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Starts this Evening.... It's going to get BUMPY...

              October 13th to Nov 3rd 2020


Heather said…
Bracing myself for this. Sending everyone love, and for you Christian. 🙏🏻❤️
Letty said…
Bumpy how?
Do tell
Kristy said…
Interesting that it goes right to the election.
Psychic Gossip said…
Think of the worst ride at a theme park x10 cdx
Jules said…
For those who are unfamiliar with Metro Retrograde, here is a link to a website called Astrologyzone that explains everything you need to know about Mercury Retrograde ..
Trigunluver said…
We’re also still in Mars Retrograde.
Mariefass said…
As a Gemini, Mercury Retrograde is when I usually run for cover from the rest of humanity. LOL.
Archi said…
Ooook So, I send love to everyone and To you Christian, and if you need me I’m in a cave I will go to sleep until November 3rd !!!!!
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah Mercury Retrograde during the US election will be an election like no other. On election day, Nov 3, it goes stationary as it prepares to go direct again. That always creates communication mishaps. That spells drama with the counting of the votes and the voting booths.

Gemini Babyfart is ruled by Mercury so he will be very affected by it. And with Mars Retrograde at the same time, the orange man will probably go red with anger and will refuse to concede defeat if he loses.

Actually the Mercury retro crap won't end until its shadow ends on November 20.

Here is a link from astrologer Jessica Adams where she explains more about Mercury retro and its shadow, and a brief summary of the type of stuff that happens during that time.

Bia said…
Poxaaaaaa!!!! Jura? Esse ano de 2020 ficará pra memória...assim espero. Venha 2021 com muita saúde!!!
Psychic Gossip said…
Poxaaaaaa !!!! Swear? This year of 2020 will be remembered ... I hope so. Come 2021 in great health !!!
Quiet said…
Perfect time to redo everything before nov 3rd so its done right after nov 3rd.
Bia said…
não escrevi xingar...deve ser o tradutor..desculpe.
T. W. said…
Oh no! I have several medical appointments that cannot he rescheduled to a later date.

It’s Mercury retrograde everyday because it was retrograde when I was born.

Mariefass, I am a Leo but my rising sign is Gemini so I need to really keep my mouth shut and I need to think 3 times before posting my comments.

Kanye and Trump are Gemini too...
T. W. said…
Thank you Trigunluver!

I hear that is a bad time to schedule medical procedures too.
T. W. said…
Thank you Archi!
T. W. said…
Thank you everyone for sharing blessings, insight & links.

I hope 2021 is significantly better because the last XX years have been an unending nightmare. Some of us got dealt a bad hand in this life.
Bia said…
Vamos Mentalizar positivismo...Pensamento é força....mesmo que não seja bom....que tenhamos equilíbrio, sabedoria pra passar por essa fase...que é uma fase, mesmo sendo ruim. Vivemos num planeta escola....Bom dia a todos!!! Falo do Brasil!!!
Psychic Gossip said…
Let's Mentalize positivism ... Thought is strength .... even if it is not good .... that we have balance, wisdom to go through this phase ... which is a phase, even if it is bad. We live on a school planet .... Good morning everyone !!! I speak of Brazil !!!
T. W. said…
Thank you Bia and Christian!

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