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ATRICLE REVIEW... Kim Kardashian Kanye West....

Just another stunt.......

I can't wait till the whole   
Kim Kardashian Kanye West "relationship".
Is shown to be just another PR stunt, 
like the so called "marriage".
Wake up people.
These people are just money grabbing 



Quiet said…
Coming soon but she has all the money in the bank already.

After 3 marriages she still could not find real love in any of them?

Money cant buy you love or time.
CyndiTx123 said…
Never liked this family but their babies are soooo adorable!!
T. W. said…
Well klutch my pearls!
Cap Anonymous said…
It makes sense but the question is why? To be revealed, I guess.

Say what you will about Kanye but I see a vulnerable human who has never been the same since his Mom died. Perhaps he had mental issues prior to her death, and after it escalated, I don't know. Marrying into the Kardashian family would be hard on any guy. The Kardashians never had the pick of the litter when it comes to men. Good men are not attracted to these women. That goes for Cardi B, Meghan Thee Stallion. I mean, if you want to sing about or advertise to a man that you have a WAP, men with class will run like hell in the other direction. It doesn't matter how rich and famous you are.

Didn't CD a few year's back predict that Kim and Kanye would divorce and Kanye writes a tell-all? What a juicy book, it would be a best seller. I would think Kim's Mom, Kris, would be aware of this so a big settlement would probably keep things hush hush.

The most current, up-to-date numbers on the Coronavirus, in every country, worldwide:

An excellent website on the Coronavirus and vaccine(s):

The USA, Britain, and Canada are spending BILLIONS on the vaccines.


Again, common sense suggests the governments wouldn't do that if it's going to harm or kill their people? Then no one will be around to pay taxes or pay for the cost of these vaccines.

Which is going to take decades to pay off.

Guess whose ass is going to help pay for that? Ours. Not to mention all those economic impact and stimulus type cheques given out during the pandemic, whether or not you received any, you are gonna pay. In Canada, the federal government has already started asking some people to pay back some of the money they received. These individuals make much more than the minimum wage.

VACCINE: As Dr. Mercola suggested, there are going to be some issues with these vaccines. Not everyone should get the vaccine. People who are sensitive or react to other vaccines (FLU), etc., etc., should avoid getting a shot. Not everyone needs the vaccine.

Another view is there are countless, brilliant scientists, doctors in the medical field, worldwide. If these vaccines were that bad, why isn't anyone coming forward? This isn't China! At least not in my country of Canada.

From what I seen and heard, medical staff in hospitals are looking forward to getting this vaccine.

I recall a few months ago when Bill Mayer was speaking to a subject matter expert (doctor) about the pandemic. He said there will be another pandemic after this one.

Does this mean I will personally get the vaccine? I don't know yet.

My turn apparently won't come for many months, so we'll see what happens.

But I have warned people.

Don't forget to watch Monday, December 14:

TV 20/20 Special Edition: The Shot
Mariefass said…
I feel sorry for those kids born into this coven.
T. W. said…
I agree with all the comments about Kanye, the children, & the Koven.

Cap Anonymous is correct about the stimulus payments. In America, the one time payment is an advance on a tax credit. So if you are required to file an income tax return you will be in for a big shock next year.

As for The Plague Vaxine:

The government will still get money if many people die. In America, if you have ever received Medicaid (medical care for the poor) then the state is required by federal law to collect from your estate.

Also, if you die intestate & there is no one who makes a claim on your estate the government gets your estate.

The government will collect money because many people have not gone to a competent attorney for estate planning.

Trust me.

The government will get its pound of flesh either way.
T. W. said…
Kim Kardashian Takes 1st Step Towards DIVORCING Kanye West!!
T. W. said…
Updates on The Plague here:
Jules said…
For those that are interested in Kanye West, if you do a little research into the dark side of the entertainment industry you will be able to better understand his overall behaviour. You will be able to recognise and read the masonic/Luciferian signs and symbols that are prevalent in his music videos and concerts and discover the significance behind Kanye’s hair being bleached blonde after having a ‘mental’ breakdown following a lengthy spell in ‘rehab’.

Hopefully, this video entitled “Kanye, ‘Get out’ West/ Behind the meltdown”, will shed a little light and help you understand more.

Regarding the Kardashians, rumour has it that the Kardashian women are luciferin high priestess/ witches.
Jules said…
Cap Anon - I more than understand your thought process in regard to the financial expenditure surrounding the creations of the different vaccines the big pharma corporations have ‘created’, however, the financial cost of the ‘vaccines’ to those that wanted them created is irrelevant and recouping any monetary loss from the creation and production of any vaccines, although no doubt a pleasant side effect, is again irrelevant.

‘They’ do not care about money. Part of their current agenda is to destroy the entire economy, which is blatantly obvious, even to those who are ‘asleep’ this is no secret. Destroying the economy to bring on their great reset is thought to be by many people the real reason for the lockdowns.

With regards to the first elderly woman in the UK to get the vaccine, rumours are circulating that she is a crisis actor, like the first male to get the vaccine named William Shakespear, they are also claiming she is not 90 years of age. Some have even stated that the 'needle' had its 'cap' still on, I couldn't tell if it did or did not, but I do question why the nurse was not wearing gloves!!!! I highly doubt she was given anything toward in the vaccine as they will need her to for follow up interviews.

Rumour has it the agenda for the vaccine has nothing to do with curing the public and very much to do about de-population. Again, it's no secret ‘they’ have been promoting the need for de-population for decades. I posted links demonstrating the alarming findings that the vaccines will render all females sterile, the same link also explained that the chemicals being used to ‘sterilise’ schools etc contained the same ‘ingredients’ that can destroy the female reproduction system. This is very real.
Jules said…
Cap Anon - There are doctors, scientists, nurses and health practitioners stepping forward all the time, unfortunately, absolutely anything that is going against the narrative of the deep state, ie COVID- 19 .. and the vaccine etc, as well as the United States jaw-dropping election fraud (and the growing alarming revelations about the Chinese Communist Party attempt to take over the USA) are being heavily censored and wilfully suppressed in the MSM (mainstream media) as well as across the vast majority of media platforms, this is the reason why I suggested that everyone use the search engine duckduck.go .

In October 2020, three of the world’s most renowned doctors, Dr. Martin Kulldorff, Harvard Medical School Professor, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, Oxford University Epidemiology Professor, and Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya, Stanford Epidemiology Professor, authored something called the Great Barrington Declaration. The declaration has been co-signed by tens of thousands of Medical Practitioners, as well as others including Public Health scientists. The declaration stated, “The Great Barrington Declaration – As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection. Coming from both the left and right and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health.

Literally, hundreds of thousands of Doctors and Scientists have also stepped forward and have become whistle-blowers to warn the general public, they have come together and have formed World Doctors Alliance, they also go by the name of Doctors for truth. As quickly as they are putting out videos on platforms such as youtube, Twitter and Facebook they are taking them down. These medical professional are out there, they are risking losing their careers to get the truth out.

Here are links to some of their articles and videos I saw via the search engine duckduck.go,

Video on Brand new tube (alt to you tube)

“Doctors for the Truth” Speak Out in Madrid, Denounce Covid-19 “False Pandemic”
From a press conference in Spain
Two separate Articles on the The Great Barrington Declaration

Doctors For Truth: Tens Of Thousands Medical Professionals Suing And Calling For End To COVID Tyranny
For those that are interested in the search engine duckduck.go here is a link to it

HRH TW has posted numerous links of the psychopathic Bill Gates talking about the need to depopulate the planet, you only need to research the vaccines that have been created by the Bill Gates foundation to see the alarming number of deaths attributed to them.

Cap Anonymous said…
JULES, thank you for responding to my posts and for all the information you provided and posted here. I appreciate you and TW so much.

You know, I keep going back and forth about this vaccine business. I guess maybe I just WANT TO BELIEVE that the vaccine is going to help us. I just WANT TO BELIEVE that the governments care about us and have our backs and want to protect us from the virus and do no harm. I myself am a healer. The majority of people who work in the medical industry are healers. They want to help people, not harm.

In the 20th century, wars used to be the thing that culled the herd. In the 21st century, it's lab-created viruses and vaccines.

Too many people. Can't continue to feed them all. Can't afford to keep them.

Tonight, I watched the 20/20 special on the vaccine(s). Didn't learn really anything new about the vaccines, but the one thing that really stood out, at least for me, is how dedicated these scientists were. They spoke with pride about their part in the vaccine creation, and how passionate they were and were seemingly good, honest people who felt they were all part of the greater good of humanity by creating this miracle vaccine.

These are brilliant individuals, highly educated in their field. I have a hard time believing they created something to rid of us or prevent procreation. Or should I say I don't want to believe.

Then who shows up on my TV screen? Bill Gates. They had Bill Gates on the 20/20 Vaccine special tonight. Oh no.

I definitely see your point Jules about how the vaccine administrator lacked gloves while giving that old lady the shot. The whole scenario could be fake indeed, we really don't know. But I have never seen anyone giving a vaccine to not ever wear gloves. Very strange, indeed.

I watched the news in the U.S. and locally. Unmasked protestors with signs and defiant attitudes that the mandatory masks and new semi-lockdowns are unnecessary. Some of them have young children. The anchorman on the news states regardless of the vaccine, masks will likely be required until next December 2021.

The media is controlled by powerful individuals, governments and groups.

I'm still going to wear a mask, I'm still going to Lysol wipe everything, and wash my hands, and avoid crowds for as long as it takes.

The vaccine? I listened to The Doctors for Truth. I believe them.

I'll just continue to watch and see what unfolds in the coming weeks and months.

Jules said…
Oh dear meant to write, "I highly doubt she (Margaret Keenan - the alleged crisis actor) was given anything untoward in the vaccine, as they will need her to be fine for (any) follow up interviews."
T. W. said…
Jules & Cap Anonymous

You both are lifesavers!

Jules, you are very intelligent and speak well. Are you an educator?

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