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Dear Unknown.. you should do your research before making a comment..

Anonymous said…
Stop please!!! What an absolute PRAT you are CD. Stop making out that the plandemic is as deadly as something on the same scale as Ebola!! Your such a drama queen 👑

December 30, 2020 at 6:29 AM 

2020 Latest  numbers. (at posting)






Archi said…
You are right Christian !
T. W. said…
These entities have to post anonymously so no one can know who really made these stupid comments.

I wonder if people who say these things gs and believe these things have had COVID-19?

Are they willing to go to ICU wards to pray for the sick and to provide comfort to them?
Girlygirl said…
UK has now gone into Tier 4. The hospital numbers are far greater numbers than back in March. This strain is more contagious. Please, please stay safe and look after each other.
teacher wendy said…
OH my gosh....I cannot believe people still do not understand this....yes it is 2% of the population but our health care systems and health care workers are not set up for this. They are at the brink of exaustion ...and which 2%? Your mom, my mom, your best friend, his dad...Those are PEOPLE we are losing....and families that are grieving, lives forever changed.....I never realized empathy is so nonexistant. When I explain this to people like this about huarding the health care system, their response is " they chose to be health care workers". WHAT?

I have a niece that parties, goes to bars and restaurants, travels, no mask unless required and challenges people to take the "Oh covid is stupid challenge" with her....which is both people eating 2 ends of a french fry!!!!!And then there is me who in a week will not have seen friends or family in a year because my sister is 79 and I am her only caretaker. Our social life is doctor appointments. Two ends of a spectrum.
Anonymous said…
Hi, personal I don't believe in this too, but is still find mean to see someone come here to fight or insult the others or the site owner... really? People are different so different opinions... don't like it, well..don't read, find one other pages.. nobody force you to be here...each one have the wright to read and choose what want to believe or not,I never feel me, like forced by Christian words,to do or believe something...him just say his point.. still... let's try to not be rude.. simple: don't like it, don't read, find something else to do .Lilia Fall
Latina said…
Ebola was highly deadly but because of the fastness of the illnes wasn't too contagious.People hadn't time enough to contagie the virus but covid's way more contagious although might be not so deadly (for some people).This is what I remember about ebola,covid's a more letal for determined groups-elder and with predetermined respiratories disease people- anyway even if you're a healthy person you have to be careful,you maybe asymptomatic but you could pass on the covid to a bunch of people and be deadly for them.
Sana said…
What’s wrong with mark zuckerberg? Why does this fucker needs our sensitive info?
Cat Lady said…
I can't believe that thete are people this mean, insensitive, and stupid out there. When people chose to be health care workers they were not expecting anything like this pandemic. Most people recover but how many have long term side effects months after they have had the virus. I think people like anonymous need a reality check and to learn empathy.
T. W. said…
There is a mutated strain in America too.

2020 doesn’t give 2 f***s.

This year keeps getting worse:

Designer Alexander Wang accused of groping male and trans models


The 37-year-old designer's accusers went public with the allegations on social media on Monday.

A post by industry watchdog S**t Model Mgmt accused Wang of being a "sexual predator" and asked fashion buyers to boycott his clothing line.


Several anonymous accounts shared stories of alleged sexual misconduct and being drugged with MDMA.

Model Owen Mooney had earlier uploaded a TikTok video claiming he was "touched up" by a "really famous" fashion designer in 2017. Although Mooney did not initially name his alleged abuser, he later uploaded a follow-up video and confirmed it was Wang.


So far, Wang's celebrity clients, including Lady Gaga (pictured at the 2015 Met Gala), Rihanna, Doja Cat, Balla Hadid, Kylie Jenner, and Miley Cyrus, have remained silent.
T. W. said…
That poor man.

GROPE CLAIMS Brit model Owen Mooney claims Alexander Wang felt his crotch in packed club making him ‘freeze in shock’


A BRIT model alleges designer Alexander Wang groped him in a packed club and has called on the “massive sexual predator” to be “cancelled.”

Owen Mooney, from Peterborough, is one of several people who allege Wang, 37, assaulted them – with at least one claiming he was drugged by the fashion tycoon.


If you are affected by any of the issues raised in this article, please call the Samaritans for free on 116123.
Anonymous said…

It is important to distinguish
between the virus and how
dangerous it is medically
and what is made of it
for political and other reasons.

It is important to deal
responsibly with the pandemic
so that our health system
does not collapse and can help
anyone who needs help -
regardless of their beliefs !

That is our common aim !

Truth said…
It's going to be every inch of the word "'PLAGUE". Bravo perhaps you have redeemed your self after all.....
MBMOM said…
How about those that refuse to listen regarding, masks, social distancing, safer at home, etc. wear a medic alert bracelet or sign a waiver that they agree to refuse to seek medical treatment if they get it.
Or the restaurants that still allow indoors or outdoor dining when it’s prohibited, to lose their business licenses when up for renewal.
Apple Monkey said…
Honestly cannot believe some people.... This is testing health infrastructures on a global scale.
CD - I thought anonymous comments were not allowaed? Please protect yourself.

And Happy New Year!
T. W. said…
Do research by going here:
T. W. said…
COVID-19 Is A Man-Made Virus: HIV-Discoverer Says "Could Only Have Been Created In A Lab"
T. W. said…
I left out an important excerpt:'s Robert Miller writes that contrary to the narrative that is being pushed by the mainstream that the COVID 19 virus was the result of a natural mutation and that it was transmitted to humans from bats via pangolins, Dr Luc Montagnier the man who discovered the HIV virus back in 1983 disagrees and is saying that the virus was man made.


Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus that was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Chinese researchers are said to have used coronaviruses in their work to develop an AIDS vaccine. HIV DNA fragments are believed to have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome.

Angel.monolith said…
Covid is incomparable with Ebola.I don’t think
anyone will run into the Ebola virus and become
infected in Europe/ US/ UK. It doesn’t pose a real
threat. In contrast with Ebola, you will definitely
encounter the Corona virus and you’re an elderly
person and have chronic illness, then....
Wear the mask!
LovesBreadCarbs said…
“It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” Mark Twain

T. W. said…

The history of that quote is interesting. There are many variations of it.

The original quote comes from the Biblical book of Proverbs.

President Abraham Lincoln frequently quoted Scripture & made the fool comment before Mark Twain did.
Anonymous said…
The person making the comment should definitely do there research- you need to be direct contact with a human who has Ebola or any blood, secretions to catch it. So it’s virtually 1:1. C- 19 is a good sneeze and cough or even spittle through talking which is a 1: anyone within a 1.5 distance and extra if there is unfiltered aircon. Stay away from public transport Girl from Oz.
LovesBreadCarbs said…

Thank you and will research this! As always, you bring so much to discussion here!
Jules said…
I absolutely agree with Christian. Research everything. I have read scientific and research papers and listened to countless hours of video from Doctors and scientists as well as whistle-blowers. I honestly suggest you do the same. Follow the science.

The chances of catching COVID -19 going about your day to day life IS very, very slim. You have to be in prolonged contact with someone who is displaying actual symptoms of the virus.

For those who are concerned about going shopping …
Professor Hendrik Streeck of the University of Bonn is the leading virologist of Germany. He led a study in the most affected area in Heinsberg, Germany. The results of his study are in his words, 'There's no risk of getting the disease if you go shopping. Serious outbreaks of the infection were always the result of people being very close over long periods of time.' He also stated in order to contract the virus via a surface like a doorknob, "it would be necessary that someone coughs into their hand, immediately touches a doorknob, and then straight after that another person grasps the handle and goes on to touch their face”, he like many other doctors, has also stated. 'Decisions for action were taken on the basis of assumptions and not on the basis of scientific facts.'

What are the chances of contamination going to the park, beach etc ?
The Ministry of Public Health of British Columbia stated that there is absolutely no chance of being infected with Covid-19 if you are outdoors. They did a study that revealed how 80% of all infections happens inside homes. The rest take place in trains and buses.
Dr. Reka Gustafson, Provincial Health Officer British Columbia said, 'There is absolutely no evidence that this virus is present in the air and even if it was, our measures would not have worked. The overwhelming majority of covid-19 transmission occurs through close and prolonged personal contact.'

Jules said…
What are the chances of catching COVID-19 from someone who has tested positive? The answer very, very rare to nil. A recently released report from Wuhan itself clearly states this, link below.

A 22-year-old Chinese woman was admitted to hospital with heart problems, she recovered quickly after three days, but then she tested positive for covid-19. This alarmed the hospital staff, because the past few days she had come into contact with hundreds of different people, including family, fellow patients and hospital staff, they worked out she had been in contact with a total of 455 people in total. Obviously, they were concerned and quickly launched an extensive investigation to track and trace everyone. NOBODY had been infected. A whO spokeswoman. Maria Van Kerkhoven, epidemiologist World Health Organization has also stated, The data shows us that it's extremely rare for someone who has no symptoms to transmit the virus to someone else.'
The hospital castestudy
Wuhan report link

For those who are concerned about keeping socially distant and people encroaching on their space ..

Although many will say its common sense, and it is common sense, the idea that we should keep a distance of at least six feet is effective is highly debatable. 'There is a wide range of recommendations on social distancing that differ from country to country. For instance, in Germany, Poland and the Netherlands they are told to keep 1.5 metres apart whilst Austria, Norway, Sweden, Finland are told to keep 1 metre apart.

The World Health Organisation recommends a one-metre distance between two people from separate households. The reason for this, as stated on its website, is that: 'When someone coughs, sneezes, or speaks they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the COVID-19 virus if the person has the disease.' But other countries have taken advice from their own health experts and social distancing varies from two metres (in the UK) down to one metre (in France)

Incidentally, the two-metre rule can be traced back to research in the 1930s that showed droplets of liquid from coughs or sneezes would land within a one-two metre range, as reported by the BBC. Iain Duncan Smith is not the first to criticise the UK's adopting of the two-metre rule, out of line with many other European countries. Robert Dingwall, from the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (Nervtag), previously said in April the rule was 'conjured up out of nowhere'. Mr Dingwall told Radio 4's Today: 'We cannot sustain [social distancing measures] without causing serious damage to society, to the economy and to the physical and mental health of the population. 'I think it will be much harder to get compliance with some of the measures that really do not have an evidence base. I mean the two-metre rule was conjured up out of nowhere.'

Jules said…
How protective are face masks?

New England Medical Journal investigated the circumstances necessary for contamination. The conclusion of five scientists is that face masks are of no use at all. Infection only occurs after someone has been standing very close to an infected person with symptomsand the contact has to be at least 30 minutes long. They stated, 'The chance of getting covid-19 through a transient interaction in a public space is minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive response to fear of the pandemic'.

The Canadian scientist D.G. Rancourt is a renown expert on face masks stated in an extensive research report (link below) , 'Masks and respirators don't work. There are extensive randomized controlled trials (RCT), and meta-analysis reviews of RCT studies, all of which show that masks and respirators do not work to prevent respiratory influenza-like diseases or respiratory illnesses.

The World Health Organization recently reported that face masks are only needed for healthy people working with someone infected by covid-19. Others do not have to wear it at all DR. APRIL BALLER, PUBLIC HEALTH SPECIALIST WHO STATED 'If you don't have breathing problems like coughing, running nose or fever, you don't have to wear a mask.' however, this report has since been taken down.

Another very extensive study carried out by nine scientists states the prolonged use of face masks, in fact, increases the risk of infection! 'This study is the first RCT of mouth masks, and the results warn against the use of face masks. It states Moisture retention, re-use of face masks and poor filtration can lead to an increased risk of infection.' The study was published in the BMJ Medical Report

Handmade non-surgical fabric masks block oxygen flow, which weakens the body and therefore lowers the immune system, which results in a higher risk of infection. If you sneeze in this mask, cough, you need to replace it immediately. Also, you cannot wear the mask all day long, you need to keep changing it.
Jules said…
For those who are interested I thought I would like to take up the opportunity to clear up exactly what Doctors and Scientists mean when they state the virus does not exist, and why they are calling what has been labelled as a ‘pandemic’ by the mainstream media a ‘plannedemic‘ and a hoax. Why are Drs etc stating the virus is a hoax and does not exist when people are clearly falling ill and heartbreakingly some of subsequently died. Some readers of this blog have reported that they themselves have been ill, so why are Drs stating it’s a hoax?
Let me explain the reason and everyone needs to take note of this .. I repeat .. as of today .. no scientist or virologist has yet been able to find the virus or prove its existence. COVID-19 HAS NEVER BEEN ISOLATED AS AN ORGANISIM AND PROVEN TO BE AN INFECTIOUS AGENT per the protocol of Koch's postulates.
Here is a link to a very technical video that demonstrates how scientists identify a virus, its really fascinating, its put in such away that anyone can comprehend the material. Try your best to completely watch it, so you will grasp what is really going on as the Dr also goes over research papers etc. If you want to jump straight to the CONCLUSIONS section, jump to time 35:04.

The question that everyone should be asking is just what is this ‘virus’ and what exactly is the true course/source of all of this, One question I have is what on this good earth did they give or do to the poor people of Wuhan.

Regarding vaccines .. also understand if there is a mutated strain out there then no vaccine that they are rushing out will be effective against it .. they will have to start all over again.

Jules said…
Please understand No Doctor is denying or stating they have not seen any patients displaying symptoms which governments have labelled as COVID -19, however, they are stepping forward and forming alliances because they are alarmed about the narrative in the press and want the general public to know that hospitals are not like warzones and overrun with COVID patients, they want the general public to be fully aware that they are and have successfully treated patients time and time again.

There are an incredible amount of videos of Drs and nurses dancing .. how can nurses and Drs who are so overrun with COVID-19 patients rehearse and perform dance routines???
Doctors, nurses and other health practitioners who have treated and encountered these patients have stepped forward in a unified attempt to stop people listening to the fearmongering running rampant in the mainstream media. As an example, the originally projected case figures estimated by Fauci were grossly over-exaggerated, when in reality the actual ‘case’ figures of infected people reported to b suffering from COVID-19 are in fact minimal and nowhere near anything resembling what could be construed as pandemic levels and yet the official narrative has not changed.

These Doctors are stepping forward and arguing against the narrative behind Lockdowns. They are arguing against the narrative of wearing masks, they are arguing against the sterilising of every single surface as they know everything does not make sense and they are using science and their knowledge to back this up. They are telling and demonstrating the harm that all of this is doing to individual immune systems. Doctors and nurses are stepping forward to warn the public figures of those who are displaying symptoms and who have tragically died from COVID-19 have in many cases been falsified. These Doctors are, however, being heavily censored and their videos are being purged of social media. Censoring these Doctors, and in some cases firing them, is beyond sinister.

If anyone is interested in listening to the viewpoints of working Doctors/nurses/scientists that are working on the front line with patients and not just Fauci’s or those working for any of the big pharma companies, then here are some links for you.

The first link is to a video put out by Dr Carrie Madej I encourage everyone to watch the entire video as she discusses the falsifying of data, as well as covid tests being both contaminated and unreliable, however, you can skip to 5.19 mins in where she discusses COVID 19 has never been isolated. She also talks extensively about vaccines. Please also see the many links in her video, they are the sources of the information to back up what she has said.

The second link is a video put out by Dr. Dan Erickson & Dr. Artin Massihi, they are medical doctors & virologists this briefing took place in Kern County, California and provided real research & current numbers. This video had over 7 million views on YouTube before it was deleted off the platform as it went against the narrative and questioned quarantining and sterilising.
Jules said…
From my own extensive research, it is absolutely true to state that Scientists such as biologists and virologists have been working towards a coronavirus vaccine for years, however, it is also absolutely true to say, despite everyone efforts around the world no one has ever made a successful vaccine for a coronavirus before.

I came across an interview with Professor Ian Frazer from the University of Queensland, Australia, who was involved in the successful development of the vaccine for the human papillomavirus which causes cervical cancer — a vaccine which took years of work to develop. He said the challenge is that coronaviruses have historically been hard to make safe vaccines for, partly because the virus infects the upper respiratory tract, which our immune system isn't great at protecting. Dr Larisa Labzin, an immunologist also from the University of Queensland explained, “And while we have vaccines for seasonal influenza, HPV and other diseases, creating a new vaccine isn't as simple as taking an existing one and swapping the viruses. For each virus or different bacterium that causes a disease, we need a different vaccine because the immune response that's mounted is different," they further explained "Just because we've got a really good vaccine against polio doesn't mean the same thing will work with coronavirus, because it's so different."

Here is a link to that article which was published in April and is entitled We've never made a successful vaccine for a coronavirus before. This is why it's so Difficult

This means that the vaccines that are being touted today are new, they have been rushed through, and this has been confirmed over and over again by Bill Gates. Here is a link to an interview he gave on the BBC, pay particular attention to his response when asked about the safety of the vaccine and how he describes himself as a health expert. Incidentally, he has made a fortune from vaccines and doubled his net worth. You can skip to about 5.38 mins in if you just want to hear what he says about a vaccine. He talks about the safety trade of and making sure the companies producing the vaccine have indemnity. Also read the comment sections.

Coronavirus: Bill Gates interview @BBC Breakfast - BBC

This is a must-watch video, regarding Bill Gates, it’s a deleted documentary on why he switched from Mircrosoft to vaccines and the damage his vaccines have done worldwide. Its truly shocking.

This video looks further into the Bill gates vaccines.
Anonymous said…

the nurses I know and
I as a psychologist
are so exhausted
that we cannot make
a film, we work
as long as it will take

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