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TOLD YA Donald Trump's Pardons alot......



Sorry they aren't Happier

He will attempt to pardon himself
& crannies even if he does.
It will fail in the end.
Plus he’s going to be handing pardons
Out like candy at Halloween.



Lucky said…
Yeah, give us a break.
This Congress should revisit the Article (II), Section 2, Clause 1 of the US Constitution and seriously consider rewriting this part of presidential powers. No President should ever be allowed to pardon friends & crooks. No more favors.
Chocmint33 said…
Well done Christian.

Thanks heavens that presidential time is done and dusted.

And thank heavens the Joe Biden and Kamala Harris inauguration went off peacefully.

Blessings to America, its new reset and the Biden presidency.
Lovely Libra said…
Hey CD - how’s Q feeling today now that every single one of their predictions hasn’t happened??????
Truth said…
Your lax......please dont steel more from me. There's a war coming a big one. THE BIGGEST......but you knew that ?????
AriesSunLeoRising said…
Lots of smug uneducated people commenting on things they have no clue about on this blog. You think that ‘fake’ inauguration that was shown earlier means that Joe Pedo Biden is our new president???! Think again, the best is yet to come! Trump is still the president sheeple. Hate to break it to you. USA no longer ‘owned’ by Rothschilds and the Crown as of July 4th 2020. Therefore USA no longer a cooperation but now a republic, signed and sealed by POTUS. JB inauguration illegal. He knows it, Trump knows it and the Military know it. Military in charge and Trump to take over in March. Trump let it get this inauguration farce to get this far so the masses who are asleep (talking to you lovely libra) would see how corrupt the main stream media and the Dems would go to deceive the American people. This is not a case of Dems v Republicans. This is Good v Evil. God v Satan.
Anonymous said…
Good morning CD❤️!

Get up later next time,
it’s too early for your BS !
The worst prison in the world is a home without peace..
Do you know what that means?

I see a gap in your mind,
what were you doing in 2020?
Holding a butter gup ?
Now it’s 2021 you have time take toilet paper,
because you going to need that.. in March..

How do you kill yourself without actually dying,
without spelling..
2 weeks laughing
after 10 years hiding..
Who is stealing from you and what?
You doesn’t have nothing to steal...

Don’t write BS ... ,
do you want a war?
Why you calling something in ?
I answer ,because for you truth doesn’t exist...

A sun L risings...
Oeh /like really?
Education is paper and you can’t be awaken human being splashing out all this ...

Are you calling yourself smart ?
(Exactly,don’t !)

I understand that life is
(Good /Bad however you want call all that ,but can you see little longer ?)
Everything is perspective how you look at things...

For someone ! ( This is not for CD)
Before you writing things ,
write for you self 2-3 times and read 10 x alone ..
see the meaning of concept your thinking
and then think what a F you are doing..
T. W. said…
Let’s think rationally about this.

Even if Biden’s inauguration is fake that does not mean Trump is still president.

US presidential terms are capped at 4 years.

Trump was not sworn in today after serving a full 4-year term.

Therefore he cannot possibly be the current President of the United States of America.
T. W. said…
When Trump first took office he signed an executive order making it illegal for people who worked for a president to become a lobbyist.

Trump rescinded that order shortly before he left office.

He had to so that his allies can lobby Congress.
Jules said…
I don't think this is over.
T. W. said…
The United States of America participates in the Central Banking System.

Therefore we are owned by the Rothschild Family.

Ask Muammar el-Gaddafi what happens when you try to leave the Central Banking System.

1) The Structure and Functions of the Federal Reserve System

2) Gaddafi's last words as he begged for mercy: 'What did I do to you?'

3) Muammar Gaddafi and The United States of Africa

Whoever killed the Colonel also killed off the prospects of a United States of Africa and its gold backed Afro–currency.

4) Why Qaddafi had to go: African gold, oil and the challenge to monetary imperialism

Jules said…
One of Christian's house rules is to play nicely .,. personally insulting someone you disagree with is not playing nicely.
Anonymous said…
@ Anonimo AriesSunLeoRising

"Lots of smug uneducated people" is the same person which will be soon discovered and punished...
Lovely Libra said…
AiresSunLeoRising - I walk with God and I do my best to hold the light - even for those whose viewpoints I don’t agree with. I don’t have to justify or explain this to you or anyone else - God knows me ... knows us all. You and I can respectfully agree to disagree. Sending you and your family love and good wishes.
Anonymous said…
Trump was mental,
and he lost,
not surprising,
things are getting worse before better.
Jules said…
I've not looked into who Trump has pardoned, but to be fair, it is well documented that some of Obama's pardons were highly questionable indeed.
T. W. said…
Hi Jules!

You are correct, some of Obama's pardons were sketchy as h3ll.

If I remember correctly, Trump pardoned more people than Obama did.

As for Trump's pardons, many of the people who received them deserved the pardons.
Anonymous said…
Notice how Christian is so biased that he fails to mention that Obama (212) and Clinton (450) both handed way many more pardons and to highly suspect people. But in his “narrative” orange man bad. Bill Clinton pardoned his own brother (Trump does not need to pardon his family because they aren’t afraid) and he pardoned a wealthy man whos wife made a huge donation to his “library”. C0rrupt as hell! And look into obozos pardons highly questionable!

B1d3n great first day putting 50,000 people out of work by canceling the pipeline which will screw both us and Canada sending the troops back to the middle east and and putting Americans last again!!!
Just remember you voted for this.
T. W. said…
Google "Clinton Body Count."
T. W. said…
We rarely mention Clinton & Obama because they are not currently in the news & no one cares about them.

Trump & Biden are the most recent presidents.

That is why we talk about them.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 2:26pm

Biden is using the Defense Production Act, something Trump did not do but should have.

This will put millions of Americans back to work.

Perhaps you missed that part of the press conference?
Anonymous said…
You are dishonest "Cristian Dion", you will be investigated
Jules said…
HRH TW - What is Biden using the Defense Production Act for?

To be fair, according to Wikipedia, and I sincerely doubt they are wrong on this matter, it clearly states that Trump has invoked the Défense Production Act of 1950 quite a few times. He first involved the law on June 13, 2017, and then again during March and April 2020, lastly, he stated he would invoke the act/law if needed in December 2020 in regards the production of vaccines.

Anonymous said…

Trump used the Defense Production Act, you have to read more.

about "The United States of America participates in the Central Banking System. Therefore we are owned by the Rothschild Family":
Rothschild Family's monopoly over the Central Banking System one day will fall.
"USA no longer 'owned' by Rothschilds and the Crown as of July 4th 2020" thanks to Trump, which made the first step.
China, Russia and other states will somehow continue to tear down this monopoly.
Here do you still believe that the twin towers were brought down by the external enemy?
USA is a powerful tool in the hands of those in lead.
Who knows what particular brainwashing the English people (subject of the crown, living in USA) have to hate Trump in this way.

Teacher Wendy / Beth / Rosescented1 ecc,

for the cancer patients hospitals does not receive funding. For no one disease, other than "Covid", hospitals receive funding! This is why hospitals certify that today people die only from Covid. This is ridiculous, but it's happening to show us how stupid we are!
Dementia worsens from panic, from fear and I don't want to assume that hospital patients could be the guinea pigs for vaccine experiments.
Covid is a kind of flu. There has ALWAYS been the flu, but before that, hospitals didn't receive funding!
The flu becomes fatal if the body is unable to fight due to serious diseases and lack of the right treatments such as: Sun, Clean air (no carbon dioxide inside the mask), Vitamins C, D.
Whoever invented the "pandemic" is doing big business and the universe has allowed it because a selection is underway: whoever continues to sleep will never wake up.

“Christian Dion”,

has your hatred (criticism, bad predictions, etc.) blinded you?
It seems you don't believe in God / Universal Mind / Karma, which know better than you who is wrong.
If you love to make predictions, if people ask you for gossip predictions, do it in private, do not make your "sentences" for free so that everyone can see them, because you are wrong, moreover, you are committing criminal offenses.
You are not a judge and not even a judge has the right to hang photos on the wall with the "sentences" for all to see.
Universe for now allows you to do your shows because there is a selection in act, but you will have to answer for your mistakes.
You are controlling how others live and do not see what is happening with you.

T. W. said…

Biden is using the Defense Production Act because America has a severe shortage of personal protective equipment (including masks & gloves), disinfectant products, & vaccines. New York State ran out of vaccines last week.

Not only that, America is still importing masks, hand sanitizer, etc. from China.

With the Defense Production Act, these items would be manufactured in America.

Some distilleries have taken their own initiative to stop making alcoholic beverages so they can make hand sanitizer.

The makers of Corona alcoholic drinks is missing out.
T. W. said…

Wikipedia is frequently wrong.

The general public is allowed to edit any article.

Wikipedia is so unreliable that if a student in America cites Wikipedia as a source the student automatically fails the assignment.

Those who run the site rarely fact check & always beg for donations.
Jules said…
HRH TW – From my own point of view, I like Wikipedia, it can be used as a great starting point when it comes to research because of the many references that appear in each ‘entry’. Looking at the references in the entry for the Defense Production Act and doing a quick google research it very much appears the information regarding Trump and the Defence Production act is accurate.
Here is a link
Trump invokes Defense Production Act for ventilator equipment and N95 masks

Using Wikipedia as your only source of information or naming it as your source of information is met with the same response over here, however, an article published in August in 2018, on the News Literacy Project, written by John Silva, NBCT, Director of Education entitled Teachers, it’s time to embrace Wikipedia is trying to readdress that situation.

Silva states the following in the article, “A common criticism of Wikipedia is that anyone can edit an article at any time. This is not entirely accurate. While most articles can be edited by anyone, even anonymously, there are different levels of protection for articles to prevent acts of vandalism and partisan “edit wars.” For some of these levels, only a confirmed user (registered users with accounts created a specified number of days ago and with a number of accepted edits to articles) can edit an article; under the most restrictive protection, only “official” Wikipedia editors can make changes. These levels of protection are generally determined by either moderators or Wikipedia administrators.

Silva continues, "The articles on Wikipedia are continually monitored by site administrators, moderators, confirmed users and bots. (Bot aren’t always bad: According to Wikipedia, a bot is an “automated tool that carries out repetitive and mundane tasks to maintain the 45,699,154 pages of the English Wikipedia. Bots are able to make edits very rapidly” for routine edits.) Some articles are monitored more closely than others, but generally, if someone vandalizes an article by editing it to include false or malicious information, corrections are made in a relatively short period of time.”

Link to the article

The Washington Post ran an article in August 2015 stating in 2005 a study in the journal Nature found that the information provided on Wikipedia is almost as reliable as that of the benchmark, Encyclopedia Britannica. A 2011 study found that Wiki articles were on a par with professionally edited databases for health-care professionals. They found that while Wikipedia articles were rated at 83.8 percent for completeness, the information published in the articles was 99.7 percent accurate.

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