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New Feature. "SHADY LADIES" Keanu Reeves. Amanda de Cadenet. Alexandra G...


Anonymous said…
Thank you CD,

I genuinely wish Keanu well, I can relate to many of his life experiences except the fame (thankfully).

I myself have been in a relationship with someone who was not right and caused considerable pain however I kept trying to see the good in them. I had free will, but just didn't have the strength to leave and only caused myself great suffering and humiliation over many years. To this day I still carry the burden of shame of allowing myself to be treated in that manner.

My situation only became worse and worse where I contemplated suicide on many occasions, then the universe stepped in and decisions were forced upon me and thankfully, however painfully separation occurred. Some people who I thought were my friends and family relished in my hurt, like a pack of wolves surrounding an injured animal. God revealed peoples true intentions towards me and this was quite painful however necessary in the long run.

Since this time I have learnt that when God separates you from others, don't force it, don't fight it, just know God has his reasons even if we don't understand it.

I wish for Keanu that he finds his true love, I wish for all of your readers CD, on this log that they also find their true love, just like I wish for myself that I find my true love, and if that does not occur I can accept this for I know God has his reasons.

Many blessings, love, health and safety to all 💖✝️🙏🌏😷
Anonymous said…
Thanks CD speaking of scandals you were right in your 2021 predictions about Australia!!

Melic 21
Anonymous said…
Christian, just being curious. Does Amanda also responsible for Jennifer Symes death?
Anonymous said…
Some of you really don’t know how to stopping yourself..

Can I ask what are you doing ?

Never against ,
but always beside ..

I 🐝U
Anonymous said…
Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are. Says everything you need to know about Keanu’s true character. He’s exactly like those two shady attention seekers. A famewhore. Keanu is the opposite of his PR image. What I’m saying is the truth.
Anonymous said…
February 21, 2021 at 9:01 AM
I know exactly what you are trying but I can say that don’t you even go this point..
You absolutelyF wrong ..
AD and AG trying same methods,but you know that already..
Anonymous said…
February 21, 2021 at 9:01 AM

How about that ?
What do you think (this is question)
Is it possible that AD knows something who was giving advice to AH about medical and alcohol for JD and about something else 😉

Before you want speaking about JS
Anonymous said…
February 21, 2021 at 9:01 AM

Now ,next time you want speak about person who not here anymore
You think 2X
( opinion & guessing )
Some people speaking different form of language and can know ,
not 2 but 3 side a story about things ( and what really happened long ago..)
Not only about things what maybe someone is not remembering or thinks what remembers is a truth because of alcohol ,
medical or some other stuff..
you may surprise you know ..
That some people can think all this year that he or she is reason about something what happened, and feels guilt inside..
but real reason was not what a person thinks..
And because of that some person wrongly or angry spelling and sounds of voice may give a wrong understanding..(or better ☝🏻️was knowing exactly what was doing)
I know sounds complicated..
Here we go AD,AG,AH (a,b,c123)

This is not warning but I only saying ,because I know what you thinking..
Now you don’t need think this again...
I am most kindest( bitch) you ever know...
Anonymous said…

February 21, 2021 at 9:01 AM
Some people speaking different form of language and can seeing (not knowing) but seeing!!!!!
3 side a story about things ( and what really happened long ago..)
Anonymous said…

February 21, 2021 at 9:01 AM
Breathe in and out some days
take thinking time ,
after thinking time comes maybe
knowing what direction you want think...

How about that?
Anonymous said…
Here many people write under different names and also use anonymity.
Here there are those who deceives and there are those who controls.
There are also those who are strongly attracted by donations, ask for money 'for children' and then want to travel to the greek sea, but cannot due to covid.

About poor girl JS.
Before a person starts taking medicines, alcohol and drugs, come emotionally and psychologically destabilized.
Tell me now, WHO WANTED K.R. for herself when JS was pregnant? - This person is expected by karma. This person is waiting for her punishment, this person runs this IG account and has written here about her attitude towards JS and KR that she has since those times:

“He needs to learn how to be kind with me as I was with him”; “Revenge is ugly”; “He used her to torment me. Payback”
Sahilah said…
Why do I sense so many flying monkeys going bonkers every time the HAG's name appears?

Anyways, all, be safe.

Anonymous said…
There are also many blind people here...
Sahilah said…
@CD, I'll send you an email.

Anonymous said…
I heard KR gave AG a promise ring - from the Cracker Jack box.
Anonymous said…
Remember. Triangulation is no good. Relationships are for two (2) mot three +.
Anonymous said…
AG wants to sue KR because public doesn't like her ? Huh?
Anonymous said…
Is Amanda de Cadenet the blonde Rona Barrett type who stole Keanu or at least inserted herself between Keanu and Jennifer Syme when Keanu was struggling with knocking up that groupie/druggie JS in the late 1990s right when Matrix made big?
Anonymous said…
I thought Amanda De Cadenet was the spoiled and neglected daughter of a narcissistic racecar driver that interviewed Keanu whilst he mispronounced "Viscount" during filming of Dracula.
Anonymous said…
Well... As of late and for some time, Amanda De Cadenet has been feasting on Bon bonus whilst channeling Mama Case.
Anonymous said…
No, no, no. Amanda De Cadenet is the rock n roll bass player groupie who seduces Keanu when she is two month's pregnant or when another groupie gets pregnant namely, Jennifer Syme, whom she played and whom Keanu played.
Anonymous said…
People who have a parent with shady morals who abandoned them gravitate toward shady morals people to play out their wounded abandonment and change the new person to love them thus healing themselves.
It never works. But it feels comfortable and familiar.

Keanu values work over relationships because he followed his mother's example.
Anonymous said…
Keanu's mom had to fend for herself and kids by working a lot as a seamstress and clothes designer. Eventually, her clients included Amne Murray, Dolly Parton in and Alice Cooper.
Anonymous said…
Seems like Keanu attracts and gets trapped by a woman who wants him for fame, money and a better lifestyle every time he does a Matrix movie.
Sounds like he's doing penance.

Reach time involves him faking a relationship.
Anonymous said…
Hollywood is like high school: people want the beautiful for Homecoming Queen.

Not a feel sorry party.
Anonymous said…
Maybe Keanu shared a bottle of wine with Alex and told her why he never married but that isn't saying he talked marriage with her that's just talking ABOUT marriage.

Maybe he confided in her because she is a lesbian who dated Catherine Opie the famed photographer who the year before or so was Alex's date to LACMA.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Keanu wasn't abandoned just once bit twice by his father: at age 3 and age 13.

Also, as a latchkey kid because his mother was building her career as a seamstress then costume designer.

So yes, personal relationships he avoids.

Then bestie River dying along with Jen Syme and baby.
Anonymous said…
Perhaps Keanu's mother gravitated toward men who had associations with men near fame, money and a better lifestyle. Her husband Mr Miller had clients in the music industry as he a rock was promoter. And her second husband was a director and theater director who helped Keanu at the at the start of Keanu's career.
Anonymous said…
Cesspool of people using people.
Anonymous said…
Do you think Keanu believes he NEEDS to have fame, money, and a better lifestyle to get love?
Anonymous said…
Fame,money and a better lifestyle is love for Keanu.
Anonymous said…
Shady actor.
Unknown said…
Anonymous said…
"Oh look what you've done you made a fool of everyone....." - Jet
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
People will find out about her Documentary
and think Keanu is a buffoon.

He is over.
Anonymous said…
People will see Keanu faked a relationship with a lesbian
Anonymous said…
Suicide or not, Jen Syme died of a broken heart.
Anonymous said…
It appears Keanu is calculated with his generosity to keep criticism at bay.

And he hides behind a mask of casual affability. - underneath lies a decidedly cynical man. Completely guarded and avaricious. Avaricious for outwitting others as a game.
Anonymous said…
Life is a stream maybe it's time to let go of Alex.
Anonymous said…
Keanu has never focused on his personal life. He has made 4 movies a year he was 19 since 1986. He trusted the friend on an introduction to Alexandra.

I doubt he ran out and watched Alexandra's obscure documentary nobody heard of regarding the baby toddler tombstone

Anonymous said…
Well, Alex probably said she was trying to return the tombstone back to the town and Keanu thought ok

But then when she told Vogue about their supposed relationship Keanu likely thought she has crossed the line and gone too far.

John Wick 4 is filming now he cannot cause a scene. He will sit tight but distant

She needs to bow out and regain her composure.
Anonymous said…
Crazy male actor. How many other A list actors get in scenarios like these? Fake relationships with a known lesbian. Running over journalists in his Porsche. A woman in Winnepeg claiming back child support. Converting a suicide fake girlfriend band groupie into the love of his life.
Crazy actor.
Anonymous said…
Keanu needs a psychiatrist. He is mentally ill.
Anonymous said…
Filming four movies per year since 1986 has provided Keanu with latitude to get into and skirt out of responsibility.

Hollywood just hopes he throws his generous millions their way and so they turn a blind eye to his misdeeds. Collateral damage is not Hollywood's concern.
Anonymous said…
Apparently, River Phoenix would still be alive had Keanu not driven 1,000 miles to hand him the script about drug addict male prostitutes as that film led to River's real life drug addiction and death.
Anonymous said…
Now Keanu is upset about China Chow and Autumn Macintosh leaking private photos? Oh grow up. He has 5 millions pics of himself shattered all over the internet.

You shouldn't have become a public figure.

You can't put the Jeannie back in the bottle.
Anonymous said…
Well... He is upset because they are such awful pics of him as he looks like Big Foot.

But then it makes him a match with Yeti.
Anonymous said…
I don't think he wants to be paired with AG. Perhaps he is like Candide and his love is like Cunegonde.

"... You Were Dead, You Know Lyrics -

Play "You Were Dead, You…"
on Amazon Music Unlimited (ad)
You Were Dead, You Know Click to play this song!
Candide Cast Lyrics
Candide Soundtrack

Candide: Oh
Cunegonde: Oh
Candide: Is it true?
Cunegonde: Is it you?
Candide: Cunegonde!
Cunegonde: Candide!
Cunegonde: Candide!
Candide: Cunegonde!
Cunegonde: Can-
Candide: Oh!
Cunegonde: Oh!
Candide: Is it true?
Cunegonde: Is it you?
Candide: Cunegonde!
Cunegonde: Candide!
Candide: Oh my
Cunegonde: Dear
Candide: Love
Cunegonde: My
Candide: Dear
Both: Love
Candide: Dearest how can this be so? You were dead, you know. You were shot and bayonetted, too.
Cunegonde: That is very true. Oh, but love will find a way.
Candide: Then, what did you do?
Cunegonde: We'll go into that another day. Now let's talk of you. You are looking very well. Weren't you clever, dear, to
Candide: I've a sorry tale to tell. I escaped more dead then alive.
Cuengonde: Love of mine where did you go?
Candide: Oh, I wandered to and fro.
Cunegonde: Oh, what torture! Oh, what pain!
Candide: Holland, Portugal, and Spain!
Cunegonde: Oh, what torture!
Candide: Holland, Portu-
Cunegonde: Oh, what torture!
Candide: I would do it all again to find you at last.
Both: Reunited after so much pain. But the pain is past.
Candide: We are one again.
Cunegonde: We are one at last.
One again. One at last. One again. One at last.
Cunegonde: One
Candide: One
Both: One. One. One. One at last.

[Thanks to Brigid for lyrics]
Soundtrack Lyrics - www.stlyrics.comCCandideYou Were Dead, You Know Lyrics
Play "You Were Dead, You…"
on Amazon Music Unlimited (ad)

Popular Candide Songs

›Glitter and Be Gay
›Finale: Make Our Garden Grow
›I Am Easily Assimilated
›The Best of All Possible Worlds
›Oh, Happy We
›Nothing More Than This
›Bon Voyage
›My Love
›It Must Me So
›In The Heights (movie)
›Army of the Dead
›The Mitchells vs. The Machine
›Thunder Force
›SpongeBob Movie: Sponge on the Run
›Raya and the Last Dragon

All lyrics are the property and copyright of their owners. Song texts provided for educational purposes only.
© 2021"
Anonymous said…
Alexandra has fallen into a pit. If she made money selling stories to tabloids and magazines the money what a couple hundred thousand maybe will be gone soon and she stopped painting she'll maybe beNow she makes money off desperate and who knows what she will do.

Keanu can only stand and watch it seems.

Maybe he should send her to Paris to study art.
Anonymous said…
Sending Alex to Paris to study art is less costly than a scandal.
Anonymous said…
Right, reward her for bad behavior.
She is a user.

If she winds up in a fatal car accident....
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
For Keanu: Being a workaholic to cope with narcissistic families: the Provider Workhorse Syndrome. When does Keanu get taken care of?

Anonymous said…
Workaholism impacts many. Sounds like
Anonymous said…
Keanu fears getting cared for as his dad loved him but still abandoned him.
Anonymous said…
Keanu's dad broke hearts.
Anonymous said…
Sometimes people can attribute positive things to a person because they have similar physical characteristics to another person we knoww and trust.

Like Alexandra is tall woman like his mom and has a long neck like her.

However his mom is a good lady it seems.
Anonymous said…
I don't think ignoring it will solve his problem which some say she is selling true love, marriage to the tabloids. Hand holding at the LA County Museum of Art festivities ok but the rest has gone over the top.
It's unsustainable. And now with the baby toddler tombstone documentary? Makes her seem unhinged. He is a movie star not an Avant garde performing artist.
Anonymous said…
Keanu may have issues and wounds regarding attachments to romantic partners.
Anonymous said…
If Keanu makes a dramatic move it might appear he is a bully.

Why is Alexandra cozying up to Jen Symes old friend Jessika Adams? And now Amanda de Cadenet?

Could it be emotional bullying by Alexandra?
Anonymous said…
Does she think she can force Keanu to marry her?

Is that why she leaks stories of marriage to the tabloids?

Really absurd. This isn't 1953.
Anonymous said…
Does she think she can force Keanu to marry her?

Is that why she leaks stories of marriage to the tabloids?

Really absurd.

Maybe she can't pay her bills nobody wants her art and her sole income is selling love stories about her and Keanu.

Can she get a retail job? Something? Keanu can't give her money directly. His lawyers Probably said so.
Anonymous said…
I hear for an A list actor those love stories are $20,000 a pop.
Anonymous said…
No matter what you may think of alexandra, she is over in the art world.

Keanu should be held for damages at least.
Anonymous said…
She is over Because he wastes all her time posting on Instagram and casting spells and not painting and riding coattails of opie then Keanu and others and taking photos. She should get a marketing job.
Anonymous said…
Lesbians are persecuting her.
Anonymous said…
Held for damages? For claiming g they were acquaintances while she sold marriage and love stories and pics to the press?

She is a betrayer and phony.
Anonymous said…
Why should Keanu pay a dime to her when she abdicated her art career. She hasn't painted in 2 years.
Anonymous said…
Did anyone notice how the tabloid made her blue Greek inspired dress from LAMCA the famous Nov 5, 2019 coming out hand holding with Keanu dress from blue to white and misrepresented that it was her wedding dresss. Man they think we are stupid.
Anonymous said…
Did anyone notice how the tabloid made her blue Greek inspired dress from LAMCA the famous Nov 5, 2019 coming out hand holding with Keanu dress from blue to white and misrepresented that it was her wedding dresss. Man they think we are stupid.
Anonymous said…
It is Keanu's fault. He allowed Alexandra to encroach.

Keanu traded good possibilities in for bad.

Keanu has bad judgment
Anonymous said…
I don't know what is going on but her body language lacks the 2011 confidence. Now she seems like a sheep being shepherded away.

She lost who she was along the way. She seems erased.
Anonymous said…
She's been erased because she's been found out.

Reeves figured her out at least five years ago.

He's been laying his trap to put her behind bars.

She has violated his trust and his best acting is around her.

Anonymous said…
Well it would be a great irony if the stalker accuser was the stalker of Keanu.
Anonymous said…
Mulholland Dr II ????

Wasn't Mulholland Dr dedicated to Keanus ex girlfriend Jennifer Syme??????

That is strrrrraaaange strange.
Anonymous said…
Ex girlfriend? I've never heard of him admit to her as his girlfriend. Not then not now.

He never took her on the red carpet. They always show a shorter blue eyed woman on the red carpet. Jennifer had brown eyes and was much taller.

She was a band groupie who did drugs and liked to party. Who got pregnant and told Keanu it was his.

Amanda De Cadenet knows that. She was with Keanu around the same time too. Keanu was a known party boy and womanizer.
Anonymous said…
Oddly, Mulholland Dr is about an actress in a car accident and is about an actress with wild Hollywood ambitions.

Also using sex to get the Hollywood dream.
Anonymous said…
This is the pic they try to pass off as Jennifer Syme. She has blue eyes a bobbed nose Jennifer had an aquiline eagle nose. This woman is about 5'2 to 5'4" she is wearing two inch heel.

Jennifer was 5'7" to 5'9".

Anonymous said…
Jennifer Syme complained to Keanu that he never took her on the red carpet.

Revisionist history to fit image control for Keanu.

Anonymous said…
Keanu never married because he is buried in lies. Advice from PR. Advice from lawyers. He has nowhere to turn and he can't tell anyone. Not even his family. Its like being a 007. Have to keep secrets. His only refuge is his acting.

Anonymous said…
Aren't we missing the obvious here?

Keanu is gay.

He has a lsbian woman pretending to be his girlfriend. She is a lesbian so she wont fall in love with him.

This is the REAL reason why he never married.
Anonymous said…
I think Alexandra is going to realize Keanu will put her in jail so she will make a break for it. Probably down Mexico way. She used to live in Mexico City. Her best bet is a crew cot and pass herself off as a tall gringo man who is skinny.
Anonymous said…
Keanu is an a$$hole. He caused the death of two people: Rivet Phone ox and Jennifer zazme.
Anonymous said…
Some Hawaiian probably cursed Samuel Reeves because he was the drug dealer that sold their family member drugs.

So Keanu is cursed. Probably.
Anonymous said…
Look if Keanu is gay so what?

But on the other hand will that knowledge impact people's fantasy life about him?
Anonymous said…
That photo of KR walking away from the car, he looks so constipated.
Anonymous said…
The good woman forgives all and hopes healing will uplift all from darkness and desire for control.

May disrespect change to floral petals and peace arch the skies like a rainbow.
Anonymous said…
All of this artifice and manipulation. Let's be like the Quaker's and keep it real. No ornamental buckles as it is sinful and vanity.

Alexandra must return to the Midwest and root herself in the good soil. Paint us flowers and fields of gold and find her equalization.
Anonymous said…
Fantasies are in the bible called vain imaginations.
Anonymous said…
I wonder is Alexandra made another $20,000 selling a baby bump article to the tabloids. Came out a few days ago
Guess she had to pay some bills.
Anonymous said…
Paul Aaron and Irwin Stoff who backed and helped Keanu when he was young never get big credit which they should. They opened doors for him when he would have gotten eaten alive in Hollywood. So if they feel unappreciated or underappreciated how much more would a significamt other of Keani's? Keanu is too busy lining up another gig of to bother saying thank you.
Anonymous said…
If Keanu loved her 14 days would have been too short for Jennifer to physically recover mentally and emotionally. He didn't. He moved on ASAP.

Anonymous said…
Opportunist Alexandra used or misuses Keani's poem to :

1. Use Keani's celebrity to piggyback.

2. Align herself her name with Keani' artistically


3. Start artists publishing.

All from having gone to a dinner party.


But then again she ran around claiming to be a director in Hollywood all because she bought a baby tombstone and drove to the Midwest with it strapped to the passenger side of her car while she logged her journey on a cellphone.
art artists press a self promotional press to publish her book. Ode to Happiness to turn it into Her Own Private Press.

Like a spider.
She sold the poem book for $990.


Anonymous said…
Man that's a whopper if only it weren't true. It is like "O Brother Where Art Thou?"

"O Keanu Where Art Thou?"

A dwfinite Odyssey story.
Anonymous said…
Not Jennifer Syme.
Anonymous said…
Keanu did pay for Jennifer Syme's medical during the pregnancy.

He also provided her with free housing during her pregnancy I would think he gave her grocery money.

She could have been given more to at least to get her back on her feet with a real occupation. Bands do not pay much for administration. And she had only a GED or high school diploma. A good lawyer would have gotten her more from Keanu.

Jennifer could have sued Keanua and won. Conversely Alexandra's position is not that strong as she has CHOSEN her position. She has chosen to follow Keanu around on movie filmings. Jennifer was in a family way with no immediate family.
Anonymous said…
Somebody needs to do a movie called "Celebrity Leech."
Anonymous said…,vid:IXCExskEQN4,st:0
Anonymous said…
Alexandra Grant sneaking into arts events.

Google that
Anonymous said…
Certainly Alexandra could argue Keanu had more leverage in the relationship. Perhaps he made indications he would "Take Care" of her.? Who knows.

Maybe he let her they to make money off his coattails.
Anonymous said…
Shouldn't Keanu be more concerned about his supposed friend's mental health rather than how he will spin out of the situation and salvage his reputation. Really. I am so bored with the Keanu is the nicest most decent man in Hollywood. The nicest most decent man wouldn't say so or get the press to say so.
Anonymous said…
Gosh. Just seemed like yesterday the two of them were gloating about what successful people they were at making art. Some article. Looking down their noses at people.
Anonymous said…
Keanu picked the booby prize.

Keanu dreamed of being a sophisticate and cultural magnate with his woman but instead he looks like a cheap huckster with his charity fraudster gal pal.
Unknown said…
Keanu cannot conquer his alcoholism and work addiction until he eliminates all the lies in his life.

Anonymous said…
Two peas in a pod: she is the pretend virtuous philanthropist who doesnt GB ive money. Tell us Alexandra, Where did the money go for all your trinkets that were 100% charity? Hard to keep track when you dont register with the state. He is a purported nicest guy in Hollywood. Please explain the 3 deaths you had a hand in causing or leaving people in a bad state from getting them pregnant. Your actions. Dont try to re-make this as a poor me story to get pity.
Anonymous said…
Jennifer Syme is the inspiration for BOTH Twin Peaks AND MULHOLLAND DR.

TWIN PEAKS: Jennifer Syme was a 16 year old who lied about her age to get hired by David Lynch. She dropped out of high school and got a fake ID. Her father was a CHIPS officer. The lead character who was murdered in Twin Peaks was a seemingly sweet high school cheerleader with a double life. Like the Twin Peaks character Jennifer Syme also had a double life - she was a late night GOTH GIRL on the Sunset strip meeting and f@&ING young celebrities like Keanu on the Sunset Strip. He had likely seen her as a bar fly at cluba on the Sunset Strip for a decade. By day she was working for a big director and walked around studios on errands continually. People in Hollywood knew her.

MULHOLLAND DR - Jennifer Syme was the actress using sex to pursue the Hollywood Dream. Expendable, in the way, she became a victim of a car accident.

Jennifer Syme became the muse with a target on her back.
Anonymous said…
Keanu Reeves thinks everyone wants him for his money when that is a big lie. What a woman wants is to feel special in her heart by the way he treats her and cherishes her. Nobody wants someone who asks for gifts doesn't give a specific believable apology for having been unfairly judged asks them to sing for them then cuts them off midsentence interrupts and says wait I've got to plan my birthday party then gets nosy about the job they are doing during a pandemic and judges them. A person wants actions not empty love bombing and talk of I love you I think about you. How about some simple respect and video calls not immaturity.
Anonymous said…
Calling at work distracting frustrating had phone storage issues had to reboot to factory no talkie app.

Got scared you wanting my company name. None of your beeswax at this juncture. Not exposing myself while you hide behind avatars.

PS. Female has to be protected.

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