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Grace said…
Good morning Christian! ❤️🙏🏾
MMJ said…
Good morning!

I have a question. Don't laugh, please. An hour ago I felt something strange. I listened to some light music and was completely calm. Suddenly, the energy around me somehow began to “vibrate”. Warm sensation in the upper part of the body with pulsation in the palms. It was as if my energy was briefly out of my body. I don't know how to describe it better. What is that? Give some answer before I start to panic and schedule an MRI.

You are all here spiritual people, so help.🙏🏾
T. W. said…
Good morning!

Prayers for India:

Unidentified illness hospitalizes more than 300 people in India
Latina said…
Good morning to you too!:)
T. W. said…
MMJ and all Friends

The Mass Awakening is getting stronger.

The Star of Bethlehem will appear December 21.

Great conjunction

MMJ said…

You gave me homework to read all about it.

This year is a new (spiritual) birthday for me. I’m still new to all of this but my brain and spirit are still conflicted about it all. This is a year when I didn't understand much because I only looked at things from a logical point of view. Synchronicities and new knowledge followed me throughout the year.

And vibration in the ears. Here is this now .. I will try to learn to meditate.

Thank you TW, so I am not loosing my mind? :)
Good night @MMJ!
Interesting your story!
Did the song put you to listen?
Or did you hear a song without having any radio or people to put it on?
In mediumship we can hear sounds, smells, we can see, etc.
If you can read some books ... Book of spirits and book of mediums ... Codified by Allan Kardec.
It may have been a presence that wanted you to have these physical sensations ... don't worry. Always pray! Ask for help and protection from God and his guardian angel!
T. W. said…

You are not crazy.

It's possible the source of the things you feel are not spiritual. My guesses are anxiety, headaches, or allergies. Did you know there are over 200 different kinds of headache?

Do you have your WiFi turned on all the time? That is not good for your health.

Do you use bluetooth technology? That is bad for your health too.

If you use a microwave please check it. Some radiation could be coming out of it. If it is old or you suspect damage please throw it out.
MMJ said…

Omg. The song. Before that, I listened to my playlist of piano music. Then the playlist broke and the song Foreigner- "I want to know what love is" started.

And then it started. Like a sharp pain in the sense that someone pulled the plug to release a tub full of water. And after that I felt that energy outside my body. Maybe it was the presence of something/someone that wanted to touch me. And then the vibration, or rather the spread of heat from the heart to the head and hands and the pulsation in the palms, began. Like waves. I felt love in its purest form. I think I was radiating it..

I found online the thing called "opening heart chakra and tapping into 4d due to spiritual awakening". I don't know..
It was beautiful but I freaked out a bit. Soo weird.

I'll try to find that book.

T. W. said…

Okay. Sounds like this may not have a natural, physical source.

I see you will be researching chakras. I caution you not to take steps to open them, especially the base chakra. People practice kundalini to open it.

Another name for the base chakra is the SERPENT CHAKRA. Do you really want to open that?

I have seen people who have that chakra open. Trust me, it's called the SERPENT chakra for a reason.

Have you seen footage of people claiming to speak in tongues & they roll around on the floor laughing? Did you see that video of Paula White praying for the angels of Africa to strike & then pretending to pray in tongues? That's what it looks like.

Many Christians think they have Holy Spirit when in actuality they have invoked the kundalini spirit.

So how can you tell?

1) There is no Scripture that says Holy Spirit causes holy laughter.

2) Jesus had negative things to say about repetitious prayers.

3) Jesus had negative things to say about long prayers & prayers made for public show.

4) Praying in the Spirit is to be done in private (with rare exceptions) & the purpose is to have Holy Spirit help us properly pray when we don't know what to say, to get answers, and to become stronger Christians.

5) You'll find that the so-called Christians with kundalini spirit say they cannot control their outbursts.


Self-control is one of the fruits of Holy Spirit. So logically a Christian who has Holy Spirit of God within them is able to control when they pray in tongues (in the spirit).
MMJ said…

Believe me, I found this after that event.

There's one more thing. I found it today. I think that was the message to me. From whom / what? I do not know. I watched that video again today. Below it is the date. My birthday 6 years ago. With the words from this song, I turned to God (just on that day) to give me an answer in some form. To help me. I didn’t get it and I made a choice. Why did the answer arrive now, 6 years later? I do not understand..

I will definitely not open the chakras. I don't even know how this happened. I was just listening to music in peace. No matter, I took this as a personal answer to me.

Thanks TW!❤️

CD, you can delete this story.
T. W. said…

You are always welcome!

My nephew says we can receive from God when we are sitting in peace.

I recommend the book Silence by Endo. I only saw the last 30 minutes of the film.
We are energy !!! Chakras are vortices where energies enter and leave ... we have the 7 main chakras. When we apply a pass on someone, we impose our hands on these chakras, to realign them. When the chakras are in disarray we can have physical sensations that are not very good.
MMJ - was it a bad feeling?
Knowledge sets us free!
There's a phrase like this: "Think outside the box" lol
I would tell you ... What box?
Don't forget to pray! Talk to God!

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