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Closer & Closer... Virgin Atlantic.. BANKRUPT...

Only Tuesday...

Out of touch elitest boss 
Richard Branson.
Has placed Virgin Australia, 
into administration.
 Well, he's some more news.
Soon to be followed by 
Virgin USA & UK.
He just doesn't get it....
Well, at least he still has his Island to run to.


Chocmint33 said…
Yeah I just heard that Virgin USA owners have filed for bankruptcy and remembered your prediction back in April.

Another day; another I told you coming true!
T. W. said…
As long as its not Little St. James Island...
T. W. said…
That pic of Queen Victoria tickles me.
T. W. said…
Sean Penn updates:

In The Bushes

The Rager
T. W. said…
Class-Action Lawsuit Claims TikTok Steals Kids' Data And Sends It To China
T. W. said…
Prayers for Beirut.

Beirut explosion: scores dead and thousands hurt as blast rips through city – video report

Beirut has been rocked by a huge explosion, devastating parts of the city and injuring thousands of people. Eyewitness footage shared widely on social media showed a section of the city's port area on fire before a huge blast engulfed nearby neighbourhoods, flattening buildings and leaving streets littered with broken glass and debris.

The Lebanese security chief, Abbas Ibrahim, later blamed combustible chemicals stored in a warehouse. Lebanon's prime minister, Hassan Diab, said those responsible would 'pay a price' for the disaster.

T. W. said…
‘We’re cursed’: shock and despair in Beirut as explosion devastates city
Lebanese capital in state of chaos as people grapple with scale of blast that has injured thousands

Beirut blast: Dozens dead and thousands injured, health minister says
T. W. said…
The $600 unemployment boost is gone. That leaves some with just $5 a week
T. W. said…
Leaked: Military Internment Camps in U.S to be Used by the United Nations
T. W. said…
From End Time Productions:

Internment camps in the U.S. isn't a conspiracy theory. The Department of Defense document "INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS" or FM 3-39.40 describes the Military plan for these camps.

T. W. said…
Bill Gates: How Gene Editing, AI Can Benefit World's Poorest

Published on Feb 20, 2020

This plenary lecture was taped in Seattle at the AAAS Annual Meeting on Feb. 14th, 2020. Bill Gates is co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

In 1975, Bill Gates founded Microsoft with Paul Allen and led the company to become the worldwide leader in business and personal software and services. In 2008, Bill transitioned to focus full-time on his foundation’s work to expand opportunity to the world’s most disadvantaged people. Along with co-chair Melinda Gates, he leads the foundation’s development of strategies and sets the overall direction of the organization.

In 2010, Bill, Melinda, and Warren Buffett founded the Giving Pledge, an effort to encourage the wealthiest families and individuals to publicly commit more than half of their wealth to philanthropic causes and charitable organizations during their lifetime or in their will. In 2015, Bill created the Breakthrough Energy Coalition, a group of individuals and entities committed to clean energy innovation, followed by Breakthrough Energy Ventures in 2016, an investor-led fund focused on providing patient capital to support cutting-edge clean energy companies.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Did the river cause flooding?
I missed that weather event.
Very worrying for you.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Can you believe Sean Penn has found another victim.
I'm sorry, he calls them girlfriends or wives.
Someone has got to write a Tell All book about him.
And his behaviour.
High time for a reckoning.
And a vist from the Karma Gods.

His latest victim is about 26.

Actress, Charleze Theron is off marrying for life after her experience with him.
Jules said…
I have a rather unusual, but nonetheless, a very interesting spot of Royal tea for you today.

A man called Joseph Gregory Hallett, he refers to himself as King has made a claim on the throne of England, he claims to be a descendant of Anne Boleyn,. ( he states that Queen Anne Boleyn survived her execution and lived to breed again and she did so with Sir Walter Raleigh,.

he also states the union between Anne Boleyn and Sir Walter Raleigh created the Royal Holy Grail lineage – a continuation of the Christian Mysteries established by Eleanor of Aquitaine, Queen of France and Queen of England, mother of King John of England (Magna Carta) Their descendants include Sir Walter Raleigh, ‘Prince’ Samuel Bellamy, and himself ..Joseph Gregory Hallett.

He is also claiming he is the True Heirs of Jesus Christ and Marie Madeleine. therefore also making The Pope Usurpation as The Vicar of Christ. Nullified and Void.

On April1, of this year, he delivered a Verified, Confirmed and *Certified and Registered Legal Document to Queen Elisabeth 2nd as well as Pope Francis and 10 others.

A Statement of Claim a genuine legal document has been Registered claiming the Queen is not the Legitimate Heir of The Throne, he is,. he has titled himself King John 3,, and claims he is the rightful King. and has ordered that the Queen must transfer All Titles into The Care & Custody of himself aka, King Joseph Gregory Hallett (King John 111) The statement claims this Action just Made The Vatican and The Throne of England Nullified and Void. They Must Surrender Immediately All Assets and Titles and Thrones.

.Sipportinx documentation known as a Statement of Claim in Support of Joseph Gregory Hallett declares the Illegitimate Conception of King George V, of the United Kingdom -

I am not sure if this is true, but they state the Illegitimate Conception of King George V of the United Kingdom was originally placed in the Queen's Bench of the High Court in 2015, and accepted by "all kinds of Judge tacit avoidance, 40 kings of bias, and finally passive acquiescence." they further state, "Illegitimate Conception of King George V of the United Kingdom was then signed on 1 November 2019 and registered in the Common Law Court on 17 November 2019. Both of these were still in military A4 paper."

Illegitimate Conception of King George V of the United Kingdom was redone in SRA4 cream linen watermarked paper, witnessed again on 5 April 2020, lodged in the Common Law Court on 6 April 2020, then posted out.

All the UK, England, London recipients signed for their documents by 10:14 a.m. on 8 April 2020.)

There are lots of articles on him on the web, he has a dedicated website, twitter, Facebook page etc, I would check out his a website, lnk below,
I suggest you click on the timeline link and predictions fulfilled

Jules said…
Moe Othman posted the following tweet today ..

Moe Othman @MrMoeOthman 9h
Look at the date of the prediction tweet.
And now look at today’s date of the explosion.
My sincere condolences to everyone in Lebanon

Moe Othman @MrMoeOthman . April 9, 2019
The country of Lebanon will be destroyed through a civil war plotted by America & Israel

Prayers for Beirut, my heart bleeds for them
Jules said…
For those that are interested, here are E. tweets today concerning the Maxwell case. .

E.@ETheFriend 5h
Take a bow, @CIA.
You protected your corrupt assets, and all it cost you was a city full of innocent people.
You changed the narrative though.
One day, I'm going to enjoy splintering you into a thousand pieces, and following through on JFK's promise.

E.@ETheFriend 5h
Don't let them distract you.
#BeirutBlast is horrifically sad.
But it is also theater orchestrated by intelligence agencies, designed to make the public forget that #BillClintonIsAPedo
Don't let them win. When we stop them, we stop the horrors.

E.@ETheFriend 3h
Maxwell case so far:
The 2015 depositions are under a stay until appeal is heard by the Second Circuit Court on Sept. 22nd.
However, Judge Preska wants to streamline the process for unsealing more *unrelated* docket materials, & has parties reporting no later than August 10th.

E.@ETheFriend 3h
moves to privately obtain all sealed materials relating to Giuffre v. Maxwell.Court notes that many materials relating are under seal due to stay in Maxwell case, pending appeal. They give "does"until Aug 18th to comment.
DERSH, is panicking.

E.@ETheFriend 3h
So.... no surprise here, but given the newest court filings where-in
@AlanDersh asks for literally private access to all confidential evidence in the Giuffre v. Maxwell case.
We can safely say,
Dersh is most likely very guilty.
And attempting to cover for other guilty parties.

E.@ETheFriend 2h
Stop thinking in dichotomous terms.
Stop thinking R v. L.
Stop, or you'll be blindsided.
Both sides are corrupt.
Both fall.

Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Do you see China's communist government losing power completely. And democracy finally coming to the Chinese people ?
Apple Monkey said…
Agree Chicks. The flights I have had with Virgin have always had great, helpful staff. As for Branson - he has always given me the creeps. And Necker Island.... I thought the fire occurring was very very strange - like an energy thing?

What happened in Beirut was just shocking and devastating. Lebanon has gone through so much and now this.
T. W. said…

What river? The Hurricane came & went quickly here in NC. The river didn't flood here. God heard & answered my prayers.
T. W. said…
Jules, I'm going to say it.

That man is nuts or misinformed.

First of all, Jesus Christ never married Mary Magdelene. He never had sex with any person. He never sired a child. Therefore, that man claiming to be king cannot be a direct descendant of Mary & Jesus.

But T. W., how do you know?

Easy. The Bible (both Old & New Testaments) report Jesus was not physically attractive, no woman would desire him, and he would be "cut off without descendants." That means he would have no children.

As you know, he rose & conquered the grave. After he was arisen, he would not allow anyone to touch his body. He did allow the Apostle Thomas to examine the nail prints in his hands/wrists. Jesus would not allow anyone to touch him because he had to remain in a "clean" state so he could ascend into the Heavenly Realm to be with God the Father. People begged Jesus to stay but he said that if he did not leave he would not be able to send The Comforter to us. The Comforter is The Holy Spirt.

IF Jesus & Mary Magdelene married and had a child then that means the Bible lied to us and is no longer to be read and no longer to be considered a sacred text.
Jules said…
Apple Monkey .. I agree, I too have flown on Virgin and always received first class service. I feel so sorry for the staff.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Apple Monkey

It just goes to prove that living on exclusive island the way that Branson and his family have for a long time. Removes you from reality.

Branson has made a series of unwise decisions here.
And this is an employer who regularly gets out among his staff. And gets to know them.
To find out how his companies are going at ground level.
Does he have dementia? Because it's unusual for him to be so uninformed.
Astoundingly he refused the Australian governments offer to bail out Virgin Australia.
Is it that he doesnt care? Because China has owned most of Virgin airlines for quite some time now.

Such a shame.
Cause this man Branson went through a living legal hell decades ago to get Virgin airlines up and running. And introduce cheap air travel. For everybody.
That's his legacy.
That people old enough to remember soon forgot.

His years of legal fights with British Airways, the British government, who were screwing everyone, with airfares ordinary people couldn't afford in the UK. Branson fought them all.
It cost Branson a fortune too. Defending his idea for change.
And the media coverage of his attempts to make air travel a cheap option for working class people for the first time. Were biased character assasinations of him.
And just not true.

And as I've mentioned before. It was Branson who rescued the English familes held hostage in Bagdad in 1990. Not the RAF. Not the British army or the Royal Navy.
There was no hope for those familes, workers trapped there in Bagdad at that stage of the war. The familes, kids, workers were totally caught up in Saddam Hussain's 1990 invasion of Kuwait.
Also in 1990 at this time, Branson also used his friendship with Queen Noor of Jordan. To learn that 150,000 refugees had fled from Iraq to Jordan because of that war. And so Branson sent tons of supplies and food to Jordan. By having the seats ripped out of one his aircraft. And loaded it with cargo.
He then got permission through writing to Iraq's despostic leader, Saddam Hussain. To fly one of his Virgin Atlantic planes to Bagdad for the rescue of English families there.
Branson acheived this permission by offering to exchange medical suppplies to Iraq in exchange for the English hostages.
It worked.
By risking this, Branson was told his insurance of his aircraft would not be covered.
He flew anyway...into a deserted blacked out Baghdad airport with a volunteer crew, medical staff. And the families of the hostages.
When he arrived they were surrounded by machine gun toting Iraqi soldiers.
And he and the crew had 1 hour to get the hostages onboard and leave.
Imagine the relief of the hostage's family on board that plane. To see their family members saved.
If that was your sister, brother, mother, child being held hostage by that murderer, Saddam Hussain.
You would be crazy with happiness at their rescue.

I ask you. How many corporate billionaires today would do something like this? Fly into a war zone to rescue their people.
I'll tell you. None of them.
Richard Branson is in a class of his own.
He should be remembered that way.
T. W. said…
T. W. said…
I wonder if Branson allowed the bankruptcy as a strategy.

He recently announced some type of intergalactic space travel.

People might want to search the WHITE woman who likes DOVEs archives. She’s said for years THEY are already in Mars, THEY are preparing for the masses to fight each other, and THEY will use the survivors on Earth as slave labor.

Moe Othman said THEY will mine asteroids for rare & precious minerals & metals. I think he said that’s a good place to invest money. I can neither confirm nor deny.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I wonder if it’s a bankruptcy strategy.
Branson owns very little of Virgin airlines anymore.
So he doesn’t have much vested interest in it nowadays.
Jules said…
There are rumours circulating around that the "White hats" forced Richard Branson to declare bankruptcy .. ie take his company of him as a form of punishment. The white hats is the name given to the good guys, the opposing force.

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