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TOLD YA BIDEN WINS Thank God reset....




Letty said…
Archi said…
Yes again you’re right, great great great news, waiting for the next good news !
Trigunluver said…
And healing.
T. W. said…

I’m watching the news now.

Electoral College votes in January.

Unless the EC does a bait and switch, Biden (Harris) will be President of the United States!!!


If Congress has tie votes then Kamala Harris will act as tie breaker.
Cathy said…
Not so fast CD. Republicans have proof of Election fraud by the Dems. CNN very biased also
T. W. said…
I’m still watching NBC News.

People of all colors cheering & dancing together!

Biden-Harris election is uniting the masses!

I got a VERY good feeling when I saw the news & I believe this is what God wants.

T. W. said…
Handel: Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt. 2 - 42. "Hallelujah"
T. W. said…

1) EVERY news outlet is reporting Biden is President-elect.

2) Biden won Pennsylvania’s electoral votes. Do the math. SinceTrump lost Pennsylvania electoral votes there is no way for him to win.
MMJ said…

Because the vote is ended, I will say this. Folks, Trump may be a power whore , but Camilla Harris... I shudder at her darkness. My intuition classifies her as a trio of Marina Abramovic / Hillary Clinton / Camilla Harris. Alexandra Grant? It's not even close... The only one I didn't feel darkness among politicians in US lately is Bernie Sanders.

I don't know what else to say, but the show is about to begin. Not just in the US, but around the world. Some mention operation "Sting" here. Alleged arrests for election theft?

May God help you next week. And be careful, don’t take up arms for the sake of politicians!
T. W. said…

I should have said there is no way Trump can mathematically win.

He can still stay in office if:

1) There are faithless electors

2) The Supreme Court “crowns” him as President

3) Trump starts a coup

4) IF there is genuine proof of election fraud, the court could order a second election because a recount cannot be trusted.
Lovely Libra said…
CD & Readers - please bear with me; this is a happy, grateful, emotional post for me — this is truly a historic day and I’m grateful to be here to witness it — and I’m grateful my daughter gets to be a part of this history. Younger women may not realize how significant it is to have a woman - a beautiful, smart woman of color in the White (literally!) House bear with me a minute...

I’m a 60-yr old white woman - daughter of a career Naval Officer and mother of an awesome, smart-ass 35 yr old woman (I wish you two fierce ladies could meet HRH TW)

When I was 14 - 1974 - a woman couldn’t buy a house unless her father - or husband - co-signed the loan. Really.

I’ve lived all over the US - and I still believe there are more good people than not.

Right before I moved to FL (extremely racist area) I lived in Delaware - and briefly met Joe Biden. Warm, friendly, down-to-earth — I got nothing but good vibes from him.

This is a great day - and it proves: LOVE - GOODNESS - ALWAYS WINS. I’m so, so, so grateful for this victory!!!
Quinhas said…
Thank God Trump lost. I could not stand him before he ran in 2016. He devastated so many businesses in Atlantic City, NJ when he refused to pay them for their services. He is not leadership material. I hope there is no surprises in the future.
Cathy said…
It’s not over. All will be revealed.
MMJ said…
Sorry * Kamala Harris.
Migraine is killing me so I can't see the letters ..
Anyway, I hope I'm wrong.
Jules said…
Congratulations CD, this will silence your haters. Unfortunately, I absolutely do not share everyone's enthusiasm for Biden or Harris.
Grace said…
To quote the beautiful, wise words of my mama:

“God knows what he’s doing.” ❤️����
T. W. said…
God bless you Quinhas!
T. W. said…
Lovely Libra

I enjoyed your story!

When I win the Powerball or Mega Millions lottery I will throw a party for all of us!

One of my relatives didn't know whom to vote for. Keep in mind my family on both sides are intuitives.

S/he watched a Presidential debate. Relative said Hoe Biden made a speech & asked the people to trust him. My relative said s/he "knew" Joe Biden was sincere so that's how he got my relative's vote.

Mike Pence came to my hometown. I had already voted by then but if I hadn't I would have definitely voted for Biden. Pence treated us like scum of the Earth.
T. W. said…
I'm watching Telemundo & people are thrilled!

Biden said, "When we win there will be no red states or blue states. Only the United States of America." I "saw" that he meant this. People's behavior is proving him right.

In the comments section of a Christian Ewe T00b channel, someone said Israel needs Trump to win.

Well guess what.

Kamala Harris' husband is Jewish!

I also remember a psychic saying The World wants Biden to win because Biden knows how to work with others. They said Trump does not, it's his way or no way. As history proves, Biden does know how to work with both parties and with other nations.

Ray Guzman did a reading on what would happen if Biden won. He did say that although Biden did not really choose Kamala, he said she was the best choice because Harris & Biden complement each other. Where he is weak, she is strong. Where she is weak, he is strong.

Ray also said Kamala is not a "yes-man." She will think. She will ask questions. She won't be bullied.

However, Ray said she has no idea how the Shadow Government/Deep State/THEY control the world stage. So she may not be able to do everything she wants & needs to do. She will have hard choices to make.

I say this because Tarot by Janine, who is NOT American, keeps saying the Democrats are controlled by the Deep State. She is pro-Trump & she mixes her opinion with her Tarot readings as though the Tarot gave the information. Not good. The spirit beings attached to the Tarot will not let this slide.


Also, Tarot by Janine does conspiracy readings on Fridays. No problem with that. My problem is that she ought to know the Deep State is non-partisan. THEY have their tentacles in EVERY organization.

Anonymous said…
Congratulations to the good people of the us and blessings. May there be peace and healing and greatness return to your country. America’s standing diminished over the last 4 years. The history books will document what a fake Trump was. Let’s hope he doesn’t do anything stupid before Jan 2021. Best wishes Oz Girl
T. W. said…
Dear Donald J. Trump & Michael Pence:

You’re fired!
T. W. said…
PLEASE watch this 4 minute video & pay extra attention beginning at the 1:58 time mark.

Thank you!
T. W. said…
Thank you Oz Girl!

Jules, as you know I don’t like either candidate but the Biden-Harris ticket was the best option. I asked God about it & he confirmed. I put a link up to a 4 minute video that will quickly explain things. Marina Abramovic actually spoke the truth around the 1:58 mark.

It’s 4:33 Eastern time.

Telemundo is still live.

They are talking to New Yorkers now.

The Naked Cowboy is out playing guitar.

Some man is wearing a Barack Obama mask.

A tall woman is dressed as a super hero.

Someone is holding up a drawing of George Floyd.

I do not see any fighting or discord in New York City.

People are happy, walking around, dancing, cheering, making music, etc.

The people are united.
Apple Monkey said…
Well done CD. You have deal with trolls and unkind comments and am so so happy for you. You are amazingly gifted and have such wonderful humour.
God bless America. I hope everyone here lots of luck and happier times.♥️♥️
T. W. said…
Joseph Tittle is live!
T. W. said…
From the Donald
Anonymous said…
I misplaced my password so unfortunately I am posting as "Anonymous" unintentionally.

Soooooooooo happy that Biden won the election. It was close. Whew. Better for the USA and Canada. I am Canadian.

Trump will probably refuse to leave the Whitehouse until a recount. I just don't see him leaving until he is forced.

MMJ, I concur with what you feel about Kamala. I also do not have a good feeling about her. She's going to love the "power." Her and Biden are going to butt heads. And I also want to be clear that Biden (and Kamala) are not great either, but certainly better than Trump and his cronies. I came to love Bernie. If only he hadn't had heart issues. If only he had been a decade twice younger. Dam. He would have been a bright light.

HRH TW, Tarot by Janine is definitely pro Trump, as are most of her followers. And she's Canadian! She lives in my city! I don't believe most of her crap Janine toots out. She seems so professional; well spoken and likeable, yet most of her readings are pure shit. I don't waste my precious time anymore watching her YouTubes. Tarot by Andie is good or CD is best. My opinion.

Enjoy your weekend, CD and everyone!

Chocmint33 said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
T. W. said…

Thank you for the updates!

I have no problem with Tarot by Janine sharing her opinions. My problem with her lately is that she gives her opinion as though Tarot gave her the information.

Also, some of the things she says are illogical.

When I first learned of her here I went to check her out. My gut said I didn't like her style & I shouldn't watch. I should have listened.

I think several astrologers said Trump was on the way out even though the election was being held during Mercury retrograde.

Mother said Trump is out so that settles it.

Past my bedtime. Goodnight everyone!
Cordelia said…
CD thank you. Listening to Joe Biden's speech I feel that there are echoes of JFK. Together we are stronger.
Jules said…
My goodness .. I never knew all those psychics existed!

I would not rush to judgment just yet, I would hold back on calling out other psychics, ballots are still being counted, lawsuits have been filed, there are also many coming forward reporting election irregularities and voter fraud, the truth is, this election is far from over. It could turn out that EVERY psychic was correct.

To be honest, this is like watching an episode of the twilight zone. Before the election witches were openly calling out to one another to join forces to spell cast against President Trump. Witches spellcasting against Trump even made the BBC NEWS. Meanwhile, everyone is claiming God is on their side. I have yet to see a prophet stating God is championing Biden, but I have seen Prophets, including Amanda Grace, declaring God is on Trump's side.

Some are calling this election 'the sting' stating it was designed this way to show the general public just how corrupt the democratic party have been during this election and how corrupt the mainstream media are.

Rumour has it the Dept of Homeland Security controlled the production of the official ballots, which included a heavily guarded top secret non-radioactive isotope watermark as well as a tracking device to trace where the ballots are, (don't know how that would work), but a lot of independent people are reporting this. If this rumour is true, it should be very easy to weed out all (alledged) counterfeit ballots. Trump is claiming he received 71,000,000 legal votes.

If you believe in justice, fairness and truth the current president challenging the results of this election through the SupremeCourt, which is he doing, should not be seen in any way shape or form as negative, this is a positive move because it will either confirm the voting was legitimate or confirm the voting was rigged. If it was rigged then justice needs to be served.

Of course, there will always be an element of fraudulent activity, as well as miss counting etc in any election, to think that there is not, is terribly naive, but one has to admit there has been blatant obvious suspicious in your face goings-on with this election and that includes the mass censoring of information from the mainstream media and social media. There is indisputable evidence that there was mass fraudulent activity with digital voting, this was rather incredulously caught live on tv. This should concern everyone and everyone should be up in arms over this, everyone should be concerned that more votes were being cast then there are eligible voters in the key swing states, that in itself is a massive issue, the use of sharpie pens, not allowing officials to witness the counting of ballots, the gliches in the computer system that wiped out Trumnps votes. If you couple that with the mass censorship of certain topics on social media ie Bidens laptop etc something nefarious is going on.

Latina said…
Yes! Biden!Thanks God he won.
T. W. said…
I did some research. The DOVE said although the election is a coin toss, Trump would win a second term but not finish.

Sarah said…
Very well said Jules, you absolutely correct in everything you said 🙏🙌
T. W. said…
Hi Jules!

You would like the youtube video I posted a link to. All these "prophets" saying God said Trump will be president again have a poor accuracy rate. The Bible says that when a person who claims to be a prophet has even 1 prediction fail then that person is a false prophet & is not of God.

Now to the theories.

Unfortunately, the theories defy logic & do not hold water. Please know I am not saying there was no fraud of any kind. Fraud always takes place.

Here are the problems with the so-called prophecies:

1) The definition of "prophet" is one who speaks for God. Predicting the future does not make one a prophet.

2) God does not endorse political candidates.

3) God did not tell me Trump would win.

4) It is written, God is not the author of confusion. All these "prophets" can't agree. Something is wrong.

Here is the problem with Trump going to the U. S. Supreme Court:

He wants the voting count to stop ONLY in the states that show him losing. If voter fraud is as rampant as he says, he should ask for the election to be held again with new ballots & new safeguards in place in ALL states.

Here is the problem with the watermark theory:

Watermarks can be seen when you hold the paper up to a light source. My ballot did not have a watermark. I submitted my ballot at an early voting site. Was my ballot fake?

Here is the problem with radioactive isotopes on ballots:

Early voting ballots are mailed to the voters. This includes Americans living abroad and members of the Armed Forces, Diplomatic Corps, Peace Corps, etc. living abroad.

Radioactive material cannot be sent through US mail.

Even if it were legal to do so, millions of ballots were sent out in bulk mail. The total amount of radiation would harm postal workers, those at the board of elections, those who have to recount the ballots, & poll workers (you can drop off an absentee ballot at an early voting site).

Misinformation agents and agent provocateurs are counting on the masses to lack critical thinking skills. They are counting on those of us who have critical thinking skills to not use them. That is why their arguments are based on hatred and fear.

It is a fact that when people make decisions while they are in a state of fear the people are guaranteed to make the wrong decision.
T. W. said…

I thought the same too.
T. W. said…

We understand.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I cast out the cause of your migraine headaches and I command your body to heal, completely recover, & be made whole. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Mr.Joe Biden is a trash.Just like Epstein,Clinton,Obama...
T. W. said…


I had to read your comment again.

You did say people are reporting the isotope is non-radioactive.

I did limited research & I agree with you, I don't see how they could detect a non-radioactive isotope.

Also, you are correct. The proverbial Fat Lady has yet to sing. The Electoral College votes in January 2021. So even if the courts or a recount or a new election give the victory to Trump, the Electoral College can still vote Biden in as President.
T. W. said…
I have to say this.

Tarot by Janine is pro-Trump & pro-Republican. So are the Hipocrite Christians, uh, I meant the Evangelical Christians.

They need to consider the folliwing:

1) Trump was a registered Democrat until he decided to run for office as a Republican.

2) Trump claims to be Friends with the Clinton's. He said this when he ran against Hillary. Photographs and videos support his claims.

3) A multitude of photographs and videos show Trump at fundraisers & social gatherings for Democrats.

4) Trump did say Republicans are gullible on an American talk show. I remember it clearly. The clip was scrubbed from the internet.

5) The Republican Party is all about "Rules for thee but none for me."

6) Evil is non-partisan.

7) God is non-partisan.
Jan said…
TW I would like to correct you on some of the information your spreading that is false.
Trump is NOT friends with the Clintons. He did support the Democrats at one time (before he knew how corrupt they were) and he had relations with many politicians not just the Clintons. As a business man he got along with lots of politicians and I believe he did give money to the Dems at one time, however he was not friends with them like you claim. He invited them to his wedding with Melania but that was due to having business dealings with them at that time. This was BEFORE Hati and all of the Clinton Foundation shenanigan’s were exposed.
You my dear claim to be a Christian however I see you for the hateful hypocrite that you are.
T. W. said…

1) I can take correction. There have been times where I had to correct myself, had to let someone else know they were correct, etc.

2) What did I do to you?

3) I do not like people making hateful comments towards me unprovoked. I do not know you. I have never met you. For all I know you do not exist because you are a bot.

4) I am not your dear. You called me a hateful hypocrite, so it is impossible for me to be your dear.

5) You could choose to pray for me instead of calling me a hateful hypocrite. But I see you take pleasure in saying hateful & hurtful things to me. You should look in the mirror as you speak the words "hateful hypocrite."

6) Bye.
Chocmint33 said…
Ooops I meant Mussolini not 'Stalin' as one of the leaders that fell during the Pluto and Jupiter conjunction.

I assume that the psychics who got it wrong probably picked up on Trump announcing himself as the winner on election night and him being convinced that he won.

Here is a great article about the Jupiter Pluto cycle by Jessica Adams.

She made the prediction back on February 9 that these planets spell the end of the Trump presidency.
Jules said…
Did anyone make a list of the psychics who got the 2016 election wrong?

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