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As much as we all pray
for things to change.






Chocmint33 said…
I have a question CD - Will New York Attorney General Letitia James be the person to boot Babyfart out of office either directly or indirectly?

Once she gets into his shady financial dealings and money laundering, the public won't want a crook as President.

And do vote USA.
Anonymous said…
Let's all pray that it's going to be Biden and... Michelle Obama!

CAP Anonymous
Louise M said…
Why are you so obsessed with Trump. I personally am not a trump lover but many a good psychic on YouTube have pointed out that Trump is the lesser of two evils. We have much more sinister people to keep an eye on during these times. But yet your still obsessing over trump, I find this really weird.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD We know a new leader for African Americans is coming.
Like Martin Luther King
And Malcom X
This person is gonna lead.

Who is he/she?

We know that leaders like this are born from these big protests for change. Or.... are already in the rank and file of activists organising them.

Can you show us who it is?
Are they are already working in local U.S politics. Or at high level.
Or... in grass roots racial equality activism.
Anonymous said…
This is all staged. Fist. See where it all appears. In fact, you have no choice. In general, the people do not elect a government. Maybe just at some local level. What is happening in USA is a conflict of two currents in a deep state for supremacy. Trump is a fool and I am terrified of Biden. I recognize this signature. George Soros. There is a lot to be found on the internet who wants to know. Antifa and all.. Civil war. I went through that. You have no idea how easy it is to turn people against each other. All it takes is a spark, like the one with George Floyd. Keep wise and may God help us all.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anononymous

Love Michelle Obama.
She's one tough mama.
And smart.

That woman needs a role in U.S Government.
Not as a 1st Lady. Stuff that.
But as a highly influential politician.

There's no way anyone could bullshit it over her. And get away with it.
She's fearless.

Has her role in this earthlife just been to support Barak Obama?

If so, that's been meaningful.
But she has far more to offer America. Americans. Than that.
And ....she's highly educated. I believe she went to Princeton. And Harvard Law school.
She met Barak when she was assigned to mentor him at the Law firm she was working for.

Mum's like Michelle Obama produce smart girls too.
That's gonna be her legacy also.
Shes had so much influence on women.
Even my daughter read her book.
Sana said…
My God CD, my thoughts exactly
It's not long until November, but It will be as you predicted.
Cuz I remember a prediction you made some time ago, saying that you don't see Trump after Nov 2020
But that things will not calm down even then

I truly hope the best for the American People (who are not racist white supremacist dickheads, KKK clan dickheads!😡)

T.W, CD, Chicksopinions and the rest of ya

Anonymous said…
Just want to be clear -- not a fan of Biden but it's either him or the Trumpster. And if someone like Michelle Obama came in, maybe that would be a game changer.

It seems like most leaders of most countries in the world today are crap.

Evil crap.

CAP Anonymous

Lovely Libra said…

I feel like we ARE on the brink of a civil war ... I want to see this change in my lifetime!
T. W. said…
THEY want us to stay home.

Please vote.

Polls closed in Georgia after a day marked by voters waiting for hours to cast their ballots
Psychic Gossip said…
Louise M.. re Trump lesser of two EVILS who the fuck whats Evil in the Whitehouse.. We have just had almost 4 years of that..
From the day Trump ran I have told everyone what a bad person he is. NO ONE SEEMED TO LISTEN.. So I have to shout louder.
Becuase if God forbid he wins again you will all be speaking Russian.. CDX
Chick'sOpinion said…

I'm gonna check out Letitia James.
CD We need a prediction on her.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I don't think it's a matter of obsession.
More the fact that the U.S will never be right again till he is removed from Office.

It's not just that Trump is not very competent.
Its just that he is causing so much social upheaval.
And racial division.

How can a country divided succeed?
It may be he's not as bad as we think in some ways.
I agree.
But he is a U.S President pissing in the pocket of Russia.
Who want world domination.
That is unacceptable.

But also, the people who are pulling Trump's strings are the evil too.
That you mentioned.

Getting a good competent President in Office will solve alot of problems in one go.

And that's where the determination for him to be removed from Office comes from.

Call it an obsession.

If it is.

Christian isn't the only one.

Half the planet want to see him removed.

I'm Australian. And even we in Australia want him gone.

Because the de-stabilization in the U.S is scary for us.

The U.S is a partner, allie in war to us.

We need someone stable and competent in that partnership.

We always have had one.

Not now.

Trump all over the place. And inconsistent in his policies on Asia Pacific security issues etc.
Chocmint33 said…
Louise M - I would like to know who those many a good psychics on YouTube are that say Babyfart is the lesser of the evils?

I know good credible psychics on YouTube that say that the Orange Man is bad to the bone. There are plenty of them too.

Babyfart is a nasty wart on humanity that needs to be taken out of office. Never has the USA been so divided.

But that's what that Russian boss VP and his cronies wanted and helped Babyfart to win the 2016 election.

They wanted a divided USA and that's what they got. A divided USA is in their best interests so they can control it and controlling Babyfart is what they are doing.

Why are they controlling him? Just put two and two together.

I just hope that New York Attorney General Letitia James will crack the Babyfart and R country money trail and kick him out.
Jules said…
Obsession is way too strong of a word and paints an entirely wrong picture.

Christian is only sharing the psychic impressions he receives on the President of the United States to benefit the readers of his blog and to warn them of what he has seen. Anything to do with the President is current affairs and of interest to everyone as any decision an American President makes can impact the entire world.
Anonymous said…
I can see everyone’s point who has commented on Trump. I used to despise Trump but since the lockdown I’ve been watching you tubers like Shaun Atwood and David Icke, and it seems that the previous governments (Obama’s, Clinton’s and Bush) are just as corrupt asTrump. In fact more so, if what is being revealed is true. It’s confusing now as your hearing all this new information and it’s hard to know who the good guys are. I don’t think Trump or Biden are good candidates for presidents. We need someone new and completely different decided to run, someone with no ties to previous administrations.
Anonymous said…
Hi Chick's Opinion,

Michelle is great. Strong. Tough. A great role model for young girls.

I think she would keep Biden on the straight and narrow.

Then she would run for Prez herself and win.

We need a WOMAN in the White house. She's it.

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anononymous


We need a woman in the White House urgently.
Even if it's just fot the ying yang balance.
Looks like Stacy Abrams will be the one though.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD I'm glad you just highlighted in a comment... just how big and pre-planned Russia's current plan for expansion into the U.S is.
In fact expansion into everywhere they can get.

Let's not call it just expansion though.
Lets call it what it is, invasion.

Few people bother to read what Russia is really up to. Which surprises me. Because....It's freely available in the free press. And independent newspapers.
And freelance journalism.
People, I keep saying.
You need to read deeper.
It's there.
Use it.

And Russia have a long history of invasion.
But they have been doing it even recently.

So I don't understand why anyone could not see the immediate threat of Russia.

Yeah, the sooner Putin is removed.
And Trump is removed.
This threat will be far less of a problem.
For the U.S.
And everyone.
JR said…
Replying to Chicks Opinion:

I think Ivana and Jared would be a good choice. Better than big Mike 🤢 (Michelle Obama)
T. W. said…
Louise M — You believe Trump is the lesser of 2 evils. I’m glad you wrote that because you just revealed you believe Trump is evil.

JR — I’m not a fan of Michael Obama either. S/he thinks ketchup is a vegetable. She had the federal school lunch program altered and children went home hungry because of her. Meanwhile, her children ate a full, well rounded meal at their elite private school. I hope Biden does not choose her. Christian said Biden should choose Governor Cuomo. I agree. Cuomo is a Sagittarius and doesn’t give 2 fucks.

Chick’sOpinion — While rasPutin is well aware of the occult elite, he should not be trusted either.

General Comment — Christian and other psychics said Trump has fucked America up so bad the Presidents to follow can’t fix it and Trump will go down in history as the worst president America has ever had. That’s saying a lot.

I agree with Christian, Bernie Sanders should have gotten the nomination. Let’s be real, I wanted Elizabeth Warren, but she would have been on the short list for Vice President if Bernie won. Bernie dropped out too soon.

Joe Biden has a severe case of foot in mouth disease compounded by dementia & there is video footage of him groping & kissing children & adult women. However, I will vote for him because his running mate will be the one in charge. All the more reason to choose Cuomo for Vice President.

I would rather Biden choose a competent male instead of an unqualified female. Hitlery Clinton is highly qualified but she is tainted because of Epstein. Even if she had nothing to do with him her husband did.

Michelle Obama is qualified but I don’t like him/her for a lot of reasons.

Either way, I would still vote for Biden.
Louise M said…
Thanks for your comment T.W, finally someone gets it 👍
No disrespect to CDS, I think your awesome ❤️
But please do tell - is Michelle really a Michael... this is news to me???!!!
Anonymous said…
Yip Micheal Obama is definitely a he. Poor Joan Rivers died a week or two later after revealing the truth and calling him out
David said…
Stop worrying about Russia and start paying more attention to the deep state/shadow government, that is the real threat
The sooner people wake up the better
Anonymous said…
Please no more Obama’s as presidents! These phoneys are as bad as the Clintons. I don’t like Trump but now after knowing what I know, I’m glad we’ve got him and not the Devils daughter (HRC)
T. W. said…
Louise M — You are welcome. I don’t like Hitlery but she knows how to govern. Sometimes you gotta get your hands dirty to help others keep their hands clean.

Anonymous 12:29 AM — You are right! I remember this. Barack often calls his wife “Michael.” Joan Rivers stated on national television Michelle Obama is a man. Joan then ranted that she was tired of seeing celebrities cover one eye and said, “I get it, you’re in the Illuminati. Just stop hiding your eye!” Next thing you know Joan died during routine surgery.

David — Who do you think the Deep State is? We talk about them here but oftentimes you have to read between the lines or follow links because we value our safety. Sometimes we mention certain subjects or people that are related to what we really want to talk about. But if we come out and say things we won’t be talking anymore because we will no longer be alive.

Anonymous 1:50 AM — I don’t know your religious views. I do know allowing Trump to take the presidency is an act of mercy because “The End” would have come sooner had Hillary taken office. Having said that, Trump’s policies and mismanagement are setting us up for “The End.”

Also, I say the delay is an act of mercy because many people would have been lost forever to the Darkness because they weren’t given a real opportunity to understand The Light and to choose The Light.

John 8:12 New International Version —

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Jules said…
There are some psychics and those who believe in 'their' agenda, and Moe Othman is one of them, who claim Trump will serve another term, (and they will stage a fake assassination) and then there will be a female president .. a blonde-haired woman, who will also be the last president of the united states.

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