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   3rd Time a charm...

Well, seems I hit a nerve...
This AG person...
Is almost gone...
She too, sees the end...
Her Dark Magic is loosing power.
So lets give it one last push.
Let the light shine on KR.
To completely open his eyes.
Also his inner eye.
To see AG for what she is.
Not just a user/gold digger.
But also a criminal...

Maybe never caught...
But, allow, KR to see just what.
She has been up to.
Let alone the "Stories" leaked??
The leaker has the initials...



Chick'sOpinion said…
Almighty God. Please intervene and assist Keanu Reeves to see fully.... The darkness of Alexandra Grant.

Anonymous said…
Cd can you say about this? What is happening with Robert Pattinson?

Anonymous said…
CD what happened to the comment reveals? Hope you are ok! Best to
You xx
Anonymous said…
Have he found the one?
T. W. said…
Dear God,

Please send supernatural help to assist Keanu Reeves so he can leave AG forever. Cover him in Your protective Love so her Darkness will never reach him or harm him and those he loves ever again. I thank You for hearing and answering our prayers.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Someone that claims to have a connection with Keanu claims he likes to play games and imply he brought this on himself. Can you tell if there is any truth to that
Chick'sOpinion said…
I just asked Archangel Michael to block Alexandra Grant from leaking stories in future.

Also I asked for Alexandra Grant to be exposed by the media.
For leaking stories.

Media people! Break the story. About her doing this.

It will be a juicy story.
Anonymous said…
June 22, 2020 at 1:47 AM
Anonymous said…
Someone that 👉🏻claims
to have a connection with Keanu...
(AG claim she was his girlfriend also )
👉🏻 claims he likes to play games and imply he brought this on himself.
( First if you have CONNECTION with someone you not make a show or claiming anything for a 3 party’s ..
Second if someone plays game -what this is telling you about connection?
-(NO connection!)

Can you tell if there is any truth to that ..
truth about what : 👉🏻claiming’s
If they have connection -
If he’s playing a game...
(More so ,Illusion about connection)
Anonymous said…
I feel we should put the whole Keanu thing to rest. Any more readings on his future would be detrimental to his freedom from AG and his true one (that he is yet to find) since AG won’t stop trying to collect information on Keanu’s next move and this new woman.
I don’t think it’s safe to keep talking about them. As much as fans and stand want to know, I strongly believe we aren’t doing them any favor.
In the meantime, let’s pray for him and try to stop the power the entity (who does not act alone) has over him. Let’s try to guide him towards the light. That’s what he needs. Not more people sticking their noses into his future.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 7:26 pm

I agree.

I noticed anonymous people asking about Keanu & “the one” write like kids. The questions are nosy and whoever is asking them fails to realize Christian has already answered those questions. They think we forgot.

I know what they are doing.

They are fishing for detailed information so they can thwart God’s plan.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I tell all evil entities that you are the darkness and you never have and you never will overcome The LORD God YHWH because YHWH is the True Light and the Source of The Light.
Anonymous said…
And there’s more: “The One” is dark haired? 500000 brunettes stalking him. She is not from the USA? Other 500000 from Germany, Asia and Kuala Lumpur at it. The amount of crazy stalkers on Instagram is insane, all of them claiming they are his twin flame and trying to make their way to him.
That’s also detrimental. The actual true one might get hard to find in all that mess. And she might be completely off put by the whole thing, AG, the crazy “twin flame” stalkers...
I genuinely care about the guy and want the best for him. So I don’t think feeding into all of this is what he needs at all.
You love him? Admire him? Stan him? Then leave the man alone. Let things happen naturally at the right time. Prove that you actually care about him and put an end to all of this.
And no girls, you are not Keanu’s true love. Stop asking trying to find out if it’s you. Stop acting like 13 year olds. Get your madness together.
Joy said…
Agree with T.W. and Anonymous,

Please stop asking questions about his true love in the future,
let things be as they will be.
There will be no bright future if the current situation won't change.

Please focus your energy on praying that he will be released from this entity, as according to a previous poster, this is hard enough.

" In the meantime, let’s pray for him and try to stop the power the entity (who does not act alone) has over him. "

All stay safe.
Anonymous said…
Joy, couldn’t agree more with you.
The situation is VERY complicated as it is, fuelling this gossip will only cause Keanu harm. That “bright” future is indeed in danger. In fact, Keanu himself isn’t safe as of right now and won’t be for a long time. The entity and the ones behind her are no joke, they are capable of horrific things and aren’t about to let Keanu leave that easily. They’ve been targeting him and working on this for so many years now, they just won’t let him slip between their fingers.
All energies must now be focused on keeping him as safe as possible and sending him strength and wisdom to make it through this nightmare (regardless of he brought this in himself or not, it’s not our place to judge).
The rest should be irrelevant as of right now.
Thank God some of you guys are reasonable, bless you.
Stay safe, guys. Good night from this side of the world.
Anonymous said…
By the way, this is no way a criticism to Christian. The people I have in mind when I make comments are the nosey, teen like women that want to know every single detail, down to how many cigarettes a day Keanu smokes and if “The true one” is naturally a brunette and how does she style her private bits.
There are some crazy talented gifted psychics out there who do a fantastic, respectful job, just like Christian. But most of those readings on youtube, Instagram and other sites are a shit show. They give proper second hand embarrassment.
And to be honest, who are we to want to know eeeeeeeeverything about a man’s private life? Being an actor doesn’t mean not deserving the tiniest bit of privacy, especially when going through hell.
Keanu shares what he feels comfortable sharing, we should respect that and not try to sneak out more than he is ok with sharing. It’s called basic respect.
I don’t know, man. Poor Keany. Between the entity, the crazy “twin flame” stalkers and the alleged fans... wouldn’t want to be in his shoes now. Guy must be wanting to disappear from the planet. I’m really feeling for him, truly.
Anonymous said…
To TW Joy etc: i agree the more that people want to know about his love the more they put a target on her back. Regardless i believe this woman is highly protected and no matter what she who shall not named does it will not touch her and will backfire directly on her. Jesus Christ the Holy Spirit and Archangel Michael are all protecting her and the connection.
T. W. said…

I thank you for sharing your thoughts here. We know you weren’t attacking Christian but it’s still good you added clarification.

Please consider creating a username to sign in with to comment.

Nefarious entities frequently post as Anonymous here.
Anonymous said…
T. W.,

I’m new to Christian’s blog, I didn’t know about negative entities commenting anonymously. I don’t know if I’ll be very active but if you all feel safer if I create an account, I will. Don’t want to make anyone suspicious or uncomfortable as most of you here are lovely people.

Have a blessed day, guys. And don’t forget to send a little extra positive energy and light to Keanu. Blessings for you all.
Anonymous said…
To June 23, 2020 at 12:55 AM

Your comment is frightening.
Anonymous said…
AG is in Berlin ! Same hotel same room !
Anonymous said…
Anonymous June 23, 2020 at 1:34 PM

I am very sorry if my comment made you feel some negative type of way but I am afraid that’s the reality of the situation.
Keanu, although protect too by some of us, is very vulnerable, he has always been but right now, even more.
The entity is really dangerous and trying to force itself into his life in every possible way. She won’t just give up easily. That’s why I feel so bad about people trying to find more about his life. It’s very counterproductive and goes against what is best for him.
Efforts should be put on leaving him alone and protecting him, sending him love, light, protection, clarity and positive energy and on trying to have all the entity’s bad ways and very clear and known to the public. All her malicious proceedings and connections have to be brought to people’s attention.
That’s the best that we can do to help Keanu, not trying to stick up our noses in all the good that is yet to come to him.
I hope this makes sense.
To T.W.: Keanu in Berlin, the hag in Berlin... 😮🤷‍♀️🙁
Anonymous said…
To June 23, 2020 at 7:34 PM

Stop giving her the attention that she doesn't deserve.

To June 23, 2020 at 7:37 PM

So many fans have tried for the past year to warn everybody about the dark entity that is next to him now.
Several reasons have been named to try to make sense of this whole situation:
he is bearding, he has dark secrets, he has financial problems, she needs promotion, he needs to not look lonely, and most likely, they have a fake PR relationship.
Fans have tried for a long time to see him as a good human being who is used by a golddigger, who is just trying to help a friend.
At some point, fans just realize that he chooses to promote a conartist, which means that he might not be the 'nice and kind guy' that he wants people to believe.
Because how can a good man feel comfortable promoting a dark entity like her?
Now, you are right, she won't give up. She has been trying to isolate him from people that really care about him.
Fans all around have been disappointed in him and his continuous promotion of a scammer, even after so much has been proved.
Now, at some point, as a fan, you can't support a person that fake.
You move on, because you want to dedicate your time and energy to someone that is worth your support.

I am really hoping that Christian can focus more on the current situation,
which hopefully will create more understanding among his fans,
because it is exhausting if you keep trying to give it another chance, and keep getting disappointed in his behavior.
Fan accounts are closing, and long time fans are walking away.
Please pray for these fans as well, as these are good people with a concious, but not an unlimited supply of patience.

Hope to hear from you Christian.

Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
June 23, 2020 at 8:14 PM

You are so right. I am not even a fan and I am very disappointed in him for supporting such an evil entity, a con artist, an unscrupulous witch.
I’d be interested in seeing how well his “new” movies do when they come out after all this.
Anyway, it’s exhausting. If it wasn’t my obligation to try to protect and guide people regardless of what they do, I’d probably give up on him and move on. This situation is so frustrating and unfair to all his long time fans and people who supported him.

Have a lovely rest of your day wherever you are, take care!
T. W. said…
Anonymous 10:15 am


Enjoy scrolling through the archives!
T. W. said…

This is actually good news! The Germans know a witch when they see one. They can peep game.

Sometimes things that look bad are used to bring about a blessing. Sometimes you have to go through a storm instead of around it to get the best possible outcome.

Keanu May come into contact with European Light Workers who will protect and warn him.

If hAG makes contact with European dark entities it will become obvious. Don’t worry.
T. W. said…
Anonymous June 23, 2020 at 8:14 PM

Christian has already said the relationship is not romantic & things are not as they seem.

Let’s continue to pray Keanu receives God’s help.
T. W. said…

When you don’t know how to pray, just say “Jesus, help!”

Then ask in his name that everything God wants to happen will happen at the right time.
Anonymous said…
Oh trust me, MMJ, his future woman is pretty gusted with all this. She feels a strong repulsion, disappointment and doubts that a man that does things like that could be her soulmate.
That’s part of the reason their future is in danger. As Christian, myself and others already stated in previous posts, she is deeply spiritual and private, all this circus and for such disgraceful purposes repulse her a lot.
Let’s pray that when they come in contact Keanu will have more clarity and does things right and carefully because I can easily see this woman having compassion and forgiveness for him but yet choosing to distance herself from him and the connection.
Time will tell but things aren’t looking so good right now.
Anonymous said…
Keanu arrived in a private plane to Germany in the company of Carrie and Neil Patrick Harris, apparently a magazine mixed photos of his arrival with old photos of Keanu and the woman artist. Does anyone want to support the fake narrative of the fake girlfriend playing games
kat said…
I don't know why, but I just cried from reading that last post. It feels familiar to other people lost by HW, but I don't know anything about either one of them. I wish him all the best and hope he finds his way.
T. W. said…
Oh my God, for all we know this woman has never heard of Keanu Reeves, she may not even watch movies, and even if she knows who he is she might not even know or care about his personal life!

We must stop giving our energy to hAG.
Anonymous said…
Thank you TW! You are so nice, I really appreciate your warm words. Have a blessed day!
Anonymous said…
Don’t believe the pictures you see ! Done are recent some are not ! I think Christian is right she’s almost gone ! Pray for him !
Anonymous said…
In my opinion pictures are old probably from March, they are not arriving but leaving : it’s summer in Germany with hot temperatures they are in mid season outfit + Grant has a paper bag from a restaurant actually closed due to the pandemic ! So they are leaving and it was probably from March ! + the place is definitely NOT at the airport but a city Center building. Christian is (in my opinion again) right !
Peach Cobbler said…
So the stalker games continue!! She did this in February in San Francisco and now in Berlin with a tabloid shitshow to AGAIN include TMZ! This after KR's representative made it plain to OK magazine and to all press (including AG , I'm sure) that this whole thing is FALSE! There is no relationship or friendship for that matter. Is this what friends do?? These events are clearly a way of vindictively attacking, discrediting and burying Cheryl's/KR's statement! It's dangerous, very dangerous to continue to entertain a criminal stalker!! She has a lot to lose now. There is even a blind item about her criminal behavior on "Crazy Days and Nights". When her crimes get strewn across the press he will burn with her! Even when he denies a romantic "relationship" he will be seen as complicit and supporting of her deeds as a "friend" and business partner. He MUST act to end this BS in it's entirety!!
No, they are recent. She was waiting there on KR and he has the ARCH hat in his hand, later he put it on his head.
Anonymous said…
5 - Will it be love at first sight?

Christian Dion:
Way bigger , better & more complicated that....
More to come.. see ya later on this one...
Anonymous said…
People please, be sensible. Let the whole Keanu and his future love alone. Leave it all alone and have a little patience, it won’t take long and spreading information about it can be very negative.
Please let it be and just pray for him, for them.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
5 - Will it be love at first sight?

Christian Dion:
Way bigger , better & more complicated that....
More to come.. see ya later on this one...
June 25, 2020 at 1:50 PM

Are you pissed that you don't get an answer?
Hm, what part of the question?
More complicated??
Let me think now.....,because this question is complicated already...
“Read only “Way bigger & better 😉
T. W. said…
Anonymous June 24, 2020 at 9:00 AM

I thank you for your sweet words. I pray you receive God’s blessings for you!
T. W. said…
I’m going to settle this:

The media declared hAG is Keanu’s girlfriend.

Keanu has never confirmed the hAG is his girlfriend.

Keanu has never confirmed the hAG is his fiancée.

If they are in love he would have confirmed this.

Keanu’s PR released a statement saying she is not his girlfriend & requested the media to stop referring to her as such.

Anyone who cannot understand this needs to go to their primary care physician or to the Emergency Room & declare they are suffering from extreme mental confusion. That is not an insult. Mental confusion is a serious medical symptom.
Cat said…
T. W.

People are doubting him because "why isn't he saying anything" you guys when has keanu ever said anything. The guy has will of steel when it's comes to being as private as possible. People have linked him with all sorts of people. Have you ever seen him come out n say anything or deny them??? I read last week that a long time ago people even called him gay and linked him with some Billionaire David person. Said he bought keanu clothes and shit??? Even then he was quiet and let people and the media act like mad hatters and live in their own baseless assumptions. It was only when people started saying they had gotten married that both parties finally came out and calmly denied the rumors. Until then, NOTHING. All we have to fall back on about this current circus is that
1.) she seems to show up wherever he has a shoot or an art/fashion event appearance or places where somehow paps always conveniently seem to be notified beforehand and present and
2.) She held hands with him at a particular event.

Not enough for me sorry he has done even more pda with women and men who are good friends of his I have seen nothing that would indicate a full on romance between them. I will only believe they are a couple of keanu himself comes out and says they are.
T. W. said…
Cat —

You are welcome & I thank you for making good observations:

1) Keanu almost never addresses rumors.

2) Keanu (Virgo) is intensely private. He didn’t say peep about his child died. People didn’t even know he had a kid until the press ran with the story.

3) hAG does show up at the strangest times and places.

4) You are right about the pda. He’s displayed more physical affection with his coworkers than he does with hAG. hAG has to touch him! As a matter of fact, the gossip webs was saying Keanu was dating Halle Berry because they were hugging & such. I think he even kissed her in public. But at the same time they said he was dating hAG. They can’t get their own stories straight.
Vivian said…
I agree with other posters who are asking Christian to refrain from making future posts about Keanu’s future romantic partner. I have a feeling that AG lurks on this page and can be using that info to her advantage. Also, I don’t like how people are being so nosey about his personal life and asking so many questions About his love life. There is a lot of people who try to match the description that others are predicting his future s/o to be like. We should leave it up to God and divine timing.

Instead, we should focus our efforts on the prayer circle and getting rid of AG and any other toxic person from his life.

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