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Predictions "To DO or NOT to DO ???


As you know I am in the process of doing the 2021 Predictions.

My predicament ..

They are very dark..

Now If I publish them..

I get accused of FEAR MONGERING..

If I don't publish them..

I get accused of being a FAKE..

So I thought I would leave it to you..

YES or NO ??

Answers in the comments.

Thank you.. CDX


Anonymous said…
Yes yes yes, you need to do it!! We need to prepare!!
a soul reborn said…
Do it only when you feel comfortable,
I support you no matter what!
and THANKS for everything.
Tricklem said…
I belive that haters are gonna hate regardless of what you choose to do, so do what you feel is right. Personally I would like you to post them, but I will respect your decision if you choose not to.
Jendevivre said…
Yes please, you’ve been a great source of information, help for me personally. Thank you 😀
Sana said…

I think it will help with 2021 predictions 🙏
And who would dare accuse u of being fake...?
Chocmint33 said…
CD please please post them.

You have your gift for a reason.

Forewarned is forearmed.

You have helped me with the predictions about the seriousness of COVID-19 early this year in February when it was being played down.

You have helped me keep safe, as well as my handicapped brother and 90 year-old dad.

Plus with all the awful things that happened this year I think people are now unshockable.

So my answer is a big fat YES.
Kitt Med said…
Yes, and include a few juicy celebrities insights! Which we all will love!!!
CD! Happy holidays to you and your family!
Kitt Med said…
Yes, and include a few juicy celebrities insights! Which we all will love!!!
CD! Happy holidays to you and your family!
Anonymous said…
If something is global, post it all.

If it is about an individual, evaluate the situation ..

I am always for the red pill no matter how painful it is.
Cat Lady said…
Please publish them. I would rather know what to expect, even if it is dark.
MBMOM said…
Yes, please share. I’d rather be prepared just in case!
Mariefass said…
Follow your heart, dear one. We support your choice.
Lovely Libra said…
YES - please. As I said in an earlier post, I’m hungry for truth - from someone I trust. I believe they will be dark, but I also believe your collective are light. Please publish ... and thanks for all you do, CD.
CyndiTx123 said…
Well Of Course Dahlink!! We don't judge here...... yes, yes, yes!!
Anonymous said…
It's always better to know, so that one can prepare. So, yes, publish them please. Also, there will always be critics. Pay them no mind.
Quiet said…

Yes, We know you are not fake. Maybe some new jerks wont but who cares. Block em. Please prepare us old followers, good or bad. Appreciate in advance.
Who am I to give you guidance!
But I would say a prayer and ask for guidance from God and my spiritual mentors.
I still believe in positive thinking, in attitudes of respect for myself and the other!
I hope one day to work for Jesus !!
Talkgirl12 said…
Hi CD I say YES please publish them in the manner you did before.
Many Thanks for what you do - please take care of self and family.
Letty said…

We can handle it!
Anonymous said…
Please do them. Never be afraid of the truth. And your true supporters will always follow you. The world is changing it’s what happens in history before big change occurs.
Carolyn said…
Yes. It’s better to know than not to know.
Anonymous said…
Yes yes yes! Please do them Christian! There are a lot of visitors to your website who admire you and your work, and I’m sure we can all say that 2020 was the definition of ‘unprecedented times’, so I’d really appreciate your vision moving forward - no matter how bleak.
T. W. said…

A wise person sees trouble coming and prepares.

Other psychics have already done their predictions.

Yes, they are dark but there is hope.

I stand by you Christian!
Anonymous said…

Knowing what’s coming
can help you prepare for it.

We are not alone in this !

It’s really surprising how suddenly
there are helpful people: neighbors,
colleagues, old acquaintances.

There are people who have been
through this.

There are concrete steps, a clear
approach to dealing with it.

It’s not the first difficult phase in my
life. I know what’s helping me.

I can share it with others.

I’m grateful for everything
that works.

Nina said…
CD, I'd rather be informed than be in the dark. The world can be as beautiful as it can be ugly. Either way, I want to know.

Thank you.
Anonymous said…
tell me what’s going on and where things are going.
Anonymous said…
I would like to hear the predictions, just to be prepared for the worst case.
Simon said…
Yes please ! SimoN
teacher wendy said…
Yes the truth is better than not knowing. The only thing stronger than fear is hope. We can always hope that we will see our way through each dark dark step. Hope that we make it to the other side. When Pandora let out all the world's evils from her box there was one thing left in the bottom...HOPE. So tell us the truth and let us prepar. Being prepared ( use your gift to guide us) is a part of having HOPE.
M2 said…
Yes, post the predictions to Hell with the negative arseholes!
While most want the predictions to be 100% accurate it needs to be understood that Earthly things are constantly changing based on free will and energies...Also, part of it needs to be done with the intent of having Fun...yes Fun...Go For it Christian. :)
Anonymous said…
Yes, please give us the predictions...
Sweetladi said…
Yes cd please post them. Some of us like to be prepared. Thank you so much
Yes. You are a professional. Like it or not.
Girlygirl said…
Hey, if it is about COVID. Maybe not. I would rather not know in all honesty. One of the predictions people are still waiting on the outcome is Keanu. People thought he would be free after Matrix and someone is still hanging around. My only thought and hope is his happiness so if it is this women so be it but I believe he will meet someone else.
Anonymous said…
YES! truth needs to be out even if this an ugly and painful one.
Rosie said…
Yes,please CD... 🙏
Anonymous said…
Understand your predicament but forewarned is forarmed CD. Girl from Oz
LM said…
Yes please CD
Apple Monkey said…
CD - my answer would always be yes, but only if you are safe and protected and it doesn’t affect your health. Is 2021 a better year than this shocker? xo
Tasha said…
Yes please. Always speak your truth. You are not responsible for how people receive it.
Sahilah said…
Please do, CD! You aren't fear-mongering, you are sharing light to the world :)

I really wanted to now about K and AG. I don't think these thing gonna end up well, but I pray all is well.

mat said…
face the truth nothing to hide ,cd
Anonymous said…
Hi CD please publish the truth, whatever that may be. That is the whole point of why people view your blog. We don’t want wish washy we want the truth.

Thank you and I wish you and everyone here a Merry Christmas and a healthy safe and Happy New Year 😘 🎄🎉💖
Anonymous said…
YES. Better afraid and informed than afraid and ignorant
Blackbird said…
YES ...

If people don't want to know, perhaps they can be encouraged to scroll on by?

Anonymous said…
PLease publish them.
Anonymous said…
Just publish them. Its up to those people if they believe or not. Nostradamus was ridiculed before and take a look, all of his predictions are right.
MH said…
Please CD 🙏🏻 .....if 2021 is gonna suck at least we can start to mentally prepare ourselves. Thx
Anonymous said…
Yes please
Cordelia said…
CD YES please - hopefully the right people will take note of what you say. What will be will be but I believe prayers can move mountains.
Anonymous said…
Yes do them CD people need to know
Anonymous said…
YES!!! Publish your predictions!!!I always look forward to them!

Sally said…
Yes please.

Sally X
Angel.monolith said…
If you know the future, you can take control of it.
You can can change...
Diana said…
I hope that you do your predictions. And, I think we all know that we are living in difficult and dark times. I would rather hear the worst and be forewarned than to live in non-reality. Sometimes, if we hear the worst...we can make changes so that the absolute worst doesn't unfold. I see so many psychic sugar coat their predictions and it is such a disservice to people that just want the truth. What I would suggest is to go for it full throttle and to put a banner that your 2021 predictions may contain disturbing predictions, etc. That way it gives your viewers a choice to read them or move on to your daily predictions. Merry Christmas to you!
Anonymous said…
Yes, please

Camilla X
Latina said…
Yes Christian.Please do it.Thanks.
Tony said…
Yes absolutely Christian

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