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Please wear MASK...


As the numbers of Covid 19 continue to rise.
As Trump and his goons play

People are & will DIE…
So let’s all wear a mask.
To show them, we reject them.


Anonymous said…
Thank you for your update Christian. Would you mind if I make a suggestion, would you consider providing a super positive update on anything or any topic you like on a regular basis. I just feel like we all need some positive hope, something to look forward to, thank you 💖
T. W. said…
Thank you Christian!


I have been thinking about you out of the blue. Please let us know how you are. I care about you.

Psychic Gossip said…
re POSITIVE I can't bloody wait to be able to do so aggghhh !!! CDX
LG said…
CD you are going to feel and look like a right pratt when Donald Trump gets another term. Looks like the tables are turning 🙌
Anonymous said…
Thank you Christian from "Positive" 😊💖
T. W. said…
Anonymous that is a great idea!
Anonymous said…
Thank you TW, just feel the world needs a massive dose of positive energy and to remember that light always overcomes the darkness 😊💖
Lucky said…
Hi everyone...CD, T.W.,

First time I am leaving a comment on this beloved blog!
Thank you, CD! For all you do.

I am working five days, wearing a mask 8-9 hrs at a stretch...since last March
And I am not even working in the medical profession...imagine what hospital workers have to endure.
I am wearing my mask going out the door straight to work, coming back wearing the mask, without taking it off during break time etc
No sweat. I’ve gotten used to it quickly... I even wear it during running/hiking. No problem. What is the problem?
I don’t want to see anymore masks under the nose, half-way pulled down the chin, etc. What a nonsense.

Apart from wearing masks, at work ( bakery) we also deal with numerous Health Department protocols to keep everyone safe.
And still we - and many essential workers- deal with abuse from customers. Highly inappropriate and about time to deal with this collectively.
It is an OUTRAGE how many people use their so-called entitlement ( attachment to ego/ego-pains) to get away with whatever, whenever and however.
This has got to stop.

Anyway, blessings to you all!
Anonymous said…
Hi CD ; I can only concur with your mask message. In my state of Victoria in Oz, we went through some very stringent lockdowns and reductions in people movement and MANDATORY masks. It wasn’t easy but we have been able to reduce the community transmission rates to very low and have not had any positive cases in my home town Geelong for over 8 weeks. It’s worth the effort to keep yourself safe and others safe. Cheers Oz Girl.
Bom dia a todos!!!
Usem máscaraaaa!!!
Eu estou há 14 dias em casa, muito gripada!!! Hoje vou fazer o exame pra saber se estou com covid!!!
Aqui no Brasil muitas pessoas não estão usando mascara!!! Eu acho um absurdo!!! Pessoas egoístas!!! Esse vírus reage de forma diferente em cada corpo. Respeitem o outro, use a máscara!!!
Aqui no Brasil é onde moro tudo voltou ao "normal. O problema é que as pessoas entram nos ônibus sem mascara, caminham na rua sem MÁSCARA!!! COMO SE SO EXISTISSEM ELAS !!!
Com essa "gripe" que estou deixei de trabalhar, pois atendo pacientes idosos, com a saúde muito debilitada!!!
Mesmo tendo todos os cuidados.

Então pessoal, cuudem- se!!!
Se alimentem bem!!!
Esqueci De dizer...acredito que depois do dia 15/11, após as eleições para Prefeito e vereador, retorne o rigor...ou seja, sempre há um interesse maior por trás. O vil $$$$ metal !! 😡
Cordelia said…
Listening to a little girl on the radio today she said "everyone deserves a bit of happiness this year". We need to listen more to our children they can teach us a lot.
Mother of an Angel said…
CD, hope you & your mom are well. What do you feel about the pandemic in January? Many on the east coast like me want to go see the upcoming historic inauguration, and need to make plans & reservations now. Will it be safe, or better for all to watch on tv from home?
positividade em atitude e nao em palavras!!!
CD é um médium, apenas entrega as informações que recebe do plano astral!!! Ser medium significa grande devedor!!! Somos mediuns e queremos nos melhorar!!!
Continue Christian!!! Bjos
T. W. said…
Hi Lucky! I'm so glad you decided to share with us!

I agree, people are wearing masks but the mask is not covering the nose and sometimes the mouth isn't covered either. Why bother? I guess these people breathe through their eyeballs.

Then when you move away from them they will move closer to you. When that happens I tell them I am in a high risk group and they need to step back. They still do not care.

People still shopping despite the fact that in my state masks are mandatory.

I had to buy food. People were standing around talking, coughing, and sneezing with no mask on. Do you think I bought anything from that aisle of the store? Nope.

I began wearing masks last year for health reasons. People made fun of me but I kept my cool. I said, "One day they will be sorry they laughed at me for wearing a mask." We all know what happened after that.

I get laughed at for watching conspiracy videos & going to certain blogs. Well, when January 2020 came I was purchasing toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc. in bulk. Today is November 11, 2020 and I still have some of those supplies. Meanwhile people who pointed and laughed at me because I purchase toilet paper in bulk to begin with were scrambling for toilet paper earlier this year while I had more than enough to share with several relatives.

I really need the N95, K95, etc. because my throat swells when I smell scents or when I come into contact with smoke from any source. But they are hard to find and when you find them the cost is outrageous. So I wear cloth masks and paper masks. I need to sew some. I have a sewing machine and fabric but I am exhausted. I'll feel better after surgery. Hopefully they can do it before The Plague drains resources.

In summary, people need to get real because Karma is making visitations and doling out payments this year.
T. W. said…
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Can Your Employer Force You to Get a Covid-19 Vaccine?
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Clare said…
I know you mean well CD but your spreading fear. This is just another type of flu virus that has a 99% survival rate. Let get this into prospective shall we. This plandemic has been put out there to control the masses and for big pharma to make billions, if you haven’t realized that by now then your catching on really late. Now they want to use us like lab rats to try out their vaccine, a vaccine that only took months to make, that alone should make you question what the real agenda is behind all of this. Oh and by the way I’m not anti-Vax, just anti-stupid.
Anonymous said…
Claire the spread rate of C-19 is 3x of the normal flu. It’s also have a longer recovery rate and causes vascular damage. So there will be long term effects. CD isn’t scare mongering. People needs to be extremely cautious. You are now all going through your second and third waves. Agree the vaccine will be interesting as they only have so far been able to give 3 to 6 months cover. CD is doing the right thing providing people with the right information. Girl from Oz

Anonymous said…

I don’t know which illness you have.
I’m far away.
but I wish you from the bottom of
my heart that you will get well
as soon as possible.
There are a lot of humans
who are with you.

T. W. said…

Thank you!
T. W. said…

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
T. W. said…

Influenza does not cause the following:

Lung failure requiring a lung transplant

Cognitive decline (dementia)

Mental illness

Heart damage

Testicle problems

Loss of ability to walk

A severe, incurable illness in children similar to Kawasaki disease

Do you know what causes all of those?


Did you know COVID-19 is also sexually transmitted? The virus is found in human male seminal fluid after the men have recovered.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 11:19 am

I thank you and everyone who cares.

Some problems are related to my military service. Some problems are due to a tick-borne illness. Some problems are still a mystery.
Jules said…
For those who are interested, and everyone should be, here is a link to the World Health Organisations leaflet on what they know (so far) in regards to the long term effects of COVID 19 published in September of this year.

Just for the fun it, from the CDC, the Centres of Disease Control and Prevention, the differences etc between the Flu and COVID=19
Jules said…
Came across a David Icke video on the COVID 19, he, and his son, its a father-son interview, are claiming there is no virus ... it's worth a listen because to be fair, he does make some very interesting and valid points.

T. W. said…

Thank you so much. You remind us that each side makes valid points.

God bless you!
T. W. said…
If the virus is just a bad flu then why are THEY so desperate to get everyone vaccinated???

Food stamps, rent assistance may be withheld from those who refuse Covid-19 vaccinations
T. W. said…
Over 130 Secret Service agents isolating amid White House COVID-19 outbreak
T. W. said…


1) If you had read all my comments you would have known I did all my research before I voted.

2) Other people voted for Biden-Harris

3) I am not God

4) The New World Order has been here for decades. The AntiChrist has not taken power because other things must happen first

5) Jesus can’t come back until the AntiChrist comes into power. You should be thrilled Jesus is coming soon.
T. W. said…

I don’t appreciate the fist emoji.

Christian, can you please delete Marie’s comment. I’m asking because of the fist emoji, not because of what she said.

Thank you.

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