The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
... White House Refu
52,000 Square Feet for Fam of 6!!!
Helping Folks Amid BLM Movement
Johnny Depp Testified In Court That He Decided To Divorce Amber Heard After She Shit The Bed (Literally)
I decided to divorce Amber Heard when she defecated in our bed: Johnny Depp calls his ex-wife a 'narcissistic sociopath' who attacked HIM and denies ever hitting her at blockbuster libel court showdown
You can now have Mary's Book 2 weeks earlier. Available July 14th.
She is a mover..must run in the blood lines.
This is so funny.
Did Amber Heard shit in his bed. As some vengeful act?
Or did she do it accidentally when she was ill. Or high or drunk?
Well she's been losing all her cases.
And what ones she had upcoming.
She won't be attending .....unless she represents herself.
Cause her lawyers have resigned.
So she doesn't have a future as an opponent to Johnny Depp in that regard.
And now its just public humiliation for her from here on.
If she wants to continue.
I have to say. An ex claiming this about you.
Would have to be the most humiliating thing they could ever claim.
Perhaps he's decided. To go hard core on her cause he's sick of it all.
Lovely Libra, I wonder if it’s safe for Christian to answer.
The following is NOT A PREDICTION.
June 02, 2020
Yes, that was funny for all the wrong reasons. In all seriousness, this tells me Amber Heard has severe mental health issues. If it was an accident she would have been embarrassed and attempted to clean. Instead she told Johnny it was a harmless prank. Do you know who plays with feces like that? People suffering from psychosis or schizophrenia.
Based on what I read in the Daily Mail Johnny kept it classy on the stand. I’m proud of him. I also feel sad he’s been through so much trauma in life.
Also, Ellen K. Pap, the former CEO of Reddit tweeted she was at a party in 2011 & Ghislaine was there. The tweet said everyone at the party knew she & Epstein trafficked girls. She was forced to delete the tweet to remain part of the elite. But some wise people took a screenshot & now the r/Epstein subreddit is talking about it. You can see it here:
And why has Amber Heard turned up to attend Johnny Depp's defamation case against a newspaper in the UK?
I recall he tried to keep her away...legally.
I'll never get over the fact that Amber Heard convinced the Washington Post, that she could write a big article about Domestic Abuse. And her experience of it.
To appear in their paper.
When in fact. She invented the whole thing.... Story.
And is in fact a perpetrator of domestic abuse.
Not a victim.
The Washington Post should have waited. And put her stories under scrutiny far more.
But no. They printed it.
And I think there is something quite classy about Johnny Depp too. About how he's handled all this.
I don't beleive he ever assaulted Amber Heard.
He claimed in court that he grew up in the South. And it's how he was brought up.
That you never hit a woman.
I believe him.
There's not many men I'd beleive.
Though it's clear that he has a drinking and drug problem.
I believe Amber Heard on that.
From what little I know of British trial courts it is no joke! I don’t know why Amber is there. In America, witnesses aren’t allowed to witness certain trials before they give testimony. This is so they won’t have time to create lies & find witnesses to get rid of. Things like that.
Johnny is from Kentucky. I guess overseas Friends know Kentucky state for bourbon, mint julep, Louisville Sluggers (the world’s best baseball bat brand), Kentucky bluegrass, & the Kentucky Derby (horse race).
Yeah, Southern men are raised to be gentlemen & Southern women are raised to be ladies. That’s part of the reason we love it when the British come here to visit. If Scottish people speak slower no one would know they aren’t from the American South.
As for the Washington Post, they lost their reputation a while back. It’s their own fault too.
Yes. I didn't know Johnny Depp was Southern.
Do you believe it's highly unlikely he assaulted Amber Heard?
I think they are both as bad as eachother.
Cause I saw the video of him chucking things round the kitchen when he was angry and drunk.
And it was so obvious Amber was filming him. To set him up. While he did it.
And no one would ever mistake Amber Heard for a lady.
I don't care how many nice dresses she wears. And how sweet she is when she comes to court.
Behind closed doors it's a different Amber altogether.
One who will King hit you as she passes you, while you watch TV.
Cause Christian has made it clear, she's a violent psycho.
It's one thing to fight women.
But men too.
Nah. She's coo coo.
A while back Christian said they hit each other but he stated Amber Heard is an abuser. This makes me think Johnny was intoxicated and/or defending himself from extreme abuse.