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JAKE PAUL Idiot YouTuber...

This is Jake Paul Some YouTuber.  

 "I Am Not the Type of Person Who's Gonna Sit Around and Not Live My Life".

He believes he doesn't have to abide by.

The covid 19 rules.

Well, Dear Idiot Jake Paul...

Enjoy the Covid 19 when it hits home...

Which it will... 


Chick'sOpinion said…
You can't legislate for stupidity.

People will go do what they want to do regardless.

This is gonna be a tough lesson.
Because of the health problems he will have....long term after it.
Cat said…
(Christian it didn't get posted the way it always does so I'm posting again. In case the first comment did get posted don't post this duplicate one just ignore it please)

I truly believe believe this is natural selection at play, Christian. Let him be we could without a few assholes around.
Sana said…
They’re prompting us here in Sweden to gradually return to our regular work/ school. I think most of them that make these decisions are suffering from severe brain damage. Staying at home 🏡 until it’s really over

If this fool dies well ... que será será
Chick'sOpinion said…

Seems the Mayor of Calabasas is pissed off with him and the huge party he threw.
And is considering penalties to lay on him.

He's been doin a few things he shouldn't over the years.

In June he was looting.
And trespassing into Fashion Square Mall when it was closed

He does alot of stuff, in TV and writes screen plays. Apparently.

But in 2017 he made a big mistake.
He uploaded on you tube a video of a corpse of a man who had died by hanging at the base of mount Fugi in Japan. His crew discovered it. Discovered in what has become known as suicide forest.

After that, alot of people asked for his You Tube channel to be deleted.

They didn't get it deleted.

But he eventually took the offensive video down.

But in January his Channel was removed from Google Preferred.
And one of his sequels is on hold.
And Logan Paul VS is currently stopped.

But ultimately I think all his advertising on his channels has been suspended.

He thrives on shock value things.
And that's what his videos are mainly like.
Idiotic juvenile stuff.

I wonder if getting Covid 19 will be enough shock value for him.
Chocmint33 said…
Dear TW, Chick's Opinion and others here please read this. Australian psychic Harry T had this vision. I have seen his predictions and he is pretty accurate. He says to take this COVID seriously as it was deliberately man-made in a lab as a weapon. I think CD said it was man-made too and was connected with something orange.

So like CD also said, follow the COVID rules and wear that mask.

Here is what Harry T said:

"I was guided to share this vision and message from Spirit with you all. Please keep in mind that we are all very powerful and if we all do the right thing, we will be okay. Remember that light and love will always take precedence over darkness. Sending you all so much love and healing blessings 💜💚💫
There is a small group of people in the world who the angels and spirits have told me to refer to as ‘the selfish ones’. I was clairvoyantly shown a vision of some form of martial law taking place. My vision includes lots of arrests being made, which is necessary because ‘the selfish ones’ want to continue to break the law. I was also shown a disturbing vision that I am now being guided to share with you to reinforce why I know this virus must be taken so seriously. I was shown a vision of the origins of the coronavirus strain known as COVID-19 being man-made in what looked like a Chinese laboratory. This to me means it is not of nature, which is why I beg of you all to please take this seriously. In many ways, it is like a created weapon of destruction that has been leaked throughout the world. Stay home! Wear a mask! Wash your hands! And please follow the rules, regulations and put humanity first. 🙏🏻😷🧼💙 x Harry T x"
T. W. said…
There was another pandemic exercise before Event 201. It’s called Clade X. It took place 2 years ago. Why is no one talking about it?

I’ll post links to videos so you can learn about it from the source. THEY always broadcast Their plans before THEY implement Them. THEY do this to warn those in the know & to avoid bad karma.

Links coming shortly.
T. W. said…
1) Clade X Pandemic Exercise Trailer

2) Clade X Pandemic Exercise: Segment 1

3) Clade X Pandemic Exercise: Segment 2

4) Clade X Pandemic Exercise: Segment 3

5) Clade X Pandemic Exercise: Segment 4
T. W. said…

1) Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel

2) Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 1, Intro and Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Discussion

3) Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 2, Trade and Travel Discussion

Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 3, Finance Discussion

4) Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 3, Finance Discussion

5) Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 4, Communications Discussion and Epilogue Video

6) Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Segment 5, Hotwash and Conclusion
T. W. said…
Every now & then Christian asks us if we think he should start a Ewe T00b channel. I always said no, saying he would make himself a bigger target. I also shared that Ewe T00b openly warned psychics, Truthers, & Conspiracy Theorists THEY would demonetize certain videos & delete channels as THEY saw fit. They were already doing this but the warning came last year. So why the warning?

A popular Ewe T00ber uploaded a video with the answer. He said Ewe T00b allowed the channels in the first place so THEY could identify trouble makers & collect data on them so THEY could target them. A lot of psychics, Truthers, & Conspiracy Theorists have publicly stated they are targeted individuals & described the harassment they have received.

Please believe me when I tell you everything is monitored and it’s not for our safety.

ALWAYS assume you are under surveillance.

May God always bless us & protect us. May we always benefit from those blessings & protections.


The Mask Stategery
T. W. said…
Prayers for Hong Kong:

Hong Kong issues arrest warrant for U.S. citizen under new national security law

"I woke up to media reports that I am a wanted fugitive," said activist and U.S. citizen Samuel Chu.


A U.S. citizen is among six pro-democracy activists to have arrest warrants issued for them by Hong Kong police for suspected violations under a new national security law, Chinese state media reported late Friday.

Samuel Chu, the managing director of the D.C.-based Hong Kong Democracy Council, an advocacy group, wrote on Twitter that he "woke up to media reports that I am a wanted fugitive."


China imposed the contentious security law on its freest city around one month ago, circumventing the local legislature, a move condemned by the U.S. and some Western governments, rights groups and activists in the territory.

Several countries have since suspended their extradition treaties with Hong Kong, including Britain, Australia, and most recently Germany, as a possible safeguard against attempts to use the national security law to round up activists abroad.

Several countries, including the U.K. have offered Hong Kongers an expedited path to full citizenship.
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “Only in America”

Rhode Island mistakenly issued tax refund checks signed by Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse

No excerpts due to laughter from me.
T. W. said…
Georgia camp closed due to 260 positive tests for COVID-19, CDC says
T. W. said…
Lots more gossip to post.

Amber Heard's sister thought she 'was going to kill' Johnny Depp, claims witness

EXCLUSIVE: A former employer of Amber Heard’s sister Whitney Henriquez claims Heard was "extremely violent" and abusive towards Johnny Depp
T. W. said…
Rumor has it he was working with the FBI

Fmr. Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne wants to explain controversial exit, stock sale and predicts more deep state revelations
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “Pot Meet Kettle”

Bill Gates on Elon Musk’s controversial coronavirus comments: Stick with electric cars and rockets

At least Elon Musk finished his undergraduate studies & was accepted into a prestigious PhD program.

Bill Gates dropped out of university & his mommy and daddy got him a job at IBM.
T. W. said…
THEY can’t hide it anymore!

Blind Item #7 — Wednesday July 29, 2020


Kris Jenner talks Candle Magic, Real Spiritual Results for Money, Love, Luck and Health SPELLS

Kris Jenner Was Selling ‘Magic’ Candles Before She Became Famous


The video which leaked on Reddit and YouTube a few years ago was recorded in the 1900s, judging by the Jenner’s outfit and the quality of the recording. The candle collection called “Wicks of Wisdom” was created by Dr. Linda Salvin, a woman who became a psychic after surviving a plane crash in 1981.

These candles supposedly can help “overcome the most incredible” situations. According to the infomercial, one set helps with money problems, another attracts love, the third enhances happiness, and the last set improves health. In the video, neither Salvin nor Jenner explains exactly how the candles can make all these things possible. What could be learned from the infomercial is that one set costs $100 (which was quite expensive during that time).

The video also includes testimonials from satisfied “Wick of Wisdom” customers. “When I checked the bank, it showed money!” one of them said. Another woman praised that candles helped her get a job, and the other found love.

T. W. said…
Inside Will and Jada Pinkett Smith’s Scientology School for Kids

Will & Jada Pinkett Smith Ran a School That Taught Scientology Methods to Young Kids
Anonymous said…
Masks should be worn. I always wear them indoors and outdoors when there are more people around me. One surgical on the face, one n95 in a bag and something for hand disinfection based on alcohol 70+%.

But ... More than anything, I'm interested in what this virus is. There is a lot to hide. And autopsies ... So how do you treat something when you don't even know enough about the disease and you get a treatment protocol from the WHO and you can't investigate?

It is increasingly mentioned in medical circles that this is a biological weapon. And it was certainly not created by natural evolution because it has a sequence of 20 nucleotides of HIV. Why? The only thing that comes to my mind is:
1. someone tried to make a vaccine against HIV
2. a crime against humanity
3. political games of another kind.

BUT! We should not forget about life. Kids SHOULD go to school. Why? Because this is going to take time. Vaccine made under 1.5-2 years are not reliable because there is a protocol that must be followed. If children do not go to school and start life as such, then this will be the beginning of the end of humanity as we know it.

So for now, try to live your life normally but with mask on your face.
T. W. said…

ALMOST THERE.. Tommy Boy..
July 30, 2020
Anonymous said…
See a picture of the stadium below👇
T. W. said…
Sana — You are wise.

I don’t understand why certain psychics who claim the Plandemic is real tell viewers/readers not to wear a mask.

I don’t understand how You Tubers who claim they had the Virus can tell people they don’t need a mask.

Historical & scientific evidence prove masks work.

Even the Bible says contagious people should be quarantined and wear a mask! Don’t believe me? Read Leviticus & Deuteronomy.

Even the Quran talks about cleanliness!
T. W. said…

When did Harry T say the virus was man-made?

I ask because there are “psychics” who have copied Christian’s predictions word for word. He is aware of this.

Also, many psychics & astrologers said the virus mad man-made.

Joseph Tittle, Michelle Whitedove, Moe Othman, Tracey Brown, & Eric Leigh Pink (World Wide Predictions) said this in 2017!
T. W. said…

I agree with you.

When the Plandemic broke I shared links to videos, articles, & scientific papers as evidence to show the following:

1) This was created in a lab.

2) The Virus does contain HIV genetic material.

3) Bill Gates partially funded the Chinese lab in Wuhan that was “studying” the virus.

4) The blue liquid China sprayed onto the Hong Kong protesters contained the Virus. Psychic Tracey Brown is on record saying China did not expect the virus to behave the way it did & is regretting the decision.

5) Chinese merchandise & shipping packages are contaminated with the virus.

6) China sent people on planes around the world with foreign currency contaminated with the virus.

7) China is burning all its paper currency.

8) China has instructed its citizens for several years to purchase silver.

9) Bill Gates was granted a patent on the virus known as COVID-19. He would not have gotten this if the virus occurred in nature.

10) Bill Gates also has a patent on a vaccine against COVID-19. He got that patent last year. Interesting.

11) Some Asian countries successfully treated Corona patients with anti-HIV medications.

12) Moe Othman is on record saying the disease has several stages. He said if someone lives long enough to get to Stage 4 they will exhibit psychosis & eat human flesh. He got laughed at. Well, a Japanese scientist confirmed these claims. I posted links several months ago. Also, some survivors of the Virus report they suffered from extreme psychological “distress.”

13) China never intended to treat the sick. They warehoused them & burned the dead bodies in crematoriums. Photographic & video evidence released by them confirm my claim. Eye witness & undercover reports verify this as well.

14) Some celebrities who claimed they had the Virus are saying they’ll be first in line to get the vaccine once it’s approved. This begs the question- Why would you be vaccinated against a disease you already had?

15) Bill Gates is on record saying anyone who refuses the vaccine should not be allowed to buy or sell. This should sound familiar to you. If it doesn’t, ask your Christian friends....

16) THEY had a pandemic exercise 2 years ago & another one last year. I posted links today.

17) There is an old video of Dr. Anthony Fauci saying a pandemic would occur during Trump’s term as president. I posted the link today.

18) The government & scientists claimed the Virus Crisis would slow down during summer. I used logic & reason to debunk this.

(A) If 90-100 degree Fahrenheit temperatures kills the virus then why do people with high fevers still have the disease?

(B) If 90-100 degree temperatures kill the Virus then why are there outbreaks in the Caribbean, Africa, and other locations on & near the equator?

(C) If 90-100 degree temperatures kill the virus then why are there record breaking surges in the amount of Virus Crisis patients in the US despite record breaking heat?
T. W. said…
Christian told us but some people aren’t listening:

Expect 'lengthy' coronavirus pandemic, warns WHO

Dr. Birx warns U.S. in new phase of coronavirus pandemic with 'extraordinarily widespread' cases
Chick'sOpinion said…

Interesting and informative post.
Everyone should read what you wrote.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for that. Yes Harry T is an accurate psychic.
And like all the well known for accuracy psychics say.
Covid19 is man made.


Yes...I remember when the Chinese Military hosed all that blue substance on the Hong Kong Pro Democracy Protestors. On the ones that were protesting at the Hong Kong university.
Luckily the day that happened there were some medically trained university lecturers around. To rush and help the victims.
As they initially believed it was an attempt at a chemical burn on these poor young people.
They still don't know what that blue substance was.
I'm going to assume it was liquid laced with Covid 19.
Anyway, as far the Hong Kongers are concerned...the ones who are being provided with asylum or quick immigration pathways to other countries. We should welcome them with open arms.
The ones that are fleeing from Hong Kong to countries that are providing safe haven for them. Are fleeing because they are very likely to be murdered or imprisoned permanently by China.
Their families as well.

The Chinese Communist Party are furious about the amount of support these Hong Kongers are getting around the world.

It's a bit close to my heart.

One of my relatives is married to a girl who's parents fled to Australia with her as a baby in 1997. When the British withdrew from governing Hong Hong in 1997 and had to hand it back to China.
It should have never happened. The hand back.
Because that was the day basic rights and democracy ended in Hong Hong. And everyone knew it.
And anyone who believed in democracy. Was at personal risk thereafter to the sinister behaviour of the Chinese Government.

And that situation has become progressively worse.
Australia provided a safe haven for 1000's of Hong Kongers in 1997 and thereafter.
It was good. We got good talent from their migration here.
Alot of them were well educated. If not...very productive hard working people.
They have become great Australians.
An asset to our country.
Chocmint33 said…
TW - I can assure you that Harry T is credible and has no need to copy any other psychics. He has a good following in Australia and has a good track record.

If I didn't think he was accurate and credible I wouldn't have posted it.

He just got the vision the last day or so - that's the vibe I get because he just posted it on his Facebook page.

When a psychic gets a vision they get a vision - those things can't be forced, however late they get it.

But I think it's more compelling about those being arrested because they are not following the COVID-safe medical advice like wearing a mask and social distancing.

I hope these Covidiots do get arrested, as the only way to get rid of this virus is to strictly follow those medical protocols.

It's criminal how some who have the virus are just going out and infecting others when they are told to stay home which has been happening in Melbourne Australia. And not to mention those F**kwits who are saying it is all fake.

Unless we all come together and follow the medical rules it won't be stamped out. It's about being considerate, looking after our health and other people's health.

Jules said…
I think it's a little unfair to name call people who question the motives and usefulness of having to wear a fabric mask in public. I am more than sure that a great deal of these people are educated, have families, do not wish harm to anyone, never mind themselves and have researched the pros and cons and usefulness of wearing a mask.

I hear and heed Christians warnings to wear a mask, however, I do so reluctantly. My reasoning for thinking this way (besides the inconsistencies from our government regarding the wearing of a mask, plus I do not trust the world health organisation and every part of me smells a rat, can be summed up by these two memes,
T. W. said…

I thank you for that link. I believe you.

The Occult Symbolism of the 2012 Olympics Opening and Closing Ceremonies
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion & Chocmint33

Thank you for setting the record straight. I’m not familiar with Harry T & I felt I had to ask. I’ve also read a “psychic” who shall remain nameless threaten to expose a “gossipy psychic.” They have made this threat several times & made it again for their August post. Their words, not mine. I wonder who they are talking about?

I’ll say this. Christian is accurate & he always confirms what God tells me.
T. W. said…
I’m sad about the situation in Hong Kong but I’m glad they can get expedited citizenship.

I pray for all refugees, those in bondage & those without hope.

Chocmint33 you are right. For all I know Harry T got the message years or months ago but being in Australia it might not have been safe for him to give that information to the public when he got the message.

I’m sure real psychics have to withhold information for lots of reasons: for the client’s own good, to prevent misuse of the information, to prevent the info from falling into the wrong hands, for legal reasons, and so the psychic will not be harmed or killed.

I think I got upset because of what a psychic who shall remain nameless has been saying.

I apologize.
T. W. said…
Jake Paul Says “Leadership Is Failing” So He’s Going To Keep Partying During Coronavirus
T. W. said…
Hi Jules!

We know the disease is airborne so it makes sense to wear a mask.

Here’s what bothers me.

Scientific research shows the Virus lives in human make seminal fluid. Why aren’t they telling people to use condoms?
T. W. said…
Please read the comments section of the following article:

Surgeon Gen. Jerome Adams explores why Black people are hesitant to take COVID-19 vaccines
Chocmint33 said…
That's okay TW. :)

I'm intrigued who that nameless psychic is. Can you give me a clue?

Have you heard of psychic Sammy Rawlinson TW? She's a sweet English psychic and I have been following her for about 3 years. She is very accurate. Here is a link to her predictions for May 2020 to May 2022.

T. W. said…
Hi Chocmint33!

I’m not comfortable naming the people who won’t be wearing a mask. The female said she personally would not be wearing one & she encourages people to make their own informed decisions. You all know her.

As for the male, he might have been ranting. The video I watched was his own personal rant, he was not making any predictions. So maybe he was upset at the world events. Not Joseph Tittle but the male has a cute voice.

But I see you are asking about the nameless psychic making threats.

I cannot provide a link because they asked people not to post links to their site & to not talk about their predictions on other sites. Then they’ll talk about how Google buries their site (that is true), they are losing readership, etc.

If you want to KNOW who this person is I suggest you try a different search engine. You might have better luck if you try IT NEXT.

The person does not claim to be a PSYCHIC but their site advertises they make PREDICTIONS. I DOn’T have WORDS to exPRESS how I feel. I DOn’T have the words to COMmunicate...
T. W. said…

I have not heard of Sammy but I will watch the video tonight.
T. W. said…

I’m still watching the video & it’s great! Sammy is confirming some things I’ve dreamt & “felt.” She’s also confirming things other real psychics have said but it’s in her own words.

Months ago I sent links on how to make Faraday Cages. I also advised us to purchase aluminum foil. You can buy it for $1 but it’s cheaper to the the larger package.

The WHITE woman who likes DOVEs has been consistent for years & gives tips on how to prepare for what is coming. It’s not too late. Even the poorest person can prepare.

It’s my “feeling” some of us will come out ahead because of what’s happening during the Plandemic & the economic crisis. But we’ve got to play our cards right & make sure karma doesn’t have a nasty surprise for us. The visitations will continue.
Jules said…
HRH TW .. I wear a facemask, I reluctantly do so on the grounds that I don't believe it will offer me any protection, I honestly feel I am still vulnerable. Virologists wHo work with live virus's wear a Hazmat Suits with Masks, (see link) their masks are sealed units that cover their entire face, this is why I sincerely believe a fabric mask is useless and I do not feel protected at all.
T. W. said…
Jules, I agree these fabric masks & paper masks are NOT medical grade.

The Curel company used to manufacture medical grade N-95 masks that people could purchase in stores. The mask contained copper to prevent VIRAL INFECTIONS. That mask was expensive, $7.00 at the time I saw it last year.

I wish I bought some because Curel no longer manufactures it for the public.

I will say this, these paper & fabric masks are better than nothing.

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