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Beth said…
MOOOOOOdy skies 🐂 🤷🏼‍♀️
Cordelia said…
Captain Sir Tom Moore's funeral today. What a wonderful legacy and inspiration to future generations.
teacher wendy said…
I need to ask this of 79 year old sister ( my only family) has only nibbled food for 3 days as of yesterday, this happens with severe stage 6 dementia. She gags when food touches her lips , so feeding her not an option, she told me "no tubes" a long time ago. She drinks fine, swallows her medication fine, just tells me she ate a lot and only took 1 bite. She told me yesterday she wanted to die. Instead of listening to her I begged her to live and asked her why she wanted to die like my grandmother, the person who hated me since birth ( who broke her hip and decided to die, with a month of every family member begging her to stay and proclaiming their love....grandmother was is so happy that month showered with attention her last days on earth), called the doctor( who changed her sleeping meds (now off Trazadone as it might be a side effect and gave her a new sleep med for sleep/anxiety/appetite stimulant) and called her best friend who talked to her on speaker phone awhile. After that she ate lunch, dinner and snack. One of the ladies in the online dementia group said I should have just let her go it would have been a much kinder/softer way to die. My friends, did I do the wrong thing? I respect people's right to die, I have supported that decision many times, but I had to try HERE right? I had to give it a shot? If it doesn't work fine, I can say I gave it a good go....I had to try right?
Angel.monolith said…
The image of the cow is better than that of the birds!
Anonymous said…
Dear Teacher Wendy,

I am very sorry for the predicament your are experiencing at the moment. You are a lovely person who is trying your very best and I am sure your sister is grateful for everything you are doing. I don't have any answers for you but will pray for both you and your sister. May God bless you both and all who are suffering 💖🙏

Cordelia said…
Teacher Wendy

I feel you made this decision totally because you love your sister so your decision is right. God looks after everyone so I'm sure many Angel's are around you at the moment.

T. W. said…
Teacher Wendy

I have empathy for you and your sister.

As I read your comment I thought “your sister was not in her right mind when she made that request.”

I’m not talking about the feeding tube & such.

If she has a DNR, a living will, & medical power of attorney documents please review them as soon as you can. Also note the date your sister signed those documents. Was she in her right mind when those documents were drafted? Was she in her right mind when she signed them?

You may also wish to consult with an attorney.

With Stage 6 dementia your sister could potentially live for 5 more years. I suspect she knows this & I think she knows how bad those final years can be. I could command the blessing of healing but she may not want that. She may want to go home.

Please make sure her affairs are in order. I have a feeling your sister was really saying she will be transitioning to The Beyond very soon. People always know when their “time” is near. Please do not be sad about this. If this is the case, this is more merciful than living in Stages 6 & 7 of dementia. Dementia is cruel.

You need support. You can get it virtually!

Here’s a link from the Alzheimer’s Association

Support Groups

* * * * * * *

It is my prayer that when she goes home that her transition and passing to The Beyond is quick and painless.

I have just said a prayer for both of you.

Please know God is real.

God is The Light and the Source of light.

God is Love and the Source of love.

When we transition to The Beyond and make it upstairs we go home to Love to love and to be loved.

We love you and we are here for you.

With love and care,

HRH T. W. 😘

T. W. said…
God bless you Cordelia!

Teacher Wendy,

Cordelia’s comment appeared after I wrote my first response. I agree with her, you did the right thing because you did it out of love for her.

Can your sister drink Ensure?

Sometimes people with dementia are briefly in their right minds. If your sister is adamant about going Home, maybe consider hospice/palliative care. Just make sure you read the medical power of attorney document.

Death by starvation is a long, painful, cruel process.

When my dad caught a UTI while in the nursing home, his oldest child told the hospital to withhold food & water. That child had the medical power of attorney & legal power of attorney for other matters. Dad had been saying for 6 months he wanted to go home. My sisters and I knew what he meant. But I tell you what. Watching the UTI take its course as food and water were withheld was torture fir him & us. Dad lived for several more days.

I’m still upset about it but at least he is Home now.

Now here’s some good news.

He was smiling in his casket.
LovesBreadCarbs said…
Dearest Teacher Wendy,

Have had some experience with hospice care. What you are doing (and not doing) is the most loving thing for your sister but, unfortunately, the most difficult thing for you.

Much love and prayers for you. We are here for you and are listening.
Hello teacher Wendy!
Related to your sister's issue. An evaluation needs to be made with the neurologist - geriatrician, be medicated and the family oriented. As I understand it, she hasn't been eating well. I could go to a speech therapist for better evaluation. It can get malnourished, among other issues.
May God give you strength and wisdom!
Anonymous said…

Dear Wendy

Yes you had to try. You
have lost so many people
in your life, of course you
had to try, there is no other
way at all.
No one can understand that
who has not experienced it,
nothing about it is simple.
Everything about you wants
to hold on her, every second
that she is still here. -

I would try to get your sister
placed in a hospice, where
she can get all the love she
needs, drink and eat as she
needs it, or get fluids through
IVs, be lovingly cared for
every day, and leave, when
the time comes.

You two have a connection.

Let others take care of her,
do the things, where you are
replaceable. Then you can
continue to be there for her,
where nothing can replace
you, in your Love for her,
being with her, having
loving moments without
having to care for her
or hold her on. ❤️

Anonymous said…


Maybe it is happened
so that you can both
prepare for that she
leaves, so that
something changes.
Give yourself the chance
to let her slowly go. ❤️

teacher wendy said…
Thank you for all your kind words. My sister has 8 doctors, 1 regular doctor, the rest specialists and a geriatric specialist, neurologist, etc. She has eaten somewhat for 2 days. I feel I did what I needed to do and now if she slowly stops eating I am at peace with that. We will see if her new meds with appetite stimulents helps and the old meds caused a depressive effect ( even though she was sleeping somewhat better with the old meds). I am losing her and I must face that. My sister is 21 years older tgan me, my brother was 23 years older than me, and I was born to older parents the age of my friend's grandparents. I knew the time would come I would face the world alone and it is here. It is scarey for me, to lose my best friend for my whole life....we are total opposites....and face a world without family.....
There are alternative ways of feeding. Have the doctors thought about that?
I wish you strength and wisdom for that moment. Stay in peace Wendy
T. W. said…
Artemisia, a professora Wendy diz que sua irmã não quer um tubo de alimentação. Achamos que o pedido inicial foi feito antes da instalação da demência

Perguntei à professora Wendy se sua irmã poderia beber um produto chamado Garanta. É um substituto de refeição.

Outra pessoa e eu acreditamos que sua irmã estava comunicando que ela fará a transição para a vida após a morte. Aconselhamos a professora Wendy a se preparar para isso.

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