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Happy Easter to All....



Sana said…
Hi CD. Thank you for doing this.

Questions for your next vid

1.What are the BRF going to do about Harry & Meghan? (since Mars 31st has come and gone & nothing has been reported)

2.What are they going 2 do about (Prince) Andrew?

3.Do you see when this matter of Covid-19 will loosen up? Early 2022 or late 2022...ppl are going stark mad

5. Los Angeles - will it become a (more?) dangerous place, will Hollywood change for the worse, acting business go down? HAHA 3 questions in one ...hope its ok

4. Bradley James acting career, love life, general (british actor playing Prince/King arthur on BBC's Adventures of Merlin). Lol lil fan

That was it. Most grateful that you're doing this
Have a good Easter

Your friend
Sâna "Sunny"
Latina said…
Happy Easter to you too Christian and everybone else! Xoxo
Anonymous said…
Miraculous, refreshing & heartwarming Easter to all Readers & to our gracious host Christian xxx. All my love, LH,London 🐣 💐xxx
T. W. said…
Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Happy Easter!

Happy Spring!

Let's all take a 3-day vacation!
T. W. said…
Is it true celebrities are fleeing Hollywood for "safer" locations?

Is it true the wealthy and those in the know are purchasing land in New Zealand so they can build bunkers and ride out the Apocalypse?

When will you take a vacation and get some rest?

Thank you!

With love,

Mariefass said…
A Blessed Easter to you CD, T.W and friends.
T. W. said…
Thank you Mariefass!

May you have a wonderful Easter!
T. W. said…
Christ is risen!

Go and tell!
Anonymous said…
The blessings of Easter to CD and all. May the new day allow light and love into this world xxx Girl from Oz

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