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Sadly A TOLD YA... UK closes it's boarders.... From Monday 18th January...

2021 Predictions Christian Dion. GOOD LUCK..



Sorry they aren't Happier

More and more countries will be forced into lock downs.

Complete chaos..


Tasha said…
The virus moves on people. We have got to stop the movement of it.
I wish the USA would do the same.
T. W. said…
It’s on the money too.

Watch the digital currency get rolled out this year.
Anonymous said…
LovesBreadCarbs said…
A sad Told Ya but, in my opinion, you did the right thing to warn us.

On a positive note, loving your YT channel, CD!

HRH TW, how are you doing?
Anonymous said…
The ‘virus’ is just a distraction to what’s really going on
Any ‘psychic’ that says otherwise is a FAKE!
All will be revealed over the next 2 weeks
This is a war between GOD and SATAN - pick a side people
Anonymous said…
Anon January 17, 2021 at 1:42 AM

I follow those things. Earthquakes on underground tunnel lines, closure of highways, yuma ships in seas where they have no place to be.. Governments are falling .. Etc, etc .. But in my opinion Trump is a product of the same boss, only the path of execution is different .. I think they impose a new matrix on humanity . All we have to do is wait and see.
Jules said…
Everyone should watch the video posted by an anonymous.

Bill Gates has been busy buying up farmland across the United States. So far, he has purchased over 240,000 acres. He now controls the most farmland.
T. W. said…
Hi LivesBreadsandCarbs!

Thank you for thinking of me. I pray you are well.

I’m hanging in there. I have a post-surgical follow up in a few days.
T. W. said…

Most of the people on this site are well aware this is a spiritual battle.

Satan’s devotees are merely pawns.

Bill Gates is evil & I will not be surprised if he inhabits The AntiChrist Spirit.

The Bible says the AntiChrist is beloved by all the world.

All humanity must choose this day whom they will serve.
T. W. said…

This is bad news!!!

Bill Gates will tamper with our food to kill us.

He’s already doing it in Africa and in India.
T. W. said…
I made an honest attempt to watch the video.

This is supposedly from a Canadian news broadcast.

I could not see the station/channel name anywhere on the screen.

To be fair, I could not finish the video so for all I know the information was made known later in the video.

Where did this video come from?
Jules said…
HRH TW - Regarding the video, which I recommend everyone listens to, the name of the anchor woman, Jeannette Rocher as well as the name of the station Bridge City News appear almost immedialtey after the video starts, the iniitals of the news station/progranme are visible in captial letters on the front of the news desk the anchor woman is sitting behind. The station is Canadian and is situated in Lethbridge, Alberta.

Link to their twitter

Link to their statons website
Jules said…
With regards to Bill (I am sure was born female, and his appearance has changed) so far, no one knows why he has purchased all the farmland, it's over 242,000 acres, could it be for ‘FEMA’ like vaccine camps? Or To plant GMO crops? Or to prevent others from acquiring it and farming it? Personally, I think you hit the nail on the head.

Rumour has it Mexican scientists are trying to develop a GMO tomato plant that would become an edible COVID-19 vaccine? Two separate sources are running with the same story ..

Link 1

Link 2
T. W. said…

Thank you for information about the news broadcast. I figured I missed that information because you would not have endorsed it if the authenticity were in question.

B’Linda Gates & “their” children are definitely inverted. The older transgender people get the easier they are to spot because no amount of scientific & medical intervention can hide their true form.

Before people call me crazy please know that what’s most important is what Satan worshippers believe. They believe blending genders is a worthy sacrifice to Satan and they will become a god.

Since we do not worship Satan, we do not believe this & many of you think I am crazy.

I say again, Satan worshippers believe this so we need to know what they believe so we can understand what & why they do what they do.

As for the tomatoes, I can’t eat tomatoes.

As for the world, honeybees & other animals that pollinate plants are becoming extinct.


Because they of genetically modified plants.

Bill Gates does not have a college degree of any kind, did not study any biological or chemical science during his brief time in university yet he is seen as an authority when it comes to food, medicine, and population control.

Just because Bill’s parents were part of Planned Parenthood from the beginning does not make Bill an expert.


I cannot answer this.

Meanwhile Elon Musk has 2 university degrees (economics & physics) and was accepted into a prestigious PhD program but turned it down to get to work to help humanity.

Elon posted online he did not trust Bill Gates or any vaccine associated with him.

Funny how Bill Gates publicly berated Elon Musk & told him he didn’t know what he was talking about.

Remember, Elon does have a scientific background & completed university.

Bill Gates does not.

If Elon were to go back to earn a PhD imagine what he could do!

The sky is the limit for Elon Musk & we must continue to pray for him because he is here to help humanity.
T. W. said…

If one were to create crops that also acted as vaccines, wouldn’t that affect the ecosystem?

Wouldn’t that cause more COVID-19 mutations?

Viruses infect other diseases pathogens, such as bacteria & other viruses.

Wouldn’t growing plants as vaccines cause problems?

What about the other plants that receive pollen from the tomatoes?

People who don’t want the vaccine, are allergic to vaccine components, or are allergic to tomatoes (and other nightshade) eat plants that received pollen from the Tomato Vaccines?

Why can’t people use their brains?
Jules said…
For those that are interested, I highly recommend that you watch the following videos featuring both Charlie Ward and Mel K.

Video one .. is from Mel K’s channel, it was aired today, so it's bang upto date and discussing recent events its entitled, Mel K and Dr. Charlie Ward Weekly Monday Morning Meeting 1-18-2021

Video two .. I think I have already shared this, Mel K discusses the 2nd constitution, and how the deep state turned American into a corporation.

If the bitchute video does not start straight away give it a few minutes.

T. W. said…
Thank you Jules!

I found a link that confirms Bill Gates buying up farmland.

The source is legitimate.


T. W. said…
California calls for pause of 330,000 doses, investigation after allergic reactions to Moderna vaccine batch


An abnormally high number of people experienced anaphylactic shock, a severe allergic reaction that requires immediate medical attention, after receiving a shot of the Moderna vaccine at one San Diego vaccination site, Dr. Erica Pan said in statement Sunday night. While the number was fewer than 10, the cluster of negative reactions prompted the California Department of Public Health to pause the administration of some 330,000 doses from the batch, which had been distributed throughout the state, until an investigation was complete
T. W. said…
FOX News Is 666 News
Jules said…
HRH TW - I can more than understand initial cognitive dissonance when it comes to anything satanic, especially when discussing the topic of satanic child abuse, however, continually dismissing it all as utter nonsense without doing an ounce of research, whilst shaming and attacking anyone who mentions it and labelling them as either crazy or a conspiracy theorist, literally blows my mind

The numbers of those who truly worship Satan and who are born into multi-generational Luciferian families are shockingly far greater than you and I can ever imagine. Luciferian Parents DO transgender some of their children, it is part of their religion. That’s a fact. They also ritualistically sacrifice (murder) their own children to Lucifer, (namely males - the child can be any age – the younger the better though). These are traditions that have been going on for millenniums. Luciferian families trans gendering some of their children is one of the least harmful things they do to them. These poor children, regardless of the families standing, all suffer horrifically. Also, please understand many of these families are terrified and wish to break away. Some families are not even aware they are Satanists they have been MK Ultra’d.

To those that believe Pizzagate was debunked because MSM (the mainstream media) told them it was not true, could not be more wrong. I have prayed endlessly and had many sleepless nights crying over what I discovered, it is literally soul-destroying.

I am not going to go into detail here regarding the truly abhorrent subject of Child trafficking and what millions and millions of precious little babies have horrifically suffered, but I will give an excellent starting point for those who wish to help and that is Cathy Foxes blog. It contains very, very distressing information.

For those that think they can't do anything to help .. yes you can .. pray .. pray for the children, never ever underestimate the power of Prayer it is our greatest weapon.

Cathy Fox blog
Jules said…
HRH TW - I am in agreement with you, any crop that is biologically tampered with to such a degree that it has been mutated to carry a vaccine is utter madness and could also be argued to be a crime against humanity. There seems to be a debate on whether or not GMO crops do harm the ecosystem, I have not researched it enough to conclude one way or another, however, anything that is modified and does not stick to Gods blueprint, which has been produced by the Cabal, natural common sense decrees we need to be very wary of.

As for the most disconcerting demise of the honey bees, I would first look towards the pesticides sprayed on crops which were designed and developed primarily to poison us and then look next to the chemtrails that are continually sprayed in the air .. again to poison us.

Regarding vaccines, I have come across many such horror stories reporting what you have shared, as well as a lot of deaths many from the Pfizer vaccination.
T. W. said…

The Material Girl is part of a multigenerational Luciferian family. She almost escaped when she ran away to New York City.

She is also related to Celine Dion by blood. Take a look at Celine's NuNu clothing line. It's sick.

Celine Dion looks like an anorexic demon.
T. W. said…
I apologize, I did not mean to dismiss the role of pesticides and other chemicals in the honeybee extinction.

As for the vaccines, California got a bad batch of Vaxine and had to pull it due to a statistically high rate of unusual allergic reactions.

The information can be easily found on Google and the various websites I often link from, including gossip sites.
T. W. said…
Here are some good YouTube channels. The majority of the videos are short:

Savage Bot News -

Celebrity News (the Savage Robot) -

Jay Myers Documentaries -

End Times Productions -
Jules said…
HRH TW – I should have included in my post that actors/actresses from Luciferian families are naturally favoured and pushed forward above all non-Satanists in Hollywood, especially those that are transgendered. You can trick the eye with cosmetic surgery, make-up clothes, hormones to change the voice but the skeleton frame never lies. Some are VERY easy to spot and some are not.

Regarding the Material girl, I did not know her family was a generational Luciferian family, moving to New York on her own know makes sense if she was trying to run away. Was her mother sacrificed? I do know she also tried to run away when she was 'famous' and they brought her back .. that might have been when her hair cut was really short and dyed blonde .. she was under Gloria Vanderbilt at that time, its mentioned in Cathy Fox blog. She does not look like herself anymore. She hasn’t looked like herself for a while, there are those that believe her daughter is transgendered.
T. W. said…
Hi Jules!

I did not know about the Cathy Fox information. I don’t have the focus to read her blog even though I really want too. It has so much information!

Lourdes does not ping as a female and she has done disgusting things at her mother’s urging. Rocco left their mon and said she was disgusting too.

One psychic said that the lockdown due to the Plandemic is helping celebrities who want “out.” The psychic said that celebrities could not get their Adrenochrome supply. Those who successfully “kicked the habit” are in the right frame of mind to plot a successful escape.

If only Britney Spears can be free.
Jules said…
HRH TW - My heart bleeds for Britney.

I’ve come across a lot of rumours regarding Adrenochrome, one being that it is one of the most addictive substances to take and almost impossible to wean oneself off, another rumour was that Tom Hanks was one of Hollywood’s main dealers. Another that Trump cut off Hollywood’s supply and another rumour is that the military intersected a batch of adrenochrome that was produced in Wuhan and tainted it and also put some sort of tracking device in it so they could trace where it went too.

Cathy Foxes blog, as soul destroying as it is to read, shines a much needed light on something that we all need to learn about to stop it.

T. W. said…
Hi Jules!

You need melaninated blood to get Adrenochrome.

This is one reason THEY adopt black children.

This is one reason they pay African women pennies in the dollar for their male children’s foreskins.

If THEY annihilate all black peoples from planet Earth they won’t have their Adrenochrome supply.

There is only so much you can get the human body to produce from extreme torture. And don’t forget, THEY have very little melanin.


Remember the Epi-pen shortage?

Read the pharmacy insert that comes with the package.

The liquid inside expired Epi-pens turns brown. When this happens, the liquid contains Adrenochrome.

Now you know why there was an Epi-pen shortage a few years back. The price increased to over $800!

The White Rabbit indeed.

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