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Donald Trump meet Mr Watkins Q ANON...


Chocmint33 said…
Unfortunately CD, the orange man won't speak out against QAnon. He is
too reliant on getting votes from the followers.
shamaro said…
Obviously trump is going to ramp up this topic to fight Biden. It’s a desperate move.
Sarah said…
Where exactly did you find this information CD????
T. W. said…
Chocmint33 — I agree. I also believe Trump is delusional or he intentionally refuses to live in reality.

I want to know how & why Trump is $1 Billion in debt. Maybe rasPutin gave him a loan. That would explain a lot!
T. W. said…
I don’t know what Madonna had done to her face but she looks like a space alien. See? Christian said they are already here in Earth...

Madonna debuts pink hair: The scoop on her ‘soft, pretty, perfect’ color
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “What Do You Mean This Didn’t Happen in America?” — Some guy just $h!t gold bricks:

Plane passenger caught smuggling gold nuggets in rectum to avoid taxes
T. W. said…

Teacher Decapitated Outside Paris School In Suspected Terrorist Attack
T. W. said…

... Awarded $25,000!!
T. W. said…

Pandemic, Schmandemic!!!
Lovely Libra said…
CD - thank-you so much for posting this - I WISH EVERY PERSON ON THE PLANET SEE’S THIS!!! It’s amazing to me how many otherwise intelligent people cannot see through this. CD — please — tell me if I am wrong: the Q followers WANT chaos, WANT violence - WANT our country to be divided.
T. W. said…

You do know Christian is PSYCHIC?
T. W. said…
Not only that, they are using Hunter Biden against Biden-Harris.

They also have evidence Joe was in on the Ukraine deals.

That makes no difference to me because Kamala will be running the White House. Good.
Quiet said…
I am posting this dudes name in comments of any you tube related of interest channels.

I am not on any social media platforms like twitter facebook etc but I will post watkins name in every comment related to Q that i come across on you tube.
T. W. said…
God bless you Quiet!

I understand some people here choose to read Q-Anon. All I ask is that you please be careful. My gut has always "thought" the Q is dangerous.
T. W. said…

China Finds Active Covid-19 Virus on Frozen Food Packaging
Sarah said…

CD gets some of his ‘false’ information’ from the main stream media who are owned by the Deep State, the very ones who are trying to silence any truthers about what’s really going on. I didn’t like Trump either until I watched Jessie Czebotar’s interview’s. Jessie is a Pastor and dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ. She was brought up in the Illuminati system as a child and luckily got out of it due to her faith in God and Jesus. She’s now a whistle blower working with the government and she speaks highly of Q. This guy the main stream media are trying to pin as behind Q is just a distraction so people won’t believe Q is a thing and to discredit Q. They are just trying to cover their own sick asses. This has made me question what side CD is on. If he’s really this great psychic he would know that this guy is just a distraction. Instead his obsession with Trump gets worse by the day and he’ll say just about anything to discredit Trump. Tell me something, if Trump is such a terrible person then why is he the only president who has tried to tackle child trafficking??? Jessie confirms this. She was in the tunnels as a child and saw these tunnels upfront. They are real and Trumps the only president who isn’t involved in the Child trafficking. This is what Jessie says and I believe her 💯. Yes it sounds far fetched but it’s real. Please watch Jessie Czebotars interviews then come back and tell me I’m wrong. I know your a believer TW, I can guarantee you that you will like Jessie and believe her. She’s risking her and her families lives by exposing and has absolutely no reason to lie
T. W. said…
Christian, another one of your predictions is coming to pass:

Despite A New Federal Ban, Many Renters Are Still Getting Evicted
Chocmint33 said…

Yeah I heard about that debt TW. He has been bankrupt several times. Why they say he is a good business man is beyond me.

He has bullshitted his way to the top through his big mouth, bullying tactics and deception.
Jules said…
This prediction is really dividing people.

Basically, if you hate Trump you will not question this prediction at all and take it as being the absolute truth, and if you support Trump, you will disagree with it. Whether you agree with it or not Christians prediction does throw an enormous spanner in the works and makes it all so much more interesting.

To be fair, apart from Christians prediction stating that Q is Jim Watkins, at this particular moment in time, there is absolutely no direct evidence other than assumptions and by association (posting in the 8chan messages boards) that Jim Watkins is Q. something that he himself has denied, and to be fair, given what Q is revealing I am surprised he is still alive. His son has also been accused of being Q. Q, incidentally, posted in a different message board before it moved to 8chan.

The rumours that Jim Watkins could be Q stemmed from 8chan founder Fredrick Brennan, who had rather a spectacular falling out with Jim Watkins, they were friends and former business partners, Brenan told ABC News, "If he's not 'Q' himself, he can find out who 'Q' is at any time, and he's pretty much the only person in the world that can have private contact with 'Q.' He's the only person that – through the board that 'Q' started on 8chan – can send 'Q' a direct message and get into private contact with basically the leader of this political cult that everybody wants to hear from right now."

I don't follow Q, but I have recently watched podcasts where people go over Q drops. Personally, I have yet to see anything that alarms me as in this is dangerous and I need to be careful, But then we all see things differently. To me, they are just interesting and very, very clever and I can see why millions of people think they are being posted by military personnel, especially when Q is revealing classified information, that only an insider would now. It is also true to say they ARE exposing an incredible amount of nefarious goings-on. From what I have seen and its the general consensus Q goal is to inform the public of what is going on, from what I have seen Q does not promote chaos, violence and absolutely does not want the country to be divided, hence the saying linked to JFK 'where we go one we go all.'

Time, as always, will reveal all.
T. W. said…
Thank you Chocmint33!
Chocmint33 said…

CD gets his information from his psychic messages and intuition, not from the mainstream press.

CD has always disliked Trump politically. And dislikes QAnon for genuine psychic reasons.

It is his blog. If you don't like it don't come here.

This is not a blog for your QAnon rubbish. Go find another blog that supports your crap.
Chocmint33 said…
Another thing Sarah.

Please don't insult TW's intelligence.

She has stated several times that she thinks QAnon is dangerous.

TW is open-minded, but she is not so open-minded that her brain is fulling out where she believes the QAnon con.
T. W. said…
Sarah, you asked nicely so I will answer.

1) I do not know Jesse therefore I cannot comment on her.

2) Christian is not saying human trafficking, occult rituals, The Most Dangerous Game, etc. are not real. He is saying Jim Watkins is Q-Anon and just because Watkins has provided some true information does not mean he is one of the Good Guys.

3) Has the thought ever occurred to you that the reason Jim Watkins/Q-Anon know so much is because Q is one of The Occult Elite?

4) As others and myself have pointed out numerous times, ALL groups, conspiracy or not, get infiltrated. That is how THEY gain our trust. THEY pass out true information but sneak in lies. Remember Pizza Gate? That is a good case study on how THEY infiltrate and spread disinformation to discredit the group.

5) I do not blindly believe Christian - (a) If I did then I would have to blindly follow Q-Anon and others & (b) Christian stated Tom Hanks is one of The Good Guys. I commented I did not agree and the only way I can see that is true is IF Hanks infiltrated The Occult Elite. Remember, ALL groups get infiltrated.

6) Several psychics & tarot readers have been debunking Q-Anon BEFORE Jim Watkins was outed as Q.

7) Some credible conspiracy theorists & Truthers do not believe Q-Anon is the savior Q claims to be.

8) If you have ever been on 4-Chan or 8-Chan then you would know Q-Anon spreads hatred & child porn. They incite riots. They promote cyberstalking. 4-Chan & 8-Chan members dox people they don’t like as well. These are all illegal.

9) What specific Executive Orders has Trump signed into law to combat child trafficking and human trafficking?

10) Do you remember when Trump went to England & walked in front of the Queen? One psychic who shall remain unidentified for their own safety said the Queen allowed it to signify to The Occult Elite that Trump had the goods on her. Now, if Trump wanted to abolish child/human trafficking, why not just arrest her, leak photographs, videos, etc.? Why resort to blackmail?

11) If Trump is fighting human trafficking why did he have immigrant children put into cages? Did you know that many of the people detained by ICE as a result of Trump’s mandated raids are actually in the US LEGALLY & had the documents to prove it?

12) If Trump wanted to stop human trafficking why are the detainees, adults and children, forced to sleep on floors, separated from family members, and denied medical care?

13) If Trump wanted to stop human trafficking then why hasn’t he shut down the detention center that performs medical experimentation, including forced hysterectomies on female detainees? A nurse and an Episcopal priest blew the whistle. I posted multiple links & excerpts about that story but I don’t recall anyone else commenting on it. Perhaps they prayed for the victims in private.

14) Trump is on record saying men should grab women by the pussy. He made no apologies for that. Would a wonderful human being say that & not apologize?

15) Trump is on record MULTIPLE times discussing his daughter Ivanka - how beautiful she is, how sexy she is, he would date her if she weren’t his daughter, etc. I posted MULTIPLE links to mainstream & non-mainstream video, photographs, & print interviews to back my claim he abused his daughter. She was a child in some of the disturbing photos. He even touched her in an intimate area when he went onstage to accept his election victory. That happened on live television so you can’t say it’s a deep fake.

16) Myself and others have posted links to body language experts who are on record saying Trump is definitely “inappropriate” with his daughter Ivanka.

17) Christian confirmed the abuse & said it was still happening even though she is an adult. I hear it now, “But T. W.! What adult would ‘allow’ a parent to sexually abuse them?” My response is this: ask Tatum O’Neal and Mackenzie Phillips why they “allowed” it. I’ll give you a hint: you can easily find the answer online or you can read Mackenzie’s autobiography.

Chocmint33 said…
Ooops typo - "Falling" not Fulling.
Lovely Libra said…
HRH TW — you GO GURL!!!!!!!
T. W. said…

1) Jim Watkins is a US military veteran who had a high security clearance working in IT. As a veteran myself I can tell you with absolute certainty that main current and former members of US armed forces are conspiracy theorists/Truthers.

2) Ewe T00b is removing channels that post information from or about Q drops. This is giving Q more credibility whether Q deserves it or not.

3) PLEASE be careful if you follow the Q drops. I think you live outside America. This is good because Q & his/her followers are definitely being monitored and investigated by our government.

4) Even if Jim Watkins is not Q he is still dangerous.
T. W. said…

Thank you for making me laugh out loud today!
T. W. said…
Lovely Libra

God bless you!

PS — I think all Libras are lovely!
T. W. said…

You are wise to listen to podcasts and such instead of going on 8-Chan.

Anyone going on 4-Chan or 8-Chan without using a VPN is inviting government surveillance.
Jules said…
HRH TW - Thank you for the advice, I honestly don't follow Q. I must have been living under a rock because in spite of me 'waking up' I never heard of Q until recently and Q suddenly seems to be everywhere, so intrigued I have paid a little more interest. The first I heard of Q was either in August or September, the fact that I cannot pinpoint when shows how much interest I actually took, it was through the good dog youtube channel, he was interviewing Jessie. I will readily admit, I fast-forwarded past the part where he talked about Q.(and most of the show it was 3 hours plus) but I caught enough to understand what Q was back then.

Whether you agree or not, it is intriguing, especially Twitter and Facebook censoring any discussions etc .. and I am watching this unfold.

T. W. said…
Hi Jules!

No worries, I totally understand!

I intentionally do not follow Q but sometimes bloggers or Ewe T00bers mention Q Intel.

I'm not saying the Q drops contain false information, especially since I have no clue what they say. My gut has been telling me something is not right, the same way I felt about Alex Jones & David Icke.

Alex Jones flat out said on his show he is part of the Occult Elitw yet people kept listening to him.

David Icke says he is God. Enough said.
LG said…

You do know that it was OBUMA who was the one to start putting Kids In cages not Trump. You probably believe that big Mike is female too. Oh and guess what Biden is more racist than Trump. Do your research, we know you have time to your never off this blog!
T. W. said…

If you were a frequent visitor to this blog instead of a bot you would know that:

1) I have called Michelle Obama "Michael Obama."

2) I have stated MULTIPLE times Joe Biden is racist. An argument started over that. I even made a comment about 2 weeks ago saying Biden is racist.

3) If you knew everything I wrote then you would have known all this.

4) The rest of your comment is not worthy of further analysis.
LG said…

I’m not a frequent visitor of this blog because CD is known as one of the least accurate when it comes to online psychics. I only come on here for entertainment to see what the great pretender is putting out. I feel that your beef with Trump is due to race, am I correct? I’m glad you know that Biden is more of a racist than Trump. Although most people with any common sense can confirm this, well apart from CD, he will never admit this. Oh and I’m not a bot, sorry to disappoint. Believe it or not, not all us humans worship the ground CD walks on. He is a fake, a phoney. We who have good intuition know this guy is a fake

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