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"Birds of a Feather"





to be 


       Alexandra Grant.

Promoted charity but the donations went into her personal bank account.                              
 Looks like she thought she was the charity...
Claims to be a Philanthropist.                  
Will be publicly exposed...                           
 Will not get away with this legally...
Plus more legal problems...                           
More Legal paper work to come...



      Amber Heard. 

Switch & Bait. Amber Heard donated her settlement to charity?
I still see that money in her bank account...
Someone else paid those donations...
Elon, Amber wasn't the charity.

Oh more legal woes.


         THIRD UP

   Meghan Markle.              

Seems that since the split of Harry & William's charity.
Why did they do this?

Well, matters on the Meghan side have been less than LIGIT...
With many oddities.
A charitable donation to get a job...?           


Hey, Ladies a charitable donation.                    
Is to help people & Organization in need.       
Not to make you money and bring you fame.


  Lessons to be learned     Ladies.

             YOU WILL...



Archi said…
Oh my gosh ! Good news Christian ! Such good news ! We must wait for long ?
Anonymous said…
From Curious:

Good Morning CD and Everyone, thank you CD for the update on the GRANT saga. Would you kindly confirm if her direct links to worshiping the devil will also be revealed publicly and how much of this did Keanu know. Many blessings to all đŸ’–
T. W. said…
Some people never have enough money despite having access to millions.
Chick'sOpinion said…
How could people do such fraud?
It's disgraceful.
Anonymous said…
black magic ,
problems and more problems, discussions , economic losses
to disguise its devastating effects, scalpel and lots of botox
Quiet said…

Thank you CD for the good news.

Along with faking a human birth on UK soil on May 6th 2019 from her natural body, Markle did not donate one penny of the 3 million Disney gave for her charity for the voice over work in the elephant movie.

She was to donate it to the elephants in need but no one received any of Disney's 3 million dollar donation. Markles must have thought when Harry got her the voice over job in front of Jayz and Beyonce, that it was her personal payroll and pay check for the small voice over work. That is what she will dumb.

The charity split with William and Kate has sketchy written all over it. A few UK ladies on you tube are all over this and update as things change or progress. Murky meg, Yankee Wally and Taz keep up and on top of the changes they are making with charity organizations, name changes, paperwork, legal stuff etc. They are quite studious and throw it up on you tube as fast it comes in.

She has donated only 10 pounds a month to some animal shelter in the UK and just matched the awful Sussex squad vile women who donated 130k to Meghan's charities. Meghan matched the 130k the Sussex squad vile women gathered up to make it a 260k. But who is the mystery charity that got 260K? No one! just Meghan.

Sussex squad misfits need to belong somewhere almost like misfit mask-less republicans.. including Katie Hopkins.. oh I could tell you stories on that dying American republican wanna be. Not gonna happen Katie. None of this will work for Meghan either. Cant wait to see that 19 month old running and speaking Archie NOT. It will all unfold with time.

These women and that kelly ann conway disgust me so much lol

Cordelia said…
Feathering their nests.
Jules said…
Greed is one of the 7 deadly sins.
Jules said…
Here are the direct links to the Youtube channels of the ladies Quiet mentioned, I would also like to add two more ladies to the list Celt News (UK) and Danja Zone (USA)

These women have extraordinary investigative skills, but then again, everything is out there in the public domain for all to see. What Quiet mentioned is just a tip of the iceberg, Meghan Markles deception and fraudulent activity is honestly jawdropping. You also need to look into her mother's activities since her daughter married into the royal family.

Let's not forget this is a woman who during her engagement interview blatantly lied when she claimed she had no prior knowledge of the Royal family when the truth of the matter is she was beyond besotted with Diana.

Due to the many inconsistencies in her background, the rumours surrounding her true age, coupled with the clearly altered and photoshopped childhood images have led many to believe part of her background has been fabricated. Some also believe she was chosen to marry Prince Harry to destroy the monarchy.

This is a prime example not to blindly accept the official narrative that is being fed to you.

Murky Meg, (Uk)

Celt News (UK)

According to Taz (UK)

Yanky wally (UK)

Danja Zone (USA)
T. W. said…
I approve these messages.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Why are all of you so quick to hate Alexandra? Do you really believe Keanu is that stupid. Something like that is not getting past him. Give him some credit. He chose her. Be happy for him. Stop trying to tear the person he’s with down because you don’t approve of it.
Anonymous said…
@ Anonymous of September 27, 2020 at 12:45 AM
@ Anonymous of September 27, 2020 at 8:01 PM

A-ha-ha-ha… You are paranoid! - for the 2nd
Do you have the proof of "how much did Keanu know"? - for the 1st

Also here about Keanu?
ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT KEANU ALSO HERE? - Did Cristian Dion talk about Keanu here?
It is easy to slander by anonymous?

Did A.G. and K.R. had the same bank account or Cristian Dion has told about “her personal bank account”? -
Are you partially blind where you don't want to see ...?!!
How could Keanu have known about everything A.G. was doing? - Did he live in her house, etc? Go to cure your paranoia!

For several months there have been the answers - Can you read or are you partially blind where you don't want to see? - KCR through its spokesperson has stated everything openly and very clearly:

In past A.G. and K.R. were friends-partners in business. A.G. had a lot of plans and a big appetite, but K.R. didn't want her. The patience of K.R. has get a limit and from several months A.G. and K.R. are just the EX-business-partners, but there are those who publish Fake notice – why you don’t go to investigate who they are?

I talk about these Instagram accounts:


Is there K.Parker on these accounts? - These accounts have the same posts and they comment on the each other accounts.
Tell me, Instagram is the right place for their dirty works? These Instagram accounts are open to all public! - What are they teaching to the younger generation? - GO TO THE POLICE TO MAKE YOUR COMPLAINTS!

Instagram is created to promote the Friendship and Love, not Hate!

A.G. has done bad things and will have to pay the bill, but also these bullies of K.R. will have to pay the bill because of False, Slander, Bullying, Defamation towards K.R., Moral Damages, Intellectual Property violation, Intellectual Property Damages - they have spread hatred towards K.R., which did not any harm to anyone.
Do you understand or you are like A.G.?

Not only A.G., if also K.Parker and other mentally ill ones need treatment to stop breaking the law, they need to be treated, don't you think?

Go with God!
Empaths who are under the destructive influence of narcs are not stupid, they are only disorientated who is indeed useful in their life, and fans who disapprove of with this alleged relationship are not also bad. They only want real love and happiness for him. Alexandra Grant is not the right woman in his life...
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thanks for all this info.
And agree. Kelly-Ann Conway.
Should be re-named Kelly-Ann Con Artist.

It's like these people without ethics at all.
Just focus their greedy eyes on the money.
And not the obvious fact, that people WILL do research into their conduct regarding charities.
whatever said…
September 27, 2020 at 8:01 PM

Please pay attention, people didn't judge her on some photos on gossip pages, some serious work has been done to show that something is off here.
Don't be naive, please read about her actions, and read about narcissism.
Don't fall for it, just because they seem so charming, that is how they trick you.

The credit he got from fans was that is he a good guy who just wants to help a friend by promoting her, increase the publicity around her art show.
However, after so much dirt has been exposed, at some point you have to wonder why someone is still supporting a person like that.
Either he is indeed as shady as her, or he is indeed that stupid and was tricked by her as well.
You cannot be a good kind person, as he pretends to be, and as the same time be totally ok with someone who pretends to be a philanthropist, yet cannot show that her non-profit is registered at the IRS.
You can't sell yourself as being an independent woman, and at the same time use a man's name to promote yourself.
You can't make the world believe that you are a successful accomplished person, yet lie on your resume about exhibitions you didn't do or organizations you didn't found.

This is just the start, so is plenty more.
So if indeed all her shady actions are known to him, you can only conclude that he has the same ethical values as her, and that makes him a very unpleasant person.

And in that case, his fans have the right to feel betrayed.

Chick'sOpinion said…
I've never beleived Meghan Markle's claimed age. But to be fair I think alot of celebrities are lying about their age. Not just her.
But classmates who went to school with Meghan claim she is currently 42. If not 43 already.
All her old friends are this age.
There are snippets of proof...She did ads for Nickelodeaon and they were released in 1990. They state Meghan is 11 years old at the time.

But since her later breaks in Hollywood...It seems the lying about her age continued.
Because she had to lie about her age to get roles. Once she hit 30. She had to slice off more than a few years.

But to keep the lie going is wrong.
I will say though..It's Hollywood who is probably at fault here.
For being so age focussed.
And practicing overt ageism.
That actors have to do this.
Anonymous said…
I hope AG will be exposed I really really hope, but to be honest Parker will probably not win this RO, she has a serious mental illness, and She is dealing with very dangerous people like Miss Macintosh Reeves’ “good friend” sometimes your friends are worse than your enemies ! Miss Macintosh must stay at her place but she doesn’t, just read her IG account : she has posted everything about her personal fight with Grant, not for good reasons but just because as Grant she can see the wallet walking away !!! Miss Parker must find a good attorney, instead of dealing with her look like friends (included her Fan friends) she will loose her very simple case ! But we will see... I’m sad for this woman everyone is using her : AG for publicity and her “friends” for revenge ! Sad... this woman needs real help @psychicgossip how you see the situation Christian?
Anonymous said…
To Anonymous @ September 27, 2020 at 8:57pm

I think it’s time you take your meds, just sayin!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Does anyone recall back in April. How the Hackers or Hacktivists, Anonymous.... hacked the first day of Meghan Markle's Archewell Charitable Took over it. And directed the traffic to it, to Kanye West's song Gold Digger.
It was the funniest thing to happen all year.

Love the secret Hackers group Anonymous.
They are very public spirited. And that's what I like about them.
They are the Robin Hood's of the internet. And have been goin strong since 2006.
In 2009 when San Francisco's Bay Area Rapid Transit decided to cut mobile phone service, in an attempt to disrupt and end protests over the shooting of the agency's, Oscar Grant. Anonymous hacked into their BARTway website and released all their emails, usernames and passwords. And more.

During the 2011 election Anonymous hacked the Irish political party Fine Gael. Anonymous took over their website.
And froze it with the message.
'Nothing is safe, you put your faith in this political party and they take no measures to protect you' they said more. But you get their message.

Also in 2011, Operation Tunisia
After the Tunisian Revolution, free speech was completely banned after the president Zine El adebinine Ben Ali was ousted. Wikileaks got involved too in this stunt of Anonymous. But it was ultimately Anononymous who shut down 8 Tunisian government depts.

2010 Operation Pay back
When the U.S government demanded that Wikileaks stop releasing Top Secret Diplomatic Cables to the public. A number of companies that supported Wikileaks in the past turned against the Website. By freezing accounts. And shuting down Wikileaks servers.
So Anonymous declared war on these companies, namely, Paypal, Visa and Mastercard. For refusing to do business with Wikileaks. On Dec 8 right near Xmas, Anononymous took these sites down. And people couldn't use them.

It's occured to me, over the years, the obvious...that most of the Anonymous Hackers are young men.
This is because I've noticed that they are very Pro Porn and the freedoms of that. Twice they have hacked and shut down Australian government websites. When the Australian government was proposing law, to censor pornography online in Australia.
On the upside, Anononymous are quite commited to exposing and bringing down Pedophiles.
In 2011 they hacked and published the internet addresses of 190 pedophiles. Revealed their IP addresses. Which can be used easily to trace their physical addresses. They particularly targeted pedophiles who they researched as regularly posting on child porn forums.

Anonymous hate Sony too.
And..... successfully exposed Bank Of America for their corrupton and unfair mortgage prices. A while back, they hacked and leaked a trove of Bank of America emails to a site they made they called,

I love Anononymous' sense of humour. Effective protest.
With a good laugh.
Anonymous said…
@anonymous Agreed this woman needs a good attorney cause for the moment here is her team : a bunch of crazies :
1) a nobody who claims to be the protector of the British Crown, Celebrities saviour etc...
2) a Twitter/blogger supporter of conspiracy theories and photoshop theories
3) a woman who has stolen her IG pictures from a European blogger, model etc
4) And the last but not least : Miss Autumn Macintosh a 30 years leech !!!!!
Ok and now what else, a trapeze duo ?
WTF Catherine Parker find a good attorney !
You have a very easy case and you're gonna lose it ! WTF
Anonymous said…
If someone is collecting the proofs to denounce also Instagram (Negligence, Disclosure of Incitement to Hate, Private Violence, Intellectual Property Damages, etc) – what do you think happens?
Anonymous said…
So, Autumn Macintosh, a K.R. “good friend”, is harassing his pictures and his name together with the others?
Parker could and must be helped by the authorities through this RO case, but she needs to be questioned about WHO do instigate and use her for own revenge against K.R.
These low-brained women on Instagram are losing the last left!
T. W. said…
Is Meghan's mother in on the scam too?

Meghan Markle’s mother Doria Ragland becomes CEO of elderly care homes firm


Doria Ragland, 64, who had quit her job as a social worker at a mental health clinic when Meghan got married to Prince Harry in 2018, has been appointed as Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary as well as the Chief Executive Officer for Loving Kindness in Beverly Hills.

According to the Daily Mail, Meghan Markle's lawyer Rick Genow has set up the deal for her.

Previously, she had also worked as yoga instructor.
Jules said…
HRH TW - I would say an emphatic yes. Danja Xone, Celt News, Murky Meg have covered her dealings quite a bit, apparently she is a millionaire now.
Anonymous said…
A. Grant must be investigated, brought to light and maybe submitted to a psychiatric check-up.
Also the stalkers and bullies of K.R. need a psychiatric check-up and the liars "ladies x / xr" with their “mothers” too.
Exercited evil leads to paranoid schizophrenia and all of these women maybe are not more really sound.
What is the moral of this story? - DON'T BE EVIL and you will remain safe and sound, otherwise you become mentally ill.
So, stop with your evil, stay good at home, heal yourself and don't break more the law, pray and meditate - otherwise you could be cured by force.
Mr. K.R. was been deceived, manipulated, used and humiliated from A. Grant and also bullied and damaged from “stalkers” and “good friends”!
That’s enough
chris said…
Hey CD...this seems to be a told ya...

Well done as usual;)
Anonymous said…
all of Reeves's relatives still need to be checked with a psychiatrist. they have expressed admiration for "good friends" and "artists" for many years
Anonymous said…
yes, Mr Reeves is such a victim of a tall woman, who forced him to hold her hand in Berlin in September, he needs body guards to protect himself because he is too busy to go to court.
Karma said…
To the Anonymous person of September 27, 2020 at 8:56 PM

Yes, there are a lot of crazies out there,
just like other stars also have some crazy fans.

But you cannot say that the accounts are run by one person.
They are way to different in many ways.
Some of these accounts posts very valid questions,
and done some great analysis.

And please take your meds.
Anonymous said…
for Anonymous Sept. 29, 2020 at 6:14 PM

You really pretend to know what have expressed all of real Reeves's relatives?
Anonymous said…

"tall woman" have made many photoshopped pics. She will be investigated. She will need some body guards to protect herself from the people. Maybe it's time to run away.
In anyway:
"DON'T BE EVIL and you will remain safe and sound, otherwise you become mentally ill.
So, stop with your evil, stay good at home, heal yourself and don't break more the law, pray and meditate - otherwise you could be cured by force."
Anonymous said…
Acredito que tudo ficarĂ¡ bem para o Keanu...
Anonymous said…
To: “Karma" September 30, 2020 at 12:28 PM

Dear ROSE, I thought you were more awake!


2) You MUST report A.G. in POLICE and COURT - IG hate accounts will be closed.


4) YOU have YOUR medicines to take because you DISGUISED as a "good friend" and made evil. You can't hide the truth: TRUTH WALKS!

I reciprocate your advice: please take your meds and Go with God!
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
"Whoever mixes with pork, bran eats". Keanu knew all about Alexandra's curriculum, they are friends and decided to be her partner. He is not an immature and inexperienced teenager. KEANU IS AN ADULT MAN, LIVED AND HAS HIS MENTAL FACULTIES IN PERFECT CONDITION, Keamu who allowed the image of a good suffering boy to make him adored and he also profited greatly from it. Jeniffer Sammy only had a small importance in his because he became pregnant, otherwise it would be one more on his list of conquests, stop romanticizing this story. He is not holy, nobody is !!!! He is a human being like everyone with defects and qualities, and like every human being he has gains in life and losses as well. He chose to associate with Alexandra, he and Alexandra are the same, they only think about promoting themselves, making a profit and they don't care if it will harm a sick and poor lady to bring down the voices that expose them on the internet.
Anonymous said…
"Whoever mixes with pork, bran eats". Keanu knew all about Alexandra's curriculum, they are friends and decided to be her partner. He is not an immature and inexperienced teenager. KEANU IS AN ADULT MAN, LIVED AND HAS HIS MENTAL FACULTIES IN PERFECT CONDITION, Keamu who allowed the image of a good suffering boy to make him adored and he also profited greatly from it. Jeniffer Sammy only had a small importance in his because he became pregnant, otherwise it would be one more on his list of conquests, stop romanticizing this story. He is not holy, nobody is !!!! He is a human being like everyone with defects and qualities, and like every human being he has gains in life and losses as well. He chose to associate with Alexandra, he and Alexandra are the same, they only think about promoting themselves, making a profit and they don't care if it will harm a sick and poor lady to bring down the voices that expose them on the internet.
Anonymous said…
The last comment. “You need God in your life”.

Jennifer Sammy and AG were not for Keanu, nor any of the other women.

“Leave Keanu and the twin flame, true love, and future wife alone.

May God protect them.
Anonymous said…
No! Keanu’s so-called friends and family sold him to the devil.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Keanu Reeves became pregnant?

This is interesting.

I want to see the see the pics.

Cause Keanu Reeves being 'up the duff' will be one of the highlights of the year for us regulars on this blog. To stare at his swollen stomach.

Just kidding guys.

But really....some of the comments here regarding Keanu Reeves are just getting plain sillier.
Anonymous said…
I have often wondered how Keanu associated himself with a woman like Alexandra, as a fan she did not understand and did not accept that he promoted and participated in this horror show that she put together. But now it is evident that he participates and gives the cards. Keanu and Alexandra have more unusual than we imagine. Both tried and profited from the deaths of innocent people. He is seen and treated as a suffering and passionate man who lost the love of his life and his baby. He profited and profited a lot from that image. She bought it, stayed 11 years with baby Lena's headstone and then tried to sell it as art. They are equal. What unites people are their common choices and tastes. In this disgusting story the only victims are Jennifer Sammy, Ava, Lena, the audience and the most loyal fans of a man who lived a character in real life and deceived everyone.
Anonymous said…
The last comment. Hypothetically, Jennifer Sammy, Ava are the devil and Keanu was the victim.

There are two types of souls, people, and spirits.
Anonymous said…
September 30, 2020 at 11:59 PM

Hmm you are different tree in pot, he hurt your feelings,in someway?
And again Jen Jen Jen ..
Something was not working out and now you find reason to say your opinion..
(one more on his list of conquests?)

He is a men , ADULT one ,he’s not a monk yet , when he finds right one,maybe he is settling in place and no needs “conquests anymore ..

Sometimes I don’t understand, but that fine ..

(a man who lived a character in real life and deceived everyone.)
October 1, 2020 at 6:20 AM

Speaking jealousy ?
Chick'sOpinion said…
And sillier.
And silllier.
Anonymous said…
Well-well, MMJ

stay here looking for donations without knowing who did them.

And in the meantime are you defending the IG - 'hate against K.R.' accounts? - You probably have one of those accounts: Be careful because you may be under observation by the authorities!

Ask your attorney if a legal action notice is a threat.

And… Do you have, by chance, some fake fanpage asking for money by the name of KR?

God knows everything!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous October 1, 2020 at 6:20 AM

Are you @keanureevesisastalker ?

You still talk about the dead to "turn the knife into the plague" - but it's your hell you're living in!

You see, if you went your own way, you could have found your TF, instead you are wasting this life to hate and burden your karma.
Anonymous said…
There are many similarities between Alexandra and Keanu. On the one hand Keanu who is remembered and referenced for having lost his ex girlfriend and baby Ava. On the other, Alexandra who tried to profit by selling baby Lena's headstone. The death and tragic history of other people served both to profit and benefit. In this story the only poor things are dead.
Anonymous said…
I quote the dead here with respect, whoever needs light in their life and learn to respect the memory of the dead is the one who profits from the tragedy of other people. Who does not let the dead rest is a certain lady called Alexandra, who tried to sell a baby's headstone and a certain gentleman who, through the image of a man suffered for having lost the love of his life and his daughter won and wins millions, there are people who put him on the altar for this as if he were the only being on the planet to lose someone dear. This image of a suffering man was fabricated and Keanu, with his silence, allowed it to be spread around the world because it was and is convenient for him.
Anonymous said…
Stop talking badly about Keanu, you know what empathy is, if you were famous you would surely become insecure people, trying to speak as little as possible so that they do not harm you, and it seems very unethical to talk about issues of the deceased, it is not nothing nice, thanks
Anonymous said…
I will not stop talking about him. As long as he gives reason to be questionable, I will continue to speak. I speak of the deceased with respect, and I repeat: Whoever does not respect the memory of the dead is he and Alexandra who see an opportunity to profit from everything. Thanks. You're welcome.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
Alexandra needs a psychological evaluation.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
I am hacking your IP address, dear? Do you have a proof for the court?

Then, a legal action notice is not a Threat as violation of the criminal code! - Thank God you are notified in time!

The phrase "the threat of legal action" is used purely among lawyers.
You love to read this blog? - Do you remember your link?

Link that you put here:

You have @ cailleach.beara IG account, one of the "hate against K.G." IG accounts.

Before in this blog you said you collect money for Serbian children and you had money.
Now you said you "share the same need to help children with cancer" - where? in Serbia?

Com'on, on the @keanureevesisastalker IG account, here:

you have wrote about K.R.: “… he doesn't give a shit about his dead girlfriend and child. He wasn't sad…”

You are not psychic and you are not honest: There is someone who pays you to say these things or are you paranoid schizophrenic?

When you write here against K.R. you write as anonymous! - You know well the facts, but continue to chewing your story - There is someone who pays you to say these things or are you paranoid schizophrenic?

Do you collect the gossip here for sale? - YOU ARE NOT psychic - you do not feel, you do not see.

You know for sure WHO run the @keanureevesisastalker IG account, certainly not K. Parker.

You have wrote a lot on that page:

saying about Hollywood too – let me to tell you: The shit is everywhere, but that doesn't stick to gold!

You said you want to work in K.R.'s fondation...
My Gosh, do you run some fanpage asking for money by name of K.R.?

I hope you do not do this, at least in the name of your karma, so in the name of your future and your health, because exercited evil leads to paranoid schizophrenia.

K.Parker could and must be helped by the authorities through this R.O. case, but she needs to be questioned about WHO instigates and uses her for own interests (revenge or dirty paid work).

P.S.1 - If you check, I have wrote to Rose, but it was you who answered, so are you Rose?
P.S.2 - The "hate promoting" accounts will be closed by those who have authority to do.
P.S.3 - Be careful because you may be already under observation by the authorities.
P.S.4 - What's about "your meds"?

Unknown said…
To Anonymous October 1, 2020 at 8:55 PM

Ok, don't stop talking about him. As long as you give reason to be questionable because of talking about HIM, you will be investigated and after we will know all about you, every your sneeze.

P.S. I don't care about A.G.

I will continue to speak. I speak of the deceased with respect, and I repeat: Whoever does not respect the memory of the dead is he and Alexandra who see an opportunity to profit from everything. Thanks. You're welcome.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
As??? Will I be investigated and prosecuted for saying that Keanu is an adult man and is in a great state of mind to make his choices ??? That he and Alexandra identify with each other ???? That your image as a suffering and lonely man helped you a lot to have a loved and idolized image in your career ???? This Syme only had importance in life because she got pregnant ???? What else would she be one more on your list of achievements ?? Keanu Reeves is not a saint. Keanu Reeves is not God. Open your eyes. All that is happening is because Keanu allows, whoever is silent also consents. Bye.
Anonymous said…
Look after reading your comment saying that I will be sued for saying that Keanu is an adult man, mentally capable of making decisions and making his own choices, that he and Alexandra identify with each other and that Jennifer only had any importance in Keanu's life because he became pregnant, otherwise it would be another one on his list, and that Jennifer's tragedy somehow helped him to have that image of a suffering and poor man he has today, I am even in depression, I can't even sleep đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£đŸ¤£
whatever said…
Hi Christian,

When will this PR soap end?
Will the situation change before the end of this awful year,
or will she push for another "happy" Christmas?
He really seemed more instable and miserable,
as if he is empty and conflicted inside.

Stay safe Christian.
Sahilah said…
Oh, God, anonymous-es.

This is the reason I ceased to read blogs nowadays.

Anyways, let's pray this pandemic ends.
all, please be safe.


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