The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
But in most ways he's destroyed his own life.
He won't get his career back as a lawyer.
How is he going to survive and take care of his family for the rest of his life?
Going to jail. Not once. But twice, will have been a shocking experience. For him and his family.
He is going to make alot of money from this book.
But is ii going to keep him for the remainder of his life.
She has given an interview to someone. Talking about 'racial toxicity' She's totally hijacking the Black Lives Matter movement as her own now.
Nothing unusual ...she gave a public online Commencement speech to her former Catholic School in L.A. Completely unrequested.
It baffled them.
As they didn't ask her to speak for them.
But anyway, if you watch her latest staged faked sincere interview, you will notice she's doing all these weird hand movements while she talks.
She's obviously been on some course.
On how to speak with your hands effectively.
But it just looks so rehearsed. And staged.
She does the hands crossing. Across her heart crap too.
As she did for her unrequested commencement speech to the Sacred Heart School in L.A.
She is claiming in this latest staged interview, 'how devasting it was for her to return to the U.S amid the Black lives matter protests'.
C'mon. She moved into a mansion ffs.
Is she for real?
And did she move from Tyler Perry's mansion she was renting recently? To help advertise to sell it. Because it actually sold.
Wouldn't surprise me.
CD posted ages ago, that the real reason Tyler Perry allowed her and Harry to live there. Was to get media attention to get the mansion to sell.
The media release Meghan and Harry did, claiming Tyler Perry's mansion 'wasn't Harry's style and he prefers intimate homes with character' is just so implausible. Considering he grew up in mansions.
They were just house sitting Tyler Perry's house
It's ovbious.
Free rent in exchange for global advertising.
And anyway, moving suited Meghan. Because obviously Prince Charles or the Queen has bought Meghan a house in the U.S finally.
As a property settlement for the oncoming divorce from Harry.
CD please let us know if Putin will be successful
In helping trump win??
Is Meghan Markle giving illuminati hand her latest nauseating video claiming it was 'devasting for her to return to the U.S amid the black lives matter movement'
I'm amazed at the hand movements she's doing in the video. The video is in The Daily Mail.
I think they published it for a laugh.
The hand movements are bizarre.
Please investigate.
And tell us what you think.
As you know illuminati stuff isn't my thing.
But I do have a belief in what they call the illuminati and the Deep State.
No doubt about that.
CD has claimed Meghan is a secret Scientologist.
So would that be contrary to illuminati activity?
Or make her perfect for membership.
And I agree with your previous comment. Lady Diana, the Princess of Wales apprears to have raised her son's completely separately away from the more creepy ancient rituals the Royal family are alleged to participate in.
And I agree. Prince William won't stand for that shit. Creepy rituals.
Prince William appears to be abit of a bossy boots if you ask me. Which is advantageous in him having to reject the worst aspects of the British monarchy.
But I guess his bossiness is an essential attribute if your fate is to be King of a country. Eventually.
Agree too. Mother Theresa flat out refused Diana's request to work with her on projects.
Was it because Mother Theresa wasnt gonna get all the focus? All the admiration shed become accustomed to?
Young peoole today don't remember Mother Theresa. But for those who don't know. She founded the missionaries of Charity. A Roman Catholic congregation.
And congregations run by her nuns in over 100 different countries. They provided a place for those dying of Aids. In the early days. When the disease was first known.
And no one wanted to rescue those who contracted HIV.
Mother Theresa has since been designated as a Catholic Saint.
Princess Diana was very hurt when Mother Theresa replied in a rude way. That Diana was best to stick to her own role. Diana was very shocked at the rejection.
At the time. Diana had received world recognition for being very brave and going out and publicly hugging HIV infected people. When it was unknown at that stage in the 80's if you could catch HIV by even embracing people.
So many people refused to even touch these poor suffering people.
If Mother Theresa had have told me to 'stay in my lane'. I would have told her. 'No nasty b..tch'.
I'll work in what target group I want.
I recall him chasing trump and doing anything for trump like an idiot when he was his lawyer. He will sell the books but I don't care to support his wealth now.
Never liked him then and don't care for him now. He, of all people, should have seen it coming, including his jail time. He is still an idiot, but now he will be an idiot with money imo.
Millie Weaver is an American reporter/investigative journalist. She has been arrested under indictment from a secret grand jury to prevent the release of her documentary exposing huge amounts of government corruption.
Millie filmed her own arrest and this has gone viral ..
There are rumours stating her husband has also been arrested, he produced the documentary.
If you are an American YOUR must-watch this
If you LOVE your country you must watch this
If you love your family, friends children you owe it to them to watch this documentary and share it.
On August 3rd Millie released a teaser trailer to the documentary that she had entitled Shadowgate, one of the whistleblowers who worked with her on the documentary released it hours ago on her own youtube channel upon hearing of Millie's arrest. the link is below .. please watch and sare it before they take it down.
You are welcome!
I watched alot of what I could of Millie Weaver's documentary you mentioned.
It's very good.
And exposes exactly how they do the shadow government. As the people who used to do it. Form the centre of the narrative in this film.
The shadow government are tryin to manipulate the media at the moment. To try and claim in Reddit Millie Weaver faked her own arrest.
She did not.
Those she made the Documentary about. Are the very ones writing this false story about Millie Weaver on Reddit.
That's a far easier one for them.
Doesn't even require a hack.
I'm gonna pray for this brave Infowars Journalist, Millie Weaver.
She needs alot of protection after making the Documentary Shadowgate.
This documentary exposes exactly how the U.S government run a shadow government without the public knowing.
Without even most of those who work in government knowing.
This documentary also backs up all of Edward Snowdon's claims.
Very interesting.