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2021 Well, Take Note.. Covid is here forever...

 Hi Gang.

I have started doing the predictions for 2021.

So lots of stuff is swirling around my head.
Let me tell you.

The truth’s not pretty.

I’m not talking about the Celebrity shit.



Especially the covid19/mask/vaccine element.

Let me be Clear by saying Covid19.
Will never go away…

It’s with us forever…
Yes, we have vaccines now.
But we are at the very early part of these vaccinations.

Which brings me to the crap that is floating about.
In regard to people not taking the vaccine.


Granted the vaccines are going to have some issues.

But not taking the vaccine.
Will result in many 


I hear this nonsense that there are.
DIGITAL CHIPS in the vaccines.
To track you.

If they want to track you?
They have your cellphones.

I hear people say there are.
In the vaccines.


 Is that the vaccines are our only chance.

So let’s have a reset.







Anonymous said…
Thank you, Christian.
let's pray!!! ask God !!! commit to improving !!!
perhaps scientists did not "see" the cure against i covid !!!
2021 be the year of healing !!!
let's be better with each other !!!
loveliness !!!
respect !!!
T. W. said…
I cant take the Vax due to allergies to vaccine components.

I hope Bill Gates is happy. It's hot where he is going...
T. W. said…
Vaccines are liquids that come in vials.

How can a microchip small enough to fit inside a needle & not corrode inside the liquid be for real?

If the liquid contains the microchips, how do they ensure people only get 1 microchip when they get a vaccination?

I know truth is stranger than fiction but this is ridiculous.
Anonymous said…
I have one word for you TW: Oxford. Take the Oxford vaccine when it is available.
Anonymous said…
I can’t take the vaccine. Too early to tell about adverse reactions to my medications. However, for those who can, please get the vaccine. By protecting yourself, you can protect those who are unable to receive it.
Mbmom said…
People who are prone to anaphylactic shock or are on anti rejection drugs cannot take the vaccine. But if people who are able to take it, that will lesson the chance of those who can’t take it from getting Covid.
Thank you Christian.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Christian. Can you please tell us was Covid19 an accident, or a man made disease? Also will the China Communist Party be held to account for not disclosing their knowledge of the disease to the world for at least 1 month before they were forced to admit their knowledge, thank you and my God bless us all and I hope they find a cure soon 🙏
Jules said…
I really adore CD, and I take heed of his predictions which I watch with interest, although I don't agree with the annual flu vaccination, I am honestly not an anti vaxer, however, (I more than likely going to be treated with utter disdain for saying this), as of today, I will not willingly be taking any currently created COVID -19 vaccine and I don't know anyone who will.

I came across the tweet just now, it's a video recording of what appears to be a video of someone being vaccinated that was shown on a news programme. I cant see a needle ...!!! Not only can I, and other viewers spot a needle, watch the syringe jerk forward about an inch when it was 'supposed' to have been inserted into the skin. Link down below.
teacher wendy said…
Yes vaccines. My mother lived through many epidemics and was so happy my brother & sister survived and only my sister got the whooping cough, in which she coughed so hard she turned blue but mama worked with the baby animals on the farm in backwoods Arkansas and could help my suster refill her lungs with air like the newborn animals. She saw whole families wiped out, over and over. I walk by those families when I decorate Dad's grave. When I came along 20 years later there were vaccines. She made sure I had them. She knew what the diseases could do. Yes, things need working out with vaccines but stand in the middle of a circle if graves that span grandparents, parents, and all the children in a household with ALL the same month and year.....and know the THANKFULNESS of the vaccine, the treatments, the cure. So Christian can you see if there will be a positive treatment/cure coming for COVID for those who do get sick in the furture? Or is prevention with a vaccine our only hope in the near future?
Archi said…
Bravo Christian ❤️
Anonymous said…
Thanks C D. Lots of paranoid crap out there. Masks and social distancing do make a difference. It’s worked in Oz.
Anonymous said…

Clear Words !

Thank you

Mariposa said…
Thank you Christian. Take care & stay safe. x
Anonymous said…
Now, thank you for final confirmation that you're a shill. Good to know:)
Sally said…
Thank you for doing this Christian.

Please everybody take care we have families and friends that would miss us.

Sally X
Anonymous said…
Dear CD thank you for this because I really started believe that vaccine is something terrible. Well I guess I’m wrong and can’t handled so many things lately. Time to reset. Time to be life positive and Covid negative. 😁
I would be very grateful if CD or someone else maybe can answer me if he knows anything about astral world. I am a person who can spontaneously enter the astral and when I come out of my body I am in my room and usually it always pulls me quickly into the body because I am too close to it so I have not explored the astral levels yet, I just read about it. Mostly a couple of days ago as I pulled my hand out of my body something was on me and bit me hard on the arm so I tried to fight but I went back to my body and woke up. I'm not a person who is very afraid of that, but I'm just wondering if they are those beings who normally live in the astral and suck our energy and we attract them when we are weaker or it is some curse and negative energy sent exclusively to me. I accept every answer, I am not surprised by anything nor will I be afraid. I would just love to hear other thoughts because I have no one to talk to about it. Thank you! Be careful everybody.
Chocmint33 said…
Absolutely CD. The conspiracy theories surrounding COVID-19 and the vaccination are ridiculous and dangerous. Thanks CD.
Lovely Libra said…
Christian — thank-you. I want and need a good dose of straight-forward TRUTH - and I trust you & your Guides - I so appreciate hearing it straight. I have always masked up but I gotta tell you - I live in Florida - moved here to be close to my elderly parents. Fortunately, they live in their own home - I cannot visit now due to Covid — and I would never do anything to knowingly - or unknowingly - put anyone at risk. Unfortunately, this is a Trump state - run by Governor Death Sentence - at least 50% of the population do not wear masks - and many independent businesses not requiring it. Sometimes, I’m looked at as the idiot because I wear one. I was on the fence about the vaccination - not because I believe in conspiracy theories, but because I’ve always been the healthy one who never gets a flu shot - you’ve helped me re-think this. All readers —please be smart and safe - please help everyone else stay safe too. And Christian —- thank-you so much!
Cordelia said…
Thank you CD you always get to the heart of the matter.
teacher wendy said…
Ps Thank you, Christian for straight up talk and no riddles. Straight up straight forward, to the point honesty though sometimes hard was the best way with my students. They trusted me because of it, I wouldnt lie to them. Ppss Honey my Yorkie is slowly and cautiously recovering, her expensive blood test came back with good news. Now I have to find a way to pay her $10,000 vet 6 weeks! And they never found an exact cause. LOVE!
Tony said…
Thankyou Christian. It's good you have put this on the forum for us to all see. There are far too many people who still do not care and don't bother wearing a facemask. A lot of old people say "It's only a virus like the flu". It's crazy. That's why life is very precious to us all. So let's all look after ourselves, and each other...wear a facemask and if you can have the it!!
Anonymous said…

I just want to say that I agree with Jules 100% .
Letty said…
Thank you CD❤️❤️❤️
T. W. said…

I know you mean well. But as I said before, I cannot take it if I wanted to.



Plenty of people have survived The Plague.

1) I do not trust these vaccines.

2) God told me not to do it.

3) If God to you to do it, then do it.
T. W. said…
Anon, I forgot to say:

I live in America. I am unable to take the Oxford Vaccine even if it were safe for me to do so.

It has not been approved by the FDA.

I cannot afford to fly to England, quarantine, & pay out of pocket for the Oxford Vax.
T. W. said…
While I do not trust these vaccines, I pray daily for those who have already received it and those who will.

Nothing is too hard for God.
T. W. said…
German News Footage

Where is the needle?
Jules said…
HRH TW ... We posted the same link!!! There is no needle .. and I hope everyone has noticed how the person administrating and I say that lightly .. as there is no needle . moves/jerks the non exsistent needle up at least an inch.. if anyone did that .. the needle would snap and the patient would .. well not be sitting still.

Jules said…
PLEASE I beg everyone ... please .. don't just listen to Christians predictions .. (before I am attacked, I am NOT disrespecting Christian or saying his visions etc are wrong) .. PLEASE do your due diligence and research thoroughly before you take any of the vaccines that are currently on offer.

It would be utter madness to get the vaccines that are available without looking into any of them. Look into everything, research all the ingredients, the side effects, listen to Consultants, Drs, scientists and nurses etc including whistleblowers that have not been put forward by the MSM (mainstream media etc) with regards to their concerns this way you will be fully informed before anything is injected into your body for a virus that has a 99.9 per cent survival rate.
LovesBreadCarbs said…
@Jules +2!

CD, based on your post, I will re-examine my thoughts. However, my current thoughts are these vaccines are being rushed through “trials” and approvals far too quickly. And I don’t f’ing trust computer guy as far as I can throw him.

My daughter and I have a standing joke where I say something such as, “I have absolutely no idea where you get being so stubborn.” Cue epic and highly theatrical eye rolling by my daughter.

My sister just recently received hers. She was enthusiastically asking me about getting one, and, the most tactful phrase I could come up with at that moment was, “I’ll see how you do with yours.”

I must admit to a strong streak of stubbornness (hey, it’s that Capricorn influence!). And, if you’re into Meyers-Briggs, test consistently as an INTP.

A point of concern: TPTB creating yet another you-vs-me drama.

But, unfortunately, CD, while I do have serious concerns about the vaccine, I must agree with you...our plague isn’t going away any time soon.

T. W. said…

Great minds think alike!

I thank you for making me laugh today. 🤭

Check this out...

On Good Morning America, a black nurse vaccinated a black healthcare worker. A white nurse vaccinated a white doctor.

Why is that?

What was really in those syringes?

I know what God told me. If God told certain people otherwise, they should triple check. If the message is truly from God then they must be sure they understood and act accordingly.

I know 1 medical professional who will take the Plague Vaxine. I found out from the person that having Blood Type A puts means they are high risk of catching & succumbing to Plague. I prayed for the person & their family.

All the other healthcare workers I asked said they will wait to see how everyone else does.

I also have a major surgery scheduled. The fact I am doing this during a pandemic tells you much about the state of my health. God told me multiple times I will have a very long life so I'm not scared.

My little sister & others say once this surgery is done other health problems will go away. I believe this.

My big sister speaks blessings over me, telling me I can eat anything I want with no problems. I accept the blessing.
Anonymous said…
Even I can make a video like Jules and TW posted. Not everything you see on media is real. PERIOD.
Anonymous said…
Even I can make a video like Jules and TW posted. Not everything you see on media is real. PERIOD.
Irish95 said…
The footage two users here are sharing, is edited to appear as though there is no needle, in fact it is a butterfly needle which in certain lights can appear translucent on account of its size, and there is an obvious 2 or 3-secondof footage removed from the footage displayed, which is shown on a large computer screen, not a tv. I edit videos as part of my artwork, I can see bad editing when it's in front of me. Please get the vaccine, people, and thank you so much CD for this confirmation. I hope this years predictions don't cause you too much hassle.
T. W. said…

According to the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) all Americans who take the Vaxine are part of the clinical trial.

As such no one can bring forth a lawsuit in case of disease, injury, or death as an indirect or direct result of the Vaxine.

T. W. said…
Anonymous December 18, 2020 7:37 am

So you doubt that video.

No problem.

But you cannot deny that the hospital in Texas admitted they faked a vaccination.
T. W. said…

Thank you for chiming in & sharing your expertise.

You forgot to say the footage from the Texas hospital is not fake & that the hospital admitted you the press that the vaccination was indeed faked.

Cap Anonymous said…
Dr. Mercola did not say to not get the vaccine. He did say that side effects are to be expected.

Dr. Fauci is not a nut. He's been in the infectious disease business for years.

Bill Gates -- Is it possible that we are wrong about him? That maybe he isn't the bad guy?

JULES / TW -- That video clip was very strange, indeed. What I've seen of the needle, it is huge and thick! No wonder people think you can be innoculated with a chip! LOL And as far as vaccine administrators wearing gloves, believe it or not, in my city and in another province here in Canada, they showed people getting the vaccine and the person giving it to them was not wearing gloves. Weird, but true.

CD -- Thank you for sharing your psychic two cents with us, it's definitely worth much much more.

I have had SARS (the original Coronavirus), H1N1, and the Coronavirus. All horrible. I am a really sensitive being. My turn for the vaccine doesn't come for months anyway, so by then I think the proof will be in the pudding.
Jules said…
Of course, not everything you see or come across on social media is true, just like not everything you read in the national newspapers is true, hence the million-dollar lawsuits. Nor is everything we see reported by the mainstream news outlets true or an honest account, I will admit I am absolutely shocked by the hypocrisy demonstrated by the likes of CNN in the USA, it's jaw-dropping to witness how they are wilfully twisting and holding back information from the America public, it’s so blatantly obvious there is agenda at play.

Shane Dawson put together a brilliant video on a group of crisis actors who were repeatedly used by different television news companies in different states, it was one of the videos that ‘woke me up’. Unfortunately, his video, (along with many other expose videos on crisis actors), has since been removed from YouTube after the company purged everything from the platform that mentioned crisis actors. It was also during this time that the mainstream media began to heavily push the narrative that anyone who mentioned crisis actors and called them out for creating fake/false news was a nutter, and a dangerous conspiracy theorist, labelling them and stating they were ‘dangerous to our democracy’. This stigmatisation worked. With many people believing that 'conspiracy theorists' are socially inept 40-year-old unmarried virgins with no friends who reside in their elderly mother's basements.

Over here in the UK, there was an 'attempt' to make the press more accountable and to bring in new laws with the Leveson inquiry held during 2011 and 2012. The enquiry took the form of a judicial public inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the British press following the News International phone-hacking scandal. The series of very public hearings highlighted amongst many things the incredible lies and totally made up stories journalists wrote about not just celebrities and politicians but ordinary members of the public, as well as current events and demonstrated how those lies negatively impacted people’s lives. Just look at how Johnny Depp's life has been turned upside down and his career, at this moment in time non-existent, due to a series of articles that ran in a newspaper. Shockingly the inquiry was a waste of time and public money as the Government failed to implement any of the recommended changes to the law and in the end, the inquiry was dropped altogether.

Just because members of the public, many of whom are Drs, scientists are offering up different opinions on COVID-19 and the vaccine etc that contradict an opinion of a journalist that has been published in a newspaper or that goes against the governments narrative it should not automatically mean their alternate opinion is ridiculous, wrong and dangerous and shouldn't, at the very least be listened to. A member of the public is just as capable of in-depth research and joining the dots together as someone who went to journalism school.
Jules said…
Cap Anon – Goodness me, you have been through the mill. I am so sorry this has happened to you. HUGS. We know of a few people who have been told they had COVID-19, some sailed through it, some felt like they had been ran over by a speeding train.

I am, like you, rather perplexed that we are being told to sanitise our hands at every available opportunity we can and yet there are a growing number of videos emerging that have been shown on news programmes of nurses administering the COVID vaccine wearing no protective gloves. This does not make sense to me, unless they are sanitising their hands before and after???

Some of the things that are being said are so contradictory they just don’t make sense. They are currently claiming that the vaccine can only be effective when 100 million people take it, so does that mean that you will still catch COVID and that the first and second shot will not mean anything until they hit the 100 million mark?

I came across a couple of interesting Twitter threads that mention Fauci .. and I thought they might interest you.

The first link is a tweet, it's very interesting, it includes a very short video of the Nobel prize winner Kary Mullis, the creator of the PCR test that is being used to detect COVID-19, (Kary Mullis is a biochemist who won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering a way to analyze DNA easily and cheaply and thus pave the way for major advances in medical diagnostics, molecular biology and forensic science), he is seen here discussing Fauci, Mullis passed away last August, some people believe his death to be highly suspicious.

The tweet reads, “The Great Kary Mullis, inventor of the abused PCR test talks about Anthony Fauci! Hmm, he died last year before they started abusing his PCR test! Hmmm!”

I highly recommend watching some of the videos in the replies to the above-mentioned tweet and read the comments, they are very enlightening.

In fact, there is a longer video of the interview clip and here is a link to it
Nobel Prize Winner Kary Mullis Challenges The Myths About AIDS - Narrated by Gary Null Ph.D.

The Second link is a video on Fauci’s responses to COVID- 19, its quite the eye opener, called the Fear of the unknown.

Jules said…
Cap Anon - With regards to Bill Gates, (whose appearance and that of his wife has changed, just like Hilary Clintons, his wife has suddenly become very masculine looking and he feminine, the same Bill Gates who was a known visitor to Epstein’s island, a known globalist interested in eugenics and constantly lecturing on depopulating the world, the college dropout). Has he been misunderstood? Research him. Or you could scroll through CD’s blog and click on the links that HRH TW has posted on him.

As the topic is vaccines, I’ve included a few articles on his vaccines and the devastation they have caused.

The first link is to an article which briefly summaries some of Bill Gates vaccines, it's entitled “WHY I BELIEVE BILL GATES WILL BE EXECUTED FOR HIS CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY:”

The second link is to an article entitled, "Gates Admits 700,000 People May Die from his Vaccine"

Third link article, Robert F Kennedy Jr. Exposes Bill Gates’ Vaccine Dictatorship Plan – Cites Gates’ Twisted ‘Messiah Complex’
Fourth link article Gates Foundation accused of 'dangerously skewing' aid priorities by promoting 'corporate globalisation'

There are many who believe the Children of Men film is predictive programming.

Incidentally, the world is NOT overpopulated. The entire population of the world could stand shoulder to shoulder in LA, in fact, they could live in LA in high rise blocks. As for feeding them all, the amount of food and produce that is produced daily and thrown away when quotas are reached, or the veg is a bit wonky, and the amount of animals that are over slaughtered and their meat discarded when there are human beings who are starving on this planet is a true crime against humanity and animals, There is plenty of room for every species. We also did not evolve from monkeys but I am sure everyone knows that.

T. W. said…
Cap Anonymous

I am glad you are still alive. God loves you and needs you here. May you receive all the blessings God wants you to have.
T. W. said…

You are truly doing a public service.

T. W. said…
Anyone else remember when the AIDS crisis first began?

Did you know it was originally called GRID - Gay Related Immunodeficiency?

Did you know President Ronald Reagan believed the gays deserved it and needed to die?

Did you know that a portion of COVID-19's genetic code is exactly the same as portion of HIV's genetic code?
T. W. said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
T. W. said…
Bill Gates can't keep viruses out of the computer software he created. How is he gonna keep viruses out if a human body?!

The man is a college drop out.

He is on record saying people should not be able to travel, buy or sell unless they take the Plague Vaxine.

I've posted so many links & excerpts about Bill Gates that it's not even funny.

Many of the links come from his own blogs, websites, interviews, and conferences.

Why anyone still believes Gates is a good guy is beyond me.
T. W. said…
Anyone else ever heard of Boyd E. Graves?

He served in the military & sued the government for creating HIV as a bioweapon.


He later died under mysterious circumstances...
T. W. said…
A side-by-side comparison of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines
Jules said…
HRH TW - Rumour has it that Fauci has a very nefarious connection to HIV.

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