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So many of you have been asking about.
Aliens & UFO’s.

Do I believe in them?


Do I believe we are being visited ?


Are Aliens amongst us?


“They “ have been with us, before we were even here.
They visit us all the time.
But, now we have all the cc cameras all over the place.
We are catching sight of them more.

The governments of the World are ALL hiding the truth.

They are doing this. 

Because if they told us the truth.
That would be the end of all Religions for starters.

What would people believe in?

I feel that these beings, seen all throughout History.

Are what we know as Angels.
(Well most of them)
Some of them are what we know as Demons.

I see that we are getting closer to more disclosures.
I even see in our lifetime.
A visitation, that no one, will be bale to deny.

I don’t see..
The visitors, as a bad thing.
Them, showing themselves.
Will, get us to start behaving.
Get us to stop killing each other.
So that we can join their level.
Of, greater understanding.



Anonymous said…
Hi CD,

Can you please let us know do the Aliens live amongst us for eg can they change their appearance to look like humans, what do they eat, I have heard that they have an agreement with governments where they are allowed to take a certain number of people to do whatever they will with. Do they actually take humans and do experiments, do they cross bread with humans etc I would love to know more, thank you.

Also I would like to know your thoughts on reincarnation, how does it work, do we have choice as to what who or what we will be reincarnated as etc

Also the number "54" is driving me insane, its popping up everywhere, even on an old mb that I don't use anymore the alarm started to go off by itself in the middle of the day and the alarm time read 5:40am, so weird, and then two days ago I was working on a random work file helping out a colleague and the number 54545454545454 showed up repeatedly in that sequence, and I just noticed a neighbours motorbike has a large number 54 over the petrol tank, its driving me nuts cause I still can't understand how to interpret it.

So many questions, so little time. 💖😊😷🌏
Tasha said…
Ok. Could someone tell the aliens to help us dumb f-ing humans ? Help us with cancer and medical cures. Help us with energy resources.
Anonymous said…
I would also like to know the answers to the previous commenters questions! Lol
They find us extremely selfish ...
Patricia said…
Hi CD. I am posting this in your comments even though its not anything to do with aliens.
Sometime ago you did a few readings for myself and a few for for my daughter Angel. I was impatient and was very rude to you online because I thought you didn't reply fast enough. I have continued to follow your blog all this time and today I have decided to apologize. I am sorry and just wanted to tell you that.
Your a great person and what you see is amazing.
Unknown said…
So, is life after death real?
T. W. said…

God bless you and keep you.
T. W. said…
I’ve been saying this for years but people call me crazy!!!

What do they think Zeus, Juno, the Titans, Loki, Lord Krishna, etc. are?

What do they think angels are?

What do they think fallen angels (evil spirits) are?

What do they think Satan is?

These entities are not of this world.

Therefore they are aliens!

What do they think Elijah rode in when God took him away from the Earth?

If you read the Bible the vehicle is described.

It’s a UFO. 🛸

Ancient South American civilizations have drawings of UFOs.

As for why the aliens aren’t helping us, let me say this.

Many aliens have crash landed on the Earth.

The governments reverse engineer their techno & use it how they want.

The governments hold these poor creatures captive & torture them for information.

The aliens and the rest of God’s creation are eagerly waiting for God’s children to be revealed.

Romans 8:19-23

New International Version

19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed.

20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope

21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.

22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.

23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies.

T. W. said…

COVID In Colorado: Vaccines Can Cause Worrisome Side Effect For Women

Covid-19 Vaccines Causing Worrisome Side Effects in Women
T. W. said…

Male Healthcare Worker Dies Quickly After Receiving SECOND Dose Of Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine Confirming Previous Site Claims

Health care worker dies after second dose of COVID vaccine, investigations underway
‘The message is, be safe, take the vaccine — but the officials need to do more research. We need to know the cause,’ said the wife of Tim Zook of Orange
T. W. said…
Germany recommends AstraZeneca COVID-19 shot only for under 65s
T. W. said…
Norway advises caution in use of Pfizer vaccine for the most frail
T. W. said…
Christian, you have a Closer & Closer

NHS warns against Gwyneth Paltrow’s 'kombucha and kimchi' Covid advice

Hollywood actor urged to stop spreading misinformation after promoting ‘intuitive fasting’
T. W. said…

NBC News reports the Johnson & Johnson Vaxine is 100% effective at keeping people ALIVE and out of the hospital.

It is also effective against the new Plague variants.

I told folks to wait & not get it this year.

I know.

I know.

Christian said to get the vaccine.

He never said which one or when.

I did not ask him about it as it might not be “ good for his health” to publicly answer the question.
Anonymous said…
Does anyone else think it’s Gaga’s dog walker?
Latina said…
well,deep down I always thought in the existence of aliens,universe is infinite and only we're here? No,it doesn't make sense,there must be more ways of life.
Jules said…
Anonymous who keeps seeing the number 54) - I've recently delved into Gematria/numerology it's beyond fascinating. There are two gematria channels run by two gentlemen, one English, one America that stick out, they are both very clever watch a few of their videos ..

The two Youtube channels are
The 1st channel belongs to Tom, he’s named his channel the PSYCH CLUB - Tom Sidney Bushnell aka NUMBERS. You can contact him via his about page.
Link ..

The 2nd youtube channel and perhaps most well known belongs to Zachary K. Hubbard, he's named his channel About to be deleted for 20th time by YouTube Nazis … you can contact him via his about page. He has all his contact details listed there.
Link ..

Under all of his youtube videos, Zachary has a number of links including one to a forum that is described as a censorship-free, dedicated community for discussing all truth-seeking matters. You could join that and ask about the number 54!!! If you do come back and let us know what was said. Here is a link to sign up for the forum.
Lovely Libra said…
Very, very interesting CD — this resonates with me ...I’m excited! I have always believed in God (still do) but NOT religion. I’ve been fortunate to have experienced many spiritual incidences - I know angels are real and whatever label we give them - Angels - Aliens — I believe we are all one - across all dimensions, space and time. I don’t know why so many are asking: why don’t the aliens help us? How do we know they aren’t????? Thanks, CD ... you’ve confirmed many things I’ve believed.
Jules said…
Until recently, having heard the stories of horrific alien abductions anything whatsoever to do with aliens terrified me. My fear of aliens literally went off the scale when I came across the notion that many people genuinely believe aliens are in fact demons. Even when I was a child the notion that we are the only lifeform was, at least to me, ridiculous. Of course, we are not the only life form, and this has been confirmed repeatedly during what I refer to as my search for the truth.

Personally, I always got the feeling the ‘stars’ were watching us.

You cannot earnestly venture down the rabbit hole and take a glimpse behind the illusion of this world and how we’ve all been played by the Cabal without coming across information/stories concerning the existence of at least one nonhuman race that exists on this planet. That race is purported to be a highly demonic reptilian race with an insatiable blood lust that live under the surface of the planet. Some believe the particular reptilian race, known as Draco’s were apparently here first. The stories concerning this race are truly demonic in nature and as scary as hell.

You also cannot avoid coming across information concerning something called the Galactic Federation/Alliance and their connections with world governments, which was confirmed recently by Haim Eshed, 87, former director of space programs for the Israel Ministry of Defense for nearly 30 years said the U.S. and Israel have been in contact with alien life forms representing a “galactic federation,” and President Donald Trump knows about it.

According to many aliens HAVE been helping the human race, in more ways than you can ever imagine.

There are rumours that the sun is a portal, and the moon is not just a lump of rock. There are rumours that the Cabal has kept alien technologies from humanity such as med beds that can grow limp, heal cancer/depression, and reverse your age. There are rumours regarding time travel, there are rumours regarding bases on other planets such as the moon, and that humans do go off-planet, think stargates. Many also honestly believe there has been, what can only be described, as a biblical war between the dark forces and light forces of the Universe, and that they have been helping clear the earth of the reptilians that see us as food. The truth as they say is often stranger than fiction.
T. W. said…
Lovely Libra


The Scriptures say God sends angels to help us. I think children have guardian angels assigned to them as well.
T. W. said…
Hi Jules!

As you know, we read the Bible in translation. We think demons, devils, and fallen angels are the same. They are not.

As for Dracos living here first, if I recall correctly the Hebrew version of the Creation account says the Earth BECAME void.

I heard one minister preach God created the oceans to cool the Earth’s surface because the Lake of Fire is underground.

Let’s look at this from a scientific viewpoint. I was taught that the Earth’s core is liquid magma. I did some research & learned the center is solid iron surrounded by a liquid nickel-iron alloy.

This explanation makes sense to me.

Many years ago I dreamt of Hell. People were isolated inside a small cavern. Fire was all around but Hell was dark! No light despite the fire!

The iron bars of prison indeed.
T. W. said…

About demons, etc. feeding off humans.

My Bible says you are right.

God cursed the serpent (Satan) and told it he would eat dust for food.

Humanity lost eternal physical life.

God said our bodies came from the dust & into the dust we will return.
T. W. said…
About the sun & moon,

God the Father will come to Earth and live with us permanently. The Scriptures say there will be no need for the sun & moon, as God will be our Light.

When I saw God, I saw God as both The Light & the source of the light.

I saw God as Love and the source of love.

God does not want religion.

God wants loving relationship.

My friends, that is true Christianity.
Dianne Kalk said…
Hi TW, I noticed that you are busy giving out vaccination warnings. You ought to read CD's comments start to finish: he said to take whatever one you can get as soon as possible. This is not a wait a bit is urgent. The same would apply to that poor lady who lost her hubby, apparently due to the covid injection he got. She mentioned that experts should study these shots more thoroughly. She was speaking from a place of grief.
Of course the medical and scientific experts should. But, as CD said, if you get the shot or shots, you will not perish of Covid. If you delay or refuse vaccination for this plague, you definitely may die from Covid.
As soon as it was announced that a vaccine(s) was/were available, all the nuts started falling from the trees. First these assorted stale nuts declared that they were anti-vaxxers. Later that changed to: how could they get a vaccine so soon, we don't trust it.
The Corona Virus deal is that there are at least 2,000 that are known, mainly affecting animals in the wild. Plus there had been two outbreaks since 2000 AD: the SARS IN 2002 OR 3, and the MERS in 2017.
As to the new vaccines affecting fertility/pregnancy, this is a valid point. A new study has started but that will involve months of tests.
Anonymous said…
Dear Jules and CD, @ 27 February 2021, 9:28am

Thank you for your response and for providing me with this information. I will look into this as the "54" number is increasingly popping up repeatedly several times a day in very random situations, so I believe it is a message that I am supposed to take note of but just can't seem to figure out what specifically it relates to.

I really appreciate your and CD's previous advice re the number 54 and am very grateful for you both taking the time to help me. Many blessings to you all 💖😊😷🌏
T. W. said…
Dianne Kalk

I will not definitely die of COVID. That is a lie from Satan and I ask the LORD to rebuke that comment.

Plenty of people caught COVID & many of them are still alive. In other words, COVID-19 is not 100% fatal.

I have multiple severe allergies, including allergy to vaccine components.

If I take the Vaxine I would most likely die of anaphylaxis. There is no cure for anaphylaxis, only symptom management.

Each time a person goes into anaphylaxis the symptoms are worse than the previous attack. I’ve been in and out of hospital for this, so the Vaxine is a problem for me.

Why would I risk my life to be vaccinated against a disease I may never catch?

That makes no sense whatsoever.

I am the one asking people to delay. As you pointed out, Christian did not tell people to wait.

I agree, we are getting conflicting information in the media and even from the scientific community.

I am very concerned about these Vaxines regardless of the manufacturer.

I have posted good news about the Johnson & Johnson Vaxine.

I personally cannot take the Vaxine due to history of anaphylaxis.

I came home from hospital last night because of an allergic reaction to food I ate.

If I could take it I still would not do it. I do not want an enzyme called LUCIFERase inside my body.

The best way to decide whether or not to take the Vaxine is to ask God for guidance.

I prayed and was told not to take the Vaxine.

In my personal opinion it is a lethal injection 💉
Cap Anonymous said…
CD, this forecast is exciting!

I think we have to be cautious about some of the information found online. So much of it is bullshit and it's purpose is to scare and control you.
Take QAnon, for example.

I personally don't drink the koolaid. I've never been a follower. I'm a non-conformist.

UNKNOWN, I do believe that life after death is real. I've had "conversations" with people that have passed over.

You have a soul. No one ever really dies.

Most of us have all been here many times before. This isn't your first rodeo, and it won't be your last. I always think of the lyrics to "The Highwayman" really tells.

It's been suggested that your past life deeds predict your current lifetime.

LOVELY LIBRA, I too, am very excited to know that angels are among us. We need them more than ever. Empaths and Healers also have great purpose. I never feel alone because I have angels watching over me. I might have worked with the devil and maybe even dated a cousin of his, LOL, but I don't feel "watched" nor do I worry about being snatched by an "alien".

There is plently of evil in this world. I choose to follow the light.
Cap Anonymous said…
TW, I do agree with you that these vaccines are dangerous.

All vaccines are potentially dangerous. Some people have reactions.

I also agree that the newly approved Johnson and Johnson vaccine is a better choice than the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

However, it has been reported that although some fit and healthy individuals who got the Coronavirus while they did not die, they reported some serious long-term after effects, and some of these are debilitating.

The Coronavirus affects people differently, and that is the concern. If a person is not fit or has a weak immune system, the risk is much higher of getting the disease and maybe even death than say a healthier individual, but there are no guarantees.

CD has informed us the Coronavirus will never go away. It's something that will always be around, like the flu.

Even those two biologists on Bill Maher's show both agreed it is still better to get the vaccine than to risk getting the Coronavirus.

I will get the vaccine, preferably the Johnson and Johnson vaccine or something similar. I don't want to wear a mask for the rest of my life. I've got to work. I want to travel to other countries. I probably will wear a mask on the plane though!

I am more fearful of the Coronavirus than any alien abduction!
Jules said…
I for one, do not think or believe angels, devils and demons are the same.
Although I have recently come across the concept of a Royal Star Family, from my own research it's abundantly clear there is a common consensus amongst those that study/research otherworld beings (E.T’S) or claim to have contact with them that there is most definitely a God and that the vast majority of these extra-terrestrials from different star systems etc all follow Gods Laws. With regards to Angels/angelic beings they most definitely exist and are viewed as separate entities to the many humanoid extra-terrestrials, Angels are very much as they have been described in the bible.

Personally, no one will EVER be able to convince me that God does not exist, nor will anyone be able to convince me the Bible is just a ‘book’. No matter what path you take in researching the true origins of man and let's be perfectly clear we did not evolve from monkeys it is absolutely true to state many roads run parallel and circle back to the teachings of the Bible.
Jules said…
No one should have to explain to anyone their reasons for or against taking any vaccine. Nor should anyone be labelled a nut because they have chosen to not take one of the many vaccines for a virus that has a 99.6% and over survival rate.
T. W. said…
Cap Anonymous

1) You and Dianne Kalk are operating under the false assumption I will definitely catch COVID-19. I ask the LORD God to rebuke those beliefs and comments.

2) Influenza will never go away. I caught the flu at age 9 and ended up in hospital for several days because it went into my lungs & caused pneumonia. Other than that time I have NEVER had the flu. I rarely catch anything. My health issues are due to allergies, immune issues, and old injuries.

3) Following your logic, I should take every vaccination available because sickness and disease will never go away.

4) Y’all are forgetting the fact that I AM ALLERGIC TO VACCINE COMPONENTS. I have shared that information here so many times that there is no way you do not know this.

5) I am well aware that people suffer long term effects from COVID-19.

As a matter of fact, I posted so many articles proving that point that certain people told me to quit.

So I did.

6) Now Dianne Kalk is telling me what I “ought” to do.

Dear Dianne Kalk, you OUGHT to learn some manners.

7) People have the nerve to lecture me about COVID-19, giving me information Jules and I shared here first. That is stupid, insane, and insults my intelligence.

8) No one told Jules to quit sharing information about COVID-19. They only told me to quit.

9) There’s a lot of “Rules for thee but none for me” going on around here.

10) I’ve been holding my peace but human patience has a limit. So if I sound mean then so be it. I’m very upset right now. If that’s what certain people wanted then they have it. Good for them.

11) If one more person tells me I need to take the Vaxine or I OUGHT to read what Christian said, especially since I always follow this blog, I am going to tell them to SHUT THE FUCK UP.

T. W. said…

In college I had a professor tell us woodpeckers evolved to form a beak that would penetrate trees.

He said the birds would peck at the trees & their beaks evolved.

He could not explain how the birds did not die from head injuries or from thirst & starvation due to broken beaks.

As for the people who say the Bible is just a book...

Notice they NEVER say that about the Quran, Upanishands, Rig Vega, Vedas, etc.

Why are they so threatened by the Bible?
T. W. said…

I thank you for defending me.

People are showing their true colors and their lack of critical thinking skills and intelligence.
Cap Anonymous said…
TW, no one is attacking you. No one.

Dianne Falk was not telling you what to do. She only pointed out some facts as well as mentioned again that CD had advised us ALL to get the Coronavirus vaccine.

I posted to you also out of concern. You have had ongoing health issues over the past couple of years, which you have shared on this blog, including just recently. Also, as you are aware, some racial groups are at a higher risk of getting the virus.

It's entirely your choice to get the vaccine or not.

If you or Jules or others choose not to get the vaccine, for whatever reason, that's your business.

I hope that you, Jules, and anyone else who choose to forgo the vaccine remain safe always.
Jules said…

HRH TW – From my own perspective, I highly doubt anyone reads my comments let alone clicks on any links I share for them to tell me to quit asking them to please do a little research before injecting their bodies with any chemical substances. However, if anyone has been offended by my posts asking people to do a little research then that’s beyond ridiculous. To be fair, I am wondering if people are under the misconception that posting anything that goes against Christians narrative concerning the vaccine is disrespectful towards Christian. Posting links about vaccines, or peoples reactions to them, or what vaccine to get, or asking people to do a little research before they blindly take a vaccine can hardly be construed as disrespectful. I agree with you in regards to the lack of critical thinking no one should blindly follow anyone's advice period.

Unless Christian, who has the utmost respect for you and clearly has a huge soft spot for you asks you to stop himself I would keep posting and do not let anyone tell you what you can and cannot post.
Jules said…
Are other countries offering a choice of which vaccine you take? Over here in the United Kingdom, you do not get to choose which vaccine you take, it depends entirely on what the government has ordered? At the present moment of time, you can’t opt-out and go private to take another pharmaceutical companies vaccine.
Anonymous said…
Dear Jules @ March 1, 2021 @ 3:08PM & CD,

I am the anonymous person who keeps seeing 54 everywhere. Please know that I did click on the links you provided and I did speak to some people on the blog site of Zackary Hubbard. Thank you so much for trying to help me, I really appreciated you and CD trying to help me. I did not respond to you sooner to let you know what I found out because I was scared if I told you everything and all of the strange signs that are being shown to me, you would not believe me.

I wish I could show you and CD the answers I received from some of the bloggers and all of the signs I have been seeing, however ultimately there really isn't a specific answer for seeing a specific number with Gematria however I was told to look for the signs of when and how you see it and how it relates to me and I will be able to decipher the meaning.

This was very interesting and also reassuring to me when I finally acknowledged that seeing number 54 so repetitiously was just another sign that I have been receiving over the past year and a half, that I had not acted upon, as I feel a little scared and embarrassed, cause if it means what I think it means, it would be a dream come true for me.

The number 54 and other strange signs keep appearing in relating to a man that I would like to contact for a business idea/proposal and I have been a little scared to act upon this for fear of failure. Every time I see 54 and the the other signs I automatically think of this man and the business idea. So I am going to be brave and take a leap of faith and try and contact him to see if he is interest in my idea. CD I hope 54 is good luck like you said in relation to this man/business idea.

I do not know the outcome of what will happen however I do know without a doubt that I am for some reason being drawn to and shown signs to reach out and make contact regarding my idea, I just hope I will keep being brave enough to follow through and see where this will lead.

Thank you again Jules and CD 💖🙏😊😷🌏

Jules said…
Anon number ‘54’ … I am so incredibly pleased to hear that you have discovered the origin behind the reason why the universe has been persistently showing you the number 54. Much love to you and I wish you every success with your business venture.

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