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Wear your mask.. or else....


Enigma said…
This is real, my daughter has it and so do I, I have no idea how we got it.It hit me hard and not my daughter whom she has type1 diabetes. Don't go out period! Can you add me to your prayer circle, I would appreciate it.
T. W. said…
T. W. said…
Florida man spits on boy in restaurant, says ‘you now have coronavirus’
T. W. said…
Georgia student suspended for posting viral photos of crowded high school hallway

[The student was allowed to return to school after the story broke.]
T. W. said…

I answered the question you posted here:
T. W. said…
I will be posting Ellen & Ghislaine updates at the following links:

1) Ellen De Generes & James Corden Two peas in a pod.. a nasty pod...

2) Closer & Closer.. Ms Maxwell
T. W. said…
Friends, please pray for Fair Wayne Bryant:

Five white Louisiana judges UPHOLD life sentence of black man, 62, who was convicted of stealing pair of hedge clippers over 20 years ago as the only justice to oppose it blasts the law for being designed 'to re-enslave African Americans'

Louisiana Supreme Court upholds Black man's life sentence for stealing hedge clippers more than 20 years ago

Dear God,

I thank You for being just, kind, wise and merciful. Fair Wayne Bryant and others have legally paid their debts to society yet they remain in prisons or they are still paying other harsh penalties. I am asking You to please help them receive freedom and/or other forms of justice as You see fit. Thank You for hearing and answering this prayer.

In the name of Jesus of Nazareth I pray, amen.
T. W. said…
Prayers for Uighars and all those wrongfully detained, in prisons, etc.

China Uighurs: A model's video gives a rare glimpse inside internment

Dear God,

Please help people receive the help You provide. Please help those in bondage receive their freedom. Please let the entire truth about injustice on the Earth be revealed. Please help us humans change for the better and love the way You created us to love.

In the name of Jesus of Nazareth I pray, amen.
Apple Monkey said…
CD - I can see why you did not want to do predictions this year. It’s madness. Sending so many prayers for the Air India plane that crash landed killing 16 people. It was a repatriation flight by the Indian government due to Cov-19 having taken off from Dubai.
T. W. said…
Dear God,

I lift up Engima and their daughter in prayer. I pray the fully heal and recover from all sickness and disease. I pray they have no aftereffects from having COVID-19 and I pray You protect them from other diseases, sicknesses, dangers, etc.

I also lift up the survivors of the Indian plane crash and their families and loved ones. I pray they receive Your love and comfort.

It is done.

In the name of Jesus of Nazareth I pray, amen.
T. W. said…
Please watch this 2 minute video. Something ain't right:

Donald Trump Just Said Something Strange
Letty said…
I am getting worried!! More and more psychic readers
Are saying trump will be re-elected. It’s in his astrological
Chart . God help us all if this happens
Chick'sOpinion said…

I’m glad you mentioned the Uighur people of China. One of many ethnic minorities in China. Being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party government.

I noticed the other day, English psychic, Craig Hamilton Parker predicted ....that due to this persecution. And imprisoning ethnic minorities in internment camps. And many other injustices. China is going to have a revolution.
But not the kind of people’s revolution we usually see.
He claims that it will succeed in a different way.
The Chinese who have had enough of no rights or democracy their whole lives. Start to revolt. By burning down businesses. Public buildings and general public disturbance.
He says the outcome will be a new China. Where they have same rights as the people they are seeing have in other countries.

Remember that most of what we see on the internet, cannot be seen by the average Chinese person.
Internet access is heavily censored in China.
You have to have a particular lap tap and apply other technology if you want access to the ‘free world’ on the net in China.

Imagine how sick of this the younger generations of Chinese are. Of this half life.
Without freedom and democracy.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Prayers for Enigma and her daughter
T. W. said…

I am so glad freedom is coming for the Chinese people!

You know, a lot of people go to China for language study, work, and/or school. Some Chinese people come to the West for the same. The Chinese have to know they are being restricted.

I'm glad God is listening to and answering prayers. That is the God I serve.
Anonymous said…
Enigma absolutely we’ve got you girl!
Chocmint33 said…
Take care Enigma. White light and healing to you and your family.
Chocmint33 said…
Hi TW,
Yeah I meant to get back to you. I’ve been so busy the last few days.
Sammy is a great psychic. Here are links to some psychics from Australia. You should check them out too.

The first one is Julie McKenzie. I met her at a psychic development circle before she hit the psychic big time and won the best psychic award in the Ukraine a few years ago. Here is the link to her predictions for 2020.

Another one is David Richard who does regular live Facebook videos. He did an insightful one on June 26 where he has a lot to say about managing COVID 19 from a spiritual perspective. Here is his link.

Chick's Opinion you should check them out too as a fellow Aussie.
Chocmint33 said…
According to an infectious disease doctor, if you can blow a candle out with a face mask on, that face mask is not effective. Apart from the medical face masks, face masks with at least 3 layers of fabric are the way to go.
T. W. said…

No worries! I think we all are very busy now. : )

I don’t do Fake Book so I will watch the Ewe T00b video.
Enigma said…
Thank you all for your prayers...i'm feeling so much better!!
Chick'sOpinion said…

I checked out these aussie psychics you mentioned.
Always good to kmow who's in the zoo. Even if they are in Brisbane.
I don't do Facebook either.

You know, I want psychics to get off Facebook
Because so many people just don't use it.
I feel they need an online presence of course. But not one that's chained to Facebook. Or Instagram.
I feel like they are giving away some of their personal power just linked to facebook.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah I agree about Facebook Chick's Opinion. I wish David Richard used YouTube for his live sessions. He's pretty accurate though and has a good reputation.

Julie McKenzie does most of her predictions on YouTube though. If you go to her YouTube site there's videos of past predictions and other psychic info.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I will check out Julie McKenzie.
Australians I've noticed are becoming more open to psychic skill.
The Millenials don't even need convincing of it.
Alot of the shows, movies, documentaries they have grown up on.
Have discussed and used psychics in them.
So it's normal for them as a concept.
It's commonplace now too, for law enforcement to use psychics when they have no leads whatsoever on crimes.
We know that for a lot of them. They have always sought the assistance of psychics. But these days alot of law enforcement don't mind even admitting that publicly.
This is a great step forward for the respect of psychics in the community generally.

There will always be skeptics.
But really, people who are fully aware of the strength of psychic skill don't care what skeptics think.
As time goes on.
They will be considered idiots.
In the way that people laugh at 'flat Earthers'.

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