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Hi Gang as you know I have been doing the 2021 Predictions.

This is/was the first one.

Which I am publishing now.

Due to the Covid19 Rises.

We will see...

5+ million deaths in USA
Matching amount in UK/Europe
Due to developing new strains not yet known


T. W. said…
Not surprised.

But this still saddens me.

There's a special place in hell for those who intentionally created this virus to harm others.


The LORD God is our hiding place.

Seek Him while He may still be found.
Anonymous said…
Different strains = reinfection.....wear a mask 😷 & social distance!
Anonymous said…
EVERYONE wears the mask but the "infected" increase and psychics don't know WHY.....? Really?
teacher wendy said…
I was more than an elentary teacher, I was an award winning elementary amd science teacher. My career extended far outside my classroom, though that is where I chose to stay...with my kids. I was honored to to be given national, state, and local awards and to be trained by NASA as an aerospace education specialist. I have presented at conferences, conventions, seminars and classes around North America and attended those groups as well. I have had a great opportunity in hearing MANY scientists speaks. Drug enforcement and plaques were my favorite talks. I have met many scientists. They dont get out much. They like it when they can share their love of science with a teacher, even if I only understood the tip of the iceburg. The danger with any disease (as with Ebola a few years ago that Obama overted) was mutation. Mutation is our number one enemy with any disease and keeping ahead of it. Thats why there is a flu shot every year. No one knows enough about Covid or what it mixes with, how it evolves. It is a whole new disease and The USA is out of ICU beds and our health care workers are at their brinks of defeat and exaustion. I am not surprised. Makes me want to run away. A lot of people are not wearing masks, not isolating and they think seeing "family" is safe. Its "family" they cant be contagious. And they tell them over and over......just because you test negative today DOES NOT MEAN YOU ARE NOT CONTAMINATED AND WILL TEST NEGATIVE TOMORROW. The people do not listen. In 3 weeks I will not have seen family or friends in person for 1 year. Just me and David taking care of my sister and our social life is doctor, dentist and vet visits. Its hard but you have to do it and all my scientist friends agree.
LovesBreadCarbs said…
Anonymous 7:05 PM,

Don’t know where you live but you are incorrect in stating “Everyone wears the mask....”

Locally, I have not been to store yet where I did see at least one person not wearing one. And how the about ones who wear the masks on their chins sometimes covering their mouths but definitely not noses.

And, for the record, the regulars here believe in the concept of civilized discourse. Please be respectful to CD and us.
LovesBreadCarbs said…

My sister who just received the vaccine is blood type A+. So your recent comment about the person you know willing to take it being A stood out to me. Recently ran across some articles on supposed vulnerabilities to the plague based on blood type.

Me, for now, trying to limit contact but faithfully masking up and making progress on remembering to take my vitamins especially D. Doing much better at increased water intake and decreasing caffeine, particularly the carbonated sodas. All that high fructose corn syrup isn’t good for anyone!
Anonymous said…
Stop fear mongering, it’s just another strain of the flu. If you are really a psychic you would know this, unless you have another agenda....
Nina said…
Thank you CD. Stay safe.
Chocmint33 said…
Please take CD's advice.

Wear the mask, socially distant, self-isolate if you are feeling unwell and get tested. Stay home, always wash your hands and have hand sanitizer on you always.

In Australia we have followed all of this health advice and it has worked. As a result we have very low case numbers. One of the lowest in the world.

And when we do get new infections from Australians coming back from overseas, we have an immediately lock down until there are no new infections. And the infected people get hospitalized as a precaution.

Please get the vaccination.

On the surface it might look like it has been rushed, but the scientists have been working on a Corona-type vaccine since SARS came about over ten years ago.

SARS and COVID-19 are from the same CORONA virus family. SARS goes straight to the lower respiratory area, the lungs, straight away. That's why it was more deadly. However, it spreads slowly because it doesn't linger in the upper respiratory areas of the nose and the throat like COVID-19. That's why COVID-19 spreads like wild fire through coughs and sneezes. If COVID goes to your lungs that is when you become seriously ill.

I will be getting the vaccine when they come to Australia by March. The health authorities have ordered AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer.
Anonymous said…
Thanks CD for the warning I had a friend die from it she was 64 with no other health issues.
Talkgirl12 said…
Hi Anonymous it saddens me to think that you still think this virus is like the flu - sorry to bust your bubble it is not. Me thinks that until someone close to you gets it and then and only then you will believe it is not like the common flu. So take care of yourself and others.
teacher wendy said…
Very few people in Wisconsin, especially mid to northern Wisconsin wear a mask. They think this is not real or not to worry about. They dont understand the long term complications to lungs much less the instant blood clots even after you think you are well or are released from the hospital. In some people it is mild, in some its like malaria (harbors and reactivates )and in some it turns into as long term chronic illness like M.S. people are in groups. In bars. In restsurants...and they are not careful. It is not pretty.
Anonymous said…
I read a few weeks ago about the mutation. Covid-21. Very nicely made virus .. And then comes the vaccine. Golden billion ..

It's time for everyone to think about themselves and their family.

There is a saying in my country.

"Better a grave than a slave."

Julian Assange sad that we are most probably the very last free people on this planet. Our kids wont be.. And that's all I'm going to say on this topic.

Take care!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous of December 19, 2020 at 11:00 PM
Coronaviruses and vaccinations is a colossal business. Moreover, make decrease the world population. Human work and pensions cost too much. The work of robots that don't retire is cheaper. Who want to get the vaccine, it's their free choice. The vaccine will not be obligatory, what is why there is propaganda about it. Beware of giving and taking the advices here anonymously and under false names.
T. W. said…
Since when did flu strains contain HIV genetic material?
T. W. said…
Since when did flu strains cause PERMANENT heart & lung damage?
T. W. said…
What do you mean everyone is wearing a mask?

Please tell us where you live.
T. W. said…

Oh man!

If your sister has type A blood then that means you do too. Unless you are half sisters and you have type AB.

Hopefully she did not take the Pfizer Lab Vax.

I used to work in a pharmaceutical plant. Pfizer has one of if not the worst reputation in the industry. Research how many times they have been used and lost.
T. W. said…

Please do not take the Pfizer Vax.
T. W. said…
Teacher Wendy

I am so sorry.
T. W. said…
For those who take the Vaxine, please isolate afterwards.

You will be carrying virus in your bodies.

Some of us cannot take the Vaxine even if we wanted too.

I will continue to pray for everyone.
T. W. said…

I hear you.

The Plague Vaxine is not the Mark of the Beast. But it sure feels like it.

I got surgery coming up soon. I'm more concerned about that, but God told me to get the surgery ASAP. I agree with Christian, the Plandemic will get worse. So the surgery I need is truly now or never.

Everyone stay blessed, stay close with God, and please keep praying!
Anonymous said…

I'm not even talking about the mark of the beast.

When they impose a forced vaccination against a virus that originated in the laboratory, when they follow your every step through a covid passport and deprive you of the right to free movement (which is the next step), when you lose the right to clean air and food, when they threaten you to take your children if you don't do this, when children don't have a normal upbringing and socialization because of "their" rules ...

What's it called? We don't need a chip, we're standing in line ..

Vaccines probably won't have a detrimental effect but I want to believe that I still have freedom of choice.

I hope you will be fine after the surgery. Do it now, situation in hospitals will be worse for sure..
T. W. said…

I know you are not talking about the Mark of the Beast. I'm not dumb. I was sharing my thoughts.
Anonymous said…
I didn't think you are dumb. In fact, I think the exact opposite about you.
No matter ... Skip it..

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