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Donald Trump v R.G.B...

If you think Trump had a bad week last week.
Just wait till you see.
Just how low he's going to go.
In Regards to Justice Ginsberg...

Any lower and he could Limbo under a snake...


Chick'sOpinion said…

There's never any excuse for Trump's lack of patriotism.
But his criticism of military leaders. Claiming that they pursue global conflicts to profit the MIC. At industrial level. Could be argued to be right.
The MIC, the Military Industrial Complex is an informal alliance between the U.S military. And the U.S defense industry.
They appear to work hand in glove.
But appearances can be deceiving.

Has Trump seen plenty of actual evidence that they do. While he's been in Office? Seems like it.

As we know, on American Labour Day, Trump went overboard. And said, inferring that Military leadership are advocating war 'so that all of those wonderful companies that make bombs and make planes and make everything else, stay happy'.
He's got a point. A very big point.
But you know, earlier in his term of Office. He was the one itching to declare war on countries.
Thankfully in all of those cases he was talked out of it. Or he talked himself out of it. When he saw what the financial costs were going to be.
And how many American military people would die.
He's always been contradictory.
He probably can't decide which side of the bed to sleep on each night.

In thought and actions he is the most contradictory leader ever seen. Mainly because he ain't too bright, he is not qualified for this immense role.
And he tends to looks at costs. The numbers.
Rather than the issues.
Oh and he's never been a reader. Apparently.

Well U.S Military leaders are now furious with him.
So furious they are talking to The New York Times in secrecy. And The New York Times have gone on record now to claim that. The leaks.
Will Trump lose a fight with Pentagon military leaders? Well he may win the fight with them in the short time of the rest of his term in Office.
But he will never win with the American public. By calling American soldiers, 'Suckers', 'losers'.
Outright disrepect for people who made the ultimate sacrafice. Doesn't sit well with anyone.
Military leaders and servicemen and women in America's partner countries are outraged at it too.
T. W. said…
Christian, I love your wit!!!
T. W. said…

Football is on, Seahawks vs Patriots. I'm rooting for the Patriots because Cam Newton is their quarterback now. Tom Brady is with Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I DISLIKE Tom Brady...
Cordelia said…
Some people feel the rain, others just get wet.
T. W. said…
Thank you Cordelia!
Mary said…
Trump is an old man now in his 70’s but he was definitely a looker back in the day ;)
Ben W said…
Sorry to break it to you CD but RBG was not a good person, she was part of the dark cabal. You don’t care about that though do you? You ignore what these people practice, as long as they hate POTUS that’s all you care about 🙄
T. W. said…
Ben W

How do you know what Christian cares about?

1) Some people infiltrated the Dark Groups. How do we know RBG wasn't one of those people?

2) RBG did do some good for people. Bringing up past wrongdoings will undo that work.

3) Can you name any human being other than Jesus Christ who has never done anything evil? I know I can't.

4) Following your logic no one should say anything nice about anyone. That's a shame.
Ben W said…
TW I respect you and your opinion.
CD not so much, he’s very biased and to be honest seems quite uneducated. That’s just my opinion doesn’t mean it’s right! I
I know you are loyal to him but I know deep down you don’t believe everything that he says. I feel like many he is spreading hate. I also don’t believe he’s a true psychic, he’s wrong about so much. It doesn’t make him a bad person just questionable. There is so many more reputable psychics on YouTube you could be tuning into. Instead your caught up with someone who only knows how to spread hate and bitterness... that’s how it is when you are uneducated :(
Ben W said…

Trumps did good work too for our country not just RHB. Unfortunately you lefties don’t want to recognize that 😥
Ben W said…
TW - I’m not saying you come across uneducated - your anything but
Chick'sOpinion said…

Agree Trump was quite good looking back in the day.
Even actress Candice Bergman said that.
She dated him at least once.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Ben W

If you believe CD to be an inaccurate psychic. Then why do you visit this blog so much?
Theres got to a rational answer.
And as for hate. You're not too bad at promoting hate yourself.
Every time I read one of your comments. It's a mean spirited hate attack on CD.
Predictably you will do the same to me. Because I'm asking you to explain.
And so what if this blog is a bit left wing.
That's another question. If you are so pro Right Wing. Then why are you on a Blog that veers to more Left wing ideas sometimes.

And we are not always Left wing here.
I think we are more balanced than that.
If Trump does some good I mention it.
Hard core Left Wingers would not do that as you know.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Ben W

Are you one of CD's exes?
I'm only asking, because you are kinda acting like a crazy ex.
Stalking where they work. Discrediting them when possible.
Talking with his friends. To make trouble.
It's all crazy ex behaviour, seriously.
T. W. said…
Ben W

What do you mean by “you lefties”?

I can tell you recently joined us. I have said here that Trump has done *some* good for some people. I’m a veteran & I can tell you he & his administration have done some things to help us.

You might want to search the archives before you tell us what another person does or does not believe.
T. W. said…
Ben W

Christian is not a fraud, uneducated, he is not biased, and he is not spreading hatred.

Can you find something nice to say about him?

Saying only negative things about a person spreads hatred towards that person.

Pot meet kettle.
T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion is correct.

It’s not left wing vs right wing.

It’s right vs wrong, good vs evil.

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