Alexandra Grant. More lies? Did she forget she married another person 10 years ago... & is still married... UPDATE...
I had a dream about Alexandra Grant. (Which in it's self is disturbing) This is what I saw in the dream. I SAW... Alexandra Grant is married. Not to Keanu Reeves. T he marriage took place around 9/10 years ago on the East coast of America. (Not New York City) I Saw She was in a very close relationship with this "Person" I See she was paid to do this... The person she is married to is of dubious character... This person has been "Away" for quite a while... (If you know what I mean) This person is threatening to return.. She will... To expose the marriage & other criminal behaviors they both had a part in. As I write this. Keanu Reeves & his team. Do not know of this. Alexandra, knows is still legally married. Has her head in the sand. Hoping it will go away... STAY TUNED... MORE TO ...
Thank you CD for all that you do. I appreciate that it must be emotionally taxing, especially when things are so grim. Please put your feet up, and go and indulge in a food or pastime that makes you happy. Self-care has to be your #1 priority.
Get some rest and enjoy the fine weather
Praying for good times to come
XO xo
I’m praying for you & commanding recovery & healing. I’m also commanding evil spirits to flee from you.
Part of me thinks the migraines are spiritual attacks & “seeing” the darkness. Not only that, the weather patterns have been strange & the tropical storm is messing with the air pressure. I’m in NC but I feel physically ill even though the storm hit the Gulf states.
I still recommend you visit an endocrinologist just in case you estrogen is too high & your testosterone is too low.
I had Battlefield Acupuncture on Monday and it’s been a big help. Maybe it will help you too!
If you object to using human blood products then avoid Botox as it contains human blood components.
I had a headache on Tuesday.
I never get headaches.
So I was surprised how much tension they give.
And general gloomy feeling.
I can't imagine what a migraine wouls be like.
Must be bad.
Yeah. Everyone needs a way of de-compressing.
But yesterday, I had a mini migraine for most of the day. I've been stressed. I wondered what the heck is going on?
All the crap that's going on in the world, just makes you want to stay in bed with the covers over your head sometimes.
I would think being a psychic has its moments, but the thoughts that come through would probably be too much sometimes. I agree with TW, I think migraines could be related to the "darkness" a psychic sees.
Botox does work for headaches!
Cyndi, ha ha, loved Lucky Charms as a kid. I used to eat all the cereal first then saved the marshmallow bits for last. Yum. That kind of cereal will give you a headache! Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar Sugar
Sarah the Great? Bonkers? Funny, but I don't know if you are?
CAP Anonymous
While grains are technically grasses, cereal is almost pure sugar. Please have your hormones, A1C and blood sugar checked!
And CyndiTx123 eats an amazing variety of sugared cereals.
I can't believe it.
And you know, I remember eating some of those kinda cereals when I was young.
At other people's places.
And I loved them.
But anything my grandma (who lived with us) or my mum didn't like.
We didn't get. At home.
They just banned it. If they weren't interested in it.
They were the ultimate grownups. And said no. N. O.
Not like today.
Where they actually ask kids what they'd like to eat.
Which seems crazy to me.
I remember when Kentucky Fried Chicken opened in our surburb. I gazed at it lovingly as a kid, as we drove past. All the time.
Did I ever go there. Or get 1 piece of Kentucky Fried chicken as a kid?
I had to wait till I was a teenager with my own money.
I used to even smell it as we drove by in the summer.
And thought...jeez that American food smells sooo exotic.
Yes guys
I genuinely had a deprived childhood. LoL.
I was also deprived of Chinese food.
Which is why I'm addicted to it today.
And it's where I'm going for lunch this Saturday.
I'm vegetarian today.
But no matter.
The Chinese and their magic wokkies.
Cook up plenty for vegetarians.
And are very flexible.
They are the only Chinese people in my small town.
So I make sure I keep their business alive.
Girl. I dont know how you cope with these food allergies.
Deny me any food group.
And I go nuts.
And become obsessed in it.
Vegetarianism is easy for me though.
Because of my beleifs about animals.
Chinese dump a lot of sugar into their food. That’s why people crave it and are hungry again shortly after they had their meal. If you ever see General Two’s Chicken on the menu please know that is an American dish. Nothing Chinese about it.
Spaghetti with meatballs is an American dish too.
As for Kentucky Fried Chicken, the restaurants started going downhill in the early 1980’s. Colonel Sanders foolishly sold his business & the new owners slowly but surely started using canned vegetables, potato flakes, etc. I don’t think they fry the chicken in the pressure cooker anymore. Also, that is not the original chicken recipe. That’s what happens when you steal Black people’s recipes and claim them as your own. Paula Deen knows all about that...
As for the food allergies, I cope with great difficulty & sadness. I can eat chicken, Mission brand soft tortillas, and potatoes. Soy does not bother me either. I have to slowly add new food. The first day, I can only eat one bite. If I’m fine in 24 hours then I can have 2 bites. If I’m fine for 24 hours then I can have 3 bites. You get the picture.
I definitely cannot have figs, honey, dairy, nuts, & seafood. Including sea salt & sea weed. I don’t even have to eat it to have a reaction.
Coconut & palm are considered nuts.
I cannot eat smoked food or food that has been cooked using charcoal.
No French food because of lavender (herbs de Provence).
I have to avoid any food that begins with the letter P. Has to do with cross pollination.
Fruit of any kind is a risk.
Lettuce & other leafy greens are risky due to cross pollination.
Fermented, dried, picked, and canned foods are very risky because even though the proteins are denatured, processed foods release histamine while inside the container.
I guess I was deprived somewhat too but didn't know it at the time, ha ha. I was allowed soda only on special occasions, i.e., birthdays, Christmas, vacations. Didn't eat a lot of junk food as a kid growing up. I did have the Kentucky Fried Chicken, but again, once or twice a year, usually in the summertime, on a hot lazy day. Yum It's delicious and smells divine but it's really really really bad for humans. I haven't had any for ages.
CAP Anonymous
I remember when there wasn't so much fast food out in the 70's/early 80's and everyone ate from their homes -never fast food. That's the prob with obesity in America.... Too much of a good thing...not knowing when to stop. That's me. I do have food allergies too not so bad as my sis. But that cute story Chic'sOpion passing the KFC.... I still dream of eating their sugared cole slaw-fake pototoes w/gravy and their original recipe chicken... Your granny and mom were right in keeping you from that stuff. Chinese food is yummy but without all the soy they put in it. Migraines - Battlefield Acupuncture. TW- thhink I would like to try that for my migraines. Love all and your good advice!! Thanks and have a happy Saturday NIght. U too CD & Lady Gaga!
You are welcome!
Diabetics crave sugar & a lot of cereals contain gluten and/or are genetically modified.
Genetically modified foods are dangerous for us with food allergies & sensitivities.
I also noticed you listed General Mills brand cereal. General Mills food products contain glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Round Up. It’s a known carcinogen & people have won multi-million dollar settlements against Monsanto.
Please be checked for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and see an endocrinologist soon as you can.
Cap Anonymous
Kentucky Fried Chicken is still going really strong in Australia.
There's one in every reasonable sized town.
Yeah TW. I would not cope with that many food allergies.
And I'd end up losing so much weight. I'd literally starve.
Yes. I was probably really lucky we never ate Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Or Take Away food.
I remember I would get the bus to the beach and swim all day with my friends.
And only have bus fare to get the bus home.
No money for even chips at the beach.
No wonder I was so slim. Also, CyndiTx123 your family sound like mine were in the 70's.
They ate at home.
I didn't bother to even ask for take away food.
Cause I knew I would be told no.
And to shut up.
But omg...yes. Kentucky fried Chicken's coleslaw is addictive.
If I ever go there. As a vegetarian. That's what I have. With their chips. But agree.
It's unusually sweet.
I read the ingredients of their coleslaw. One day in the car. While munching away.
It makes frightening reading.
Health Food Freaks would have nightmares over that coleslaw.
TW Glad you mentioned about that Monsanto case with that carcinogenic glyphosate in the foods they grow.
That case is a great step forward.
Council workers/gardeners are suing councils here over having to use glyphosate for years.
I'm sure one guy has won his case.
Money makes these f..ckers change.
They rarely change based on moral or ethical grounds.
CyndiTx123 — I love you too! I’m glad I can be of service here. You will heal and recover. God bless you!