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SCOTUS Said "YES" Trump pissed !!!


CyndiTx123 said…
I am sooo happy about this Including the LGBT COmmunity too! What a big win for all Americans- going forward and not backwards.. still so much more to do- so much more..just the beginning! God Bless America!!
Letty said…
A blessing and a big win for democracy
CyndiTx123 said…
the NRA got shot down too- they didn't allow several laws to pass allowing more guns or something to that nature.... Just happy about that too- its the beginning folks for going forwards!!
T. W. said…
Let me get this straight.

It’s against local, state, & federal laws to benefit from a crime even when another person committed the crime.

So if I was married to you. I’m a drug dealer & a gangster. You truly do not know this. The police arrest me for drug trafficking & racketeering. They confiscate my property, including our marital home, joint bank accounts, automobiles, furniture, jewelry, electronics, etc. because they were purchased with proceeds of my crimes. You suffer. Our kids suffer.

Now think about this.

The DACA kids entered the US illegally while they were children. Obviously they were kids so someone took them here. Why should they benefit from someone else’s criminal actions?

But T. W. They were kids! Where’s your compassion?

Okay then.

Tell that to the kids who became homeless with only the clothes on their backs because mommy and/or daddy paid for their home, food, clothes, toys, school supplies, etc. with drug money.

I know my opinion is unpopular but it must be said.

T. W. said…
“People get shot by people / people with guns”

Lyric from “Put Out the Fire” by Brian May
T. W. said…
Let me get my paring knife so I can protect myself against the intruder aiming his handgun at me...
Chick'sOpinion said…

Interesting points.

I feel this same thing could happen to kids who end up in Australia. Because their parents entered illegally by boat from Indonesia etc.

But as far as I'm aware. They send the whole family back. So effectively the kids don't grow up here. Unless they ARE legal.

The whole idea of sending them back immediately is to discourage Indonesians paying people smugglers. To help them travel to Australia.

They bring them to Australia in boats that are not sea worthy.

They still come.
But not nearly as many. Because the government made the Australian Navy police the ocean. With something called Operation Sovereign Borders..And they send them back.
But I believe the Australian navy transport them back to Indonesia.
And arrest the people smugglers.
Whether they are tried in Australia or Indonesia I don't know.

But what I do know is...the people smugglers are armed. With either guns or big knives.

The australian navy request they put them down so they can board. But often the smugglers refuse to.
So the Australian navy sometimes shoots them.
If they don't comply.
Amnesty have claimed that Australian Officials pay some smugglers to retun the people they are smuggling.
I could believe that.

But we have a huge problem.
We have illegals trying to enter Australia and New Zealand on boats from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Myanmar too.
The Australian Navy helps control and stop these boats for New Zealand too.
And they help Australia.
T. W. said…
Sounds like Australia actively protects her borders. The US does not. Fencing is a joke. Even if it did, people still get here easily. You ask how? Okay.

1) Part of the US was Mexico. Mexicans have underground tunnels dating back hundreds of years. Ask El Chapo to tell you all about it...

2) Many parts of the Canadian—US border are not patrolled. This includes waterways. I’ve read & heard people can easily swim, take a ferry, take a boat, or even walk across the border.

3) We have Atlantic Ocean to the East, Gulf of Mexico to the South, another gulf & the Pacific Ocean to the West. You can smuggle humans in cargo containers. Especially if they are considered part of the diplomatic pouch, as it’s illegal to search them.

4) Private airplanes. Ask Jeffrey Epstein. Oh wait. He was suicided...
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah Australia has a huge coastline to defend.
Or patrol.

And we were not good at defending it either.
Because of the scale of boats that were coming.

I can see from what you say, America have a particular set of border problems.

No wonder Trump was able to get so much support when he started ranting about a wall.

The UK and France have terrible problems at their Ferry Ports. With illegals tryin anything to get in.

Well the UK border is going back now to previous surveillance. A hard border.
That will make things easier.
And harder.
Because now the British HAVE to control their border again.
Prior to that. The freedom of movement of EU Nationals left Border Officers less tasks... in a big way.

I noticed a while back too, UK Border Agency went on a big recruitment drive.
That's why.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion, thank you for this information!

We’ve had constant rain for at least 2 weeks. I pray Australia and other places that have experienced drought receive relief. May the environment heal and flourish again.

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