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A2Q's EP4 Any last questions...

 Just about to do EP4 of A2Q's.

Any last questions ???

Add Below


Anonymous said…
Was Jesus an E.T., and if so, from where?
Anonymous said…
About Nikola Tesla

-Was the death of Nikola Tesla natural?
-Is it true that his last research ended up with Donald Trump's uncle?
-Did he communicate with any alien species?
-What exactly was a New Yorker hotel?

Anonymous said…
Are Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz and going to last? Is he happy with her? Does he use her for her money and connections?

Anonymous said…
Is alexandra grant in berlin with keanu reeves?
Enigma said…
Hi Chris! my curious mind wants to know; What happened to Emilia Earhart, was there a King Arthur? What's under the Sphinx? Can u do a segment on History or mysteries like this? And can u also explain why there so much negativity around? are the demons loose?
Sally said…
Do you see the UK re-joining the EU or semi joining.

Which 2 Countries do you see leaving the EU?

Thank you X

Anonymous said…
Will Keanu's future woman have any tattoo? We could improve tattoo business a bit with the answer to this question. Times are tough, let someone profit. 😁
Anonymous said…
Is Tom hiddleston going to marry someone famous or non famous?
Sahilah said…
CD, I've got two questions

1. Will Matrix 4 and John Wick 4 become a hit?

2. What will happen to Malaysia as investors are pulling out and opt for Singapore and Indonesia instead?

Regards, S..
Sally said…

I’m worried about the Northern Ireland troubles that are going on it’s so upsetting
Boris certainly hasn’t helped things.
How do you see things going to help sort this out?
Thank you X

Agent of truth said…
Hi Christian... what went wrong in the appeal for Johnny Depp ? Was there corruption in both the first UK trial, such as Justice Nichols being bought off by Murdoch or Elon and was there further corruption in the request for appeal ? Both situations seem highly suspect of justice tampering. Also... when is Amber Heard’s fraudulent abuse hoax finally going to be exposed and end once and for all ?!?! I can not believe how long it’s been going on for, especially with so much evidence against her. What about Johnny’s next relationship ? 🙏 Have a beautiful day CD
Anonymous said…
HI C.D.,
When will covid end or it least better contained and get back to some normal lives? Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Hi c.d., I have one question when will covid end? Or when will covid be contained and the number of cases start going down? Thank you.
Anonymous said…
🌎 Will top of the pops return to TV 📺 and will groovy songs with melodies and fab lyrics come back to the song charts 🎵🎹📻 ?
Edgy said…
Hi CD, who will Kim Kardashian
Date after her divorce and Kris
Jenner young boyfriend is he
a boyfriend for hire? I don't think he works except for Kris. Thxs so much!
Anonymous said…
Thank you for all your efforts! Living in NYC with my young son and super concerned about one of your New Years prediction regarding terrorism in NYC. Can you elaborate on timing, etc... Thank you, CD!!!! Xo
Anonymous said…

why Keanu kept AG with him in Berlin last year?
is there a contract involved or for his sex needs?
Cat Lady said…
Hi CD,
Hope you and Lady Gaga are doing well. I have 2 questions. First, will Texas secede from the U S. Second, how bad will the situation at the border get?

Thank you.
Anonymous said…
Hello Christian, will you ever speak the truth about how disgusting and disrespectful Keanu really is? He has been lying about being a kind, humble man but he has never been. He is just a very skilled liar and entitled narcissist with no soul at all! He paid and fully supported the Restraining Order and he knew all the details of the lawyer’s strategy and acted accordingly in advance by kissing AG for preordered paparazzi photos. Just to have proof for their lawyer’s questions in the court hearing. I like you Christian, but I’m getting a bit angry that you’re not speaking about Keanu’s evil and incredibly reckless behaviour and overall involvement and support in all of this mess. KEANU IS NIT A GOOD SOUL AT ALL. HE IS A DISRESPECTFUL SOULLESS CREATURE WHO DENIES GOD AND LIVES A LIFE WITH PROSTITUTES, fake PR AND WHO DOES ANYTHING FOR MONEY, even disgusting pornos. I am praying that that disgusting Keanu gets the pay check for all his lies, for supporting and protecting a fraud and charity scammer as AG and for using his dead baby daughter for his and AG’s self promotion! I pray that the PR shitstorm comes really badly for Leanu and sweeps him away for good, that it brings out the ugly truth about him and embarrasses and cancels him for good! May his legacy be as smeared as he smeared his own dead baby’s name by offering it up to AG for her narcissistic self promotion! I am angry, yes, I want justice and that Keanu gets what he deserves. Please stop protecting that Keanu and please don’t sell us the ‘nice guy image’ any more as we all know that it’s not true. Please don’t disrespect us all who know the truth about him by still portraying him as a poor innocent victim... ! Call him out for what he really is and what he has done!
Anonymous said…
do you think Keanu Reeves
Like to eat Fish or seafoods
Anonymous said…
Hi CD💕
Thank you so much for this.
1. What do you see about the future of the European Union? More of a federation, more like a business union or a total End to it?
2. What will be the biggest changes in the World postcovid?
3. Will they succeed with the Great Reset, and what impact will it have on common people?
4. What do you see for Tom Hanks’ son Chet?
I pray for all divine help possible for humankind and the Earth.
Love, Camilla
Sarah said…
Is Henry cavill and his new girlfriend going to last and get married?
Anonymous said…
Will the festival of speed go ahead?
Will july/august festivals be cancelled or moved due to a need to the uk to reclamp back down on large event gatherings?
Judy said…
How many living children does Meghan Markle have? Thanks xx
Jendevivre said…
Do we have to worry if the economy/economies will worsen, due to covid and any other factors? Should we prepare for emergency in 2021? I know we basically are still in one Covid. Just any that comes up for 2021.
Anonymous said…
Hi. I was wondering if you could give us an update on Backstreet Boy Nick Carter and his brother Aaron Carter. Do you still see that Nick will divorce? Thank you.
Rachel said…
Hi Christian, love reading the blog.

1) when will Tesla shares price rise again?
2) will Nichola sturgeon survive as Scotland’s First Lady ? When will she be exposed for what she really is ?
3) who’s the next James Bond?
Anonymous said…
OK, here goes my mixed bag of questions: For all of us who are fed up and want to emigrate: what will be the best/most peaceful country to live in over the next couple of years? Also, was Rasputin a fraud or did he have special powers? Lastly, how risky is it to travel right now...missing my family terribly :-( Thank you! Xx Love, Dandelioness
Anonymous said…
Hi CD, here is my question:

Will the public ever learn the truth about Meghan Markles fake pregnancies?

Thank you!
Grace said…
Will there ever be a cure for stammering?
Anonymous said…
Was Michael Jackson really a pedophile?
Anonymous said…
Who else in Keanu's surrounding is doing witchcraft?
Anonymous said…

my question is, why AG sued Parker and 10 fans? to threaten Keanu or fans or both? I never read anything written by Parker.
T. W. said…
Did Dr. Phil really not know about the child abuse taking place at the Utah ranch where he sent Bhad Bhabie & other kids?

Is it true kids died there?
Anonymous said…
Anything on kpop group BTS?
Ry Ry said…
Hi C.D., with all this stuff going on with Khloe Kardashian trying to prove so much that her body is real to the public who could care less, what is really going on with these Kardashians and when are they going away? Why do they keep getting shoved down our throats?
T. W. said…
Who built the pyramids & why?

Is it true The Garden of Eden was in what we now call Uganda?

Why does everyone hate Africans/Black people?

Are we gonna get our slave reparations?

Why do parents leave their kids in Mexico & South America if life is so bad there? If it’s so dangerous then why are the kids traveling without adults? Am I the only one suspicious?
Anonymous said…
How will Leo Dicaprio's evetual partner be like? Will she be Kate winslet?
Serendipity said…
Hi Christian

Will Aaron Rogers & Shailene Woodley make it down the aisle and will it be a happy marriage?
One more, do you still see Rob Pattinson & Suki Waterhouse splitting up this year? Has he met his one already? Is she the same one you saw in 2017?
Thank you & lots of kisses muuuuaaaaahhhh!
Kitt Med said…
Do you see Theresa Gudice having any more children with her future boyfriend?

What do you see for Howard Stern and his wife Beth?

What do you see for Young couple Mia and Ashton Kucher?

What do you see for Comic George Lopez? Will he come back to TV?

Anonymous said…
T.W. - not everyone does, but if you or your known ancestors wronged a group of people so badly, you brought them to the new world in chains, you sold them and their children as chattels, tortured them for profit, and you knew that your beloved nation was built on their generational pain and suffering, you had better fucking fear them because karma is a bitch and she has your name in her hand.
Anonymous said…
Do you think Rob Pattinson’s Batman will get a 3 series or just 1 movie? Will he stay in London and marry a Brit since they film the movies there? You don’t see kids-Do you think he doesn’t want kids because of career?

Will London go back into lockdown again this year?
Anonymous said…
Thank you Christian for being so generous with your talent! Question: Have the COVID-19 vaccines been developed by the Elite with a secondary purpose in mind, such as tracking people or global depopulation?
Unknown said…
Hello Christian! I can’t wait to watch your next video! Reading some of the questions on here and I’m glad others are curious about history like me. My question is in regards to some videos I watched by a guy named Erwin Saunders and pixies he supposedly taped. Are the images real or CGI? Also he reportedly disappeared, what happened to him? Thank you so much for taking the time to answer all of our questions. And to the “anonymous” who is blasting Keanu Reeves, shame on you.

Anonymous said…
When will the physical assaults on the Americans of Asian decent (Chinaflu/kungflu crap) stop in the U.S.? What do you see will be the catalyst be for these physical assaults to cease? It’s sickening and the perpetrators can’t even identify where in Asia their victim targets are actually descended from. It needs to end before these communities retaliate against the community of people the perps belong to. Will Keanu Reeves and other A list celebrities of Asian descent be brave and take a public stance on this issue?
Anonymous said…

about keanu,
how patient we have to be with him
or just leave him
then come back in 2022?
Anonymous said…
Hi CD,

Could you please make a prediction regarding China and the Asia Pacific region? Specifically I want to know about whether China will end its trade sanctions on Australia.

Anonymous said…
KEANU TLove issue has a mole on her face 💭👀🧐
Sally said…
Thank you Anon for your reply.
Some really interesting questions on this site.
Looking forward to Saturday.
Take care X
Sana said…
HI CD, just the same questions I asked previously. Lol
little bee said…
COVID question.
T. W. said…
Christian & Jules

I believe Prince William will become king soon. Will Prince Charles still be the Prince of Wales or will Prince George take over the title?
Tricklem said…
Hi CD. What do you see for Canadian politics?
Anonymous said…
When will people be able to travel again? Will coronavirus be controlled enough or disappear soon enough so that people can travel?
Sana said…
What's going to happen to Harry, now that the late Prince Philip has gone home? IS he going to man-up and do the right thing, aka divorcing Meghan and returning to the UK ?

Thank you Christian & Have a good weekend
Anonymous said…
Tom cruise is in a relationship with one actress, don't know her name, I think Hayley atweel, him will ever get married again? With her or someone else? Will be the love or pr? Tarot readings says him will have one other marriage.thanks.
Anonymous said…
Anon: April 8, 2021 at 10:26 PM
Interesting 😊,
very interesting ...
Anonymous said…
moles? tattoo? what color is she wearing? red? age is not the one to seduce Keanu ?! so red? here psychics are like scanners .. it's just nonsense, both questions and answers. experts gathered))) ahaha
matrix said…
April 9, 2021, 00:21 I can answer you Rasputin was a holy Man. Empress Alexandra Feodorovna writes a lot about his help to the heir Alexei. he saw future events and by prayer he eased the pain. There are many saints in Russia. They had healing powers
Anonymous said…
TF Keanu doesn't have a mole on her face and doesn't paint a tattoo
Anonymous said…
Hi hope all is well!

My question is...

Who are we really.. Humans that is and where are we headed 100 years from now? There must be more to living than just idolizing celebrities, watching them and being overly concerned about their lives? Or better yet, workhorses for governments?

Peace and love!
Anonymous said…
Keanu has known AG for 10 years then why hasn't Christian seen her black magic in 10 years? christian's first post about reeves 2015. and where were all the other psychics? was everyone sleeping too? or lie ?! how do they not see him tf
Psychic Gossip said…
Dear Anon Because I never cam across them till 2015... clear enough CDX
Anonymous said…
April 9, 2021 at 8:34 PM
And how you know that she doesn’t paint?
Anonymous said…
April 9, 2021 at 8:34 PM

Many women are now using new technology eyebrows tattoo
You know we living 2021
Anonymous said…
2015-2019 too all were silent people write he is married to g
Anonymous said…
when a person meets a tf then he does not sleep with others and does not start relationships with others she is anyone but not a tf especially if he was familiar with her
Anonymous said…
for Anonymous April 8, 2021 at 11:00 PM
if that's what you believe ... No matter what others say you still won't believe ... if you think he's a demon or let's add his whole family that can't be changed ...... because that's what you believe and you want them to say about Keanu too

Anonymous said…
CD- I’m sad for the Queen now. What happens with her? She’s so lovely and I liked them together. Will her heartbreak cause health issues for her?
T. W. said…
1) Can you tell us about The Dybbuk (Dibbuk) Box? Is it really a wine cabinet containing an evil spirit? It s considered the most cursed object on the planet.

2) Can you tell us about Robert The Doll? His story is sad. Please do NOT Google his image. You have been warned.
Jules said…
Oh for heaven sake .. No Psychic in the world is privy to every single detail regarding anyones life. They are given snippets, tiny insights and in some cases they are blocked from certain information until the time is right. Also keep in mind if she is casting black magick spells she would have naturally sheilded her magick from prying eyes.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 9:05

Christian already said hAG is a witch.
T. W. said…

Can you please help me understand why New York State is paying $15,600 to ILLEGAL immigrants who lost their jobs due to The Plague? I thought they were breaking the law? Where are my slave reparations? I need gold & diamonds that were stolen from my African ancestors. I need land that was stolen from my Native American ancestors. I need whatever was stolen from my Asian ancestors. I am serious. Please help!
Jules said…
HRH TW - Historically the title of Prince of Wales is a title traditionally and ceremonially granted to the heir apparent of the British Throne, it is not heritable. Unless Charles announced now that he does not wish to inherit the throne, upon the death of his Mother Charles will instantly become King and will no longer be known as the Prince of Wales. The title he held of Prince Of Wales could be/more than likely will be granted to William who will go through the same investiture that his father did. He will then keep the title until he ascends the throne.

If Charles does step down before his mother dies, he will more than likely be known by a different title and will not be able to use the title of Prince of Wales.

In regards to Phillips title, in keeping with the Letters Patent issued when George VI gave Philip the title in 1947, the Prince of Wales, as the duke’s eldest son, inherits the title the Duke of Edinburgh, but on Charles’s eventual accession to the throne, the title will merge with the crown and can be regranted anew to Edward.

When Edward married in 1999, the Palace stated that the Queen, Philip and Charles had agreed that Edward would become the Duke of Edinburgh in due course, but that he would only inherit the title following the death of both the Queen and the duke.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Latina said…
Hi Christian.I hope I'm not too late for making a question.I'd like to know about Leo DiCaprio's future,will he ever settle down?and in that case,with who?Please answer.Thanks.
Bellaberiz said…
Hi Christian I've been reading your blog for a long time,I have some questions
1: what's that you see happening in Mexico in a near future, the president will destroy the country like they did to Venezuela? he will change the constitution to stay more years after his term is done?

2: what's what you see happening to Spain? The goverment will end up derailing the democracy,like they starting to shown by making political alliances with ultra right wingers & ex terrorists? They will end up getting rid of the monarchy?
Sally said…
I’m hoping I’m not to late for questions.

When Harry goes to his Grandfather’s funeral will Meghan insist he goes back to America straight away
I get the feeling she wears the trousers.

Hopefully the Royal Family will talk some sense into him.

Has the Oprah interview hopefully done more damage and backfired on them.

I cannot believe the tribute given to Prince Philip on Archewell website it says a lot about these two!

Thank you Christian X
T. W. said…

If HRH Queen Elizabeth 2 decrees Prince William is to become King, Prince Charles would have to publicly declare he will not be king as he is stepping down? Do I understand that correctly?
Jules said…
HRH TW - The Queen cannot choose an alternative successor, even if they are in line to the throne. The line of succession is regulated by Parliament (as in the Act of Succession 1700, and the Succession to the Crown Act 2013); it can be changed only by Parliament and cannot be unilaterally altered by the monarch.

Under common law, Prince Charles will automatically become King the moment the Queen dies. Prince William could only become King if Prince Charles chose to abdicate and if Charles did abdicate, for William to become King that would require legislation, it would have to go through Parliament.

Today, because the title to the Crown depends upon statute, particularly the Act of Settlement 1701, a royal abdication can be effected only by an Act of Parliament; under the terms of the Statute of Westminster 1931, such an act must be agreed by the parliaments of all extant signatories of the Statute. To give legal effect to the abdication of King Edward VIII, His Majesty's Declaration of Abdication Act 1936 was passed.

Anonymous said…
Dear CD,
1) Do your butt lickers pay you for reading?
2) Have you ever wondered who, except AG, is a real witch?
Anonymous said…
April 11, 2021 at 2:29 AM

1)If you have butt, to lick without asking money,Can you answer!
2 )who is real witch ,who’s AG paying the money?
T. W. said…

Thank you for explaining this to me!

God bless you!
Anonymous said…

11 апреля 2021 г., 2:29 I agree with you question
Anonymous said…
Yes... and Tom Hanks are not pedo, probably X from longing on Instagram uploads dead photos of children and Spielberg is probably a saint? psychic licks for money
Anonymous said…
and most of all, a psychic here licks a rich whore who dreams of marrying a many Reeves and promoting her as half, although this woman just had another guy and she doesn't need Reeves
T. W. said…
Anonymous April 11, 2021 at 2:29 AM

We enjoy the delicious fudge Christian gives to us.

Yum-yum! 😋
Anonymous said…
And yes ,in behind 2 ears your workshop making songs ,
“I was born to be smart not stupid ..”

Oeh find yourself better hobbies
One where you can showing your stupidity skills
nobody said…
hi everybody;

please show your respects for Mr. Dion or leave this community,
we truly enjoy this postivie place.
if you have problems about predictions re Keanu,
go and create your own social media.
You are not welcome if you continue to insult Mr. Dion and his supporters.

this is a warning.

Jules said…
HRH TW - You're welcome.
Anonymous said…
you are right, you read the predictions of another person according to which in 2020 Reeves is happy with the grant it came true / he is with her in 2020 and was happy and you dig into someone else's underwear
Anonymous said…

April 12, 2021 at 10:01 PM

Are you serious,he was happy 2020?
And tell me how happy he was in 2020 ?
Now is 2021!!!
What underwear?
I think maybe he’s changing underwear’s you know ,
after 2020 coming 2021 all new decades..
If underwear is uncomfortable we change them..
nobody said…

Grant is a witch,
it will get caught for illegal activities,
justice may be delayed a little bit,
but it will come;
even Reeves's father served in jail,
how could Grant get away from justice?
fans of Reeves had done nothing wrong,
I support fans of Reeves.
Anonymous said…
I think you have problems and you check yourself.. I understand that you want CD the best with your words,but first stop warning and slamming KR father,
he can’t stand by him self in here in 3 D
but I can ... (and I will)
one more time bring him up and , I ask him kick your ass from other side .
Anonymous said…

Keanu's father stayed in jail,
it is in the media;
so he got Grant,
a worse criminal,
Keanu needs to figure himself out,
and sue Grant,
Anonymous said…
April 13, 2021 at 11:35 PM

He was AND so what ? Now he is home...and you don’t have right touch him ...
But remember !!!
You are at the moment in here meat suits life ,
you can’t know what happens to you tomorrow,
I’m right?!
Now breathe in and out.
Think about that and believe me if I said something it’s not just like that...
Anonymous said…

why the people talk about Keanu like crazy?
he is an actor with money but no freedom
being controlled by a criminal;
who knows his father was convinced.
please have faith in God,
have a nice day.
if you work hard,
you may make more money than Keanu,
then Grant will abandon for you.
Anonymous said…
April 14, 2021 at 6:54 PM
Does the shoe squeeze?
Put the stocking straight!
My disrespect hit different when I feel like you’re playing with my intelligence.
nobody said…

if you care about Reeves,
you must tell him to wake up and stand up;
gladly he has been transforming and in the process of
getting rid of that criminal who had control over him for a decade;
a black witch.
nobody is going to touch Keanu at his home,
baby Keanu,
you sleep well and be the true Keanu again.
Anonymous said…
I really sleeping much better than year ago...(lockdown)
Thank You for advice...
“relax is my second name now “

I think he’s waking up after every nap ...
That’s good if he’s transforming
and letting go what not good for him.
I believe Reeves is smart enough to understand this kind of thing’s
and if he doesn’t understand ,
nobody can’t help him ..
Interesting how you using your words,
I like to see your face
movements -
I can feel how everything shaking inside your head..
Baby me , I am always true..
In my home and outside.
I need repeat your words:
Stand up,
wake up and live your life
Because ,Today is the oldest you’ll have ever been and the youngest you will ever be again.
Start acting like it...
Unknown said…
do not marry any woman bcoz they are not worthy If they are then they have no reason to harm me and you know that..You are a good person if no one trusting you Dont forget I'm always the one..I love you so much and you know that more than a bestfriend...always believe in God no matter what happened.. I begged someone to heal me but never listen to me until now I don't feel good....I always pray to God to touch are heart to realize about it I dont know why someone hate you...and I dont understand why turn to hate me too..its because she like😇jho
Anonymous said…
Nobody ☺️!!!
Victor Frankl said :
An abnormal reaction to
an abnormal situation is normal behavior...

Have a wonderful day or evening,
And peaceful weekend!✌🏻️

I really hope that everything works out for him..
I relax now 😁
Anonymous said…
no one in Hollywood is worthy of love
sunlight said…

hi Unknown,

why do you need to heal?
Anonymous said…
My back pain almost 1 and half months already 😔
Anonymous said…


April 16, 2021 at 6:58 AM
can you describe exact place in your back
and how it feels?!
Is it like knife or like needles or something else...
Area in cm?

try to give a clear description
Anonymous said…
From the start I back shoulder pain right side then get worst after I feels someone controlling my mind I saw many things that I dont understand never happened to me before I'm not sick bcoz I can eat well and I'm strong only my mind something wrong then at night I close my eyes I see scary images then I thought I was hallucination and I saw a swords crystal blue and white and when I hold that the scary are gone but the day the air is so weird its makes my feelings worst its makes me sick like cold fever and then the pain never pass and I feel someone pulling out needles in my heart it's only one time but in my back have one round like i have wound and my friend help ke to massage my back but she complain after the day her body is very pain like what i feels and also my pressure take so high never happens to me and also suddenly I saw in my imagination someone reading tarot card and after that I got headache so much..but the pain my back never changes that never happend to me bfor if I have a pain I just sleep take a medicine and it's gone but all the medicine suddenly never work to me I never like to drink medicine that's why if I drink ita works to me quickly....but if it's kind of something person did I dont like revenge I only want to be heal bcoz I'm single mother I can't work very well if I have something to my body I need to work..and I dont want to hurt someone else..the things if my words is not acceptable please forgive me and also if the person is very sensitive better not to communicate to other or better to communicate and learn to not to being sensitive to live happy and very understanding is the best way to makes our self makes someone happy anyway f their is no one knows me I'm silly person and I love makes what I want the way makes me happy and others I mean I dont any purpose to hurt the other about my post or about what i said its because i want to do...I just want to heal I dont like to get hurt someone else.🙏🏻❤💜🧡✌🏻 I just share what happened to me...I dont say anyone so dont be offended I really want to heal and living like before dont want to be like this and make my life so sad bcoz of a jealous or because Keanu..I know Keanu but doesn't meant I need to be in trouble bcoz of him not my nature to be in trouble bcoz of a men..
Anonymous said…
Now I have caught almost 1 week but no have flu but its hard for me to breathe
Anonymous said…
Anonymous: Okey
I understand already...
Can you tell me where you from... then I know how I can help you...
Starlight said…

April 16th, 21.03

I wish you all healing.

Perhaps there is someone
near you, who you can trust,
who can go this way
with you.

You are a loveable human.

Anonymous said…
Anonymous with back pain,you Fucking S Bitchpizza
You think that playing some kind of game... making one your life easier?
Oeh think again!!
Now it’s a new moon.. I giving you time ...and we speaking again or we not at all....
Anonymous said…
Starlight 🙏🏻💜❤😇
Anonymous said…
I have Instagram please message me @sweetipyscho
T. W. said…
Anonymous with right-sided back pain

Please go to the ER. Right sided back pain is oftentimes referred pain. Most likely causes are gall bladder issue, pancreas issue, and liver issue. This could be anything from muscle strain to something more serious. Please get checked out.
Anonymous said…
T.w I feels a bit better now thanks good people 🙏🏻💛❤💜🧡💚🤗😇

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