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Lost the plot..

Michael Caputo, the top communications official at the U.S. 
Department of Health and Human Services.
Is taking two months off.

For "Medical" Reasons.

If you believe that.
I have a bridge in Brooklyn to flog you.

He'll be thrown under the bus 


T. W. said…
I heard Congress wants Caputo gone. You know it’s bad when Congress calls you corrupt.

No honor among thieves.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Is he one who either wouldn't take a bribe?
His family and income was threatened if he didn't do as he was ordered by the Trump Administration.
So he's gone 'on leave' for b.s 'medical reasons'.
Which one?
Or neither?
T. W. said…
Help is on the way.

Nancy Pelosi said Congress will not go on break until they reach an agreement on another stimulus package.

I wish they had made that promise before. They went on summer break in July while Rome burned.

They need to hurry up because I have a negative bank balance.


Christian, can you safely comment on the global economic reset & upcoming digital currency? Tarot by Janine said the reset already happened, They just don’t want to alarm the masses. Janine also said The Masses will actually come out ahead & the reset will benefit us. She saw in the cards that much debt will be wiped out.

I’ll say it. There is no coin shortage in America. A bank employee who shall remain unidentified told me the Federal Reserve stopped shipping coins to them in March or May. This was months before the alleged shortage. For those who don’t know, the Federal Reserve prints the paper fiat money.

Oh! There is a rumor that the corona is on the currency. China is “allegedly” burning all its paper money. Remember when people from China were still traveling the world by plane after the Plandemic? Rumors claim their government sent them with paper currency tainted with the corona.

I think Warren Buffet (possibly someone else) dumped a lot of stocks in favor of GOLD.

The Chinese government has been telling its citizens to purchase silver. They have been saying this for at least 10 years. Silver was cheap, so why not buy gold?

The WHITE woman who likes DOVES has been telling us for years to purchase precious metals. She predicted silver will be worth more than gold at some point in the future. She said do all you can NOW. If you comment on her site please show her some love. I don’t agree with everything she says but when I visit her site I feel a sweet energy. I am not the T W who appears on her site. I only lurk there.

Psychic Ray Guzman said a stimulus is coming but infighting in Congress is partly causing the delay. He also said they are watching the economy. Their squabbles will benefit us because now they have to give us more money because the economy is so bad & the people are upset and hurting.

Having said all that, multiple psychics agree, unless you are paying bills, purchasing precious metals, purchasing food, medicines, & other necessary supplies SAVE YOUR MONEY.
T. W. said…
I don’t agree with everything this YouTuber says but she makes excellent points in this video:

That Time They Told You the AntiChrist Came in 2000
T. W. said…
Friends, as many of you know my senior thesis was about accounting in the recording industry. Everything Kanye is saying is true:

Twitter Bans Kanye West for Sharing Journalist’s Phone Number


The ban came after Kanye went on a tweeting rampage over the past few days that including a video of himself urinating on a Grammy Award and posting screenshots of his recording contract.

On Wednesday, Kanye shared a screenshot of a phone number belonging to Forbes magazine chief content officer Randall Lane. He wrote: "If any of my fans want to call a white supremacist... this is the editor of Forbes."


The father of four also complained about his recording contract.

"90% of the record contracts on the planet are still on a royalty A standard record deal is a trap to NEVER have you recoup, and there’s all these hidden costs like the ‘distribution fees’ many labels put in their contracts to make even more money off our work without even trying."


According to Showbiz411, Kanye received a $12 million advance in 2012 for his 2013 album Yeezus - that went on to sell just 609,000 copies in 7 years.
T. W. said…
Yeezus! Kanye West Received $12 Million Advance for 2013 Album That Has Sold Only 609,000 Copies in Seven Years
T. W. said…

Priest details inhumane conditions at private prison in Georgia where whistleblower reported medical abuse


A priest who works to support immigrants detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement at a private facility in Georgia says a whistleblower’s account of medical abuse there – including hysterectomies performed without proper consent – is supported by her own interactions with the detainees


The aspect of the complaint that has received the most attention is the report of unusually high rates of hysterectomies performed on detainees, many of whom did not fully understand why the procedure was done or were given conflicting descriptions of what would be done to them, raising a host of ethical concerns.


With limited access to the facility and only anecdotal reports, it was difficult for Culbreath and other advocates to act until Wooten came forward with detailed descriptions of what she witnessed as a nurse. Wooten reported that the detention center sends women to a particular gynecologist outside the facility, and “everybody he sees has a hysterectomy — just about everybody.”

T. W. said…

Priest details inhumane conditions at private prison in Georgia where whistleblower reported medical abuse


Culbreath visits detainees, building relationships and accompanying them through the tedious and difficult immigration process. Over the years, the detainees have shared their accounts of the “dehumanizing” conditions with her.

“The conditions are abysmal. It’s crowded. It’s dirty,” Culbreath told ENS. She mostly meets with detainees in a separate visiting area, but she has toured the facility and seen the conditions firsthand.

“You’d have 100 women in an open, two-story dorm with maybe four toilets, four shower nozzles, drinking fountains. They don’t even give them water cups. They have to buy those from the commissary if they want a cup for drinking water.”

The meals consist of poor-quality processed foods, with meat once a week and very few fresh vegetables or fruit, detainees have told her. Sometimes there are bugs in the food. Solitary confinement is used for punishment. And the conditions have only worsened since the COVID-19 pandemic hit, she said.

“This place is not equipped for humans,” one detainee was quoted as saying in the complaint.

Even before COVID-19, serious medical problems were being reported. Detainees have reported being denied crucial, life-saving medications and access to a doctor for weeks – even when they are obviously sick and in pain. Wooten said other nurses routinely shredded detainees’ requests for medical care without evaluating them and falsified medical records to avoid providing care. And COVID-19 has magnified the systemic medical abuse and neglect, the complaint says. Wooten and detainees report that staff often refuse to test detainees who have symptoms of COVID-19, do not properly quarantine new arrivals and have not provided sufficient personal protective equipment. Staff are also instructed to work even if they have COVID-19 symptoms – and even if they have tested positive. Dozens of detainees and employees at the detention center have tested positive, though Wooten said she believes the number to be much higher, and at least one employee has died of the virus.

Culbreath believes the motive behind the reported unnecessary hysterectomies is the financial incentive that drives the private prison industry, which is “undergirded by racism.”

“I think the profit motive is a big factor behind it,” she said. “This is a for-profit facility, and so wherever they can cut costs, they can have an exclusive contract. A doctor who has an exclusive contract with a facility like that doesn’t have a lot of accountability. The patients he or she is seeing can’t get a second opinion; they’re very vulnerable. And so one could say that there could be a motive to do more surgeries because you can bill for more surgeries.”

T. W. said…

Priest details inhumane conditions at private prison in Georgia where whistleblower reported medical abuse


Culbreath says this is just one jarring example of the problems with private detention facilities like Irwin County Detention Center. Despite the fact that many ICE detainees have not committed any crime – many are asylum-seekers undergoing a legally sanctioned process, or they simply had expired paperwork – those in private facilities are often subjected to worse conditions than convicted prison inmates.

“It’s prison, but it’s worse than prison,” Culbreath said. “They don’t receive the kind of services that inmates in prison would receive. … Detained persons are employed by the facility for $1 a day to perform the basic functions of the facility, like cleaning.”

That’s not enough for them to buy the personal products they need or make phone calls to their families, but it can be their only option for income.

“This is another form of slavery, just as mass incarceration is,” Culbreath said.

And with detainees unable to work their shifts due to COVID-19, many of the essential tasks aren’t getting done. With little accountability and an underlying financial motive to cut costs and generate profits, conditions can deteriorate to dangerous levels.

“These facilities are cutting costs wherever they can then by employing detained persons for $1 a day instead of even $5 a day, let alone minimum wage,” Culbreath said. “But they’re getting, like, Hilton rates per day from government contracts. We’re paying for it! Taxpayers are paying for this; the corporations managing the facilities … are profiting from it.”

T. W. said…

Priest details inhumane conditions at private prison in Georgia where whistleblower reported medical abuse


But what might replace the current system, especially given the fact that many rural communities have come to rely on detention facilities as their main economic drivers? That’s where the church might come in, Culbreath said.

“You still have an immigration system. And what is the church’s role in that? And how can the church be part of transitioning rural communities that lose this?”

Whatever the solution, Culbreath sees ending inhumane detention conditions as a moral and civic imperative.

“I don’t think it’s humane to incarcerate people in those conditions, especially those who are not criminals and are not serving a sentence and are not receiving due process. So I just I think it’s fundamentally unconstitutional and also morally repugnant.”
T. W. said…
Hebrews 13:3 (New International Version)

“Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.”
T. W. said…
Leviticus 19:34 (New International Version)

“The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God.”
T. W. said…
Whistleblower alleges high rate of hysterectomies and medical neglect at ICE facility

Read the official complaint here:
T. W. said…

You have a told ya:

Some North Carolina voters receive two absentee ballots
T. W. said…
Meghan Markle to follow in Kamala Harris’ footsteps
T. W. said…
Kanye West Linked To Illuminati After Building Walls Around His Wyoming Compound
T. W. said…
For those who think The Program & conspiracies are fake, here is an article from the mainstream press. Notice the date: 2012

Chinese-Made Infant Flesh Capsules Seized in S. Korea


May 7, 2012— -- The dried flesh of dead infants appears to be the not-so-secret ingredient in a health supplement that is reportedly being smuggled out of China.

The performance-enhancement pills, touted for increasing vitality and sex drive, have been found in the luggage of tourists and in international mail, according to South Korean authorities.

They said they had confiscated nearly 17,500 of the human flesh capsules since last August, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.


Last year, the South Korean television station SBS aired a documentary that accused Chinese drug companies of collaborating with abortion clinics to produce the pills from dead fetuses.

The documentary claimed that DNA tests verified that the pills were made from powdered humans. The Chinese have so far been silent, according to the Wall Street Journal.
T. W. said…

'Human capsules' made of baby corpses,'Shock' distributed in Korea
출처 : SBS 뉴스
원본 링크 :


대체 몸보신의 끝은 어디일까요? 중국에서 죽은 아기의 시신으로 이른바 '인육' 캡슐을 만드는 충격적이고, 끔찍한 현장을 취재했습니다. 이 캡슐은 우리나라에서도 은밀히 유통되고 있습니다.
서경채 기자입니다.
출처 : SBS 뉴스
원본 링크 :
T. W. said…
South Korea Steps Up Fight Against Human Flesh Pills from China
May 7, 2012 5:52 am ET
Chick'sOpinion said…
Love all this.... Kanye's carrying on about the music industry exploiting artists.
As I said before....singer, Prince tried to stop the injustices in the music industry. So did George Michael. And to some extent so did Michael Jackson.

But Kanye is being very public spirited too about the protest. After posting his actual contracts that cover fees and Royalties. He tweeted,

'All musicians will be free'

Over a 6 hour period apparently.

I wonder if his current banning now from Twitter. Results in a successful online claim to get his Twitter account un-banned. Reinstated. By popular demand.
If so Kim won't be happy. Because she wants him off Twitter permanently.
T. W. said…

I fear Kanye will be suicided. We must pray for his safety, healing, recovery, and freedom from the Darkness.

Rumor has it Britney Spears is in danger of being suicided. The infamous blind item site claims her sisters Jamie Lynn is trolling her in public & wants that money.

Prayers for Britney Spears.

Prayers for Kanye West.
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “Only in America”

Georgia man fleeing deputies leaves behind winning lottery ticket


“Yes he will get his lottery ticket back,” the department confirmed later in a Facebook comment, “but we are keeping his methamphetamine.”
Quiet said…

We lurk the same you tube channels. I dont believe everything Raymond G says as he strongly believes Trump will win in Nov. uugghh

Janine is really digging into stuff lately especially Fridays.
T. W. said…
Hi Quiet! Great minds think alike!

As for Trump winning, I don’t know of any reputable psychic saying Biden will win. They predict one of the following:

1) Trump will win. Betsey Lewis, Joseph Tittle, and the seer who gets buried by Google predicted Trump will win last time & he will win again. Joseph Tittle said something major would have to happen for Biden to take office. He also said America will definitely riot regardless who wins & to stay home when this happens.

2) The election can’t be predicted due to human free will. Christian & the WHITE woman who likes DOVES are in this group. I want to point out the DOVE predicted Trump would become President when he ran for office a few years ago. For this election cycle, both Christian & the DOVE say that there is much corruption involved.
T. W. said…
Psychic Predictions Roundup:

1) World Psychic Predictions 2020 & Beyond —

2) Eric Leigh-Pink at World Predictions (show him some love) —

3) The WHITE woman who likes DOVEs —

4) Judy Hevenly —

5) Joseph Tittle on YouTube —


7) Tana Hoy —

8) Betsey Lewis —
Chick'sOpinion said…
And I wonder if any of these other recording artists, singers. Are going to publicly support Kanye's end exploitation of artists in the music business.
Or are they too Lilly-Livered....cowardly. To get behind Kanye. And support him. For change.
No. Most of them are too concerned about their own careers. Images.
To get behind him.
I would have thought maybe Madonna would get behind him on this.
She loves backing drama or issues. That make her look still relevant and edgy.

Pharrell Williams famously stopped himself being so screwed by Recording companies and their contracts. I think with Sony.
By really really studying and understanding the contract. And negotiating. Before he signed. And so he effectively ensured he owned his master recordings himself.
Control of his own intellectual property.
T. W. said…
Jay Z Sold Kanye West’s Masters to Get His Own Masters Back

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