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Meghan Markle v The Queen.


Meghan Markle, isn’t going to the U.K.
With Prince Harry, to the Queens Birthday Celebrations.
According to the Daily Mail.

She claims that she doesn’t want to leave Archie!

Why doesn’t she take Archie, so they can all go?

I’ll tell you why.


Meghan is terrified that Lillibet would “Snatch”.

Wrong move Meghan…

Lillibet can get Archie anytime she wants.

As under British Law.
The Queen is legal guardian. 

To all her Heirs.

I sense, that the Queen can't stand.

Meghan Markle


T. W. said…
MegaTron ain’t too bright.
T. W. said…
She has a mustache...
Cap Anonymous said…
Hello CD and everyone! A belated happy new year to you all! You especially, Apple Monkey! Mwah!

KEANU REEVES: I'm late in reporting this but over Christmas they had a bunch of old movies with Keanu and I thought I'd watch a few to see what the big deal is about this guy. Unfortunately, I didn't view any of the Matrix movie series, they had them on but I wanted to start from the beginning and not the end. Never saw Matrix 1 and 2 come back on so I never had the chance to see any of the Matrix movies but I did see John Wick 1 and 2, and Point Break. I'm a huge Patrick Swayze fan, Dirty Dancing, I mean, come on!, but in Point Break, I found myself loving Keanu more than Patrick. Yeah, he was uber cute back then!
Cap Anonymous said…

COVID Vaccine: If you watched Bill Maher's show on January 30, you would have seen the two biologists, Doctors Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein - no relation to Harvey - on his show discussing the vaccine. Here is the link to see them on Bill's show:

I personally was fascinated by their presentation and what they talked about so I checked them out and I listened to the podcast. It's worth listening to if you have an interest in what's really happening with the Covid vaccines. They talk about the pros and cons, as well as how these MRNA vaccines differ from the old versions of vaccines such as the antigen or protein based vaccines take many years to create.

I believe Jules and TW remarked on how these vaccines might have long-term consequences. These biologists discuss this and many other issues. They do get somewhat technical at times, but I don't think anyone here would have difficulty understanding.

It is worth listening to and EXTREMELY informative. You may find the video link with closed captions here:

Other Youtube videos by the biologists:

CLOSED CAPTION ON YOUTUBE: Did you know that it is YOUTUBE that puts the closed captions on a video and not the author? Apparently, this is the case. The closed captions may not show for 24 hours or more, but for the most part they get them done as soon as possible. So if you don't see the captions, just wait a day and come back. They should be visible then.

MEGHAN MARKLE: Oh boy, it's been a while since I posted and here she is in the news again, this time about Archekins. I agree with CD, she could easily bring the little guy on the plane with them, it makes no freakin' sense whatsoever not to bring him. So what CD claims to be the reason why she is not just makes so much sense. Meghan needs Archie as a pawn to be used in the divorce settlement. Ugh.

I questioned WHY all of sudden these two (Harry and Meghan), suddenly decide to stop posting videos and whatnot? I mean, it was so sudden, almost as if they were told by the queen to stop immediately. I just don't buy it that it was because of all the negative feedback, because that had been going on for months and months. I am really puzzled by this. I just think it was the queen's doing. Meghan and Harry were destroying the royal namesake.

Also, big mistake for Meghan not coming with Harry to the UK. She's a coward. I tell you, the queen is going to have a sit down with Harry and I think she is going to tell him to D-I-V-O-R-C-E her, just like she apparently did with Charles about Diana. For Harry not to insist bringing Archie to see his royal cousins and his grandparents is outrageous.

It just doesn't make sense. Gawd, is he dumb or what?

I am puzzled by this Archie. He exists but he doesn't seem to be around.

It's going to be an interesting summer.

As far as the vaccine, here in Canada it's moving much too slowly. The UK and South Africa variants are multiplying but not as bad as what is going on in the US and Britain. We are very fortunate to live in Canada. I don't expect to get the vaccine until late summer or late fall. I personally am exhausted, and whatever superwoman status I once achieved is completely lost and I don't know if I'll ever regain it.

Wishing you all and your families happier days ahead.
Quiet said…
She finally learned it is criminal offence to fake a human birth and to fake a human death. Cant wait for this to unfold.
T. W. said…

I agree with you & I thank you for making me laugh!
T. W. said…
Cap Anonymous

Vaxine —> I thank you for the video links! I don’t watch Bill Maher as I don’t have cable TV. He had a live show on ABC. It was cancelled after he told the truth about September 11, 2001. ABC cut him off mid sentence. I saw it happen live. I also had a VHS recording of that terrible morning. It was planned, the government knew, & there is no way the Twin Towers would have fallen the way they did from a plane hitting them. That was a controlled demolition.

Canada —> Many Canadians drive to Florida to get their Lethal Injection. It made local & national news here in the US. A lot of states don’t have laws to prevent this. Them Canadians are gonna be sorry.

Australia —> Every nation needs to learn from the Australians. They have kicked The Plague’s a$$.
Anonymous said…
about KR and AG

it is said in the media that
KR and AG were married in 2020 in Berlin,
and AG is pregnant now.

we trust CD only,
Anonymous said…
Ummm that’s kind of creepy that the queen is the legal guardian of all children born in the royal family. No one thinks that’s odd...people open your eyes, even if you don’t like have to agree that’s weird.
Psychic Gossip said…
It’s how they keep the power cdx
Psychic Gossip said…
Keanu married ha ha Alexandra pregnant didn’t know she was in heat cdx
T. W. said…

You have won the internets this month!
T. W. said…
hAG is 47 years old. How is she pregnant?
T. W. said…

The reigning monarch is the legal guardian. So in a few months or a few years either Prince Charles or Prince William will become Bany Archie’s legal guardian.
Anonymous said…

it is sad to follow news about KR, if you think he is a good man; it must be hard for the fans who wish him good. your prediction matters so much. thanks.
Anonymous said…

age doesn't matter, she is a trans and that matters,

T. W. said...
hAG is 47 years old. How is she pregnant?

Jules said…
Cap Anonymous
Rumour has it, it was never about the ‘virus’ it was always about the ‘vaccine.’ Rumour has it the vaccines are bioweapons. From my own research, I absolutely agree with the rumour.

Bill Mayer is not without his controversies.

I went to bitchute and typed in COVID vaccine and it brought up over 7350 videos

I then typed in ‘vaccine’ and it brought up over 16574 videos

If you are interested in the vaccines, I strongly suggest you have a look at some of those videos, don’t just take one person’s viewpoint .. research is the key here.

Many videos are carefully crafted, almost educational videos put together to explain the vaccines made with the help of Doctors, scientists and virologists and the effects they will have on the body. Bill Gates features in a lot of videos. Some are zoom calls between Drs and scientists, some are heartfelt videos made by whistle-blowers. Some contain horrific footage of people who have been vaccinated. Some are duplicated because they have been uploaded by different users after they were taken down from youtube. The information in them is priceless.

Here is a link to a video that shows some people’s reactions to the vaccines. It is absolutely true to state that people all over the world are dying and being severely injured by these toxic, rushed Covid Experimental vaccines and platforms like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook are deleting these videos and suspending the accounts of those that upload them. This is a heart-wrenching video to watch.

Anonymous said…
what surprises you? women give birth at 45 and 47 years
Jules said…
The 'queen' being the legal guardian of her grandchildren and her great-grandchildren is the least creepy thing about her.

Recently came across a must-read article, its called “Exposed all the queen's agents and corporation that control the world” it's a very very interesting read and peels back the layers of the onion and shows how powerful the queen really really is. Also, look up the knights of Malta .. Jimmy Saville was a knight of Malta and so was Nelson Mandela.

T. W. said…
Anonymous knows what time it is...
Anonymous said…
there were many predictions about KR and AG in the past,
but now things are very different:
it seems that KR and AG did something together beside the RO case,
when they kissed each other for the media.
it would be great to watch another video on KR and AG alone,
as we all want to know,
why KR is a good man if AG leaves him,
or he is really that stupid,
or may be KR has been changed by AG.
just for fun,
as sometimes it hurts to see KR is sad,
we all want him happy and successful,
so we do not have to criticize him again.
Anonymous said…
AG is being unfaithful to KR, sometimes relationships hold thanks to 3 people
Jules said…
Whoopsie Elizabeths carefully crafted public image is starting to unravel, it has been finally revealed to the general public that she successfully lobbied the government to change a draft law in order to conceal her “embarrassing” private wealth from the public, according to documents discovered by the Guardian. A series of government memos unearthed in the National Archives reveal that Elizabeth Windsor’s private lawyer put pressure on ministers to alter proposed legislation to prevent her shareholdings from being disclosed to the public.

Following the Queen’s intervention, the government inserted a clause into the law granting itself the power to exempt companies used by “heads of state” from new transparency measures. The arrangement, which was concocted in the 1970s, was used in effect to create a state-backed shell corporation which is understood to have placed a veil of secrecy over the Queen’s private shareholdings and investments until at least 2011.

The true scale of her wealth has never been disclosed, some believe it has been estimated to run into the hundreds of millions of pounds, rumour has it her actual wealth is in the trillions. Rumour has it she has literally vaults of gold under the palaces, which she used to regularly visit.

The royal family are not what you think they are .. they do not deserve respect, love or admiration.
T. W. said…
I'm not a British subject so I am going to say it:

1) The Queen worships Satan.

2) That entire family worships Satan.

3) They were raised to worship Satan.

4) Prince William will become the AntiChrist. Don't believe me? Think I'm crazy? Please consider the following:

(a) Prince William's Coat of Arms

(b) Christian posted Prince William should not go on that trip to the Middle East because he will never be the same if he survives the trip. Multiple people on this site have stated Prince William seems like a totally different person. The people who said this are not into conspiracies.

(c) The Bible says the man who will embody the AntiChrist will survive a deadly wound. Did the palace cover up Prince William's deadly wound that healed?

(d) The Bible says the AntiChrist will be a man who is beloved by EVERYONE. Who does not love Prince William?

These are all speculations. Only time will tell who is the AntiChrist.

But Prince William is the prime candidate.

We must pray for him and his children.
T. W. said…
Blood disorder Thrombocytopenia a reported side effect of Covid-19 mRNA vaccines
Jules said…
I concur with what HRH TW stated with regards to number 1 - 3. Regarding William being the antichrist at this moment in time I don't think he is, I think he could be what's known as a red herring simply because of what Jessie Czebotar has stated, but as TW has suggested, time will reveal all.

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