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TOLD YA.. No big do.. DEMOTED....

Better watch out.......

Princess Beatrice daughter of Fergie & Andrew.
Is a little pissed off, 
at the better treatment Duchess Kate gets.
She's telling all and sundry,
she thinks she should be treated better.
To at least 
the level of Kate.
She better start to keep her mouth shut.
Or Grandma Lillibet. Will demote her more.
Or send her to the Tower.


Girlygirl said…
How can she be treated the same. She is not married to the future king. Also, her father is a peado and her mother is also very questionable protecting that plonker ex husband Andrew too. No morals and all chancers. They need to get rid of the monarch once and for all. Too old fashioned in their thinking and acting.
writestuff said…
The noive!
Sorry, couldn't resist. I'm a Three Stooges fan.
Letty said…
These big headed fame whore royals
Are way over rated. They are no more special than
A regular person
LovesBreadCarbs said…
Another Told Ya, CD,

Tom Moore is now officially Captain SIR Tom Moore. He was knighted by the Queen herself using her father’s sword in “an unprecedented personal ceremony” in the Windsor Quadrangle.

Hip hip hooray!
T. W. said…
T. W. said…
I'm still not ready to be fully here but I HAD to share this:

Kanye West Running as candidate for "The Birthday Party"


Chick'sOpinion said…
As everyone has mentioned.
She is a minor Royal.
Not married to the future King. So she doesnr have the position in the first place.
Eduardo will be pissed off. He wanted a big Royal Wedding.

Personally I don't think as minor Royal she or her sister deserved a huge public wedding, like the one that her sister got.
One that costs the Queen.
And the British public, an enormous amount of monry.

They are just cousins to William and Harry.

And yes...their parents have the worst reputations in the entire Royal family.

Well this marriage isnt gonna last.
Christian predicted ages ago. That Eduardo is a cheater. A social climber.
And is not in love with Beatrice.
Just marrying her to elevate his social status.

So I actually do feel a bit sorry for Beatrice.

Because there is nothing worse than someone pretending to love you. But doesn't.

But she's unfortunately a smartarse. Who thinks rather more of herself. Amd has ideas above her station.
Who has encouraged her to think she is equal Kate...a future Queen?

Sarah Ferguson, her money grabbing mother.


Her arrogant Pedo father.

Quite a few years ago...Prince Andrew was furious. Because Prince Charles had Beatrice and Eugenie removed from the Royal payroll once they completed university.

The payroll consists of a partly taxpayer-funded Sovereign Grant, paid directly to Royals from the Treasury.
In 2016 Prince Andrew wrote to the Queen requesting his daughters be continued to be funded by the Sovereign Grant.
She refused.

He was furious apparently.
Because he claims he always wanted his daughter's to be working Royals.

No ...he and Sarah just want them to have the money. So they don't have to fund them from their incomes.

They havent a hope of getting too much money from Royal funding in anyway anymore.
Because Prince Charles is determined to reduce the costs of all these Royal hangers-on.
And make the Monarchy far more cost effective.

This maybe another reason Beatrice lost the opportunity for a big expensive public wedding. Paid for by the monarchy.
That, and her big greedy mouth.
And her perception that she's a high ranking important Royal.

Oh and if Beatrice thinks that the Queen and other Royals doesn't recognise that Eduardo is an ambitious social climber. Then she's way wrong.
When you are in love...which is close to temporary madness. You cannot/will not see the ulterior motives of that person. Your idol.
But fortunately everyone else can.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Were the three stooges New Yorkers?
Chick'sOpinion said…

As for Sir Tom Moore. Glad to hear of his knighthood.
I think we will never see another generation like them. The WW2 Generation.
They are a revered generation...with what they all went through. Whether they were in their 20's, middle aged or teenagers at the time.

I've met alot of them because of my job.
They all have the same amazing approach to life.
Very different to modern attitudes.

And this is my own generalisation guys. But it's what I've noticed as a common theme with WW2 people.
It includes qualities and attributes of stoic determination
Satisfaction with alot less
Good manners
Moderate in spending
Great savers
They never swear
Eat moderately
Rarely complain
Not ego based talk
Unbelievably modest about their skills and achievements.
Avoid starting any kind of conflict
They never seem to yearn for bigger houses. Or more appliances.
Rarely complain about pain. Even when you know they are experiencing it.
And they accept getting old graciously.

Most I've noticed didn't get education opportunities. Left school at 14. And alot ended up in dead-end highly dangerous manufacturing jobs.
But they made the best of it. And built a solid life for themselves. And their families.
Even after losing immediate family members and income providers during the War.

What amazes me about them too, is how ingenious they are at making things they haven't got. And living on whatever food they can get.
Or what gets delivered.

Here's the amusing side of WW2 old people's weaknesses.
They love Barley sugar or boiled sweets/Candy, you know, those hard sweets.
And they love icecream.

Was this rationed during the War?
Blackbird said…
I think she's pregnant, and they couldn't hold it off any longer - as it is, they'll be able to fudge the dates a bit when people ask questions.

I also think a big part of it had to do with Andrew - I'm in two minds about whether he's going to confess and they wanted him to be a part of her big day before that occurred; or if they sense his time is almost up and wanted him involved.
Blackbird said…
I have a gift of being able to suss someone out by looking at them, and I can tell you his intentions are not pure. Poor Beatrice; it seems her ex partner (Dave Clark) only wanted her for her connections too.
LovesBreadCarbs said…
Dear Chick’s Opinion,

That post of yours regarding Colonel Sir Tom Moore and that generation is one of the best I have ever read. Because of my job, I had the privilege of caring for a number of WWII veterans. Everything that you wrote is so very true. One quality which goes along with what you posted was how so very considerate they were of others despite what they themselves were going through. “Look after him first, nurse. He needs you more,” and so on.

All kinds of rationing during the war, UK and USA. Significant UK rationing was still in place when Elizabeth and Philip married with many of the public contributing their personal clothing and sugar rations towards her dress and cake.

I will find some links and post them shortly.

It makes me so incredibly happy that it happened she was able to knight him herself, ie while they are both alive. And the obvious special effort made to do so.
LovesBreadCarbs said…
HRH TW, I was channeling you when I posted “Another Told Ya, CD.”

Glad you’re trying to behave (we’ll overlook the Bush Beach thing). Please take care of yourself.

Despite still being fairly new here, I wish to make a complaint to CD on behalf of Larry the Cat of No 10 Downing Street regarding the lack of attention.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1194539797441916928|twgr^&ref_url=

Dianne Kalk said…
Terrific news about Captain Sir Tom. Chick's Opinion, when I was born in 1942 in Canada, my mum later told me they loved having a baby also because they got an extra Ration Coupon for butter and so on, even though a baby wouldn't be eating it. I loved your letter, you are right on.
Princess Beatrice has an imperial manner from comments I have read. She certainly has had a couple of good looking men, but has had an unfailing radar for rotters. Too bad. This fellow she married has a spouse previous to her that he has not forsaken from the looks of it. And a son. He will be attached to Dara and Wolfie for at least 18 years irregardless of whom he has wed. I feel for the young lad. I hope he is cherished as any child should be.
Oh, I feel that I ought to say that these gentlemen are only rotters in the way that they have used Princess Beatrice. Pity about her parents. I can feel for her in this regard.
chris said…
Her dress and headpiece are gorgeous. Both borrowed from the Queen.
Chick'sOpinion said…

So glad you agree with me. And have seen the same amazing things with the WW2 generation. It's actually a privilege I think.

And I totally agree with you. They are sooo considerate of others. I've never worked in a hospital setting like you. Only a nursing home really, at times.
But I've been visiting the WW2 people's homes for years.
Their homes are a further reflection of their amazing fortitude too.

I've noticed in their super organised homes, some have like craft rooms. That their husbands built for them. With shelving and built in tables. Where they ingenioisly made clothes. Wedding dresses and stuff for other people as a side job. Or did repairs.
Or their husband did things like re-strung tennis racquets as a side job in their garage.
Who does that? Their ingenuity just amazes me.

I have always noticed their homes, they have taken careful care of everything they worked hard years ago to own.
Care in the most meticulous fashion.

Have you noticed too, they are the world's first recyclers. They have been recycling and finding a new use for everything since the day they were born. These are people who even make their own peg bags. Out of worn out shirts etc.

Well the young environmentalists believe they invented recycling. In their lifetime.
No they didn't. And today's generations throw out tennis raquets. And buy new ones.

No...Their great grandparents were doing recycling decades before them.
And far better in my veiw.

What I've learned from the WW2 people I value so much. I treasure the knowledge.
But one thing that astonished me....In Australia, after the WW2 ended, if these young couples could afford to get a loan and buy a block of land and build a house. They were only allowed to build half the house. Cause of the rationing with building materials that went on for years.
So they have told me. They built half the house. Lived in it.
And built the other half to completion years later.

WTF? Today's people would moan to politicians all day on social media about that. But...Nope. The WW2 people just got on with it. No moaning and complaining. Just did it.

I am really glad too. That Colonel Tom Moore was knighted by a monarch that also lived through WW2. A monarch he respects enormously. And a monarch who also did War Work. She drove army vehicles and fixed them I believe.
I think the Queen loved doing it too.

Yes agree... The info on war rationing is unbelievable. One that amazed me when I read the detail on it.
For the UK was....
You could only buy an apple if the greengrocer had them. And you could only have an apple if you were pregnant. Pregnant ladies were seen as having the highest priority for apples.
Pregnant ladies and children.
No wonder the old people I visit always have their own fruit trees in their yards.
Chick'sOpinion said…

You made a good point. Is Beatrice pregnant?

I see you have the strong gift of intuition.

And yes...somehow they'll fudge the dates.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Dianne Kalk

The extra butter appears to be like the rationing of apples. Only available to pregnant ladies during the WW2. And you could only have 1.
Seems the whole rationing of food, clothes, everything was based on a points system.

I'm so amazed about how many things they went without during the war.
Apparently there was no point in owning a car.
Cause you couldn't get new tyres for it. If they wore out.
It was definately pointless owning a car anyway in the UK. Petrol was highly rationed as early as 1940. And people just couldn't get petrol.

Nor could you get good acceptable cooking fat. And oil. So people went off fried foods.
No wonder they were slim.
The UK were lucky though when it came to getting dried eggs, dried milk. And that awful canned meat stuff called Spam.
Because they were able somehow to continue to get imports of those items from the U.S.

I don't think I would have survived very well in that era. Especially for how long it went for. And if I did survive it.
I'd be a changed person.

Another thing I've noticed about that WW2 generation.
As I have even more contact with them when they are dying. And have noticed...They accept dying. And the death of their friends and families far better. They cope far better. They just accept.
It sometimes seems insensitive. When they mention...'oh my sister?, she's gone, yeah.... died last month'
But it's not insensitivity.
It's just acceptance of the cycle of life I think.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Wonder if there was as much expense spent on Beatrice's wedding dress as Meghan's.
Probably not.

And I agree with Dianne Kalk. I think Eduardo's ex Dara is gonna become a problem in this marriage.

They often are.

And I'd say Dara is already causing problems.

I don't care if she's Harvard educated.

She's still an ex. And ex's love to up their ex's new relationships.

And sharing a child with the perfect way in. To cause a mountain of arguments.
Blackbird said…
@Chick'sOpinion - not only that, but she still cuts his hair! Is she really an ex? What is this guy's true motive for marrying into the Royal family? At this point, Beatrice has more to gain than he does.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Omg would you let your man get his hair cut by an ex?

Hell no.

No..this Eduardo's still shagging that Dara ex. For certain.
And probably other women.

CD said he's a real cheater.

He's part Italian. And alot of Italian men have a cultural belief that cheating is their right.
So if she thinks marrying Eduardo is gonna be fun sexy times.
Well no. It's gonna be one long agonising headache.
And chucking shit at him during arguments.
And trying to hack into his iphone.
To read texts from girls.
And.... a strong risk of STD infections from him.

She's crazy havin a baby with him so early if she's pregnant.

The Palace will get Mi6 or Mi5 to follow Eduardo if the Royal family can be bothered spending money on tracking his movements.
But really I don't think the Royal family care if she has an unhappy marriage. She's not a high ranking Royal. They just don't want anymore scandal from Beatrice's shady corrupt family.... reflecting on them.

Eduardo's a fool if he thinks he won't be found out cheating. The UK Press will know even every time he uses the toilet.
And if he's f..cking some chick on the side. They will love that.
That sells newspaper stories in the UK and Europe like $3.00 Tacos.
Sarah the Great said…
My goodness! What’s with all of the hate? The bride looked splendid! She proved that you don’t need a 34 million dollar wedding to be a Princess. She was born that way & you can’t take away her lineage! Edo is very rich too. He’s not living off the royal dole like cousin Harry. Meghan married the wrong man. She needed Edo. Beatrice can now get pregnant and do what Italian Countesses do, just live and spend lots of $$. Fergie will help. Well played Princess Beatrice! Well played.
Autumne said…
All this talk of Edo being titled, Beatrice being a Countess? No, those titles were all eliminated and made illegal after WWII. This guy is a grifter, just like all the Yorks. He's in it for the connections, but this will be starter marriage for Bea. Destined to end quickly like Melissa Percy's.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah I find too, all this talk that Eduardo Mapelli Mozzi is an Italian Count.... just highly inaccurate. And ridiculous.

He's just a rich London Property Developer.

Yes, you are right...Noble titles were banned in Italy as far back as 1948. When Italy was declared a Republic.
His family's title is not legally recognised anywhere.
And from my resewrch his family only received a title in 1913.
So he hardly comes from some ancient ancestral titled family.

So Autumne, you are right. Beatrice can in no way be called a Countess.
And Eduardo's father is still alive. So if anyone was going to be called a Count. It's his father.
I think Eduardo is the best that Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew can do. For marriage for Beatrice.

Beatrice is not very good looking.
And it's clear, none of the British aristocracy want to marry Prince Andrew's offsprinng.

The British aristocracy are very very fussy how they marry.
And I can't see them wanting to be linked to the seemingly never ending vulgar drama. Of Beatrice's parents.
Sad I know. But it's an unfortunate fact I think.
And life is about facts.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Sarah The Great

It's not so much hate. It's the fact that CD predicted this marriage of Beatrice's to be doomed long ago.

And also Beatrice is rather fond of hate herself.

For a start....she is , according to CD...extremely jealous of Kate's very big public wedding to Prince William. And thinks Kate never deserved it.
She thinks she deserved that level of wedding far more.
Despite Beatrice not even being a high ranking Royal. Just a cousin.

So Beatrice is quite a mean spirited little madam.
Who I don't in the least feel unjust in criticizing.

She needs taking down a few my grandma would say.
And clearly the Queen, her grandma is doing that.
To teach her a lesson.
About humble pie.

It's not very tasty.
But you can grow alot from humble pie.
It's very nutritious.
Kat said…
I thought she looked very sweet and her dress and crown perfect. I like that it was grandmother's. I wish more marriages would last really. Most others had cancelled weddings this year- nice to see even one.
T. W. said…
I thought her wedding gown was ugly. I don’t care if it used to be the Queen’s party dress it’s still ugly to my eyes.
T. W. said…
Prince Andrew excluded from photos of daughter Beatrice’s wedding
T. W. said…
Information about the husband:
T. W. said…
Princess Beatrice marries Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi in private ceremony
T. W. said…
Girly girl — You took the words out of my mouth. I doubt the monarchy will be abolished. The people want to crown Prince William as their king.
T. W. said…
Letty — I agree. They even look average.
T. W. said…
If the infamous blind item site is telling the truth then Beatrice & Eugenie were pimped out while they were still children & Epstein got to them too.
T. W. said…
Blackbeard — You might be right about the pregnancy. It explains that horrible wedding gown. As for the gigolo husband, I see it too.
T. W. said…
LovesBreadCarbs&NetflixBinging — What is Bush Beach?
T. W. said…
Dianne Kalk — I really appreciate your comment.
T. W. said…
Sarah the Great — I agree they are using each other. That’s why Eugenie is putting up with his mess.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I didn’t like the dress either. It’s nice that it was her grandmother’s. But it just looked ... well old.
And it was supposed to have petticoats under it to spread out.
If you look at how it was worn by the Queen back in the day.
It was made to spread out.
On Beatrice it just hung flat.
T. W. said…


Eugenie looked like a little girl playing dress up to look like a Disney Princess.

Something ain’t right. It usually takes a year to get a wedding dress as they are individually made. You’d think this girl would have had a dress in the works considering she was engaged forever & a day.

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