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Latina said…
good morning dear,have a nice day.
T. W. said…
It is a beautiful morning!
Beth said…
Pink and purple flowers, very good, that's what I've just planted in my new rockery 😉
Anonymous said…
Hello everyone !

Again me with my questions ..

CD you already know about numbers, synchronicities and sleep disorders that have been following me for a long time .. Something else has started that I don't know how to understand. I started waking up at 3:33 am ?!

Now, I googled and there are a lot of different opinions. I mean, for me, the number three represents the trinity even though it has at least a dozen possible meanings. There is no way I can explain this now with an "internal clock". It is simply statistically impossible. I wanted to ask, is ’someone’ or ’something’ waking me up or is it just an energetic alignment? Should I be worried?

What do you think of this? I ask you all for opinion. Interesting but extremely strange phenomenon.
Good night @MMJ, when this happens to me, I usually pray, analyze, think about various situations.
What does your intuition tell you MMJ?
Try to get the answer within you.
I can't help you beyond that, but there are certainly people with enough knowledge who can calm your heart.
T. W. said…

I recall you said you did not think there is a God. In Christianity/Judaism, the number 3 represents the Holy Trinity. Maybe God is telling you He exists and wants you to pray at that time.
Anonymous said…
Artemisia and TW

When did you accept the fact that God exists? In childhood or later? I am in a serious dilemma. I think this is a call. I was baptized, I belong to the Orthodox Church and I respect it, but I never really accepted deep in my heart that God exist.

And one person told me that I had a powerful protector next to me when I was 12-13 years old. It was funny to me then. Not at all now. On the contrary.

TW, maybe you can write something about it on your blog. How did you find God and your path to Bible study? I would love to read about that.

T. W. said…
MMJ —> You are precious. We cannot see the wind. But we can see it’s effects. We cannot see God. But we can see God’s handiwork.

I accepted Jesus Christ when I was a child.

I always just accepted & known God is real.

I was raised in a Christian home but we rarely went to church services. In hindsight, mother was right to keep us away from the churches here.

We watched televangelists on Sundays. The shows I can remember: The World Tomorrow, PTL Club (Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker), Jimmy Swaggert, Robert Tilton, Ernest Angely, Jack van Impe.

I am not endorsing everyone.

As far as Bible study, mom read the Bible to us & told us stories from that time period it covers. She taught us to read before we went to kindergarten, so I was 3 or 4 when I learned to read. We did not have many children’s books as we were impoverished. Mom read tabloids if she had a little extra money. But we always had a Bible!

I just enjoyed reading it but unfortunately I don’t read it as much as I used to since the head injuries. Yes, that is plural.

I do have an audio Bible.

I also had 1 semester of Biblical Hebrew and I can hear & feel God in the words. I don’t know how else to explain it.

The fact I am still alive proves God exists. I was almost not born & I’ve had a lot of health issues & accidents that would have killed someone.

I “feel” God. This cannot be explained.

If you live near a Roman Catholic Church that practices Eucharist Adoration please try that. I caution you though, RC’s believe the wafer is the literal body of Christ. Us apostate Protestants do not believe this. Having said that, I have benefitted from Eucharist Adoration.

I have also been to Heaven & seen God: God is The Light & The Source of light. God is Love and The Source of love. When we go home to God we go home to Love, to live, and to be loved.

Here are my other thoughts:

1) Robert Tilton - Fraud

2) Jim & Tammy Faye Bakker - They were fine as long as they focused on the Scriptures instead of money & the false Prosperity Gospel. Tammy Faye said God lived “here.” Baby sister & I were going to runaway to Florida to live with them & God but we didn’t get too far. I wrote to Tammy Faye years later & she wrote back! I have nothing bad to say about her. I also recommend both of their autobiographies.

3) The World Tomorrow- Avoid!

4) Jimmy Swaggert - No comment.

5) Jack van Impe - THE REAL DEAL! He died last year though. Go to YouTube & type “Jack van Impe movies.”

6) Ernest Angely - THE REAL DEAL! We saw him in person. My sister made it to the stage. She did not get miraculously cured. BUT SHE —> She got the blessing of healing. God used a local celebrity physician to cure the ailment that modern science says is incurable. If I tell you his name you will know where I live. The doctor is dead anyway. GO HERE —>

I will try to make a blog post within 10 days, but I can’t promise. Still dealing with the move & emotional breakdown.

God bless you MMJ!

With love,

Good night MMJ, today I saw a video that talks about the relationship between numbers and twin flames. She quoted the number 33, 333, 3333 ... saying that it is a master number and / or that the union with the twin flame is close. Hope this helps!
Anonymous said…

Take it easy, slow down. Finish moving and rest your body and soul. Blog can wait, take your time.


I read in two places about waking up at 3:33 am. Someone wrote that someone's spirit wants to communicate with me or something like that. So I asked if I should worry..

As for TF, it's a weird feeling to know that someone is out there somewhere and you don't know where he is or when you'll meet him. And no, I'm not talking about the actor. Once again to distance myself from that story. He was a trigger for my spiritual growth and I can't explain how and why, but he has nothing to do with me. I have to underline that once again. After all, there is no place in my life for anyone else. Not anymore. I finished that story..😘

It's MMJ, I also dreamed about Keanu a few times, after I saw a video of him on Instagram, at the time I didn't even know who he was in that video ... since then I've been following him to know the message that the universe wanted to send me.
I think this story about twin flames is amazing !!!
Loving is very good ... even more if both are with the same goal.
But when it comes to numbers, I've always seen the same numbers ... 11.12, 66, 22, 1515, 1001, 33 ... etc ... synchronicities ...
A few weeks ago a blue butterfly was resting on my chest for a few seconds while I waited for the bus lol ... beautiful beautiful !!!
That same week several butterflies in my yard, next to me ... I just thank God and the universe!
I just want a partner .... be it tf or soul mate .... you know why? because love is very good, dating is very good lol.and don't worry about the opinion of others. worry about being happy ... live our life!
It may be manifested here ... as they say, in 3D ... but it may not be ... I surrender to God!
Anonymous said…

It is perfectly normal to want a soul mate if you are alone. In fact, soulmate is the most beautiful thing that can happen to you. And I want you to find him this year. This year, many are lonely due to the impossibility of going out and looking for a partner. I have been with my partner for 13 years. Well, we broke up two weeks ago and now we are planning to move to Germany. What is life? :) He is to me something like a healing soul. I don't know exactly what they call those connections. These are not the abnormally romantic ones. Interestingly, I have symmetrical scars with him and even a personal number. He is not my TF but he is a good man and partner and that is enough for me. If I ever meet TF, trust me I don’t know what I’m going to do. I have this feeling that my TF carries more ‘feminine’ energy and wears glasses. Something like male Cancers in the horoscope.

As for the actor, he was a trigger for my spiritual awakening. I know exactly when it started but I don't know why. I think that's why there are celebrities and that our souls choose similar famous souls to follow or ascend. I don't know if you understand me. So, your journey can start from him, but the journey probably leads somewhere else. I can tell you that because my journey started in January 2020. And since then I have been in a whirlwind of strange events and strange energies. The first thing I saw and it started to follow me was only 1111. After a couple of weeks when I read what that meant, the same numbers started. And that continues to this day. Numbers on the clock, on the tables, 1111 views below the YT video, the account in the store, etc. And then the numbers 1212.1221. I am currently being followed by 1717 and 0909.

I also had strange dreams. And synchronicities. All year. For example, I think about something, go into a store and hear a song about the same thing. I think about a specific topic and then here someone on this blog writes exactly the same thing I thought about just a moment before .. Symmetrical billboards and pictures etc. Signs in songs, commercials, billboards .. There is material for the whole book .. No more I can look at the clock. I'm tired of it all. But the opening of the heart chakra and the feeling then is something indescribable. Since then I am sure I have TF. It happened in late November, early December ... And since then I've kind of started rejecting my partner. Not to feel close to him. But you know what, you can't live like that. Chase ghosts .. Life flows fast. You need to have someone by your side.

Now, the whole story is about thinking about my life path too. Nothing matters to me anymore. I want what I do to make sense and to help someone. That's why I wanted to change my career. But I'm just going to change it a little bit. And money has become completely insignificant to me and human malice and other opinions. It all got involved this year. And the ego got lost. Irrelevant ... I began to listen to the monks, I am attracted to those pure souls. I don't listen to meaningless conversations anymore. I am drawn to the sun, nature, animals. I feel a rise in vibrations ... And all this in just one year .. You can imagine the state of my brain .. Oatmeal .. But I stabilized a bit and turned completely to myself at this moment.

I think you're in the beginning of it and you'll see where that takes you. I sincerely wish you romantic love this year. In the end, having someone you love by your side is the most important thing in life. And be happy. There is nothing more important than that.

Starlight said…
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This comment has been removed by the author.
Good morning MMJ !!! That! These synchronicities are wonderful! I have always lived this, for me it is already natural, I just don't speak ... there is an "internal conversation ... with God, with the nature that I love so much ... everything is interconnected.
In my opinion, I think that you should live well with those who are by your side, if you are happy.
I am very happy to have known the CD and the people here, each with their own opinion, with their own way of thinking. I don't worry about having a TF. I worry about being a better person for me and trying to help people, which I have done very little.
But I was intrigued by the Keanu reeves question. I read that there are several people who dreamed or dream of him, so I await the answer that the universe wants to show me or the learning of it.
Perhaps to help those in need? Help me? Meet long-term friends again? Make new friends? Just distract me? Maybe expand my mind to new visions? Resume the life path that I committed to the universe?
I still do not know,
Kisses to all and strong embrace of Vibrant Light!
T. W. said…

I thank you for your patience & understanding.

I cannot comment on Twin Flames. I do not understand it so I would be a fool to comment.

As for 3:33 AM, Jesus prayed at 3AM.

Many Christian ministers have preached on the subject.

The consensus is that 3AM is a prime time to communicate with God.

There’s also a multitude of anecdotal evidence from people who say God woke them at 3 AM and they received special communication from God.
Anonymous said…

Do you know that I adore your words? Your words calm the soul and hit right in the center. And finally you have a name and you don't write like an anonymous person :*


I will try to meditate next time at that time. Maybe I'll get a message. I've been waking up for two months between 3:15 - 4:00 AM. But now at 3:33 AM.


About KR

I roughly think I know what those messages about KR mean and why individuals like you and I get the same. Just look at his fan base. They are all either spiritual or religious people. I personally see him as a man of light who for some reason went to Hollywood / the snake's nest. The subjective feeling is that he has not yet crossed over to the other side even though he is surrounded by darkness. And all that around him is weird. If God exists, God has a mission for him in that serpent's nest and he needs the support of all of us. Maybe we get messages to send him light. And IF it is true that he punched a man in the face because of the "refrigerator", then everything is clear to me. In that case, this man has not only balls to the floor and my support, but also the ultimate respect. Although he may feel very low mentally in that madness at the moment.. I can't go on about this but he works for the light in his own way and he needs the support of all of us here. I underline, this is just a subjective feeling and intuition. Time will tell. And that's where I'll stop.

About TF.

I think I’m finally giving up. I searched for that soul for so long I just wasn’t aware of what I was looking for. I never cared about passionate kisses, or a tight ass or an inches between legs. I was looking for a soul. The person I will stand next to, looking him in the eyes and be intimate even without touch. In front which the depth of my soul will be naked and vulnerable and will be seen, understood and accepted fully in all its weirdness. Where there will be enough one look to understand the other person. Where shared silence will be enjoyed. Where you will not know where one begins and where the other ends. Two bodies , one being. One soul. The ultimate destination .

But here, I found the best I could. Although, a couple of years ago when I decided to dedicate myself to my relationship, I looked in the mirror and promised myself that I would leave the door open for that other person forever. Isn’t it ironic that I promised that to myself in the mirror? What is happiness in the end? I'm happy to have a good man by my side. And I know I'm not fair to him. But the sadness will remain permanently because I did not find the soul I was looking for. You know the phrase "Being lonely and not alone." I think it will forever remain a part of my being. Sadness in happiness.

Kiss for everyone

Good afternoon MMJ.
I think it's always good to say yes! I've had a few weddings, I'm the mother of three beautiful people!

I hope Keanu doesn't get depressed, he knows how to get out of the sadness phase, which we all went through.
Well, as to his kind of life in this incarnation.
Easy to be a monk in Tibet ... lol
To find out if you learned your lesson, some spirits ask for challenges. It may be his case.
Did he punch someone? Damn ... hahaha..doidinho

If TFs exist - even if they are separate, they will always be united, even if they are not here on Earth. They will fulfill what they have committed. And merge in place of its origins. ( I believe in that)
We are in a phase where many fluctuate in relation to humor. One happy hour, the other sad.
All the best with your current partner. Just don't force a union to not be alone. But also, don't be impulsive and hasty.

As for me - I just want to share a relationship with love and respect, be it soul mate or TF.

Starlight said…


You are at the beginning
of a new way,
all is open ✨

T. W. said…

Ask & you shall receive !

Starlight 💫

You are truly precious!

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