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Ivanka Trump says .... Not true about My Daddy...

She's just as bad as he is.
She& her Hubby will be proved to be the  grifter scum they truly are...
Wait till she’s called to testify against”DADDY”…
Stay Tuned...


Sarah the Great said…
Forgot Ivanka, what's Markle Sparkle's next move? She's been too quiet. Why is Charles not cutting them off? No balls?
Quiet said…

Ivanka would know this.
T. W. said…
Quiet, you took the words out of my mouth!

Anyone else remember when I provided a LOT of links to articles and videos as evidence Ivanka is screwing her daddy?
LovesBreadCarbs said…
Well, I don’t trust Ivanka and Jared as far as I can throw them.

I was thinking about China, Trump and Covid-19 the other day in terms of the virus destabilizing the world esp the United States, UK and Europe.

Does anyone else remember a few years ago when it was learned that Ivanka and Jared’s children had a Chinese nanny who was teaching them Mandarin? Looking up articles to post a link, I ran across this one that states the two older ones also attended a private language school for more Mandarin instruction.

Please understand that I am not knocking young children being exposed to a second language; they are able to learn languages very well. It’s just interesting the parents chose Mandarin.
Letty said…
She should know she sat on it!!
Quiet said…

T.W. Yes I totally remember our chat here on this topic. I had enough of trump for the whole decade of the 1990's when Ivanka was riding in his limos with her daddy in up state NY.
LM said…

I wonder when the last time she did sit on it?
Chick'sOpinion said…

I guess Ivanka and Jared are no different to any Western ambitious family, in getting their kids to learn Mandarin.

They are all doing it. For career and business.

Unfortunately, Western kids need to do it. Learn Mandarin.
It's especially the case in Australia.
Where Mandarin language has taken over in our city of Sydney.
With the amount of Chinese residing there permanently.
Last year, it was predicted that in 10 years. English will be a 2nd language in Sydney.
English almost elimimated there.

There is certainly a saturation too now, of signs in mandarin only many parts of Sydney.

China has one of the worst human rights records in the world.
So you can imaginine my feelings about their take over of the capital city of my country.
And the fact that the Australian government govt allowing it.

A very reckless thing to allow.
Which I don't see any legal way of reversing right now.

Australian Kids who more likely, do not speak Mandarin. And are not bilingual im English and Mandarin those born here of Chinese parents.
Are being left behind in the job market.

Anyone who is bilingual in English and Mandarin have the pick of jobs they want.
And that's globally.

It is a form of reverse racism to Australian kids.
Who didn't have the opportunity to learn mandarin.
Because there parents are white Australians.

Job applications in australia...will read...

Must speak Mandarin.
Or bilingual in Mandarin and English highly desirable.

The person who applies, who speaks fluent Mandarin will get the job.

Is the Asian Century over. With the current destruction of the Chinese economy?

Hard to know because China never releases the true numbers on anything.
To do with China.

But I hope so.

They all ran out and learned Japanese here in the 80's and 90's.

But as China eclipsed the Japanese economy. In influence.
Learning Japanese lost it's popularity.
Chocmint33 said…
Yuck. How gross that she would know this.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Like the Zealand Kaka bird. That is rarely seen.
Because it now faces extinction.
Les wexner, the American former 'Merlin Of Malls', owner of Victoria Secret, L Brands and Bath And Body Work.
Hasn't been seen for a very long time.

As soon as his total link to Jeffery Epstein was established.
He vanished.

Les Wexner led a merry life for a rich old creep.
Utilizing Jeffery Epstein's trafficked minors for sex. And living a glamourous life.
With Jeffery Epstein as his best friend.

Well Les Wexner is just another of the many rich pedos who thought Jeffery Epstein was his best friend.
Prince Andrew is another example.

But Lex Wexner was way more naive.
In exchange for access to these young sex trafficked girls, Les Wexner gave Epstein complete control of his finances.
His adult children's trust funds. The lot.
He also allowed Jeffery Epstein to pretend to be a recruiter for Victoria's Secret.
For years.
Until Epstein was stopped. By alarmed managment within Victoria's Secret.

So where is the billionaire retailer, Les Wexner?
Who hasn't done one day in court or jail. For a highly involved role in the sex trafficking of young girls for decades.

Well he's clearly hiding.
In February this year he released an announcement that he would step down as cheif exec and chairman of L Brands. Which is basically Victoria's Secret.
More like he was fired from that role. That's obvious.

Directly after, L Brands sold their majority share in Victoria's Secret.
To a private equity firm.

The thing is. No one wants to buy that sleazy Victoria's Secret shit anymore.
And it's clear there will be no more of that disgusting annual spectacle, Victoria's Secret Show anymore.
With those starved models.
Its ended too.

The New York Times did a very deep investigation into Victoria's Secret as a company a while back.
And discovered it was a highly misogynistic workplace. Where bullying and harrassment was the norm.

Why am I not surprised about this?

Perhaps Les Wexner is hiding out in Ohio.
He has an estate there worth 200 million.

I'm rather happy about one or 2 things though.
I love to see the failing of retail empires like Victoria's Secret. The fall, of Empires that are driven by greed. And sexploitation.

Modern day retail asks more questions.
Is this what I'm buying exploiting people?
Is it made by slave labour?

Today in Australia the chain store, K Mart has just come under severe scrutiny.
For only selling items made in Bangladesh, China, India and Pakistan .

That's a critisim in itself. But at the moment Kmart stores shelves are mostly empty. Because they are over reliant on cheap overseas production of all this stuff solely.
And production supply stopped.
Australians are now wanting more that they buy made in Australia.
I think this is a growing trend in all countries though.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Is Billionaire retail creep. And former exec at Victoria's Secret ever going to jail?
For his part in the Jeffery Epstein sex trafficking.
T. W. said…

THEY abuse their children from the time they are in diapers. That is part of worship. THEY also feed off the emotions & energies released from the victims as a result of the abuse & torture. Abusing the children from the time they are in diapers teaches the children the abuse is normal.
T. W. said…

Here in America people are told to learn Spanish. Not all Hispanic/Latino migrants are from Mexico.

Guess what. Several migrants have told me they are required to learn English when they go to school. So this @me speak no English” business is usually a farce.

As for other languages, anyone wishing to work for the UN must be fluent in both English & French.

List of languages considered critical to US national security needs:
T. W. said…

Here in America, Kmart means Keep Middle America Really Tacky.

Sears purchased Kmart for some bizarre reason knowing full well Kmart is considered trash. Sears filed for bankruptcy and its nearly impossible to find either a Kmart store or a Sears department store.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I usually love K Mart stuff.

I'm a K Mart chick.

Message to Label Love Lovers.
... wearing an expensive label. Doesn't make you more interesting.

Chick'sOpinion said…

I'd be interested to see if the mania in Australia and the pressure to learn Mandarin passes.
Now the Chinese economy is down the Swanee River.

The Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison released a rather blunt statement the other day.


'China expects Australia to be compliant to them. And we are not going to be.
Particularly about the South China Sea issue.
And the islands China have built in the South China Sea area. With Military armaments built immediately on them. By China.
A military strength that currently threatens the world'.

You know TW. This is why, as soon as Trump came to power. He increased huge spending on the U.S military.
On jets, drones you name it.
Cause as soon as he came to power he was advised that the U.S military strength was very week in face of the Chinese. And Russia.
And Trump spent big rectifying this for America.


Because even tbough China play very quiet and patient.
What they are really doing is preparing for war and global domination. The way Hitler quietly did in the 1930's in Germany.
Australia are fully aware of what China is doing.
And so is the American government.

They have just arrested an Australian politician on spying charges here in Australia.
He's an Australian...married to a Chinese woman.
And he's spying for the Chinese.

Hes got a big house in Sydney.
Great lifestyle.
Clearly paid for by the Chinese.
But clearly from the evidence A.S.i.O have on him already. His heart is in China.

I sense we are gonna see more arrests.
As Australia is finally facing up to the threat of China's attempt to take over Australia.
And the island nations around us.

If people don't believe me.
Then get out the the historical articles.
And facts on this issue.
Spend time to...Read and learn.
The facts.

It isn't a race issue.
It's a sovereign nation protection issue.
And it's happening.

I get really annoyed how everything today.
Gets switched to have a racial meaning.
The protection of nations is not racism.
It's about protecting the race that occupies that country...legally.
Chick'sOpinion said…

New migrants to Australia of any nationality.
Get 500 hours of free English lessons.
At our local Technical colleges in Australia.

So they have access to it.
As soon as they arrive.

Expect perhaps young girls who have been brought to Australia by people smugglers. Who take their passports.
And force them to work in nail bars by day.
And work as prostitutes at night time.
They don't get ant time to sleep.
Let alone study English.
But they are usually from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, the Phillipines.

The Chinese get active and work freely.
But if they have a Chinese employer.
They are worked to death.
The South Koreans work their South Korean staff very hard here too.

Fortunately alot of these Asian employers. Get busted by the Australian Tax Office.
For Tax Evasion.
And for sex trafficking.

That's a good thing. If they are mistreating their staff so badly.

Put them outa business.
T. W. said…

The problem with a Kmart is not the labels and brands. It’s the fact they sell substandard products. You can get the same brand elsewhere and the quality will be better. Just like Walmart...

The only thing usually worth buying from a Kmart in America is children’s & infant’s clothing. Toys are good to buy during Black Friday.

I agree, our military has old equipment & such. The money allocated to the military and the Veterans Administration has been woefully misspent. At least Trump is doing some good here.

You are right about something else. Not everything is about race.

As for learning English in America, people can get free help to improve reading, listening, writing, & speaking skills at community colleges and many nonprofit agencies. People born and raised in America get this help free. No one will ask you if you are here legally either.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. And I wonder if the fear of being discovered being an illegal keeps illegal migrants away from all places that offer free English lessons.
Wouldnt surprise me.
But that's sad.

I had a funny experience the other day.
I am vegetarian as you know.
But occasionally I eat things with prawns (shrimps) in it.
I ordered curried prawns at a Chinese restaurant I don't normally go too.

I thought the Asian man there spoke good English.
My order was handed to me.
Curried chicken.

I was starving.
So I ate all around it.
And took the chicken home to the cat.
My cat is a pain in the arse.
He turns his nose up at so much food.
I said to him the other day,

'If you didn't get food for 2 days you'd soon stop turning your nose up at all the wonderful different foods I buy for you'

They say cats have staff, not owners.

In my experience, that's absolutely true.

And agree. One thing Trump did right. Was spend spend spend updating the U.S Military.

Everyone needs to up their game.
Cause China has created a far more powerful military strength than most.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Sarah the Great

Prince Charles balls are out of action.
He's had Covid 19.

Not only has the long terms affects of Covid 19 meant he has lost alot of sense of taste.

He's clearly got sore balls.

I wonder if he can still taste that Gin shit him and Camilla smash down all the time.

I don't know how anyone drinks Gin. It tastes like poison.
T. W. said…

Your cat was right to not eat the food.

Curry contains garlic.

Garlic is deadly to cats.
T. W. said…
Gin gets its flavor from juniper berries. All juniper berries contain an oil called thujone, which is poisonous in high amounts.

Juniper berries cause upset stomach, diarrhea and kidney problems.

As I have written before, some natural remedies will cause a woman to miscarry a pregnancy...
Chick'sOpinion said…

I read a channelling of Diana, Princess of Wales.
She is apparently concerned at the amount of Gin Prince Charles is guzzling.
And his general health.
She said 'notice his flushed face'.
Camilla is into it too.
TW next time you see a pic, note Prince Charles and his perma red face.

From what you say, clearly people who are smashing down heaps of Gin. Get poisoned to a degree by thujone through the Juniper berries

Glad I don't drink.
people just develop so many problems from alcohol.

And what is making Prince Charles drink so much Gin?

CD that's a question for you.
T. W. said…

I’m well aware.

I have written about the gin blossom on Prince Charles’ face and his swollen hands several times over the years. I also wrote I suspect he has congestive heart failure & I've posted links to photographs and articles to back my claims.

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