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Told Ya More marriage woes to come for Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin..

Christian Dion's Celebrity Psychic Predictions 2021 THE FACTS.. Keanu Reeves, Johnny Depp, Meghan Markle, Jlo..




JUSTIN BIEBER                     



Many more troubles for these two this year...

They both need to get some real therapy. 

Not the Hillsong crap.


T. W. said…
Maybe he should stop using crystal meth.
T. W. said…
WARNING ---> If Truther, Conspiracy stuff is not your cup of tea please skip this video.

Exposing The TransFormers. This is going to crush a lot of ladies hearts!
Sana said…
Hey, CD can u pls tell us what the fk is wrong with Demi Lovato? Has she been drinking the same Kool-Aid as Harry's wife?
Jules said…
I am going to take away the warning sign HRH TW placed on watching the above very informative-smacks-you-in-the-face-and-you-cannot-dispute-it-video!!!

For those who have taken issue whenever the topic of Hollywood stars have been transgendered and do not believe it, this is one of those what I call indisputable videos that you cannot argue against. It's a must-watch video.
T. W. said…

You are very brave!
T. W. said…

I think people forget Demi Levato was a child star for Disney. All those kids are abused in some way.
Jules said…
HRH TW - We should never fear telling the truth, we should never fear opening peoples eyes to the deception surrounding them. Besides I am not revealing hidden esotric knowledge, everything is out in the public domain and being freely discussed.

Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.

Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid?

Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
Anonymous said…
Okay, I watched that video of the so-called transgenders.

Nope. Just nope!

Sorry TW and Jules, but NOPE.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

At least you have it a chance.

I thank you for doing so.
T. W. said…

Thank you for giving us God’s word and blessings.
Jules said…
Cap Anonymous .. We can agree to disagree, with respect for one another's opinion.
Letty said…
Waiting for the divorce! Long over due
Anonymous said…
TW, Dahlink! I was only saying NOPE to Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth. It is my opinion that these hunks of burning love are all men, inside and out. Hemsworth has children, for heaven's sakes!

I do know transgenders exist and my heart goes out to them. I can't imagine injecting hormones into my body every day or undergoing what they have to do to become who they truly are.

I think about Cher's son, Chad, who was born female. Chad was obese for years due to the hormones. Now he's lost weight apparently, but sadly, I don't expect he'll live a long life.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…

You tickle me!
Anonymous said…
TW and Jules, are you the same person?

To get you talking about some real problems, the univers is allowing you (for now) to talk about some bullshit too: the video IS NOT the proof, it is just tool of the sale of the amount of play.

No one child girl walks naturally as a model, but have you ever seen how walk babies?

Are you sure being female?
Jules said…
Interestingly, the subject of Luciferian families changing the sex of their (normally) firstborn from male to female or female to male at birth always brings out some interesting responses. I have also duly noted that whenever the topic is presented here, instead of respectfully disagreeing, or doing what most people do and just gloss over the comment and do not engage, more often than not, someone who disagrees will choose to personally attack and insult the person that shared the said comment. Which is sad.

With regards to the video that HRH TW shared, I chose to endorse it due to the message in the video, which seems to be lost, and that message is ‘look what can be achieved with basic hormone therapy and minimal finances, so, imagine what can be achieved with unlimited finances and the best surgeons.’

I don’t doubt for a single second HRH TW shared the video from a sincere heartfelt position. If you vehemently disagree with the ‘examples’ the creator of the video chose to demonstrate to the viewer, even when the creator is discussing the differences between female and male anatomy, I suggest you argue your point with the creator of the video in the comment section under the video, he might just reply and discuss it further with you. There is simply no need to be unnecessarily unkind and retort to insults. I will state, however, using the argument ‘but they have children’ is neither here nor there, as we all know, just because someone has 'children does not mean they gave birth to them (like Meghan Markle) or fathered them.

The irony of an ‘anonymous’ commentator wondering who we are and asking if HRH TW and I are the same person, is absolutely not lost on me.
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous,

no problem!

PS - if the person entered puberty then their eggs/sperm are harvested before the transformation is complete. otherwise a relative or a look alike provides them.
T. W. said…
Thank you Jules!

I see you understood the purpose of the video.

I think most people never heard of the term "Unclockable Trans."

That means when you see the person you would never know they were transgender unless they told you.

Or if you saw them naked and knew what to look for, hence the purpose of the video I posted.

The world is full of beautiful men and handsome women.

Also, Jules and I have a different delivery.

Ain't no way we are the same person.

Some people attack us or our character because they know what we said is the truth.

It's difficult to attack the truth.
Jules said…
HRH TW - The irony of an ‘anonymous’ commentator wondering who we are and asking if we are the same person, is absolutely not lost on me. For the record, I take it as a HUGE compliment that someone, albeit an anonymous person hiding their own identity thinks that I am HRH TW.

Of course, we are NOT the same person, I would think it's blindingly obvious that we are not, however, if anyone is intrigued, just ask Christian!!!

I am surprised how 'offended' some people get when you point out someone is transgendered, its really a trick of the eye, some are obvious, and their walk DOES give them away and some are most definitely not .. but when you see it .. you can't unsee it. Interestingly the older transgendered human's get, no matter how much hormones are pumped into them the body rejects the hormones and they somewhat revert back to their God-given gender, this is way more noticeable with male to female.

To be fair, I am honestly surprised more people are not interested in how bloodline families treat their children, especially after we have revealed that they transgender children at birth.
T. W. said…

You are so sweet!

I’m honored to see someone thinks I am you! I wish I communicated as eloquently as you do. I also pray my recall & retention become fully healed so I can be a better Friend here and elsewhere.

You know what’s funny?

Transgender individuals who took the Plague Vaxine are reverting back to what they were beforehand!

I hope readers know that I understand some people truly are born in the wrong body. I have researched this and the most common cause is the person is a product of incest and/or the result of a king family history of incest.

Guess what?

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is wearing dresses, makeup & the color pink!

She is now feminine!

But I thought that as a 2 year old toddler she was correct when she told her parents she was really a boy?

What’s wrong with the tail wagging the dog?

Most importantly, if it’s okay to be trans & other things I won’t mention then why do they hide this fact about themselves?

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