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Ansel Elgort is in a serious DEPRESSION.
He needs proper therapy/medical help asap.
Or, he won't be making many more movies.
The powers that be won't be happy.
When the assault secret comes to light .


T. W. said…
Save The Baby
T. W. said…
If my daddy took naked pictures of me while I was in the shower & then posted them online I would be depressed too.
T. W. said…
Let’s be clear. We do not shame sexual assault victims & survivors. Even if we think the story is suspect, we still believe them unless there is undeniable proof, not evidence, proof they lied.

But I’m going to say it. I question the girl’s story. From a legal standpoint, he may not have broken the law & even if he did the statute of limitations to prosecute the alleged crime may have run out. I’ll explain.

1) The girl was 17 years old. Although Ansel was 20 when the alleged incident allegedly took place, in most states the girl would have been legally old enough to consent to sexual activity. If this allegedly happened in California then Ansel broke the law if he did this because age of consent is 18 there.

2) The girl’s story makes it seem liked she agreed to the sex but wanted to stop because of the pain but he continued saying, “We need to break you in.” Let’s say that is what happened. Morally speaking, this is rape. Legally speaking, depending on the jurisdiction where this took place this is NOT rape. No joke. In some states a person can not revoke consent to a specific sex act once that act has begun. North Carolina just passed a law this year allowing women (hopefully all participants) the right to say no to sex acts during the act.

3) Her writing style is one long run on sentence. That is always a red flag for me regardless of context. Let’s say she was indeed raped by Ansel. Well, she had time to proofread her comment before she sent it off. We aren’t talking about typos. We’re talking about one long run on sentence, no paragraph breaks. The story looks like a preteen wrote it. Not only that, the alleged incident allegedly took place in 2014. That’s 6 years ago. She had time to gather her thoughts and time to coherently share her story. Please note, I’m not judging this girl’s truthfulness. I’m saying she makes a poor witness and if this truly happened that could be why she decided not to come forward. That’s one reason a lot of rape cases never get to trial. The victim makes a poor witness.

4) I pray all victims of sexual assault become strong survivors.

5) I pray all rapists & molesters get the punishment they deserve. If any of them can change for the better in this life I pray this happens. For those that can’t or won’t, I pray they remove themselves from society or they get removed.
T. W. said…
I hate political correctness. Please note this did not happen in America.

University Professor Loses Admin Job For Stating That “Men Cannot Get Pregnant”

A professor at the University of Alberta was fired from her administration role because her views on gender (based on the fact that one’s biological sex is real) made some students to “feel unsafe”.


She’s also a feminist. However, according to some anonymous students and the higher-ups of her University, she is not the right kind of feminist. Because she believes that women are … women. Even worse, she believes that men cannot be women because they don’t have a vagina.


Lowrey is not a conservative that is looking to “own the libs”. She actually ascribes her intellectual formation to Marxism and radical feminism. While this kind of background should receive an enthusiastic thumbs-up from the social justice crowd, it is not enough anymore.


Lowrey boils her views on feminism down to a few key ideas: Men cannot get pregnant, lesbians don’t have penises, and biological sex is real. These views apparently made students feel “unsafe” and “caused them harm”.

We are talking about a University (a place of the highest learning possible) being “harmed” by the pre-school teaching that “boys have weewees”.


In Conclusion
Although I might fundamentally disagree with both Lowrey and Rowlings on a wide range of topics, we can at least agree on some basic facts. First, telling the truth is not an act of hate – it is an act of telling the truth. Second, one’s gender is based on one’s genitals. The words gender and genitals both come from the Latin root gen, which means “to reproduce”. Gender is based on one’s reproductive organs. The fact that one declares that they identify as another gender is all well and good, but it does not change one’s actual gender. However, that is what is being forced on the world right now. Some like cite WHO-funded “studies” from like 2015 to explain that sex and gender are not the same. How about the “studies” from the last several thousands of years before that?

I mean, there are currently men who “identify as women” competing in women’s sports and dominating them. Newsflash: Men and women have different bodies. Are we seriously that delusional?

This agenda is nothing less than insane. And they know it. For this reason, they do not encourage rational debates based on facts. Instead, they label those they disagree with as “hateful”. The result: University professors get shunned and authors get attacked by media, even though they did not say anything hateful.
T. W. said…

Ansel Elgort actually stated the following:

1) “Girls love it when you have some weird nerdy thing in your room. It makes you look less threatening, even though I’m, like, very threatening. I’m the most threatening guy ever.”

“I don’t really care that some trashy girl, like, now all of the sudden wants to fuck me. That’s not really that interesting to me.”

Ansel Elgort: Breakout of the Year 2014 —

2) “If you can find a girl who you can go to an EDM concert with, have a conversation with, who will sit on the couch and watch you play GTA for three hours—and then you go to bed and have amazing sex? That should be your girlfriend.”

Ansel Elgort Wants You To Know He's Not A Player —

3) “There’s something really great about a bathtub,” Elgort laughs. “Some of the greatest scenes in movies and also art work (are in a bathtub), everything from DMX sitting in a bathtub full of blood, or Prince sitting in a bath tub on stage, and Eminem, too. Bathtubs are provocative things. People have sex in bathtubs, they touch themselves in bath tubs, they kill themselves in bathtubs. Bathtubs are a real place where a lot of shit goes down.”

Chick'sOpinion said…

Very good summation of the whole thing.

I found what you wrote very interesting. And informative.

The problem is I think too .... Young men's brains and social media have not caught up with the law. On sexual assault and rape.
And never will.
And young women and young men put themselves in very precarious situations.
Young people, don't read law articles.
That's a fact.

But I want to say. I know that they don't have the maturity to assess the risk properly at that age.
It's all a disaster-awaiting-to-happen. As my grandmother used to say.

And that's the sad bit.
And this is the outcome.

Ansel Elgort was playing with fire as an actor.

Clearly he didn't have alot of maturity himself at that time. Though I am not making excuses for him.
I don't even like him as an actor.
Cause it's too obvious to me how he loves himself stupid.
Even when he's in character.

As I've mentioned before. He is notoriously self involved.
And this would have played a part in his poor decision making.

Well his PR people are dealing with a PR nightmare right now.

And Disney probably want to kill him.

On the bright side. This experiebce will be good for Ansel Elgort's development.
Because his development was behind.
A life based on the narcissistic love of your own looks. Beyond everything.
Isn't a very deep and meaningful life.

Kim Kardashian is starting to learn that.
Is she learning it? Or faking it with her interventions into rescuing people in the U.S who have been wrongfully jailed.
I don't know.

I think Christian is sayin Ansel may go to jail over this.
I think Ansel Elgort's father was concerned years ago. That his son was far too up himself.

Well if you are up yourself.
The universe soon brings you down.
T. W. said…

1) Ansel Elgort Accused of Sexually Assaulting 17-Year-Old Girl in 2014

A woman says she direct messaged the “West Side Story” actor shortly before her 17th birthday and he responded

2) Ansel Elgort Is Getting Canceled by Twitter: Here's Everything We Know

3) Instagram Group claiming Ansel is racist — blackatlaguardia

4) Ansel Elgort Has Been Accused Of Sexual Assault

5) Watch Ansel Elgort’s ‘American Psycho’-Inspired ‘Thief’ Video
Musician and actor cites Michael Jackson, David Bowie and ‘Drive’ soundtrack as influential on creepy song and video


Actor-musician Ansel Elgort found himself gleaning inspiration from American Psycho and Michael Jackson for the dark, sexy “Thief” video, directed by his brother Warren.

Elgort, best known for roles in The Divergent Series and The Fault in our Stars, dances and sings in between scenes of seducing his on- and off-screen love interest Violetta Komyshan. Channeling Patrick Bateman, Elgort’s character is both vain and dangerous, preening in front of a mirror to flex his muscles after sex and never showing emotion as events transpire around him.

6) Ansel Elgort Said He Is “The Most Threatening Guy Ever” Before Sexual Assault Allegations Surfaced

7) Ansel Elgort Called Himself ‘Threatening’ To Girls He Invited Over In Interview From 2014

8) Ansel Elgort Is the Biggest Accidental Douchebag

9) 'I'm super easy to hate': what makes Baby Driver star Ansel Elgort the most annoying man in Hollywood?

10) Here’s Your Reminder that Ansel Elgort is a Bit of a Creep

11) Ansel Elgort: Breakout of the Year 2014

12) Ansel Elgort Wants You To Know He's Not A Player
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Is Ansel Elgort's victim.
Doing it all for the money?

Initially it appeared she wasn't.
But now the law is getting involved.
She's clearly made a statement to the cops.
T. W. said…
But T. W. Age is but a number!

Okay then.

38-Year-Old Marques Houston Defends His Engagement To A 19-Year-Old


Oo, it looks like it’s creep week in Hollywood (well, to be fair, that’s basically every week in the biz)! This time it’s 38-year-old Marques Houston, an R&B singer best known as Roger from Sister, Sister. He’s being criticized for his engagement to 19-year-old Miya Dickey. Poor Chris D’Elia and Ansel Elgort must be relieved to have some company.

People on social media suggested Miya was a teen runaway, and the couple began dating when she was a minor. Marques took to Instagram to defend himself, claiming “With all that’s going on in the world, my love life shouldn’t be a topic”. HA! Nice try. Marques goes on to say he met Miya two years ago at a Jehovah’s Witness conference (hmm 19 minus 2 is 17), but didn’t begin their romance until she was an “adult”. Word is he proposed shortly after her eighteenth birthday.

Marques says his family loves Miya, and, most importantly, they have “Jehovah’s blessing”. To that, the jury replied, “Oh, JEHOVAH says it’s OK? We find the defendant NOT GUILTY!” He also confusingly includes the fact that Miya is “like a daughter” to his music manager, 54-year-old Chris Stokes. She even calls him “Dad.” Ten years ago, Raz-B, a member of the R&B boy group B2K accused both Marques and Chris of sexual assault when he was a teen.
T. W. said…
2020 is spilling hot tea & burning the evil ones!

Raz-B's Sexual Abuse Claims Against Chris Stokes & Marques Houston Resurface
T. W. said…
Danny Masterson Reportedly Isn’t Going To Take A Plea Deal, Thinks He Can Beat All His Rape Charges
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion, thank you. I took a risk with my assessment. I risked putting both feet into my mouth.

I agree with you, young people do not have the mental & emotional capacity to make decisions about sex. That’s why I’m appalled at places where the age of consent is below 18. Even then, I believe the age of consent should be higher.

Nothing to do with my Christian beliefs. Scientific research shows the human brain is not fully developed until age 27. As we all know, some people never mature emotionally.

I’m also appalled at these tv shows having kids “discover themselves” by having sex with other kids. I do not understand this. I understand the kids are hormonal but that does not mean they should be having sex. Society knows it’s wrong. If society believed otherwise it would allow minors to purchase sex toys, view pornography and participate in pornography.

Can’t have your cake & eat it too.
writestuff said…
In a galaxy far far away there are creatures that decide that if they want to reproduce -poof - they can! It's not based on having any particular body parts.
Back here on planet earth in the 2020's we humans are not that evolved. It takes time, money, hormones, surgery and, well, I don't know if we're there yet. Gilda Radner said this about being a woman, "It must be a great thing, or so many men wouldn't be wanting to do it."
Maybe we should just be - people? Maybe some want the freedom to decide whatever sex they are -but it's not as easy as changing the color of your hair. It's painful and messy and expensive and you'll be on hormones and there's side effects that can become very serious as time goes on.
I was born a woman and I don't know what it means to be a woman. My periods used to be so bad I would cry and take pain pills and be in bed with a heating pad. Ruined clothes -threw them out. Tried to wear pointy high heeled shoes - my big toes bruised. It doesn't matter what kind of mascara I wear (cheap drug store stuff) -still get raccoon eyes. I bow to GLAMOUR in my sneakers!
Why the hell anyone would want to spend time and money on some of the traditional female get ups like make up, high heels, tight clothes, shaving, fixing your hair, blah blah blah blah BLAH is beyond ol' yeti me. Is it a lack of hormones or too much?
I'm just going to say I'm a human here on Mother Earth and I don't know if we can heal Her.
What if being a woman or a man has nothing to do with sex and that's the problem? Have we created a medical dilemma and the doctors, hospitals and drug companies reap the rewards while we succumb to personal/societal pressure for a slice of modern life pie?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Agree agree.
And as for those social injustice lefties who want the university lecturer you mentioned, sacked. Because she's not the right kind of feminist in their veiw.

Funny how all these young (and older) left wingers. Who believe in social justice.
Rarely offer it to anyone else.

I used to be a real leftie.
Went off it in many ways.
Because I saw first hand. The hypocrisy.

How alot of them claim..... To be committed to anti racism causes etc.

Yet all their friends are white.

And they spend alot of their time harassing working class People. About their beliefs on race etc.

But guess what?
It's the working class they harass, who are more likely to live next door and be on very friendly terms. With someone from a black.... Or ethnic background. Not them
Cause the working class live next door to ethnic minorities. Work with them too.

White middle class intellectuals. Or educated white lefties. Move to to white neighborhoods.
When they settle down.
And from their middle class ivory towers.
They preach to the less fortunate how they should think and behave in regards to race.
The middle class Lefties may have a token black cardiologist living in their suburb. Up the road.
But those suburbs are usually white.

These kind of educated Left Wingers are full of sh..t.
In my view.

Talk is cheap.
As they say.
And it's actually true.

For the liberal Left.
T. W. said…
Ansel is from New York State. So if the encounter occurred there then the girl was of legal age to consent.

However, if Ansel arranged for her to travel from another state so they could engage in sexual activity then he committed a federal crime because she was younger than 18.
T. W. said…
Ansel Elgort, 26, denies claims he raped girl, 17; ‘We had a brief, legal, consensual relationship


She said she began communicating with Elgort on Snapchat in 2014 when she was 16. The actor soon made arrangements to meet the starstruck teenager offline.

But the teenager's dream of meeting her celebrity crush turned into a nightmare when he allegedly sexually assaulted her.

"He made me think this is how sex was supposed to be," the woman said in her post. She said she told him she was a virgin, and that she was in pain, but he was unsympathetic.

"Instead of asking me if I wanted to stop having sex knowing it was my first time and I was sobbing in pain and I didn't want to do it the only words that came out of his mouth were 'we need to break you in.' I WASNT there in that moment mentally," she wrote.

"I disassociated myself and just felt like my mind was gone I was in shock I couldn't leave I was only 5'2 and 98 pounds. He made me think this is how sex was supposed to be."

As her since-deleted post began trending on Twitter, Elgort sought advice from associates and friends to mitigate the damage.

Rather than let a professional handle the damage control, he decided to tackle the job himself by posting a public apology on Instagram.

"I was distressed to see the social media post about me that have been circulating in the past 24 hours," he told his 10 million followers on Saturday.

"I cannot claim to understand Gabby's feelings but her description of events is simply not what happened. I have never and would never assault anyone."

Elgort admitted having a relationship with the girl when she was a minor, but he described their relationship as "brief, legal and entirely consensual".

He suggested the woman revealed their intimate relationship now because he cut her off and stopped responding to her messages.

"I know this belated apology does not absolve me of my unacceptable behavior when I disappeared," he wrote. "As I look back at my attitude, I am disgusted and deeply ashamed of the way I acted. I am truly sorry. I know I must continue to reflect, learn, and work to grow in empathy."
T. W. said…
writestuff — I feel your pain. Please do not let THEY get you down. God created male and female and God said it was good.

Did you know high heels were originally created for men?

Did you know pants were originally created for women?

Did you know pink was considered a color for boys & blue was considered a color for girls?

I bet you did!

Please don’t let life on this Earth get you down. Jesus Christ gives us freedom and healing. Jesus Christ gives us salvation. He will help you. You don’t have to be a Christian to receive his help but you do have to believe he has the power and authority to help you and you must believe you can receive his help.

You are loved.

I love you.

Please go in peace.

T. W. said…

Thank you for eloquently speaking the truth about left-wing hypocrisy.

Thank you for shining a light on that darkness.
T. W. said…
This is my opinion.

If male to female transgender people want to be women, let them have fully functioning female reproductive organs.

Let them become physically weaker.

Let them hear their doctors tell them their physical complaints are all in their head.

Let them bleed for days at a time and not die from blood loss.

Let them get cramps.

Let them get mood swings.

Let them get bloated.

Let them get diarrhea.

Let them get swollen & painful breasts.

Let them get food cravings.

Let them get pregnant.

Let them get morning sickness.

Let them get labor pains.

Let them give birth naturally.

Let them go back to work after they give birth because they need income.

Let’s see how many of them beg to become men again.
T. W. said…


Adam at DListed gave an excellent analysis of Ansel’s public apology:

Ansel Elgort Denies Sexually Assaulting A Teenage Girl


Ansel ran to the trusty ol’ Notes app and managed to be as contrite and solemn as roughly 250 characters would allow and managed to say everything and nothing at the same time:


But yet, the smarmy butternut squash didn’t mention the other gross allegations against him. And is basically saying that she’s a crazy ex-girlfriend who only accused him of assault because he ignored her six years ago.

Leave it to Ansel Elgort to make a note denying claims of sexual misconduct all about HIM. “I didn’t handle the breakup well? Deeply ashamed and disgusted? But…you did nothing wrong?

I know I must continue to reflect, learn, and work to grow in empathy.

How does anyone need to…learn empathy? This line reads like it was written by an actual sociopath (if sociopaths ever apologized for anything). This bitch really is like a walking, talking potato that morphed into Patrick Bateman.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think It's good that you listed here. Alot of the 'foot-in-mouth things that Ansel Elgort has said over the years.

He's well known for insensitive remarks.
So if he is being accused of insensitive behaviour with sex.
It doesn't surprise me either.

I tend to think he's not too bright.

And we all know.
If you are not too bright. You can get yoursrlf in all sorts of trouble.

He wouldn't even think about the age of consent.
All he thinks about is the music he makes (he is a part time DJ or something)
Or who is admiring him at any given time.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Germaine Greer writes about alot of stuff you have discussed in your post. Especially her book, The Whole Woman.

I feel like alot of the more 'female' habits we adhere to. And are expected to adhere to. Model as women.
Are a bit stupid.
Some come naturally.
Some don't.

If you notice. Older ladies rarely wear high heels.
Cause not only they become more impossible to wear as you age.
It just seems more and more pointless. And impractical.
I think ageing gives women the courage to reject alot of stuff women are expected to be, wear, model, say, think etc.

As women age, they become more and more invisible to men.
And that can actually be percieved as a good thing.
Some women hate it.
They mourn the loss of being noticed by men regularly.
I don't.
I see it as a freedom.
From being continually sexualised.
I don't dress for men
I dress for myself. For comfort. And to fit into the general world in a sense.
I watch what I eat.
Not for my figure.
But for health.
I'm the fat chick who goes to the beach to actually swim.
Not be admired.

I think the objectifying of women and girls is far worse today in many ways.
Because of social media. And instagram princesses and 'influencers'.
The ideal of what is a woman has become even more strictly defined in alot of ways.
And certainly, there's an expectation of women to be thinner and thinner. To be OK, acceptable...beautiful.
It's become more extreme.
But few women can achieve that level of thinness.
Without starvation.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion — You are funny!

I believe the truth needs to be documented. Information mysteriously disappears.

As for femininity, people are forgetting what REAL women look like.
T. W. said…
So now Justine Bieber & Cole Sprouse have been accused. They appear innocent to me. I’ll post links soon. Be on the lookout.
T. W. said…
Cole Sprouse denies sexual assault accusation leveled against him


“Earlier today myself and three other cast mates were falsely accused of sexual offense by anonymous accounts on twitter,” he tweeted late Sunday. “I take these accusations very seriously, and will be working with the right teams to get to the root of it.”

Sprouse, 27, condemned any and all “false accusations” made, stating they do “tremendous damage” to victims of “actual assault.”

“Furthermore, I would never seek to silence anybody. I encourage that people look into the accusations themselves, as the events detailed were factually untrue,” Sprouse continued. “This seems to be the latest claim in a series of incidents seeking to baselessly cancel my cast mates and me.”


Another woman came forward and made an accusation against “Riverdale” star KJ Apa, but the tweet was later removed as the account had been suspended.
T. W. said…
Dear Human Beings,

When you lie about sexual assault you make everything more difficult for the humans who were truly assaulted. Please stop lying. Find another outlet for your creative writing.


T. W. said…
Friends, the accuser admitted to lying. Please read further:

Cole Sprouse Claims The Sexual Assault Allegations Against Several “Riverdale” Cast Members Were Made Up


The following Twitter user, only known as Victoria, alleged yesterday that 27-year-old Cole met her at a party in 2013 (he would have been about 20), and assaulted her in his room. Cole plays Jughead on Riverdale.

[article shows the Tweets next.]

Then another user, known only as Tasha, claimed that Lili Reinhart – who plays Betty on Riverdale – sexually assaulted her after asking Lili for a photograph. Another user named Alison accused KP Apa – Riverdale’s Archie – of sexually assaulting her in January 2019. Vanessa Morgan, Riverdale’s Toni Topaz (and the cast’s most underpaid star), was also dragged into a sexual assault allegation.

BuzzFeed points out that one Twitter user did some digging, and discovered some suspicious similarities between the allegations. For one, all the users were new. Then, their user names all began with a woman’s name and were followed by a random series of numbers. And here’s where the sleuthing gets very Riverdale. Said Twitter user, who is clearly a big fan of both Cole and Camila Cabello, claimed that they believed the tweets all came from the same person and that their IP address showed that person lived in Kansas.

[article shows the evidence next.]

[article continues.]

According to the Twitter user who grabbed all that evidence, the account that made the accusation against Lili allegedly came clean on Twitter, saying that they made it all up to prove that people will believe any allegation they read online. A choice that was possibly made in response to Ansel Elgort being accused of sexual assault by an Instagram user, who was a minor at the time (an allegation which he denies). Last week also saw comedian Chris D’Elia staring down a whole ton of allegations of grooming underage girls on Twitter. Did Victoria/Tasha/Alison really think they were doing something to prove people’s biases or ability to believe a story without thinking critically or something? Because lying about sexual assault multiple times on a public platform is very much WRONG. Has John Quiñones not taught us anything? You can trick people to prove a point, but you gotta keep it legal.
T. W. said…
The Riverdale cast never assaulted this person:

Cole Sprouse Said Sexual Assault Allegations Against Him And His "Riverdale" Castmates Are False


Fans of the Riverdale actor quickly came to his defense, calling the allegations fake and pointing out similarities between other accounts accusing his costars Vanessa Morgan, Lili Reinhart, and KJ Apa of sexual assault and harassment.

Morgan retweeted Sprouse's comments, and in her own Twitter thread, Reinhart said the actors were now considering legal action.

"I have always taken sexual assault allegations seriously," Reinhart said. "But it was proven that this account was created specifically to create false stories about me and my cast. I can’t think of something more twisted than lying about sexual assault."

She added that she hoped the incident didn't discourage real survivors from speaking out about their experiences.

"We are looking into taking legal action. This kind of sick behavior only harms true survivors," she said. "This was incredibly triggering for me and scary because I’ve always supported survivors and believed them."

Some also expressed skepticism about the accusations given that they were all made around the same time against four cast members of a single show.

People also pointed out that the Twitter accounts behind the allegations have handles that follow the same format: a woman's name followed by a bunch of numbers.

Later on, the account that made allegations against Reinhart posted a tweet saying, "Do you see how easy it is to lie and you guys will believe it? Vanessa Morgan and Kj Apa didn't do jack shit. You will believe anything," according to screenshots of the tweet.

Fans also criticized the tweets, saying that making jokes and false accusations about sexual assault hurts victims of sexual assault and makes it harder for them to speak up.
T. W. said…
Leave Justine alone!

Justin Bieber Refutes Sexual Assault Allegation With Receipts, Emails

[article includes photographic evidence backing his claims]


A woman posted from an anonymous Twitter account on Saturday night, claiming that the alleged assault happened at a Four Seasons hotel in Austin, Tex., on March 9, 2014 — which would have been the year Bieber made a surprise appearance at the South By Southwest music festival.

“I don’t normally address things as I have dealt with random accusations my entire career but after talking with my wife and team I have decided to speak up on an issue tonight,” Bieber wrote on Twitter on Sunday night, referencing Hailey Bieber and his managers, Scooter Braun and Allison Kaye at SB Projects, who have represented the singer for the entirety of his career. “Rumors are rumors but sexual abuse is something I don’t take lightly. I wanted to speak out right away but out of respect to so many victims who deal with these issues daily I wanted to make sure I gathered the facts before I made any statement.”

Bieber wrote “there is no truth to this story” and provided emails, receipts and articles showing he stayed at an Airbnb on the night of the alleged assault and at a Westin hotel the next night. The singer says he stayed with his then-girlfriend, Selena Gomez, and their friends at the time.

Ending his series of tweets, Bieber said it’s impossible that his alleged incident took place, but he believes every sexual assault claim should be taken seriously. He also noted that he’s planning to take legal action against the claim.

“Every claim of sexual abuse should be taken very seriously and this is why my response was needed,” he wrote. “However this story is factually impossible and that is why I will be working with twitter and authorities to take legal action.”
T. W. said…
Justin Bieber Brought Out The Receipts To Deny Sexual Assault Allegations

[Article contains multiple screenshots & links backing Justin’s claims.]


On Saturday night, Danielle claimed on Twitter that she and two friends went to a SXSW event that Justin’s manager Scooter Braun hosted at Banger’s Sausage House and Beer Garden in Austin on March 9, 2014. Danielle said she was 21 at the time and Justin was 20. The Biebs burped up a surprise performance there and Danielle said that a man asked her and her friends if they wanted to meet him. They did and later, Justin and a different man asked her to go to the Four Seasons Hotel and she did. That’s where she said that Justin sexually assaulted her. Danielle later deleted her entire Twitter but PopCrave has the screenshots, along with a denial from Allison Kaye who is president of Scooter Braun’s production company.

Justin started off by denying the accusation and saying that he made sure to put together all the facts out of respect for sexual assault victims:


From there, whoever wrote this response for Justin, went on to confirm that he did do a surprise show in Austin that night. Danielle claimed that his then-girlfriend Selena Gomez was not there that night but Justin said she was and brought out evidence that proves that:

[more screenshots]

Link proving the claim provided in the screenshot. Notice the date:

Justin Bieber Dedicates Song to “My Baby” Selena Gomez at Surprise SXSW Show
By Nicole Eggenberger March 10, 2014

Some people tweeted that they saw Justin at the Four Seasons Hotel and its restaurant around that time, but according to him, they must have mistaken him for a different douchey chicken hawk, because he didn’t stay at the Four Seasons (but it looks like he was at the restaurant on the 10th).

[more screenshots]

Justin said that he and Selena stayed at an Airbnb on March 9th and he stayed at the Westin on the 10th. He posted the receipts:

[more screenshots & the article continues]

He added that he and Selena went directly from the show to the Airbnb and never made a stop off at The Four Seasons. Selena left Austin on the 10th and Justin left on the 11th.

[Justin provides photographic evidence backing his claims]

The Biebs ended by saying that he’s planning on filing a lawsuit over the accusation:

[more screenshots & the article continues]
writestuff said…
Very interesting posts! Thank you for the words of encouragement, T.W. and Chick's Opinion.
In the animal kingdom, aren't the males usually the flashy, colorful ones? I like being invisible!
Years ago, I had a job at a big insurance company and one of the make employees filed a sexual harassment suit against seven other employees - men and women! Fun times.
T. W. said…
Hi writestuff!

You are correct. In the animal kingdom the males are more pleasant to the human eye. And they do the singing & dancing too.

I would like to wear makeup but I can’t for various reasons. My skin drinks it even when I use primer! Not only that I’m allergic to multiple ingredients that are commonly used.

I wonder if your former coworker’s case had merit?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Very interesting. These posts on the allegations towards Justin Beiber.

Is that Scooter Braun one of dickheads in Justin Beiber's managment camp?
That Christian posted and warned about ....I think as far back as 2014.

TW Get out your Silver Spade. Because I'm certain Christian predicted that Jeremy Beiber, Justin's father was a massive problem.
With reckless drunken behavior etc.
And Justin was getting in alot of trouble back then, just having him around.
And maybe he said managmemt around Justin Beiber was just as bad.
Maybe I'm wrong on that last part.

Anyway I recall Christian predicted. That Jeremy Beiber and his reckless juvenile behaviour will be recognised as a problem.
And he will be got rid of out of Justin Beiber's
And it will solve the problem.

Does this girl's recent allegations stem from that crazy period in Justin Beiber's life? When his dickhead immature father had come along for the ride in Justin fame life, touring etc?
That's what I'm wondering.

And I think its good that someone has gone to the effort.
To prove that not everyone who discloses on Twitter that they were sexually assaulted. Are telling the truth.
Some are just outright lying.

Take for example that Welsh singer, Duffy's recent claim.
I'm not gonna say here that her story of being abducted drugged and raped is a pack of lies.

But I will say that I think it was psychicmediumRay Guzman who did a reading on that claim of hers.
And I watched it.
And he picked up she is not telling the truth.
That the story she is supposed to have posted.... is to cover up for her sudden unexplained departure from the music scene years ago

Reality.... her 2nd album failed dismally.

And....That she has mental illness.
And using this story to make a comeback.

That she has or had a drug dependancy problem.

And astoundingly a publicist made up and wrote the Twitter post story about drugged rape abduction story for her.

It came across in the reading, that Duffy ended up a victim of the music industry.
Not a victim of a particular person.
As claimed.

I can well believe that.
Because she was under a trememous amount of pressure to produce another hit sing. After the big success of her song, Mercy...years ago.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks TW for posting a link to Christian's old prediction about Justin Beiber's problem father, Jeremy Beiber.
He's a walking/talking train wreck.

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