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THE WAR Alexandra Grant v TRUTH...


 As I posted earlier.

Won this round.

Won against JOHNNY DEPP.


Will lose against JOHNNY DEPP…

Will lose too.



Archi said…
Thanks for this update Christian ! We hope so ! We hope Karma is working...
Girlygirl said…
Let's see. Looks like Keanu is being a dick and supporting her. I really am sick of the whole thing. She is pure evil. You can feel it.
Anonymous said…
Dear Christian, Keanu... he has been supporting and paying for all the expenses of Grant. He has made all this possible for her, it was Keanu who sacrificed Catherine for Grant! Keanu is not a good human, Christian!!! He is the sleazy devil who uses women for soulless s*x only and fakes this PR relationship with this evil b*tch for all this time... just to promote himself... !! I am so disgusted by Keanu that I am praying that he will face the worst consequences there are. And that his heart breaks so much that he will not recover! My faith in the existence of good people, of the good in this world is broken because of Keanu... may he suffer in this world in all public before he gets the pay check in the afterlife, burning in hell for his evil deeds... Thanks for listening, dear Christian. I hope you and your loved ones stay safe during these crazy Covid times.
Poderosa oração ao Arcanjo Miguel de 21 dias!

Eu apelo ao Cristo para acalmar os meus medos e para apagar todos os mecanismos de controle externos, que possam interferir com esta cura.
Eu apelo ao meu Eu Superior para que feche a minha aura e estabeleça um canal Crístico para os propósitos da minha cura, para que só as Energias Crísticas possam fluir até mim. Não se poderá fazer qualquer outro uso deste canal que não seja para o fluxo de Energias Divinas. Agora, apelo ao Arcanjo Miguel para que sele e proteja completamente esta sagrada experiência.
Agora apelo ao Círculo de Segurança da 13ª dimensão para que sele, proteja e aumente completamente o escudo de Miguel Arcanjo, assim como para que remova qualquer coisa que não seja de natureza Crística e que exista atualmente dentro deste campo.
Agora apelo aos Mestres Ascensos e aos meus amparadores crísticos, para que removam e dissolvam completamente, todos e cada um dos implantes e as suas energias semeadas, parasitas, armas espirituais e dispositivos de limitação auto-impostos, tanto conhecidos como desconhecidos.
Uma vez completado este trabalho, apelo pela completa restauração e reparação do meu campo de energia original, e que seja infundido com a energia dourada de Cristo.
EU SOU livre! EU SOU livre! EU SOU livre!
EU SOU livre! EU SOU livre! EU SOU livre!
EU SOU livre!
Eu, o ser conhecido como (dizer o nome completo) nesta encarnação em particular, por este meio, revogo e renuncio a todos e cada um dos compromissos de fidelidade, votos, acordos e/ou contratos de associação que já não servem ao meu Bem Supremo, celebrados nesta vida, em vidas passadas, em vidas paralelas, em todas as dimensões, períodos de tempo e localizações.
Eu, agora, ordeno a todas as entidades, organizações e associações a mim ligadas por esses contratos, que cessem e desistam, e que abandonem o meu campo de energia, Agora e para Sempre, de forma retroativa, levando todos os seus artefatos, dispositivos e energias semeadas.
Renuncio também a tudo aquilo que em mim oferece resistência, dificulta ou impede a materialização e a realização plena dos dois decretos anteriores, agradecendo às Hierarquias de Cristo e da Luz, por todo o trabalho que em mim realizaram, por todo o trabalho que estão a realizar neste mesmo instante, e por tudo aquilo que irão fazer nesse sentido.
Para assegurar isto, eu agora apelo ao Sagrado Espírito SHEKINAH para que seja testemunha da dissolução de todos os contratos, dispositivos e energias semeadas que não honram a Deus. Isto inclui todas as alianças e seres que não honram a Deus como Pai Supremo. Ademais, eu agradeço ao Espírito Santo por “testemunhar” a libertação completa de tudo o que infringe a vontade de Deus. Eu declaro isto adiante e retroativamente. Que assim seja.
Eu agora volto a garantir a minha Aliança com Deus e entrego-me ao domínio do Cristo em mim, e volto a dedicar todo o meu Ser, o meu corpo físico, mental, emocional e espiritual à vibração de Cristo, desde este momento em diante e de forma retroativa.
Mais ainda, dedico a minha vida, o meu trabalho, tudo o que penso, digo e faço à vibração de Cristo e também todas as coisas no meu ambiente, que ainda me servem.
Por conseguinte, dedico o meu Ser à minha própria mestria e ao caminho da ascensão, tanto do planeta Terra como o meu em particular.
Tendo declarado tudo isto, eu agora autorizo ao Cristo e ao meu próprio Eu Superior para que façam as mudanças necessárias na minha vida para acomodar e materializar esta nova dedicação, e peço ao Espírito Santo que testemunhe isto também.
Eu agora declaro isto a Deus. Que seja escrito no Livro da Vida. Que assim seja. Graças a Deus.
Eu, decididamente, declaro ao Universo, à Mente de Deus e a cada ser Nela contido, a todos os lugares onde tenha estado, a todas as experiências das quais tenha participado, e a todos os seres que necessitam desta cura, por mim conhecidos ou desconhecidos: qualquer coisa mal resolvida e desarmônica que se mantenha entre nós, eu agora curo e perdoo.
Eu agora apelo ao Santo Espírito Shekinah, ao Senhor Metatron, ao Senhor Maitreya e a Saint Germain para que ajudem e testemunhem esta cura. Eu os perdoo por tudo o que necessite ser perdoado entre eles e eu. Eu peço-lhes que me perdoem, por tudo o que necessite ser perdoado entre eles e eu.
Aqui e agora, eu perdoo-me a mim próprio por tudo o que necessite ser perdoado nesta vida, e por tudo o que necessite ser perdoado e entre as minhas encarnações passadas e o meu Eu Superior.
Estamos agora coletivamente curados e perdoados, curados e perdoados, curados e perdoados.
Todos estamos agora elevados ao nosso Ser Crístico. Nós estamos plenos e rodeados com o amor dourado de Cristo. Nós estamos plenos e rodeados da dourada Luz de Cristo. Nós somos livres de todas as vibrações de dor, medo, culpa e ira, da 3a e 4a dimensões. Todos os cordões e laços psíquicos unidos a essas entidades, dispositivos implantados, contratos ou energias semeadas, estão agora removidos e curados.
Eu agora apelo a Saint Germain para que transmute e retifique, com a Chama Violeta, todas as minhas energias que me foram tiradas e, agora, as retorne a mim no seu estado purificado.
Uma vez que estas energias regressaram a mim, eu integralmente determino, com todo o meu Ser, que esses canais através dos quais se drenava minha energia sejam dissolvidos completamente. Eu agradeço ao Senhor Metatron por nos libertar das cadeias da dualidade. Que o selo do Domínio de Cristo seja colocado sobre mim. Eu agradeço ao Espírito Santo por testemunhar este ato, e atestar que isto se cumpra. E assim é.
Eu agora expresso a minha profunda gratidão a Cristo por estar sempre comigo, e pela cura de todas as minhas feridas e cicatrizes. Eu agora expresso a minha profunda gratidão ao Arcanjo Miguel por me ter marcado com o seu selo, de modo a que eu seja protegido para sempre das influências que me impedem de fazer a vontade do nosso Criador Supremo.
Assim É! Eu dou graças a Deus, aos Mestres Ascensos, aos Anjos e Arcanjos, e a todos os outros que participaram neste ato de cura e elevação contínua do meu Ser!
Santo, Santo, Santo é o Senhor Deus do Universo!
(“Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth”)
T. W. said…
Christian already explained why Keanu helps hAG with her housing and such. She truly needs the help. Why hate Keanu for helping a person who is truly in need?

I wonder if Keanu’s food & drink have been poisoned or “tampered” with. Dark Arts practitioners often mess with another person’s food. Especially when the target is a romantic interest.

Don’t laugh:

My mom once told us a Dark Arts practitioner victim ate some food & died. The victim’s belly was full of snakes. Mom was serious, these were literal snakes.
Unknown said…
I believe you Christian.. I m here reading your posts for a reason, that reason makes me feel that you're right
A Deer said…
Christian Dion is very accrete in his predictions, as he does have abilities in seeing things and events.

I am here mainly because I read his past predictions about Keanu Reeves back in May and June, 2020; I myself had my own "Grant" to deal with, it happened to me suddenly and was very toxic, so I know it is hard for Keanu Reeves to deal with Grant.

I believe what Christian Dion said about Keanu Reeves, he will be able to get rid of his toxic relationship with Grant in the future.

Please continue to pray for Keanu and his fans and send them positive energy for them to heal.

Bom dia!!!
As vezes fico chocada com alguns comentários postados aqui!!!
Mesmo que os comentários sejam de um anônimo ou seja "brincadeira". Não acho legal!!!
Comentários desejando o mal do outro, como se fôssemos 100% perfeitos!!
Mas enfim, somos livres !!!

Fiquem na paz!!!
little bee said…

Anonymous said…
To Anonymous 12:26 AM
I’m a woman who loves Keanu more than my life. I don’t care how crazy this sounds. I would do anything to save him but I also know that he can only save himself. If I can be patient you can also be and If I don’t wish A. G. such a bad things like you wish for Keanu than you can also be still and wait. Your words are disgusting and they make me mad a lot. Do you know what you doing with these words to him and for yourself , they will back to you... karma is for real. I really wish you all the best an please just stop... you don’t know what is behind all this. You would know only if you are A.G.
T. W. said…

Good Morning!!!
Sometimes I am shocked by some comments posted here !!!
Even if the comments are anonymous or "joke". I don't think it's cool !!!
Comments wishing the other's evil, as if we were 100% perfect !!
But anyway, we are free !!!
Desculpe a todos!!!
Escrevo em português!
Sou brasileira!
Quando leio as postagens aqui, as configurações traduzem automaticamente é eu as vezes fico confusa também, assim como vocês ESTRANGEIROS COMO EU!
Obrigada TW pela sua gentileza em traduzir, infelizmente não falo inglês.
Mesmo sendo uma pessoa com boa cultura!
T. W. said…

Sorry everyone !!!
I write in Portuguese!
I am Brazilian!
When I read the posts here, the settings translate automatically and I sometimes get confused too, just like you FOREIGNERS LIKE ME

Thank you TW for your kindness in translating, unfortunately I don't speak English.
Even being a person with a good culture!
T. W. said…
Charlene Roberts said…
Can I say something?

Thank you TW, Archi, and Little Bee 🐝

I am older than her; I feel perhaps? Eternity old .

My communities once said, Char has a positive energy to mind expansion.

Thank you for verification.
hi TW, I can write in English, using the translator, but will it be good? I'm taking a test... See if you can understand? Bjs
T. W. said…
Hi Artemisia!

I understood you just fine. Google translate is not perfect but a native speaker can understand the translated text.
Anonymous said…
Can I say as I read through all the predictions and comments, sometimes you have to stay with someone that is not nice, down right mean and threatening, actually abusive to you ( mentally or physically or both)..... because circumstances don't allow you to walk away at the moment. It is not that you are not aware, it is not that it does not kill you when the abuse happens over and over for the simplist things and that you are made to feel like nothing more than the gunk at the bottom of the barrel. But there are reasons MORE THAN YOURSELF you must stay at the moment and there is nothing you can do about it but plan your escape but know it is not NOW because others would be hurt and you put others before yourself. YOU come last.
However, the same time you can't live every minute while you are TRAPPED in this long term situation miserable. You must keep living especially for the sake of the loved one you are protecting and need help with. You need to smile, have fun, carry one with life inside the walls of the trap/prison. (this is how the concentration camp survivors made it to freedom) So dont be too hard on a man who let a relationship evolve into something he never saw coming and now must learn a way to endure until the escape, so others do not get hurt. Please I know this from living not be so hard on the circumstances you see. A life must still be lived, a smile must still be smiled, a moment must still be enjoyed until the escape. You can't stop living in the trap. Protecting and caring for the people you love always comes before the ONE (YOURSELF). But the ONE still has A life.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 9:20 PM

So true! ❤️
little bee said…
Thank you so much for your translation.
So kind of you. HUG.

For all doubters, I totally get your discouragement and anger.
But please have faith. And give no harm either to AG or Keanu.
Karma is working on its own term. If AG truly is a bad person, as many predicted, which I have no idea it is true or not, Keanu’s guardian angels will protect him.

I dare not say AG is an evil, she may just help her long time friend to get through some difficult time as his “companion”.
If so, accusing her is not a good karma since we do not have any evidence to back up our accuses.
I give her a benefit of the doubt.

For Keanu, he is just a man. He can make mistakes just like us. Be more compassionate and give him space to think.
It is not wrong at all for him to have a relationship even with a wrong person.
It can happen to anyone.

I still firmly believe he has The One who is not AG. CD already predicted that The One is a woman of good deeds. The light and happiness that he has been waiting for his whole life. Nobody can denies their destinies.
If his current path is leading HIM to HER so let this be.

Bless you all.

very well written @little bee, may he find the love of his life!.

thanks @TW.
T. W. said…
Little bee, Charlene Roberts, & Artemisia

You are welcome!
Charlene Roberts said…
PS. Archi.

I am Chinese, British, Portuguese, Scottish, Irish, Dutch, and Italian

You perhaps? Brasil? You are keyed on. Wink!

n said…

@ 2:49 - It has a real genuine need of help to its idea of power money 'fame' , help to use abuse damage hate others. To pimp out its victim. .
While true many go unhelped.
Anonymous said…
That girl is his TF. They wiil meet in the beginning of 2020. She is much younger but her soul is older thah his. She will help him to see the light
Archi said…
@Charlene hi there ! No I’m not from south or North America, I am from a Mediterranean country.
Anonymous said…

Hello to all of you!
Some questions:

1) hag wants to get to Lana W.?
Is she using K. to get to Lana W.?
Is she using K.'s girlfriend status for do not upset Lana W.'s wife?
Does she want Lana W. sexually or does she want to use her?

2) if hag is so dangerous in magical practices, why did she ask RO in court?

Thanks in advance for replies...
Anonymous said…
Dear Christian and everyone on this blog, Sometimes good people who are pure hearted, genuine and loyal are often taken advantage of and end up being emotionally trapped. These people wish to see only the good in others and when negative aspects of people present themselves, these pure hearted ones tend to want to help these people more. I believe Keanu is pure hearted, that he has seen the negatives aspects of AG’s soul, but has hoped he could make a difference. Unfortunately these pure hearted people are too loyal for their own good and are often left feeling exhausted, used and betrayed. I have seen Keanu out and about when he was filming the Matrix 2 & 3 in Sydney Australia in 2002. He was alone, very quite and appeared humble, there was no entourage he was just by himself not looking to draw any attention to himself whatsoever. Keanu is a good man, pure hearted and is too loyal to the wrong people. I hope he meets the woman who matches and compliments his sole, I know she is waiting for him. Blessings to all ��
Unknown said…
Dear Christian, For some reason i dont understand i feel a connection to Keanu. I couldnt even remember his name a year ago. I never met him and not sure i ever will. I feel that he is getting something out of this, whatever it is with her. She is unconventional and i think he maybe too. Either she knows something about him orthey both do not lead a traditional life and that is what he is getting from her. Something just feels out of the ordinary with both of them. This is not a judgement, but an observation. I wish him happiness whatever that looks like to him. Thank you for your posts and predictions!
Latina said…
Eu queria agradecer-lhe muito a oraçao ao Arcanjo Miguel.Estou orando a ele e acho que vai me ajudar muito.Obrigada por compartilha-la.
I wanted to thank you for the prayer to Archangel Michael.l think it's going to help me a lot.
Thanks for share it.
Latina said…
little bee
it's always nice to read your comments.Nice words.
Anonymous at 6:45 pm
l guess you mean they will meet in the beginning of 2021,right? let's hope they finally meet each other and be happy at once.Xoxo.
Anonymous said…
Charlene Roberts said…

Nice I have a reculate? Water perhaps? Very nice.

Lols 😂

Thank you kind, Take care.
Anonymous said…
To "girls"...

"That girl is his TF. She is much younger but her soul is older thah his. She will help him to see the light", why don't you help him from now? You read much of sh.. here about him and don't do nothing. Neither AG, his "girlfriend", reading everything here but does not defend her "boyfriend".

Anonymous said…
1) He and his married couple will marry very fast 2) He will make it perfect and very committed. 3) She is his GODDESS 4) THEY WILL WORK TOGETHER IN THEIR PROJECTS 5) The media will never know about this marriage (very quiet) 6) They both will shyaway from the spotlight (very private couple) 7) It will happen around year 2022.
Good afternoon @Latina. I also really like this prayer of Archangel Michael !!!
Great to know it's doing you good. Bjs
Latina said…
Thanks my dear.Have a nice day you too.
Anonymous at 7:34 PM
wow,that sounds great,but what you mean with she's his goddess? and he will be faithful?(many people say he has many lovers) and lastly they'll work together?? so she must be an actress or someone in the showbiz? I hope I haven't made many questions :D but what you say sounds very interesting.xoxo
Anonymous said…
unfortunately he's destined to live alone. Why? Bad karma. His true Lilith in Capricorn in 5 th house. Absolute loneliness; doubts about knowledge
These people are afraid of failure and they are very responsible. When they start doing something, they want to finish it at all cost. They feel that in order to manage everything they do they have to put their feelings aside. They often seem cold and reserved.
Ambiguous attitude to motherhood; rejection of love life; difficulties in parenthood.
Serene river said…
To Anonymous November 20, 2020 at 4:18 PM,
According to Keanu's birth time is 5.41 am or 5.18 am by, his Lilith is still in Sagittarius in 4th house. KR's birth chart indicates that his soulmate planets are Neptune in 3rd house and Jupiter in 9th house.The possibility can be he has 2 soulmates to choose or can be one soulmate who has characteristic of these planets. However it is his freewill to choose to be alone.
Latina said…
Thanks Selene for your insight.Is any astrologue on board here? that want to give more data about his natal chart? I think the astrology is very interesting.
Anonymous said…
But how many TFs does Keanu have? - one is married now?, another is very young (with an old soul)?, another else with 3 children, then...?

Tip for those who said that Keanu's TF is a fire sign ... Example: 1967's birth year has a fire sign, so the 1967's "girls" waging war on Keanu, you could be his TF...

Neptune and Jupiter together are the planets of the sign of Pisces…
Anonymous said…
AG does not defend the "boyfriend", so she is not Kenau's TF.
Anonymous said…
Not everyone has a twin flame. Twin flames are a craze now. Every one does NOT have a twin flame. Only Starseeds and Lightworkers are twin flames. They have a higher mission to come to Gaia (Earth) to bring awareness and raise the vibration of themselves and Gaia into a higher consciousness for the great awakening. Twin flames will trigger each other to heal their shadows (wounds) until they are healed and achieve inner union and union with God Source. You will only come into union with your twin flame in your final lifetime. He knows who his twin flame is and is awakened. Let him be and stop giving power to that person (AG) by focusing on her!
Latina said…
anonymous at 8:07pm
I read that a person can have many soulmates but only one TF but I'm not an expert in this subject,I'm just learning.Also I think that the person he'll marry-'his married couple'-it's also the 'old soul'.They'r the same TF,that's how I understood at least.
little bee said…
@Anonymous 8.07 pm
1967 girl is CARRIE ANN MORSE. Their “synastry” charts are amazing. She could be a perfect muse for Keanu. Spiritual yet fiery. Very feminine yet strong.
Too bad she had already been taken by a great man.

KR’s astrology chart shows a very romantic side of him. When he commits he will do everything right, in the most traditional way possible.
He is SOOO sensitive, spiritual, introvert and psychic.

His true soulmates, as our Anonymous said before, he has 2 choices.
Both are great women. And both are from different country. One is a near country, English speaking. Another one is from s faraway land.

His destined wife is a woman of higher knowledge. Spiritual. She has been through so much pain and loss in her life.
He will feel so familiar with her since the first sight. Like a huge magnetic pull. She will remind him of his sister or his mom.
She may work on communication field, writing / speaking / teaching. It may be about psychology, therapy or something about crisis management or transformation of some kind. Or else she can be a professor/lecturer of either arts or finance. (More finance than arts because it is Jupiter in Taurus).

They have strong and intense psychic telepathy to each other. May dream of each other long before they finally meet.
They will meet via traveling. Either she or he travels across the countries or continents to meet.
Their marriage will be full of romance, joy and abundance.

Her age will be around him or at least looks age-appropriate because both of his partner planets are big planets. Neptune in Scorpio snd Jupiter in Taurus.
To have age gap you need the combination of Saturn/Capricorn or Mercury/Gemini+Virgo.

All info is from his natal birth chart.

I don’t buy 5.18 am chart because he would be so outrovert and outrageous. 5.41 upto 5.55 resonate his real personality and life events.

Latina said…
littl bee
Thank you so much for the explanation.I think I'm going to start studying astrology,you can decipher many life's events studying/watching the stars.
Anonymous said…
To sweet "little bee":

There are more "anonymous" here...

What is the talk about a married woman? To another man?

Do you know who are the 2 soulmates great women? - CARRIE ANN MORSE is one of them? - is married, has children and maybe of old soul...

Another one?
Anonymous said…
Little bee...

If you "buy" 5.18 am, where is his partner's Jupiter and his Jupiter?
Anonymous said…
How do you see these combinations?

Moon in Virgo - Moon in Cancer
Venus in Aries - Venus in Cancer
Mars in Scorpio - Mars in Cancer
Jupiter in Cancer - Jupiter in Taurus
North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio - North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius
Lilith in Aries - Lilith in Sagittarius

Thanks in advance, sweet little bee...
Latina said…
anonymous at 9:36

you forgot to add that Carrie-Ann is from a near,English speaking country :) I always thought they had an amazing chemistry beyond professional.Maybe she's one of his soulmates! (too bad she's taken by other man)
Little bee said…
@9.36 CAM is his natural partner according to the astrology of “SYNASTRY”. She has Virgo and Cancer in her chart even she is A Leo with Leo rising.(She said it herself in her youtube channel)

@9.44 Thanks for asking good astrology question.

Keanu said it himself he is a VIRGO RISING not sun sign but asc sign : he knows astrology for sure) )which means he is a Virgo Sun with Virgo on his Ascendant (the time and place he was born.) Therefore no matter what time and place of birth he is VIRGO ASC. and that puts his soulmate wife into PISCES. And since he is Virgo asc it will put his destined wife to be NEPTUNE IN SCORPIO IN 3rd HOUSE and JUPITER IN TAURUS IN 9th house.


That is AG’s birth data.
In the synastry shows that she is “his partner by nature”. Sun/Moon tie in double whammy. Her planets are in his partner house(7th).
So I don’t doubt why she becomes his business partner for a decade.

But their personality clash a lot. I mean A LOT. She is bold, daring, loud, controlling and a GO-GETTER (it is her nature, no faults from her).
He is sensitive, sentimental, shy and a spiritualist. She is “in your face” and he is “a retreat into his cave”.
They must put up with each other a lot or a lot of compromise to have a long term relationship.

Besides, there is no intense love shown in the synastry.
Sun/Moon is a husband/wife aspect but not LOVE.

For LILITH, the mainstream astrology will cast it out. The problem about the postmodern astro enthusiasts are they are too much preoccupied with asteroids to the point they lose sight of the crucial criteria such ad 10 planets and 12 houses.
Good afternoon!!!
I found these astrology questions very interesting.
twice they read my birth chart and I didn't like it. Anyway. I find it a very interesting subject, but I find it very difficult to understand the graphics. I prefer my tarot cards - easier rs
Now about loneliness or being alone - for me these are two completely different situations.
I believe that we are never alone! We always have God, Jeus, our angels and spiritual friends who listen to us.

But anyway, for me it's still worth the following:
"It takes love to be able to pulse"
I hope that Keanu finds his "flame", his girl !!
May you be very very happy!
Our @ little bee, you are very knowledgeable in this subject ein. I think it is beautiful!!
Anonymous said…

To Little Bee...
No, That is not AG’s birth data...

"unknown time of birth" This data is right for Keanu?

Moon in Virgo - Moon in Cancer
Venus in Aries - Venus in Cancer
Mars in Scorpio - Mars in Cancer
Jupiter in Cancer - Jupiter in Taurus
Saturn in Pisces - Saturn in Pisces
Uranus in Virgo - Uranus in Virgo
Neptune in Scorpio - Neptune in Scorpio
Pluto in Virgo - Pluto in Virgo
North Node in Taurus,South Node in Scorpio - North Node in Gemini,South Node in Sagittarius
Lilith in Aries - Lilith in Sagittarius
Chiron in Pisces - Chiron in Pisces
Anonymous said…
I have a question,if birthdate is not even near... what you all are thinking (8 :am-
And how about heart stops and restarts( Is this death and rebirth)
Is this changing anything..?
Only asking,
speculations ?
Anonymous said…
To Little Bee...
Sorry, here is written better, thank you!

This data for Keanu with "unknown time of birth" (because in comparison below the time of birth is unknown):
Sun in Virgo
Moon in Cancer
Venus in Cancer
Mercury in Virgo
Mars in Cancer
Jupiter in Taurus
Saturn in Pisces
Uranus in Virgo
Neptune in Scorpio
Pluto in Virgo
North Node in Gemini, South Node in Sagittarius
Lilith in Sagittarius
Chiron in Pisces

Other person with "unknown time of birth":
Sun in Pisces
Moon in Virgo
Venus in Aries
Mercury in Pisces
Mars in Scorpio
Jupiter in Cancer
Saturn in Pisces
Uranus in Virgo
Neptune in Scorpio
Pluto in Virgo
North Node in Taurus, South Node in Scorpio
Lilith in Aries
Chiron in Pisces

Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Latina said…
a reborn soul sound so negative. Maybe you should find another way of distracting yourself,a one that doesn't bring you so much negativity instead of being reading this blog try with something else. (I'm not trying to tell you what to do but you really sound sooo pessimistic)
Matrixa said…
A reborn soul^ I agree with you about no family, friends or relatives It is sad all his women are also nothing and women were not
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
To a reborn soul I still doubt that he would marry the hag. He loved his money too much and knows that haggy is a gold digger. He wont give in because he worked hard for that money and probably retire sooner. He would continue promoting her until he retires and thats the way I see it.
Sahilah said…

Saw a post that K is back at LA, with the hag, unfortunately.

Pray all is well.

Latina said…
what a sad new :(
A Reborn Soul
I really hope you get better,blessings.
Anonymous said…
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Psychic Gossip said…
A Soul reborn NO need to remove your comments CDx
Anonymous said…
Yeah theyve met with Robert Longo. Yes, theyre body language says they are not lovers. They are still not sync with each other. I do hope that Keanu Reeves would have a conscience on what he had done with K Parker. Its almost December now and its time for him to reflect on things. He is human but he needs to be more human and to do the right thing. The truth will set him free.
Anonymous said…
@ Reborn soul...

Which FAKE fans do you talk about? - “A real fan is a person who exhibits ADMIRATION for somebody, such as a celebrity”.
Those who judge, offend and commit psychological violence are NOT fans, they are just scammers which use:
1)The bad karma (because of past) and a mental illness of Ms. Parker: 2) Fans cheated by scammers on fan-pages.
About RO you should talk with A. Grant.
If Ms. Parker doesn't stalk, NOTHING happens, what is this concern? – Why you don’t ask your “many educated friends”?
Ms. Parker should stay out of troubles.
The best thing is to confess WHO used her and pray a lot, but are you afraid that she talk about you?
You consider us all so stupid!
Lory said…
what ag business partner if he is sitting on his money? cd claimed she was in love. one of his bunch of women and ag has enjoyed the privilege of many years / vacationing abroad with him body language nothing
Anonymous said…
The crime of stalking and psychological violence are committed to this day against Keanu and Tiger Chan by the same people in social networks.
Crimes of psychological violence must not be tolerated as they cause damage.
Whoever commits the crimes of psychological violence must be punished.
The harassment of Keanu is still committed today even HERE (Reborn soul is the person who changes names, but not the conduct).
The guilty must be legally punished, ethically forgiven and helped to see the divine light.
If also this comment won’t published, then I will be sure that Cristian Dion defends these who commits the crimes of psychological violence against Keanu e Tiger Chan.

Latina said…
anonymous at 1:48am
Amen.100% agree.Let's hope KParker get over this misadventure and go on with her life leaving the bad moments behind.
A Soul Reborn
sorry if I was rude in my first comment to you.My apologies,it wasn't my intention.
Anonymous said…
How false some people are ...
Sahilah said…
Um, @CD, why there's still anonymous posts?

Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Lory said…
Yes! Reeves and AG are very deceitful as well as the whole Reeves family, Patrician Karina and other workers of darkness and their inadequate fans who are willing to give their lives for him, you can lie to yourself
Kris said…
after the premiere of wick 3 ag went to one side of the reeves with another woman to the other chosen one was sucked by another nothing for money
Matrixa said…
I read from mediums that Reeves' karma comes from a past life. I believe it was aggravated by the actions of his father, a drug trafficking addict and a disgusting family in general. and the actions of Reeves in this life. hardly you have invented a wedding in December. most likely you have some data.
a reborn soul:
what are we waiting for a wedding with an anti-spiritual person. by the way, on the Reeves itself, I have never seen a cross
Anonymous said…
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Enny said…
I think that a black cemetery love spell is made on the sex chakra on the reeves. he needs to be isolated from the AG and remove the binding, but the witch watches him 24/7 and will not let him do anything / another witch is needed who will soak the AG / Reeves himself never realizes anything / judging by his last actions, he does not understand what he is doing / destruction of Reeves' career and the hate of fans is a typical consequence of a love spell / but Reeves is alone and none of his shitty relatives and friends will help like Britney Spears
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Matrixa said…
think that Parker will not be anything all claims as well as instagram links are far-fetched/ to the reborn soul. I am not interested in the child Seim but she smoked drugs and drank alcohol her meeting with Reeves the karma of a past life and in this the knot was untied her death as well as the child was predetermined and Reeves to the fact that she could not give birth? it is necessary to go to clubs less after the death of a child and the karma of a past life can be worked out in this one or aggravated
A Reborn Soul said…
Mr. Dion:

Please discard the comment about a restraining order I made yesterday (not shown ) which contains a technical error. I will write another one in the future.

also please do not post this.

Anonymous said…
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n said…
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Emma said…
if Keanu really had sex with gray witch it would show. When he is near her he puts a distance even though they have known each other for more than 10 years. Keanu is very tactile with someone with whom he shares a strong affinity or sexual attraction. This gray witch is Lesbian
n said…
They are so ordinary. I reckon the real one is the one exercising her own free will, well way from those two clowns. And im sure, she is not alone.
She and her own true one, they overcome and thrive. I see her free and loved in their lives together.
A Soul Reborn said…
Hi Everybody:

I could be very wrong in my earlier comments, as I said, I have never met with Mr. Reeves and Ms. Grant.

I myself do NOT wish to get involved in their business / affairs, I sincerely wish Mr. Reeves, Ms. Grant and Ms Parker the best.

I love my parents who give me love and cares; my parents are orphans who never went to school for a single day (my late mother did not know her date of birth), growing up, my siblings and I were thirst for guidance/knowledge/inforamtion from other sources, and my parents are very proud that I have obtained the best education/knowledge in the world.

I share my knowledge with people whenever I go for free, as there are rules people may wish to be aware in order to avoid tragedies.

My own wish is to leave the west and re-unite with my own family, which is my FREE WILL.

I will eventually delete all my comments to delete any misunderstanding.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
@ a Reborn Soul, thanks for the public awareness message "do not drink and drive" also please remember "do not drink and POST"
lIttle bee said…
@Anonymous Dec 4
You are absolutely right!

A reborn soul, you really need help, mentally. Please take care.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Latina said…
A Reborn Soul
So how you happened to talk to keanu online if you don't know him personally? are you sure it was him? Probably it was a scammer
a soul reborn said…
hi latina at Dec 5:

you might be right.

I am now back to my "friend" of 12 years and I am very happy.

Best wishes to Mr Reeves and his fans.

need NOT to repeat:

"n said...
They are so ordinary. I reckon the real one is the one exercising her own free will, well way from those two clowns. And im sure, she is not alone.
She and her own true one, they overcome and thrive. I see her free and loved in their lives together.

November 30, 2020 at 11:42 AM"

a soul reborn said…
for those who may know me more than I do, based on your predictions on this site (I just learnt about this site in late September), I wish to inform you that, I have been living in Ontario Canada for 30 years, I am a public person that anyone may come to see me at my workplace.

I do not care too much whether people may come to see me or call me up for questions which is out of my control; but I do NOT like evil spells that made me ill.

I was born and grew up at a historically Christian seaport (now is RED), and had lived in various places learning local languages and cultures.

I am cross-cultured and "borrow" others' identity whenever I feel like, and they all like it.

again, thanks to Mr. Christian Dion, his supporters and Christians who understand my writing. and I am happy that everything is OVER, at least for the time being.

Matrix said…
to soul reborn^
congratulations no you can relax but you are not the twin flame of all the best
My mistake, I have been in Ontario Canada for 27 years, since 1993.

I am a Leo, and I am a WOMAN.

As I said, I am a public person, an “official” figure in Canada for 20 years, everybody on earth could get information abut me online.

Now I share my work story with you, to show how feminism has been used as a tool to oppress men.

In 2019, I went to our police station in Ontario filing a report against a woman I dealt with at work for over a year.

This woman came to me seeking help in 2018, she told me she was abused by her husband; in the meantime, she told me about their very “romantic” love stories.

This woman is about 48 but looks young, she has had massive plastic surgeries and dresses up sexually, she is rich.

But I know she is a prostitute, she did not finish her elementary school education, her parents are peasants working in the rice filed back home.

When I was younger, I used to visit jailhouses in various cities in Ontario talking to male and female inmates, and helped them out of custody, so I was 100% sure she is a prostitute by profession.

Needless to say, it is psychological damaging when you have to listen to a woman’s FAKE love story knowing prostitution is her only profession.

Her “husband” appeared to be in fear when I met him; but once I spoke to him in his language, he was excited and said, “you speak my language!' as I said, I had lived in many places learning local languages and cultures.

The man then told me through a third party that, the marriage is FAKE, his FAKE wife is a prostitute facing a deportation order, he helped her to stay in Canada by marrying her; his FAKE wife had been yelling at her using sex to control him, he had been living in fear and humiliation for a long time.

It is illegal for a man to have a FAKE marriage to help another person to get immigrate status in Canada and the US.

Soon, the women brought her sister and sister’s daughter meeting with me at my workplace, threatening me in a violent way to continue to help her against her “lovely husband”, I looked at the sister and her daughter, that is indeed a “criminal family” who showed their true colour at that moment.

The sister looked like a 17 years old high school student, but I know she is a long term prostitute also; the woman sponsored her sister and sister’s daughter to come to Canada through her FAKE husband.

I had no problems in reporting this woman to the police, I was told by the police that, this woman (1) has criminal record; (2) she has been a prostitute working in Canada illegally before the “marriage” ….

In any event, I asked the police not to charge and arrest her, as I did not want to spend more time dealing this professional in another trade.

When I look back today, I am happy that I helped a man become FREE.

(but I am tired and really need a break from both life and work).
To: Matrix said… to soul reborn^
congratulations no you can relax but you are not the twin flame of all the best
December 8, 2020 at 12:56 PM “

Hi matrix:

I have a “friend” I met when he was 23, now he is 35, we have been speaking to each other all the time over these years, we are are educated, we both traveled a lot, we both speak many languages, we both have government related jobs.....

I am the luckiest woman on earth.

I did not know anything about “soul mate” until sometime in May 2020, I learned about “twin flame” at Mr. Dion’s site here in October 2020.

Best wishes for all, and pray for me so that I can travel to see my “friend” in Europe once lockdown is over.
Anonymous said…
Reborn soul ...please find a life for your self ,And you need help ! I don’t know what’s wrong, but please please please find help ..
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
reborn soul ! I can send you my friend phone number,she is psychiatrist..
If you feel better after,this is my Christmas gift for you..
Anne said…
Soul reborn, sorry for what I'll say but really, you need medical attention, I don't want to be rude, but nobody here is interested in what happens to you, or your problems, here we only think about Christian Dion's predictions and we make comments to respect, but apparently your in contrast an outlet to your spiritual need, you write too much and the content only speaks of a person who is mentally not well. You really need professional help or you are friends with Mrs. AG and she only intervenes to divert attention, enough! I don't believe you, I'm sorry
a soul reborn said…
hi to everybody:

where is freedom of expression?

This is the site of Mr Dion, who clearly asked me NOT to delete my comments if you review our former comments.

Ms. Parker and the 11 fans of Mr Reeves who were named in the RO, area entitled to their human rights.

Special thanks to Mr Dion and his supporters.
Anonymous said…
Reborn soul !
If this is not telling you something..then you must think again!!

If You Know Someone in Crisis

Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Lifeline) at 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or text the Crisis Text Line (text HELLO to 741741). Both services are free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The deaf and hard of hearing can contact the Lifeline via TTY at 1-800-799-4889. All calls are confidential. Contact social media outlets directly if you are concerned about a friend’s social media updates or dial 911 in an emergency. Learn more on the Lifeline’s website or the Crisis Text Line’s website.

The Veterans Crisis Line connects Service members and Veterans in crisis, as well as their family members and friends, with qualified, caring Department of Veteran’s Affairs (VA) responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text messaging service. Dial 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1 to talk to someone or send a text message to 838255 to connect with a VA responder. You can also start a confidential online chat session at


Anonymous said…
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Latina said…
I wanted to say that I don't agree with all comments here but I think everybody has a right to post-since Christian allows it,he's the only one with right to delete a post if he wants,this is his blog after all- and if you don't like a comment,don't read it,skip it as I do.
Well,that's it,please nobody get offended with my opinion,it's only an opinion,xoxo
A Soul Reborn said…
Re: Grant v. Truth

we would like to know, is AG a transgender just like the Wachowski sisters (formerly brothers)?
if not, then she should have kids with him as they both claimed they had 11 years of partnership with each other being (business partners + personal friends + lovers/ girlfriends ) from either 2009 - present or 2018 to present.

we do NOT hate AG, but it is necessary to know the very TRUTH in order to help Ms. Parker and the eleven fans of Mr Reeves who were unfairly named in the RO (restraining Order) case.


Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
A Soul Reborn said…
anyone who are involved in this case may post your questions and comments at Mr Dion's site, and I will respond.

My guess is that, Mr Reeves singed such a contract with the transgender directors in exchange for his movie roles, as AG and the director-trans belong to the same community promoting trans and feminism; for that reason, his family chose to be sided with AG and the paid media for financial reasons.

Ms Parker may tell her own story through her lawyers, or even friends, so that we can help you, keep in mind, things will only get worse if you choose to do nothing.
Anonymous said…
Latina my dear!
I know you are right in your own seeing point,
but I saying my opinion...
if Reborn soul is professional and healthy person..
then (you never coming a site where visiting 1000 of 1000 visitors... and you not writing what someone is trustees to you , (I am right?)
question is not what you skip or I skipping...
Now all this people about who reborn soul speaking,
maybe this girls or boys ,women or men read’s or someone who knows them reads and recognizes the story,
99,9 % she or he knows that this 1000 visitors knows the story everybody speaks comments and thinking ... she or he can’t stop thinking about the past now
and fallowing depression ,
And after that what?

But of course I clearly understand your point..

I repeat my words but this is 0 if I thinking ugliness inside unrespectful people...

(Reborn soul you doesn’t have heart nor soul)
and I don’t have any respect this kind of person...
you don’t have nothing nothing ,
no respect ,
no empathy ,
no soul
and absolutely you nor trust worthy person...
you need help..

I pray that reborn soul you making this story’s in own head only and all this is lie and nobody recognizes own life experiences ..

And if you think I don’t recognize your wrong... change name is not changing you...

Anne: you are right about what you thinking.

Reborn soul ,soul more thing
I don’t say that you are ugly ,we all seeing beauty in different eyes..
but I telling you ,
you need take gear yourself and definitely your mental health..
before you writing about other people’s secrets,
Omg , I want cry ,because you rudeness ..
someone trusted you
and telling their story about suffering or life,
But what you doing?
You using trust against everything..
And singing about their sufferings in this site....calling names..speaking about prostitution ,did you pay money for them or you was standing next to them and holding legs...
You and your educational soul ...

Please ...

And you absolutely right suicidal ideation is cannot be option ..

But you have mental issues and infected obsession about K..

I don’t understand why you are doing this kind of things but RO is because of you..
You must understand nobody doesn’t want speak with you... about your obsessive self esteem stop ..

Leave CD out from your.......!!! “Understand???
Anonymous said…
Reborn without soul!
First you painting with your words and then selling with your rudeness...
Anonymous said…
Reborn without soul!!!
You sitting in the same table with people, eat the same food and then spit on the plate.
You want to talk about Wiki...,
and what do you do best?

From June -to oct in online most of the time..
no surprise..

Do you want say Something about
Lana W?
Chad ?

And contract what you talking about ...
oeh shi.h show is coming to your ass...

Anonymous said…
Reborn without soul
Do you want speak about IT, friends vs hacking ?
a soul reborn said…

Hi everybody:

thanks for your comments about me.

I am an ordinary person, haha. Mr. CD may delete my posts if he doesn’t like them.

It is true that, I feel the RO case was related to me, however I was very ill from May to October, I found this wonderful site only in late September.

I will continue to help Ms. Parker and other fans of Mr. Reeves without condition.

I hate no-one but love you all.
Anonymous said…

"soul reborn"

you said you "will continue to help Parker and other fans of Mr. Reeves"
My questions:
Parker is a fan of K.R. now?
You talk about continuation, What you already done to help her?
Who are those 11? - All of them are yours?
You can't even help yourself, looking for someone here who help you.
Did God / Karma / Higher Forces use you to punish Parker?
Will God / Karma / Higher Forces use Parker to punish you?
You are in the same boat with Parker.
Drink your red wine, listen to music and PRAY...

Anonymous said…
Tarò readings without clair-voyance and/or hearing of the information GIVEN spontaneously BY the UNIVERSE, is not right.

The vampire-type forced connections to person or people in 5th dimension for purpose of curiosity or to take their energy is not ethically correct and will be punished by God, Karma and Higher Forces.
Anonymous said…
Is this blog paid to promote vaccination?
Psychic Gossip said…

Hello Everybody:

I am not here to judge anyone, I support Ms. Parker and other fans of Ms. Reeves as I am sure they were NOT stalkers.

About God, energy …, my understanding is, God is the Universe and we humans, the environment and animals … are all a part of God aka the Universe.

God aka the Universe is the sole source of energy. Jesus is returning for the second time. People in communist nations will accept Jesus Chris; all religions shall unite; people from all backgrounds will respect each other.

I am around however I will never reveal my true identity being a private person, keep in mind, I do NOT live in the US and had never met with Mr. Reeves in person.

As long as God exist, nobody shall be living in fear for any reasons.

Special thanks to Mr. Dion and his supporters.

I am working on a blog re reincarnation, karma, Christianity and other religions.

Stay tuned.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous of December 18, 2020 at 8:24 AM
You are right.
Nobody has the right to connect to people, without their permission, especially in the act of their energetic 5D contact, and sell or "sell" the information.
a soul reborn said…

To the 2 Anonymous:

If you were talking about me, I already knew about my own fate as mentioned in the predictions a long time ago, I also paid many psychics in the past requesting information about myself and my family.

I perhaps know more than you do. Anyway, I am nobody simply because I will never reveal my true identity to anyone, and the mainstream media will keep it quiet unless I send them a press release.

As I said, I hate no-one, people like Ms. Grant are victims of their own conduct, because their cultural and religious teachings are outdated.

I spent much of my time here and I believe Mr Dion is good and able.
Anonymous said…
Soul reborn & Reborn soul
You bout are writing some strange stuff and names are almost identical but I think you understand confusion because of that ... take if you feel that’s fits your shoes ..
“What I drying saying is ,you need fix your own mental health ...
With PhD or are connected anyway

And of course you 2 ,not only one who’s believing MR. CD we all are who’s respecting HIM
Anonymous said…
"a reborn soul" = "rosescented1" = "cristian dion" = a woman, which does not approve the bingo comments

My question: Why Carrie-Anne Moss there isn't on the photo of AG's colored wall in Berlin? What drama happened with the production of the Matrix4?

Anonymous said…
a Soul Reborn,

Lana W. was born a man and married only women. No matter what "madness" he does with HIS body and what he needs to evolve - it's his business, it's HIS way!
You pretend to be able to do EVERYTHING you want, he too has the right.
He's not stealing anything from you. Right?
a soul reborn said…
this is my guess:

matrix4 was about a love story between KR and AG to promote trans, ie. KR dumps CAM for AG.
there could be a PR wedding for KR and AG.
someone who gave KR energy since June cut off connection with KR intentionally,
KR could not function and matrix 4 completed.
source of energy has a high IQ, as predicted by Mr. CD.
now KR is with AG.
this is my another guess:

most people require energy to gain confidence and act as if beautiful.
KR promoted AG to help her get rich while freeing himself.
AG was delusional and thought KR wanted to marry her.
AG then learnt KR has a TF from posts by various psychics and card readers,
she felt she was betrayed and started acting like crazy.
KR was falling in love in June (based on predictions of Mr CD and many others),
AG was upset and sued Ms. Parker (Parker was a scapegoat, 11 fans named in the RO case were victims).
KR could not get out of his own "trap" due to Lana's involvements.

I could write more about Lana and people above Lana, but not worth my time, really.

Anonymous said…
So jealous and so obsessed to connect into 5D to spy on the Friend. He trusted her, he supported her, but she betrayed him.
The photo is of her father, now dead.
Has a contract been signed to silence her non-participation in M-4, due to the love between man and man, in order to maintain distribution?
She was sick and her Friend supported her from ... to ...
I am not judging. We are all humans and we all make mistakes.

Speaking of "the energy source has a high IQ" - what is IQ?
Anonymous said…
Guessing Reborn !
Someone was giving K energy
I believe that’s true
and I believe this someone gutted energy off intentionally ,also I believe self respect was big part gutting maybe..
I guess only because I don’t know what someone else predicted, I read only CD prediction..and I don’t remember anything about energy..
Maybe I missed this part..
Guessing only now, if K was really falling in love with this someone ,
Who gives you energy ..this means he loves this energy,
but how is possible that he switch he’s love so quickly ...
question only-
If you like you more than welcome guessing, I love to hear ,
I guess

I am little confused but that’s my problem..
KR and AG together?!
How this all is connected with energy and IQ

Anonymous said…
Anonymous 9:00 pm
What are you talking about? Who is jealous? Which foto ? Whose father? I don't understand anything, please explain.
Anonymous said…
About "the energy source has a high IQ";
about "KR was falling in love in June" -
nobody said before, except was said now from Soul Reborn aka Rosescented1 aka Cristian Dion.

About a contract been signed to silence, it can be also about the real name of stalker-'fake-fan' of K.
She must not take advantage.

Except AG there are others who intrude, but i read that anyone who intrudes among the TFs (of the world), will receive a punishment by the summer solstice of 2021.

The energies of true reciprocated love are powerful, can hurt strongly, so, it will be better do not manipulate, do not deceive and do not make mistakes. It would be a big mistake to spy in 5D. Nobody has the right to connect to people in 5D without their permission, especially to spy for sellng of the information.

The Respect is the first thing.

All the 3D's living beings make mistakes because they came here to learn, pay karmas and evolve - ALL of us! Do not forget: We came here to evolve OUR conscience!
The Higher Forces SEE what we are doing!

Tarò readings WITHOUT the clair-voyance and/or the “hearing” of the information GIVEN spontaneously BY the UNIVERSE, are NOT correct.
a soul reborn said…
This is my third guess based on my observations:

1. KR's True Love aka Twin Flame had beeb discussed at Mr. Dion's site and many other sites for years;

2. KR had been in love with his True Love madly since June until the RO ruling came along, when she chose to be sided with Ms. Parker and the 11 fans named in the RO case as against AG and KR (she believes KR and LANA were assisting AG);

3. KR's wiki partnership status reflects this love relationship to some degrees;

4. KR and his True Love had a contact with each other BEFORE KR became public with AG, when KR was talking about his pains and tragedies to the public; which means KR was never in a love relationship with AG, he tried to help AG become rich while benefitting in launching into romantic adventures being “internet’s boyfriend”;

5. AG, Lana and others had used KR's good intention and the paid media attempting to force KR into a marriage unwillingly, obtaining a restraining order as against Ms. Parker and his fans to silence them is one of means to achieve this “kidnapping” psychologically;

6. KR's True Love was NOT aware of all predictions about her being KR’s Twin Flame, she believed the whole thing could be a set up or trap for KR and AG conspired with their boss to harm her (she has been stalked by a "lover" with people who dominated him for about a year);

7. KR's True Love has been in her own karmic relationship with her stalker, she had betrayal and heartbreaking experiences (as predicted by some at Mr. Dion’s site), she suffered from business losses and had been partially relying on her family financially in the past, she has been worrying about kidnapping, drugging and a forced marriage by the stalker (backed up by nationalists groups);

8. Stalker of KR’s True Love was a highly influential celebrity in Asia and Southeast Asia in the 80s, he was drugged and raped by the mother of their four children at a Christian church (his fans resented her, but his family had forced him to be with her to save face and avoid troubles), also rape videos have been sold in Hollywood for over two decades, he refused to marry the rapist and attempt to marry with KR’s True Love with supports from his fans;
9. KR's True Love has been in a 12 years "relationship" with her own "lover" or "friend", he is 35 years old so KR must appear to be 30 years old with his botox I guess;

10. AG has Lana, “media” and many others supporting her all the time, while KR's fans who truly love him have been trying to help him get out of this trap;

11. KR's True Love is unlikely to come back to KR as long as he is with AG, but it is equally unlikely for her to be with her own partner due to the pandemic and other reasons;

12. KR's True Love decided to make it public that she had a boyfriend for 12 years in order to deal with her stalker, she changed her mind as she had plans to return to her family in Far East (a place close to Japan);

To summarize, FATE aka DESTINY does play a significant role in one's life, free will or not; love between Twin Flame does exist and brings changes to both, in KR's case, KR's true love may help him experience happiness (as predicted by Mr. Dion), KR has helped his True Love open up emotionally.

Finally, do not worry about the media, who will never disclose anything to the world because they respect KR's True Love, her family and her people.

It is time to say NO to atheism, KR and his True Love may play a role together in helping people in communist nations abandon communism if all predictions become realities.

Perhaps, it is time for Mr. Dion to say something although he has said more than enough in the past.

(And again, I might be wrong, so it might be a time to have a beer and cheers.)
a soul reborn said…
Mr. Dion:

Can you just discard the comment I sent to you, I will write another one replacing the existing one. thanks
Anonymous said…
Yo are talking about dead father of Keanu future woman or what? Omg Nostradamus is piece of cake compare to you.😆
Anonymous said…
Ooooomg ooomg ooomg!!
Reborn !!!
Aaaa I need to think little bit,
you really really guessing..

Nostradamus turns around in the grave..
After this shit show ..
Who’s picture ,
what father ,
who is death?
K was falling love in June?
TF is 35 ,
using Botox and thinking that she is 30 ?

Anonymous said…
Now I know who you are, thanks to you. I would never imagined. I believe KR and AG have made a commitment to not divulge your name related to the shit you have been spreading from March 2019, or earlier, because it's a horror, a shame for you, for your family, for your husband, for your children, it's a shame for your employers and your colleagues. It can be a horror for fans. You're destroying your life and your family and risking to be turned away from the job you love - you know what happens after a criminal sentence.
For what are you destroying your life? Or, What is destroying your life? – You hate for more than 20 years! Yours is not love, yours is destruction.
Kids bring parents together. Parents, spouses and kids are the 1st degree karmic relationships. In others relationships you are a third karmic.
Taro cards do not tell you the truth - it cannot tell the truth, created for entertainment.
Is it possible that you did not understand yet that you have to ask for answers from the Universe? - Forget what taro told you - CONNECT to the UNIVERSE, to the GOD-FATHER and ASK FOR ANSWERS about what you have to do now in order TO REPAIR ERRORS YOU HAVE MADE. You have committed the criminal offenses and your soul is asking for help.
Connect to the Universe while you have time - do it from today.
Think about your kids.
Think about your husband - did you marry him for love or do you consider him a third karmic?
You are a third karmic in life of K. Speak badly of the dead – do not you feel wrong? - You will meet J.S. in 4G, are you ready for that meeting?
Your wrong conduct made you sick. You know that karma takes away the thirds karmic later or sooner.
The higher forces are watching - you still have a chance to clean up the shit you put around – do not make me tell you where. You still have a chance to ask the Universe for forgiveness.
Do not give wrong advice to those who trust you because they will find you in 4D and you risk be punished there too.
Parker committed the crimes and did not escape the karma that has used YOU.
You are risking the worst and am not talking about the RO.
Please, I ask you on behalf of ALL who know your name - CONNECT to the GOD-FATHER while you are in time.
Please, I ask you Please, take away all shit you spread because I have not signed an impediment and I do not let you to continue to hurt my kids.

P.S. After reading what you have "produced" above, I am afraid you will not understand the text of this letter.
I am waiting for an answer.

a soul reborn said…
my 4th guess is that, AG has been sharing her profits with KR, so KR has been quiet about AG's conducts and the RO case.

KR is not a victim of AG but rather, the two have been helping each other (or using each other) for over a decade, their relationship is about conspiracy and business / money, never about love.

when I went through posts by fans (or former fans) of KR, I read about KR's Future Love predicated by Mr. Dion, who has more similar predictions if you research on his site by typing "Reeves":

If you have questions, please ask Mr. Dion, who is good and able, being a psychic.

As I said, I hate no-one including AG and KR, but we must help Ms. Parker who is vulnerable.

Anonymous said…
I sincerely think that Lana W. will have to review M-4, otherwise it risks be less successful than before. I explain my point of view:
Universe needs reproduction. Without reproduction, the universe does not exist.
An artificial "reproduction" is not a reproduction, it is a modification.
No one human being (!!! temporary passenger on Earth !!!) can change the Universe - he will not be able to, that being will be erased.
A Natural Reproduction Needs a Mom and a Dad.
A promotion of love in which the mother's role is excluded, will not last long, also because:
ALL living beings WANT TO HAVE a MOM and NO ONE has the right to TAKE AWAY MATERNAL LOVE.
One day things will return to the way they were before: man-man relationships have ALWAYS been there, but before they were not advertised and promoted.
Children who grow up in gay marriages must not be deprived of relationships with their mothers, because children who grow up without motherly love grow up with psychological problems. Children are not the things, one cannot exercise possessiveness towards children because he bought.
Anonymous said…
a Soul Reborn
at 12:12 AM

we have understood already that here YOU talk about YOURSELF

we have undertood already that Ms.CAM aka "keanureevesisastalker" aka "rosescented1" aka "cristian dion" aka "a soul reborn" thinks being TF of K.

but Ms.Parker will be OK only if she stay out of troubles

and you will be OK only if you connect in time to God-Father.

Anonymous said…
My point of view here is that the hag is a bad luck. Whatever the hag does is pure karma. As I predict the hag she was born for failures especially in the art induatry. She does not belong in all aspect in the art world. The more she pushes herself to be an artist, business woman, philantrophist or influencer, the more likely she attracts failure. She does not belong in those arena because it is not her forte.
As for Keanu, he needs to step a away forawhile and end his whatever relationship with the hag. The more he help her in whatever dealings or lawsuit in the future, the more damage he becomes. Hags destiny is for failure.
Anonymous said…
Reborn who’s guessing,
One more thing,
if K really was falling in love to someone,
believe me this was happened long before June 2020 and she’s not 0-39 y nop..
and I am sure he never brings her do anyone’s hands..
before he’s sure what his going to do with his life..

I have a question for Mr.CD
Why this all happening with K,
Why so fucking punch of obsessed people attacking him..
He’s definitely not a person what they think they know from picture and what they imagine they’re heads ..
Also all this reborn,s one is craziest than other..
Do you have any opinion ?
I really like understand with your eyes../real opinion .

Now all Reborn’s and guessing conspiracy theories..

Stop this craziness and you not his love nor TF ,
for other authors of Unrespectful comments...
of course you can make comments if you wants,
but have you like real reason for all heating comments..

Oeh maybe its better breathe in and out ..
it my help you..

Anonymous ,you who loves KR more than own live ...
I have something do you also...
(I don’t think You love KR,
you love idea loving him..)
Or if you really love him ,
tell me what you exactly love about him
or how this love making you feel
or how this love express him self..

For unknown: you trying connect with energy,
but energy is not responding back to you how you want,
And you seeing dreams ,
Im right?

I don’t know person name AG but I am 50% sure that for this 2 nothing to do with Love... ,
I don’t understand the meaning of this relationships ( comfortableness maybe)
but I am sure that he’s going to suffer more ..
As long as he’s not pointing out about “name “ relationship with this women named Grant.. If he’s really like really loves her like a women,
he made announcements long time ago and all this speculation about them ...
has some kind of final.
Of course he is a man and he has own needs and reasons ...
only have this feeling about them..

I don’t see love in this woman eyes and every move she makes is so strange,
she doesn’t have real respect or feelings or even sympathy for family members (no his or hers)
she plays good her role in their company...

My opinion,how I see : about CAMoss
She doesn’t accept Bullshit and mind games.. I think she’s seeing behind masks..that’s it..
I don’t think that she is jealous/smile
I think this is ridiculous..

Have a great week everybody!!
Anonymous said…
If you are from his family then my opinion is not for you.. and here my apologies..

you who loves KR more than own live ...
I think
you don’t love KR,
you love idea loving him..)
Or if you really love him ,tell me what you exactly love about him or how this love making you feel or how this love express him self.
a soul reborn said…

Love / attention is all about energy, and source of energy varies.

In KR’s case, Lana appeared to be a beautiful woman as everything went so well with her Matrix4 project, if you understand KR and AG were happily kissing each other (KR said he was doing a movie) for her matrix4 project.

KR’s True Love sent love/ energy to KR since June, prior to that, KR was like a homeless, unkept, depressed and un-attractive, as his energy had been taken by AG.

KR’s True Love abruptly withdrew her love / energy to KR by blocking him, and chose to be with his fans who were victimized in the RO game, KR was shocked and used AG to protect him by listing AG as a Pattern from 2009 (KR’s True Love once commented that AG had failed to provide sexual services to KR for 11 years, and the Matrix4 should be sued, the Matrix4 was ended the following day, and she deleted the comment days later).

KR’s True Love is a few years younger than KR, but she is young inside out, and she felt she was only 25 when she met KR, now she felt a bit older after giving so much of her energy to KR for free.

KR’s True Love has her business and she charged people for helping them; prior to meeting with KR, she sent energy to another man for months, that man equally betrayed her by stalking her.

KR’s True Love is a happy person in general; one reason is that she had a happy childhood; second reason is that, she is being respected by people around her; the third reason is that, she is successful in her profession and enjoys a high social status (not about money) being a professional; the fourth reason is that, she had been “growing up” with her “partner” on the internet since 2008, he was 23 when they met, they shared the same friends (Eurasians), they talk to each other on a daily basis, they respect and support each other, they talk about history, language and life; in that case, she is youthful and kind-hearted.

When one is abusive to another, either your children or partner, you take energy away from them, and they become sad and un-attractive, while you become creepy and malicious, though with money you may appear to be confident and successful, however that will not last long due to Karma (the Tibetans were successful as they had dominated the Mongols and the Turks for centuries, but they are losers due to Karma, and it is very unlikely they will gain independence).

God is the Universe, who creates and provides vast energy to all (human, river, ocean, trees, animals, wind, fire …), but some humans who do NOT understand this very TRUTH, started to lie, use deception and violence against innocent people, rape their women and children, take their lands and properties away, pose as successful and civilized people opressing others through fake media, fake history and fake rule of law, in the end, they will fail.

And of course, history repeats itself, losers abuse their own children.

For that reason, communism / atheism is anti-science and anti-God, and Tibetan-Buddhism is a merely scientific-cult that has been brainwashing mankind with communism / atheism for centuries.

Ok, it is time to examine the victims to prevent them from using the victim cards harming our children via communism and atheism.

Have a nice day, if you believe in Karma, then you should NOT support the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans in promoting their anti-God theories.

After all, Tibetan-Buddhism is ANTI-BUDDHISM, in other words, it is a cult.

I don’t hate the Tibetans, but I don’t want them to brainwash the world by using the victim cards continually.

I think KR might believe in Tibetan-Buddhism, only he knows.

Send love to all who wants to understand my post.
Anne said…
They exhaust the messages of the reborn soul, they are not opinions, they are testaments or epistles like those of the apostle Paul, but now they talk about conspiracy and they talk about a TF from Keanu, I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing, because of how ridiculous everything is, the reality is not ridiculous that there is a TF but that they talk about knowing her, only God knows who she is, and CD with her gift has some idea of ​​that woman, I just said stop commenting Wait for things to happen and pray to God for that beautiful soul that is K.
Soul reborn, enough to write nonsense, seek medical attention soon, I no longer read the posts you write, I only get to the second line and I get tired, I'm sorry but it's the truth.
Anonymous said…
Hi Anne:

please do NOT read if you don't like,
you have your freedom to make comments.
you take care of yourself and be safe.
Anonymous said…
No matter what happens, the hag is bound for failure. The more she do what she wants, failure always follows her.
I wrote down my thoughts after I read posts online about the cases, as well as online comments, basically there is NO proof to support the allegations:

Parker and Grant

I have never met Mr. Reeves and Ms. Grant and will unlikely meet them, but I think this matter is unfair based on my 20 years of experiences in related area.

Thanks all.
Anonymous said…
Based on my experiences, many professionals in Norther America (US and Canada) enjoy an employment insurance plan, you pay as little as USD$20 per month, then you will get lawyers to sue someone for you if you need.

This plan is very similar to car insurance plans.

The legal insurance plan is optional for many, but mostly are limited to the professionals.

My feeling is that, Ms Grant used her employment insurance benefits to sue the 11 fans of Mr. Reeves, thus the lawyers did everything for her without proper investigation.

I suggest someone make a complaint to the LA Bar about the conducts of these lawyers, or talk to the media.

Merry Christmas for ALL.
anon said…

"A Creep Unborn says : "Klage klage klage, Blah blah blah, Quack quack quack." Repeat. Repeat. Repeat."
Anonymous said…
Virgo rising Reeves and the Sinking Titanic Grant.

Grant will sink and Reeves will get sucked down as he swims away from the wreckage.

Titanic arrogance, vast hubris and entitlement.

Find another occupation. Painting is unsustainable for you. Try PR lying is second nature to you.
Anonymous said…
Lol. Alexandra trying to sell her overpriced art to frugal Germans in Berlin.

Too funny.
Anonymous said…
The Sucking Sound of money draining out of you bank accounts , that is Alexandra and her business dealings. She never makes a profit.
Anonymous said…
AG is losing her composure and her mind is stressed. She doesnt control reeves and she put all her eggs in that basket.


Reeves Split.
Anonymous said…
Alexandra will lose EVERYTHING... Including her mind, which actually, was the first thing to go.
Anonymous said…
Take courage Alexandra, painting was Hitler's first failed career, too.
Anonymous said…
Keanu should put an injunction or a cease and desist on Alexandra using his name for anything. Really awful she piggy backs. Blood sucker!
Anonymous said…
Keanu playing a role in this odd couple is getting tiresome. Please end it.
Anonymous said…
Oh but you must know that considering you are the grade school Hitler expert.
So now that AG has her paperwork from the State of California, what happens? She is in Berlin, going to Paris with him and then New York for his filming of JW4. When does this end? Thank you!!!!
Anonymous said…
Keanu thinks he can have the best woman in the world not realizing they are already taken. He is last to the party and it doesn't matter he has money. People want love. Alexandra wants money. She is not even a heterosexual.
Anonymous said…
Alexandra is in an insane asylum in Europe so it seems. Keanu is hiding the truth with this connection. If she had a pregnancy scare it is another man. After Keanu she can attract men because they envy Keanu and out of ego want a connection to him. Going to heavily lesbian women's university and furthering her career through older Lesbians Alexandra was never pursued by men due to her huge physical size.

Anonymous said…
Alexandra trades sex for art support.
Anonymous said…
Time waits for NO ONE. Most of the best women were snapped up long before their 50s. Get with the program and stop running from your emotions and winding up up with agrave worshipping psycho witch. She is draining and running you. Grow up. Be a man. Stop being a people please. Stop getting counsel from ex lovers and friends like those chicks from the 19980s Macintosh?
Anonymous said…
Well psychic Dion >the lottery jackpot has rolled over again so when I win one of the big jackpots as fated before Christmas you can have 1 million pound .jingle bells
Anonymous said…
Some LOVE to portray themselves as a victim as it brings them sympathy and attention. Why would they not stay with their "perfect alibi" then? They need it in order to redirect attention as to where to look to blame all their woes. While, by the same token, it serves to preserve all the perks from the victimhood status. It takes two to tango, evidently, someone is not more the bad guy everyone seems to believe between the two. I read somewhere: nobody is holding a gun against his head. Never read anything so true.
If he is not a willing participant he should make the claim. But that hasn't happened, and won't happen anytime soon, since he knows he has been doing what everyone else is doing too.

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