledging their allegiance to something new. Called Islamic State...ISIS.
That had in fact swept across Iraq and Syria the year before.
So U.S forces re-enter the region again.

The whole situation in Afghanistan is one never ending story of a giant mess.
Made worse by the Russians.
It's horrifying that Trump has been assisting them.
Diviner21 said…
I agree Christian, this story will not easily disappear and is just the beginning.

It comes alongside the revelation of Trump's poor grasp of world affairs and political protocal, as seen in his narcissistic fumbling,and embarassing conduct during high level conferences with other heads of state.

Most damning for him is his obsequious treatment of Putin, as well as his demeaning dismissals of May and Merkel in these transcripts.

But it his treasonous sacrifice of these troops which has the power to crush Trump finally and irrevocably.
Letty said…
Why would Putin release them?
T. W. said…
Putin could be doing a controlled release of the recordings to save his own skin.

Another reason is because releasing the tapes serves Putin’s/Russia’s best interests.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Well said.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And this meme Christian has put up. Refers to what Russia started doing to Ukraine in 2014.

You will recall that Russia, in one of their agressive legendary.... land grab moves. Invaded the Ukraine's Crimea Peninsula. In 2014.

Relations between Russia and Ukraine deteriorated into a war conflict rather quickly. Russian backed rebels began insurgency in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of eastern Ukraine.
And chaos broke out.
And since then, 13,000 peoole have been killed in this conflict.

But if you ask Russia's Putin. He claims he's innocent.
And the milk of human kindness. And as gentle as lamb.


You only have to look at his very long line of choices and the history of his behaviours. He's a very dangerous world leader.
The sooner he's gone the better.

And while these greedy deluded Russians were attempting to take the Crimea part of Ukraine.
As early as 2014 they accidentally shot down a passenger jet Flight MH17 and killed 298 innocent people.

Yeah. Putin and his gung-ho murderous military delinquents.
Have run rampant in Ukraine.
And it's got to stop.

And here is the worse bit. Since the conflict in Ukraine.....that Russia started, 1000's of innocent Ukrainians have gone missing.
Vanished off the face of the earth. They started vanishing in 2014.
The Red Cross are documenting all of it.
Lots of women are looking for husbands. Who got up and went to work.
And have never been seen again.
Lots of Ukranian kids are growing up without their father.
Because of Russia.

And in all of this conflict. At the height of serious warfare there. Trump denied President Zelensky of Ukraine, desperately needed aid. And assistance.
Unless he got favours from President Zelensky. To dish dirt on Biden and his son.

The reality is, the whole conflict/war flared up again on the eastern front of Ukraine. In february this year. Ukrainian troops were shelled by the Russians. On the border.

Some good news. There is an encouraging prisoner swap going on between the 2 countries at the moment. But most people who have missing husbands, sons. Are sadly disappointed.
Their missing loved one is rarely the prisoner that gets released.
This makes me assume the Russians have murdered all the missing since 2015. And I think the Red Cross know that.

Another thing. There was a peace process going on at one stage .
And Russia did everything to try and de-rail it.

In 2015, the European Forum imposed heavy sanctions on Russia over their invasion into Ukranian territory. And it's support for separatist rebels there.
And as far as I know U.S sanctions on Russia over this conflict continue. Obama was the one who imposed them. Not dickhead Trump.
In fact that Trump removed many U.S sanctions on Russia. The minute he came to power.
Speaks volumes.

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