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Healing Circle For AMERICA



Anonymous said…
You've got a lot of nerve. All you've done for 4 years is regurgitate lies about President Donald Trump in order to stir up hatred against the leader of the United States of America and NOW you want the nation to heal? You're a fool, just like Biden. (Yeah, I know, and you don't have the nerve to actually post this.)

A Trump Supporter and PATRIOT
Psychic Gossip said…
Dear unknown well you got that wrong Luv Cdx
teacher wendy said…
I WILL LEAD THIS PRAYER...I AM AN INDEPENDENT AMERICAN....I have taught the newcomer families to the USA each year for 27 years who were escaping with NOTHING but what they could carry to save their families from their countries wars and conflicts and they taught me what TRUE FREEDOM means. I have also been the person assaulted in a public school building full of safe guards and I know the fear those people in the Capitol faced under their desks, behind doors and barricaded in rooms when those safe guards did not work. I know what great coutry we have but I know how scared those people were in that mob... "I ask that every angel, spirit and guiding light of love surround those in power in the USA Capitol and guide them to keep America safe today and for the days to come. I pray there is a safe and calm transfer of Presidential power. And I pray for anyone protecting our country inside it's boundaries or outside it's boundaries to be protected and safe and to do give them wisdom and strength to do their job in keeping THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA safe inbthe upcoming dsys. And anyone injured please help them heal. " Amen
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president." (Teddy Roosevelt)
Apple Monkey said…
Anon - CD is entitled to write and say what he likes! It’s his blog. Why are you reading it if you don’t like it. As Mr T says “ I pity the fool” aka you!

CD I don’t know how you do it.

America and her people are always in my prayers. God bless her.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 4.16 am. Why do you bother to read this blog if your so agitated about what is written ? It’s really not good for your disposition. Take a chill pill mate ! May there be healing light and love sent to the UNITED states of America . Amen . Girl from Oz.
CyndiTx123 said…
Wow - what a negative ninny!! Anonymous please let us know who you are so we can congratulate how your such a trumpster/ patriot and is being led by a maniac and that you believe the lies that spews from trumpster's mouth.... Look at our past, when Hitler spewed lies lies and then people started to believe and fall for his lies... like you Anonymous... yes, I will be praying for healing for America for the damaged done by this so called prez trump..... who is also a cop killer..... What leader does that? promotes hate, racist feelings, things that are not good in our America! Prayers for Biden and Harris to bring America back to what it was before Trump touched it. God Bless America and our people in it!!
Justbeinghonest said…
Sorry I agree with Anonymous 4.16am
The things you said about President Trump were cruel and disgusting.
You were and are part of the problem with people in this country being so divisive.
Unfortunately a lot of gullible brain dead morons on this blog believe all your lies, sad really.
Ben said…
Well said Trump Supporter and patriot 👏👏👏
(Interesting to see if he posts this also 🤔)
teacher wendy said…
I am actually quite worried because I believe their is a middle east strike in the predictions before Trump leaves office....and that scares me. We as a country are wide open at the moment, to any attack and we have a leader who in unhinged. Looking at yesterdays broadcast at the Alamo( they say he learned his lesson and obviously not!), anything can happen in 7 days! And unfortunately Pence is worthless I think.
Cordelia said…
The whole world looks to America to lead on democracy and freedom and I pray that this time will heal all divisions.

I can only feel revulsion for people who think putting children in cages is acceptable.
Lovely Libra said…

It’s very clear that someone has pissed on anonymous cornflakes.

So I begin by asking for healing for this person and for all beings - in all galaxies - through all space and time.

Thank-you, CD XO
T. W. said…
Dear God,

Please help us love our enemies & those who persecute us.

Please help us share love with our enemies and with those who persecute us.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I pray.


Matthew 5:43-48
New International Version

Love for Enemies

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.
T. W. said…
1 John 4:7-8,19-21

New International Version

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.


19 We love because he first loved us. Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen. And he has given us this command: Anyone who loves God must also love their brother and sister.

Mary said…
Lovely Libra

Don’t kid yourself on, Christian Dion (if that’s even his real name) isn’t exactly an innocent little flower. He constantly picks and bad mouths people he doesn’t even know. When you put yourself out there on a public forum you need to be thick skinned and take it on the chin, not everyone is going to like CD or think he’s genuine, and that’s okay as we are all entitled to our opinion. It’s also a fact that he’s said some really nasty things about Trump. Who knows why he’s so obsessed with Trump, maybe he has a secret crush on him ??? Oh sorry it’s probably Keanu Reeves who he’s got the hots for and not Trump, he’s a right bitch towards his girlfriend so that would explain why. Anyway I don’t expect him to post this as I don’t think he will take to kindly to this comment but what the hell I’ll post it anyway.
Psychic Gossip said…
Mary I did so much for your Psychic sense cdx
Anonymous said…
TW - does that mean you can find it in your heart to love POTUS 🤔
Mary said…
Psychic Gossip - yeah you actually posted my comment! You must be on your brave pills today 😉
Sorry to burst your bubble but I come from a long line of genuine psychic healers which originated from the highlands of Scotland.
My ‘psychic sense’ was activated long before I came across your blog.
Lovely Libra said…

I don’t know CD at all, but after regularly reading his blog - and watching his predictions come true - I’ve had 2 readings from him.

He was spot on accurate - on all counts — so yes, I personally believe in his gifts.

Yes - each of us is entitled to our own opinions, but most of us on this blog do not attack each other - or CD - owner of the blog. It’s really a positive, lift-each-other up community — very refreshing compared to the mean-spirited commentary found on much of social media.

Yes - CD is anti-Trump — as are most of his readers.

You do you - I respect you and your right to your opinion.

And I do wish you, your family & friends all the best.
Psychic Gossip said…
Mary good for you I suggest you do your own blog then. I have Scottish blood too cdx
Beth said…
Psychics and healers are human and not infallible.

We're all under stress and we all want things to improve. We go about this in our own ways. No one way is right and we can all be insensitive at times. We can all do better.

See how this subject divides even those of us who ought to have more sense?

The international perspective, as someone not from the US, is a mixture of disbelief, fear and sadness. How can a country which professes such ideals be itself in such a mess? We need to work together to live together. It is people who matter, the welfare of each and every person (not just a minority) is paramount. And this begins with ourselves and in every contact we have in our daily lives, including in this, the virtual world.

Be kind first. You never know what someone is going through. And you might make a difference.

Prayers in a holy place should be respected. This post on this blog was intended to do good. And good it shall do.

If you have read this, healing is now coming to you and you will feel it.

Regardless of personal or political affiliation, healing and love comes from mine to yours and to the US as a nation of people.
CyndiTx123 said…
Gee Wizz CD..... who let the dogs out ??? hahahaha! Rodney King said years ago... Can't we all get along? And I will add leave CD alone.. this is his blog and let him be. It's enjoyable and its sooo funny seeing the comments that CD gets. CD -please don't let this humorous comments make you sad... which I don't think you give an arse - but reading thru them made me giggle! Can't believe you have to go thru this.... I know you have to laugh..... Pray for them for they know not what they are spewing at you.... Love ya CD and hang in there.... PS. I too have some scottish lineage and some sight too.....
T. W. said…
I pray that the posts here are prayers for the healing circle.

I pray that the humans who are attacking Christian find love in their hearts and use that love to cease their attacks.

I pray those people either remain quiet or offer prayers for the healing circle.

I pray that the humans attacking Christian Dion receive healing for their hearts and minds right now.

I pray all government officials can hear God and be obedient to God.

I pray they receive wisdom to do their jobs.

I pray they use that wisdom to do their jobs.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray.

Apple Monkey said…
Cd please please look after yourself. You don’t need to keep seeing such vitriol in these comments anyway. This is your blog. Sending you much love.
TallulahLoo said…
Mary - This doesn't sound like a very enjoyable group for you. Perhaps you'd prefer to play elsewhere with like minded friends? I've been reading CD for some years and he's just telling us what he sees. If you want to spew hate, you won't find many takers here. Good luck to you.
Jules said…
Amen Beth!!!

Prayers for everyone.
God wins.
Anonymous said…
Well, if "cristian dion" were sure of what he says, he would have written his real name, but he operates anonymously, he does not publish comments that tell the truth, he is jealous of Keanu Reeves and perhaps also a secret admirer of AG... Come on, admit, dear "CD", that you love these pics of them. What would you say of them now?
Maybe if you post Elon Musk's photos instead of K.R. and A.G. photos, you will have more reading requests.
Take care and put the mask please.
Psychic Gossip said…
Hi anonymous talk about the kettle calling the pot black. I do use my real name Thank You cdx
Anonymous said…
Dear “Christian Dion”,
here there are 25 different channels of 25 different Christian Dion:
Why do you (he) READ all “your” posts?
Who is this actor? Is he transgender?
What is “the kettle calling the pot black“, dear?
Psychic Gossip said… here's my channel

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