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A2Qs EP4 Chris Evans, Bitcoin, Henry Cavill, EU, Hiedi Klum, Tesla.Prince Harry. Queen Elliazeth II

A2Q’s EP4.
Sat 10th 2021

EPK  Asks

Dear Christian, Can you please look at Princess Latifa from Dubai? She was kidnapped by her father (the ruler of Dubai) as she was trying to escape from Dubai. Is she still alive? Will she ever be free?

Kamila Nuhaj Asks

Chris Evans he gonna date this Lady Sarah Temima

Maybe a couple of dates.
But won’t last…

Mickey Star asks

Will the bitcoin crash down the river and never return or is the bitcoin the future ?


YES, big time…
Jerseynyc 212

Hi CD , did you see Henry Cavill's new girlfriend ? She doesn't give nice vibes . Will they marry ?


This is just a fling. Won’t last…

Sally asks.
 "A2Q's EP4 Any last questions..."

Do you see the UK re-joining the EU or semi joining. Which 2 Countries do you see leaving the EU? Thank you X

No rejoining..
In time…

Unknown asks
"A2Q's EP4 Any last questions..."

Are Heidi Klum and Tom Kaulitz and going to last? Is he happy with her? Does he use her for her money and connections? Prism


Unknown asks
 "A2Q's EP4 Any last questions..."

Was Jesus an E.T.,  if so, from where?

Where? We will find out in time…

About Nikola Tesla

Was the death of Nikola Tesla natural?
I SEE… Yes. Heartbreak…

Did he communicate with any alien species?

 Anonymous ASKS.

Is Alexandra Grant in Berlin with Keanu Reeves?

As I speak NO…

Serendipity Asks
A2Q's EP4 Any last questions..."

Hi Christian Will Aaron Rogers & Shailene Woodley make it down the aisle and will it be a happy marriage?


Sally ASKS.
 "A2Q's EP4 Any last questions..."

I’m hoping I’m not to late for questions. When Harry goes to his Grandfather’s funeral will Meghan insist he goes back to America straight away I get the feeling she wears the trousers. Hopefully the Royal Family will talk some sense into him.


She will try to get him back quickly .
But, I sense Lillibet will sort that out.
Also she’ll talk sense to him. It’ll take while to get Harry to see sense. But this is the turning point…


Amelie said…
Do you might have anything more with Robert Pattnson new girl?
T. W. said…
Thank you Christian!
Jules said…
Regarding Jesus being an ET .. I have recently come across people saying he was.
Jules said…
For those who are interested Megan Rose medium produced these two small videos on who is Jesus Christ being an ET. This reading resonates with me, however, at the same time, I cannot separate Christ from the crucifixion n and the need to repent of all sin to enter heaven because that also resonates with me and makes total sense.

Like I have always proclaimed no matter what resonates with you, all roads lead back to the existence of God. Here are the links to Megan's readings, they are very short.

Who is Jesus Christ Channeled Message by Megan Rose Medium (first video)

The Truth about Jesus Christ by Megan Rose Medium

Her channel is really good and worth a watch, her readings on Phillip and the royal family are spot on, she's also done some incredible readings on Madeline Mccann, Tom Hanks and many others.
T. W. said…
'Lost golden city' of 3,000 years unearthed in Egypt
T. W. said…
Jesus Christ of Nazareth was God in human flesh. If this fits the definition of ET then I am in agreement.
T. W. said…
Meghan Markle WILL NOT Attend The Funeral Of Prince Phillip!!
Mariefass said…
T.W, you and I are in complete agreement on who Christ was. Stay well.
T. W. said…

God bless you!
T. W. said…

I watched about a minute of Part 2 of the woman who allegedly channeled Jesus Christ.

I can sun it up in one word: BLASPHEMY!!!

That woman channeled a demon.

I’m asking everyone to click on those links & write the following words in the comments section: Get thee behind me Satan, the LORD rebuke you!

1) Jesus Christ is alive. If one wants to talk with him one does not go to a medium as they channel the dead & evil spirits. One goes to Jesus Christ in prayer. One reads the Bible, for Jesus Christ of Nazareth is The Living Word.

2) She said Jesus was never crucified & “the idea one man had to die to pay for our sins” is ludicrous. If what she said is true then the religion & way of life known as Christianity is a massive fraud and all Christians are to be pitied.

3) There are credible secular historical works saying Jesus Christ of Nazareth did exist, he was crucified, and he did rise from the grave after being dead for exactly 3 days & 3 nights. Some of the writings are eye witnesses accounts & say that other dead people walked the Earth after Jesus Christ rose from the dead. Are all those writings a fraud? Man, the historian Josephus is considered one of the greats & he wrote about this.

4) I’m sure she said worse than that but I knew better than to listen to a demon.

Jules said…
HRH TW - She didn't channel Jesus, she didn't converse with him or get any messages from him, she was 'told' who Jesus was. I will absolutely admit 'Parts' of her reading 'resonated' with me and I certainly felt like there was a level of truth to it, especially concerning the reptilians and the concept of time.

However, as I have already mentioned I like Mariefass am in TOTAL agreement with you in regards to Jesus and the crucifixion and I publically proclaim Jesus as my Lord and saviour.

Whomever she is channelling her readings on Ton Hanks, Prince Phillip etc are spot on and well worth a listen to, her reading on Meghan Markle, was way off.
T. W. said…

I am not upset with you.

You posted the links for a reason.

I just could not watch the videos without becoming upset.

See, Satan gives us the truth about some things & then subtly throws in some lies, hoping we won’t catch them.

If we don’t catch the lies we will accept them as truth.

Adam & Eve know all about that.

Speaking of which, I don’t know Adam’s name.

Scripture says “Ha-Adam” which means “The Man.”

The woman titled her videos The Truth About Jesus Christ.

She does not know him so how can she tell us the truth about him?

Assuming people told her those lies about Jesus, how can she possibly believe them without doing any research?

She uses her own logic & reasoning to defame Jesus but she talks about the Reptilians & such.

This is why the Conspiracy Theorists & Truthers get laughed at.

The joke is in this woman because Christians are more likely to be Conspiracy Theorists & Truthers.

Our Bible says “We wrestle not with flesh & blood [...]” and “Satan is the god of this world.”

Again, I am not upset with you Jules.

I am upset because this woman defamed Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

May God forgive her.
Dedee said…
Aloha Christian!

Thanks for your Bitcoin prediction. I'm confused about your answer... Are you confirming that it will take off or fall out?
Anonymous said…
Oh, please! Just because someone channels information on Jesus that is not in the Bible does not mean she is channeling demons. What if she's correct and the divine feminine was a big part of it that was suppressed? Let's not start another online inquisition here, folks.
T. W. said…
Anonymous April 12, 2021 at 4:01 PM

Mediums channel dead people.

Jesus Christ is not dead.

In my opinion that is the most important point.

I was not trying to start an argument.

I hope you understand.

Go in peace and love.
Jules said…
HRH TW - Oh no, I didn't think you were upset with me .. not in the slightest.

Psychic Gossip said…
TW re JC well said cdx
T. W. said…

I rub people the wrong way and I am blessed I have you for a Friend.

God bless you!
T. W. said…

Thank you and God bless you! 😘 😘 😘
Jules said…
HRH Tw - Honestly ... I don't see you 'rubbing people up the wrong way'. I see a lot of deep respect for you, and that you are very much loved here. You know it would not surprise me in the least if some of the anonymous's who sometimes have an issue in the past were and are the exact same person.
T. W. said…

I love all of you too! ❤️

As for the hateful Anonymous poster(s), I agree with you. I truly believe it is one person.
Anonymous said…
Still confused by the Bitcoin reply. Will Bitcoin be the future?
T. W. said…

Anonymous said…
Still confused by the Bitcoin reply. Will Bitcoin be the future?
April 16, 2021 at 8:16 AM

Christian has been warning us NOT to use or own Bitcoin since Day 1. Try searching the archives.
Anonymous said…
Christian when you say bitcoin is not future, do you mean that for all crypto market or only for bitcoin?
Shan said…
Thanks Christian! Love your site and videos.

Could you please look into whether or not that narcissist Dr. Fauci will take a fall this year?
Psychic Gossip said…
ALL CRYPTO is heading to the gutter CDX
Psychic Gossip said…
Shan Dr Fauci is the one telling the truth to us CDX
T. W. said…

Sometimes I think we have to read between the lines with Dr. Fauci. He knows plenty.
Jules said…
Dr Fauci consistnetly telling the american public the truth? With all due respect, I am so sorry, from my own extensive research listening to immunoligsts, virologists, and drs etc over the past year and a half I an afraid I disagree. Please dont hate me.

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