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Meghan Markle, Prince Harry. Megxit visit won't be pretty... also Oprah....

So Meghan Markle is feeling all smug.
About winning, against The Mail on Sunday.

Well, for now.

But wait till Prince Harry goes back to meet.
With Lillibet & Daddy Charles.

For the Megxit meeting part 2.

It’s not going to be pretty.



Harry will be stripped of his Military Titles…

Then he will be told, by Daddy.
That the money tap is going to be turned off…

More pressure to get him to see sense.

Next step will be the divorce…


P.S. Then there's the Oprah interview in March.

Another very bad move...


Anonymous said…

I am not crazy,
I think both MM and AG copied my styles,
I am a professional with a good image,
both of AG and MM are trans,
had too much plastic surgeries.
they have the same masters, same "media", same people supporting them.

T. W. said…
I detest Oprah Winfrey more than I dislike MeghaTron.

I won’t be watching the $hit show.
CyndiTx123 said…
Hi Cd, Still home in TX with snow filled week. Trying to stay warm and healthy....
What about this 2nd baby that they are having???? is this really true? how can you fake a 2nd pregnancy? If you need a surrogate, then be honest about it... gee wiz famous people- gee wiz!!
ok enough of my gee wiz.... hahaha have a blissful Wednesday!
Sana said…
They've both truly lost their marbles, thinking that matters will work in their favour. Like her second "coming" pregnancy. So The fraud think she can fool ppl again? She never made it as an actress (apart from suits) and think she can pull this one off. Give me a break.

Was she dropped on her head as a kid? Or something. Upstaging someone after they've announced their good own news, is a sign of weakness. And poor character.

Same goes with just call me H. Megan's wife. He's done. They both are

As are we. We've all had enough of them. The pandemic is still ongoing and people are struggling hard to make ends meet. They don't need sympathy - they need something more than weak ass zoom calls and a meal as a "thank you". Words won't do.

With that I'd like to say to all reading this - We're going to come though and things will get better - also if you work hard for it.

Take Care



Anonymous said…

Morning! CD,

can you do a reading for Ronan Farrow, Frank Sinatra's biological son, I think he is a good man, but he is also a victim of the trans culture, perhaps he is waking up to truth that, TRANS and GAY culture harm the women and the children.

also, I think some types of music may help you deal with your headache (I think the cause might be sonic weapon, a microwave weapon, I will tell you more if you wish to know).

T. W. said…
My local news reported Prince Philip is in hospital.

I blame MeghaTron.
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “I Told You This Would Happen”

[That’s not all he said either. It gets worse.]

Biden says Black people don’t know how to use the Internet to get Covid-19 vaccine
T. W. said…
Anonymous 5:56 PM has a point.

1) Ronan is definitely transitioning.

2) Parts of California & Colorado are still on fire. There is nothing natural about those fires.

3) Whatever is causing those fires could be causing Christian’s headaches.

4) One of the tabloids I receive in the mail claims the rich & famous are leaving California.

5) Truther & conspiracy sites claim the well to do are purchasing land in New Zealand. They plan to build bunkers & ride out the Apocalypse. I wish this was a joke.
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “Something is Rotten in Denmark”

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg Expressed Concerns About mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines


Any discussion of the Covid-19 vaccines modifying DNA is banned from the Facebook platform.

Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe said that Zuckerberg imposes standards on his users that he does not live up to himself in private.

"Isn't it interesting that Zuckerberg can vacillate and evolve his thinking on the subject of vaccines. But as soon as he's made up his mind, or appears to have made up his mind on a topic, he disallows the almost 3 billion Facebook users to do the same?," said O’Keefe.

He added: "Rules for thee, but not for me."
Anonymous said…
CD can you please answer this question?...Will they be stripped of their royal titles? Meaning no HRH,no dukedom,no earldom. They would just be civilians known as Mountbatten-Windsor instead of Susse.
Anonymous said…
Loving the tea! Why Oprah thinks we should all feel sorry for 2 people who are multimillionaires without the need for talent, intelligence or hard work is anyone's guess.
Within other Royal houses in Europe, the spare princes and princesses have real jobs. The spares in the British Royal family just expect to live like pop stars & lounge around. Appalling.
Anonymous said…
Yes, it will be true Alexandra was paranoid about injection drugs in some photo of you can see the female hormones also harmed her in paranoia, and then dedicate herself to creating false profiles through girls who say they are affected by despicable people of supposed witchcraft, well you see that also affected intelligence amb combination can be lethal, we already know what they say about trans prostitutes that I am very problematic
LovesBreadCarbs said…
Titles are one issue. What I really want to know is if Just Harry will be removed from line of succession?
Anonymous said…

oh thanks.
I think both AG and MM use the SAME PR TEAM FOR TRANS.
most of my photos at work showing I was very manly,
and I wore suits a lot.

but privately I am feminine,
and only recently I started posting some of my private photos online,
also because of cover-19,
I just dressed up casually being a woman.

AG appeared to be a STRONG MAN in its earlier photos,
recently AG acted as if it were sexy making itself a clown,
hard to tell what role KR had played in this drama,
KR is not innocent.

KR asked me to get rid of AG for him,
as if I were his slave;
I love AG more than KR:
MANLY AG makes us laugh giving us free entertainment,
SAD KR makes us depressed and heartbroken as we used to think he was good.

I love Dr Evil,
but AG is too INDECENT to be anything,
hard to believe AG has received any education,
AG acted as if it grew up in a brothel,
but adopted by a professional couple.

just have some fun,
I came here because of KR,
and started to know KR through all of you.
Sana said…
LovesBreadCarbs - Good question about Harry - it would be best for all if HE was cut from the line of succession. He didn’t do much during his military “career” since all he did ( as many have reported) was playing on play station/ Xbox. What a disgrace

T.W Any respect I had for Oprah is now gone. Gonna watch the other YouTube channels instead ( Murky Meg, Yankee Wally, According to Taz) who are probably going to watch the shitshow for us
Jules said…
Has anyone else come across the snow burning videos?
T. W. said…
Hi Sana!

Please give us juicy details!

As for Oprah, many people in America are waking up to her. She is a witch & I suspect she is a handler. I believe her girls school in Africa is a front for human trafficking. Remember all those abuse allegations surrounding the school?

I tell ya. Them politicians & celebrities sure love Africa & Haiti but Africa & Haiti are still impoverished...

I was on to Oprah in the 1990s. She claims to be a sexual abuse victim but when she had sex abuse victims on her show she would press for detailed information about the abuse and appeared “excited” when she heard them.

On another episode Patti LaBelle was cooking & for no reason Oprah reached over & grabbed her breast.


And why does Oprah keep telling us she kicks her perpetual fiancée out of her bedroom so she can spend time with her female “friend” Gayle King? One time Oprah said she sent Stedman to the guest house so she & Gayle could watch movies in bed.

What woman kicks their male fiancée out of the bedroom so she can watch movies with her female friend?

Why did she kick him out of her palatial mansion for the night?

What kind of movies were they watching in bed?
T. W. said…

This is the first I have heard of it.

As we know, snow does not burn.

Either something else was burning, the snow was contaminated with a substance that when on fire water cannot & should not be used, or this is trick photography.

I’m not gonna hazard a guess.
T. W. said…
If Rege-Jean Page has any sense he will drop out of the project.

Dungeons & Dragons is what some call a “gateway drug” to the occult.

As some of you know, Dungeons & Dragons was a very popular board game during the 1980s. It is still popular among the nerds.

What some people do not know is that the incantations to be recited are for real.

Satan makes his ways & devices look like fun.

Please do not play Dungeons & Dragons or watch the film.

You are safer around Vladimir Putin.

I am not exaggerating.
Anonymous said…

I am new, and read a fan of KR said in Feb 2020 AG is an orangatang, so true; but I wonder how could KR keep this orangatang for so many years? I got sick whenever I look at the photo of orangatang,

KR pretended the orangatang is an educated, kind, smart, successful, pretty, elegant woman, it means KR has problems.

I get sick when I look at KR's photo now feeling KR is not much different from the orangatang, considering they have been having sex, kissing, sleeping, eating and talking to each other all these years.

Cap Anonymous said…
MEGAN'S FAUX PREGNANCY #2: I wholeheartedly agree that the Meghan is NOT pregnant. That dam photo that they released to the media -- once again, staged, pretentious, and taken by a professional photographer. Why? Why not an image taken by Meghan's Mom on an iPhone? We haven't seen any images of either of them since at the rent-a-mansion since September? October? We did not see any Halloween, Christmas or New Year's images, until February 14, Valentine's Day. Don't you all think Meghan would have posted a gazillion images of her home along with some images of Archekin? But she hasn't. Oh Meghan, the master manipulator. The new pregnant image itself is strategically placed, her head on Harry's lap, his loving hand on her head, the oh so strong prince of a husband happily gazes at Meghan while she lovingly laughs. Meghan's staged "moonbump" is so outrageous because in her last fake pregnancy, she didn't really "show" until her 7th, 8th month, and now she's showing early in her 3rd? 4th month? Outrageous.

I think she also "timed" this fake pregnancy for the purposes of having a good reason for her not to be able to fly to Britain with Harry. That's your big mistake, Meghan, because it will work against you. CD has already confirmed this in one of his posts.

OPRAH CBS TELL-ALL INTERVIEW WITH THE SUSSEXES: I will watch. Can't wait for the crocodile tears, and I'm confident there will be many. They all got paid for this interview, I bet Harry and Meghan each got a million. Oprah may be a "friend," but she will always be a businesswoman when it comes to interviews on national television. I also agree with CD, it's going to work against them. People won't like the fake crocodile tears, they won't like the fake two idiots complaining about how hard done by they are. As Ana said, there are millions of people suffering because of this COVID and lack money and food. These two spoiled, immature, selfish, narcisstic brats think they're so special. We'll see just how special they are in the coming year.
Cap Anonymous said…
ANON, I'm sorry but I do think you are CRAZY. PERIOD.

MEGHAN MARKLE: Nope, she is not a transgender. It is outrageous for you to even suggest that she is. Let me tell you this... she was married to an Italian. Italian men know pussy. I am confident if he got one sniff that she was medically manufactured he'd run for the hills.

Meghan has a similar body to her mother. Her mother does not have much of a waist, and is small-busted. Both have long feet. Meghan does not eat very much, so she remains pencil thin. And yes, she is at times, quite lovely and beautiful.

The fact she is not able to have children does not mean she is a transgender. She does not have an adam's apple but just to let you know, believe it or not, some women do but this does not make them transgender.

MICHELLE OBAMA: Nope, she too is NOT a transgender. She had two children with Barack. True, Michelle looks so much better now than she did back then. Ditto Meghan's mother.

V.P. KAMALA HARRIS: Someone here (perhaps it was you too Anon) referred to Kamala as Kamaltoe or something similar. How deragatory. Do you not like women? Say what you will but Kamala Harris is an extraordinary woman. Ditto Michelle Obama. I also think Oprah is an extraordinary woman. All these women have done extraordinary things and live extraordinary lives, have extraordinary jobs. Oprah pisses me off only because she appears friendly with the Sussexes but maybe she isn't as dumb as I think. She is afterall, the one to finally get a sitdown tell-all interview with the Sussexes.

ALEXANDER GRANT: I don't know if she is transgender or not. I don't think it's any of our business. If she is, which I doubt very much that she is, how brave and honest she must be. Whether she's good or bad for Keanu is between them.

AND I personally don't feel it's right to ever call another "ugly." Who the hell are you to call anyone ugly? By doing this and posting the things you do says a lot about YOU. I cannot believe CD allows the crap you post. It's hateful. Weird. And your obsession with KR and AG, it's not logical or normal. My opinion.

There are so many intelligent people who post on this blog and who are spiritually aware, gentle and kind. I realize that everyone who posts here are not always like this. It reminds me of a line from the Desiderata:

"Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story."
Cap Anonymous said…
THE DESIDERATA, one of my all-time favorites:


GO PLACIDLY amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

By Max Ehrmann © 1927
Original text
Anonymous said…

Cap Anonymous is a trans, as handsome as AG. we love trans, hahaha.
Anonymous said…

this is a great community,
full of spiritual people,
kind and wise,
if we ignore a few creatures,
then we shall have a good time.
CD, do you see KR and CD are still together?
Jules said…
To be fair, I thought after Joan Rivers (who died a month after calling Obama gay and Michelle a tranny) outed them it was one of those universally acknowledged things that everyone knew Michelle aka Michael Obama was a man with breast implants. Regarding their daughters, one cannot deny the girls bare a striking jaw-dropping resemblance to the couples best friends Marty Nesbitt and Dr Anita Blanchard. Many think they are adopted, but no one has seen any baby photos of the girls or any pregnant images of Michelle.

There are many videos out there where people have discussed the male physique and I am afraid Michelle has all the male characteristics. Look at her shoulders, her skull, her ring finger length. Obama himself has often slipped up during speeches and referred to his 'wife' as Michael.

As for Michelle doing wonderful things .. yep according to the wiki leaked emails she threw fabulous hot dog and pizza parties at the white house and ruined school meals across America.


Anonymous said…
T. W. said…
Let's be real. Unless we analyze a complete genetic profile of these people we cannot know with 100% certainty that someone is transgender. Having said that, I do believe many famous people are transgender, sometimes without their knowledge and consent.

As for the anonymous comments, there are a few decent people who post anonymously. Unfortunately some anonymous comments are off the wall.

Sometimes we have to ignore comments.

If someone is truly a troll that will make them go away.
T. W. said…
Just because someone has a child does not mean someone is not transgender.

People can freeze their eggs & sperm before they transition.

Italian men know pu$$y. So what?

D1cks like holes. Straight men stick their d1cks into women's anuses, so it's no matter to them if they sleep with a post-op M2F.

Many "female" porn performers are post-op trans. They have fooled many men.
T. W. said…
1) About Adam's Apples

Every human has a piece of cartilage in their necks known as the Adam's Apple.

Biological females have more neck fat. That is why you cannot see our neck cartilage unless we have our heads leaned back.

You should not see a woman's Adam's Apple if she is looking at you straight on, I don't care how skinny she is.

The only exception I can think of is a biological female who has a severe hormone imbalance or is taking male hormones.

I see that a lot of females in Hollywood have severe hormonal imbalances...

2) As for the idea that a woman can't be trans, she doesn't have an Adam's Apple

Male to Female persons get their Adam's Apple shaved down periodically.

Don't believe me?


Perhaps you will believe the following people:

(a) Caitlyn Jenner - He is on record talking about having undergone this procedure.

(b) Plastic/Cosmetic surgeons - They have talked about this procedure openly. You can find many videos on YouTube. You can go to their official websites.

(c) Various well-known M2F post-op trans people. Several of them talk about this procedure on YouTube.

3) M2F also have their jaws and brow ridges shaved so their faces can appear more feminine. Sometimes they get an implant in their foreheads.

4) They have to work with vocal coaches so they can sound feminine. They have to constantly work at it when they speak. Once you hear it you can't unhear it. A lot of female celebrities sure sound like they had this type of vocal coaching...

Anonymous said…

I love you ALL,
you are so truthful and intelligent.

there is a movie M. Butterfly, google it, it is a TRUE story. A Chinese MAN posed as a woman and had a child with blue eyes (Uyghur-Turk) with a French diplomat who stole information for his "wife", eventually the French man was caught and convicted, then truth came out that his "wife" is a MAN.

you don't have to be a woman to have sex or "children" with your husband to deceive him.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 12:18 am

I read the book it is based on. I also saw the Barbra Walters interview.

She interviewed both men involved & their alleged live child Shi Du Du.

Bernard was easily fooled by Shi Pei Pu because Bernard had never been with a woman.

That interview still makes me laugh & if anyone has the video PLEASE contact me immediately.

Anyone who has seen that interview knows I am serious.

Shi Pei Pu was a piece of work.

🎵 “I’m so so-o-try!”

I need a copy.

T. W. said…
I just had a thought.

M. Butterfly was also a Broadway play. John Lithgow portrayed Bernard Boursicot, B. D. Wong portrayed Shi Pei Pu and won a Tony Award for his performance.

Here’s more information:

1) Shi Pei Pu Wikipedia article —>

2) TV Critic Article of Walters’ interview —>

3) Tony Award Performance —>

4) B. D. Wing wins Tony Award —>

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