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Answers to questions. 3 hrs to go BLAST OFF...


If you have questions for the Radio Show about Celebrities, World Events, Etc. Please add to comments

No personal questions.

For those please call in...




T. W. said…
Hi Christian and happy birthday!

Can you safely comment on the Supreme Court nominee, the digital dollar, the stimulus package, and will American universities be open next year?

Thank you!
T. W. said…
Hi Christian!

Can you also safely comment on:

China sending seeds & sunglasses in the mail

Bill & Melinda Gates

Forced vaccinations

Cam Newton (quarterback for New England Patriots)

Tom Brady

Kanye West

Patrick Mahommes the second (quaterback for Kansas City Chiefs)

Dwayne Wade & Gabrielle Union (something about them is off)

The truth about Brangelina

Elon Musk (Elon Musk says he won’t take coronavirus vaccine, calls Bill Gates a ‘knucklehead’ — LINK —

Thank you!
T. W. said…
Presidential debate airs on NBC tonight.
T. W. said…
Hi again!

Can you safely comment on

California wildfires

Wayfair child trafficking scandal

Jobs for people that want/need to work

Thank you!
Anonymous said…

hello Mr. Gossip:

Can you tell us a bit about Keanu Reeves and his twin flame?

Anonymous said…
How much longer will we be dealing with the virus ?

Chocmint33 said…
My questions:

Bushfires in Australia

Climate change

Where did COVID19 originate from

Will Trump concede defeat if he loses and will the military intervene if he doesn't

Will China be the dominant force worldwide

When will Putin leave office
Lovely Libra said…
Happy Birthday, CD!!

1. What happened to Suzanne Morphew?

2. How is David Bowie doing?

3. Will Christ return to earth again and if so, when?

Thanks, CD — sending you love & wishes for happiness
Mariefass said…
Happy Birthday CD! My question is when will international travel begin again? Ta.
Sahilah said…
Hi, Christian! I've got two questions

1. I hope this one doesn't sound insensitive, but what does the late River Phoenix thinking of Keanu right now?

2. Will situation in Malaysia ever rests??

Anonymous said…


would like to know, whether the person who claims to be Keanu Reeves online is real or fake; is Keanu Reeves related to a certain international network based in Middle East, in other words, is he a good guy as we always believe?

Serene river said…

Happy Birthday CD. Thank you for your predictions that make my days.
T. W. said…
Thank you for a lovely show Christian! I really did not know what a pink card was. Google said it is a Victoria's Secret Credit Card.

I thank you for being honest with us.
Tony said…
Hi Christian and wishing you a very happy birthday!!
My questions are..

1)Probably the very most common question..when can you see an end to this covid 19 pandemic?

2)How much longer do we have to put up with this awful Tory government here in the UK?

3)Will the unemployment figure here in the UK be high for quite some time before things eventually get better?

Good luck on the show!!
Blessings to you!!
LM said…
Hi Christian,
Could you please see who is going to win the New Zealand election
Many thanks
Anonymous said…
I met 2 people, both said they were Keanu Reeves. very confusing. thanks.
Anonymous said…
Was anything said about Keanu Reeves on the show? I missed it. Waiting for it to be posted.
Odin said…
WIll US feeze communit China assets overseas?
Anonymous said…

The war between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
Is it that spark that will drag the world into chaos?
Anonymous said…
Now I saw that the show has already passed. But the question remains ..
Cap Anonymous said…
Oh darn I missed this, sorry! I hope there is a replay.

I was watching Trump and Biden. Oh, what fun! Not.

Two hours of my life I won't get back.

This kind of debate did not happen in my grandparent's era.

Bill Maher tweeted some funny comments regarding last night's debate.

I heard experts recently saying that we've got another year to go before the Coronavirus "disappears."

Sally said…
Hi Christian,

I thoroughly enjoyed the show.

A question please:

Meghan and Harry divorce papers at Christmas. Will Archie and Harry therefore stay in the UK?

Thank you X
n said…

Goodmorning Lovelies. Thanks for the chat over at HV, it is a hoot. Good banter. And many topics., straight truths all.
Anonymous said…
My question is, will Alexandra Grant be put into prison?

Will Mr. Reeves got the courage to confront her and sue her for all the fraud, leakage and invasion of privacy that she had done to. Him?

Anonymous said…
My question is, will Alexandra Grant be put into prison?

Will Mr. Reeves got the courage to confront her and sue her for all the fraud, leakage and invasion of privacy that she had done to. Him?

Lovely Libra said…
Hi, TW — I tried very hard, but could not access CD’s show last night. If you have the time, would you be so kind as to give us a recap here? And - I’ve gotta know — what is a pink card?????

Many, many thanks!!!
T. W. said…
Hi Lovely Libra!

There will be a link to last night's show.

I'm traveling right now but very quick:

1) Pink Card means the person is gay.

2) hAG will get her karma

3) COVID-19 will never go away

4) Trump is orange because no decent make up artist will work with him

5) Trump is on drugs

6) Air travel will be closer to normal around March next year

7) Kris Kardashian is with the dark side & Bruce Jenner should have kept his Willie. Kris drove him crazy so he cut it.
Jules said…
Cap Anonymous, here is a link to the show ..

Fabulous show, parts of it was sooo funny!!! Laughed out loud sooo many times.

AG said…
Heard the radio show was a flop. God loves a trier.
Psychic Gossip said…
AG I assume by heard you mean you didn't listen? the link is on the blog enjoy CDX
T. W. said…
I wonder who AG is...
AG said…
I just listened there. So many gullible people who will believe anything they are told 😂😂😂
I can confirm it was in fact a flop and you are a con artist
Anonymous said…
I know who it is, so we meet again, enjoying trolling my dear minion? Of course you do. Thanks for the heads up on the info you hag.
Girlygirl said…
Hello Brandy. One of AGs flying monkeys.
Cap Anonymous said…
JULES, thank you for the link!
CAT said…
Fuck, I'll be damned if you've made Alexandra the grayte obsessed with your blog CDX. imagine if she actually rushes here to read every time you post lmao 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂
Apple Monkey said…
AG - why are you here? I don’t understand what you are getting out of being so rude. We have a friendly community here and look out for each other so if you aren’t here for that reason, there are plenty of other blogs you can visit.
Anonymous said…
She’s 1000 percent high off her rocker XD no you my dear are the con artist.

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