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An Apology to Mr Johnny Depp & his fans


Anonymous said…

the Truth will
come out đŸ’«

Anonymous said…
That took character. Good on ya, CD!
Anonymous said…

more and more
I want to be part
of this group ❤️

CyndiTx123 said…
We are all human. Much love CD!!
T. W. said…
Anonymous 1:13 AM

You are loved!

Please use a username to communicate with us so we know who we are speaking with.

We can also pray for you by your username.

God bless you!
T. W. said…

It takes a big person, an honest person to admit this.

No psychic is 100% accurate.

Part of me thinks you saw the outcome of Depp’s upcoming US trial instead of the English trial.

You are loved! đŸ˜˜
MB mom said…
I still believe you are right. My feeling is the UK courts are a bit shady lately. US court will bring him vindication.
Lovely Libra said…
CD -

I’m impressed that you would do this, but if you don’t mind, I’d like to share my viewpoint:

You thought you were wrong about Space X explosion - in fact, more than one test ship has exploded.

Right now, you think you are wrong about Johnny Depp —- he has lost the appeal in the British court - but as HRH TW stated, that is the UK court. This case isn’t over ...I believe there is more to come.

Readers, CD has been 100% accurate in my personal readings - my money is STILL on you CD.
Anonymous said…


How does that works
with a username?
I only want to use it
for comments in this

Anonymous said…

I had beeb very ill for almost a year for no reasons,
everyday I just wanted to stay in bed sleeping.
after I joined this community and from psychic predictions of CD,
I understand it was black magic from Keanu's witch that made me sick,
and I believe Keanu is under control of this witch still.
I am feeling better day by day
with love and support from everybody in this wonderful community.
God bless you all.
T. W. said…
Anonymous March 27, 2021 at 5:29 PM


When you are online, sign in with your Google Account. If you don't have one you can create one.


When you make a comment, click on "Name/URL." If you choose this option you cannot edit or delete your comment. That's why using a Google account is best. Also, anyone can pretend to be you if you go with Option 2. Another reason to sign in to your Google account or to create one.
T. W. said…
Anonymous March 27, 2021 at 7:54 PM

Have you been depressed?

Either way, I think the love we share with each other here is healing. The Friends here keep me going too.
Anonymous said…

Thank you TW
I hope you are well ❣️

Anonymous said…
March 27, 2021 at 7:54 PM
I hope you are ok now?!
Why you think that you are sick because of this women /no nameđŸ¤­..
I am only curious?
Why you think that she wants you to be sick?
She can’t make you sick if she doesn’t know you, your name ,
you don’t think yourself sick...
Do not take this like attacking,but advice,stop thinking in your head problems do you’re self.
Or stop thinking about him first and then about what they may do ,
I see that something boiling in your head,be careful with your thoughts.
I am not giving advice only saying.
Only you can make yourself sick.
I am sorry but that’s the truth.
Anonymous said…
March 27, 2021 at 7:54 PM
Come back to reality ...
T. W. said…
Anonymous March 28, 2021 at 7:38 PM

You are welcome!

I’m doing okay. I still have some problems but at least I am alive.

We will get through this.

Focus on positive things.

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