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A2Qs Ep8 DiCaprio, Pitt. Chris Evans. Keanu.DC Comics Cavill.CD.Newsome.Pitt.

 A2Qs Ep8
Sat 8th April 2021

on May 8th 2021.
Anonymous said…

Abridge version
A long comment. re:-
Re Keanu Reeves is gay?
CD is gay?
Thank you for asking about my love life, though.
Even a blindman with a guide dog and a white stick could work that out.

Keanu NO.

Mila Princes

Is Chris Evans he gonna date again Lily James he gonna return to her ?

Nimira Virani

1) Is the relationship between Henry Cavill and Natalie Viscuso fake?
Not fake? Not going anywhere.
2) If so, is “Fake relationship” being set up by his Manager Danny Garcia as a PR Stunt?  
3)Is Garcia controlling Henry’s social media accounts?

Missy McMaho 

Christian I have a question can u tell apart a regular dream from a vivid premonition?  I can and its so weird.
I just had a premonition hours ago I just awoke now I’m still mind battling about it.
Dreams you are in Missy premonitions you view like a movie.


Do you think that Erdogan will lose the 2023 presidential election ?                       
Will things go better for Turkey after then ?


Do you see Governor Gavin Newsom winning the recall election in California?


Better Call Saul is an excellent TV show...even better than Breaking Bad.
CD, what do you see on the horizon for actor Bob Odenkirk?
Thank you Honey I will look the show up.
Bob will have a very good career ahead.
Marie Rosemary 

Will Brad Pitt go back to drinking alcohol and will he find true love.  
No & Yes…


Is it true the person who trespassed into Prince Randy Andy’s home snuck a recording device in?
They were trying to… but NO.


DC Comics announced that the next Superman will be led by a black actor . Will this reboot be successful at the box office ?
Yes it will…


Is Serena Williams' marriage to Alexis Ohanian really on the rocks?                            
YES, very much so…

Roberto B.

I'm currently reading on Twitter  Alexandra Grant is in Berlin. I am surprised.
NO, I sense as I write this she is in. Los Angeles.

Mickey Star

On sky TV etc in UK they are saying the labour party are doomed and it's cloudy days labour party and Keir Starmer.
No, not doomed.
Just need to re set.

Some one

Is Leo Di Caprio, going to marry his current girlfriend.

Please remember I am still looking for Instagram, You Tube, Tik Tok, Reality Stars. From around the World. Good, Bad or Indifferent. For my New Feature,
coming soon. Please leave their links names etc in the comments.
Thank you


Anonymous said…
Re premonitions
They are odd and true can be like a movie
Had a few as a teen. Minor things. Nothing really since
Not sure if the that’s age or have closed down somehow
Anonymous said…
Hi CD, hope you’re doing well… I’m still curious about cristiano Ronaldo and his gf, will they marry? If they do will it last? Is their relationship real? Or just for pr? Will priyanka chopra and nick Jonas marriage last? Will they have children together? Do they really love each other? What type of women does Chris Evans want to settle down with if he wants or plans to settle down and get married?
T. W. said…
My Gay-Dar is broken.
T. W. said…
Who in the world is voting for “Gruesome Newsome?”
T. W. said…
Serena messed her face up.

Don’t no man want that.
T. W. said…
DiCaprio allegedly prefers the company of men.

The rumor is he hides this by engaging in threesomes where there is 1 female, 2 males.

I repeat, this is just gossip.
T. W. said…
Kevin Fredericks
T. W. said…
Comedian Shuler King
T. W. said…
I have no access to Instagram. I sent pics & info via email.

Thank you Christian!
T. W. said…
Christian, why are so many great guys gay? Why are so many handsome men gay?

What’s a straight lady like me to do?

Tom Cruise should have called me…
Anonymous said…
Can you see tell if Trump will run again. If so, will he succeed? (I'm truly hoping no)
T. W. said…

I understand.

This world is truly becoming “solve et coagula.”
Quinhas said…
I knew it! I knew you were gay CD. I love hanging out with gay men. My gay friend got married in NYC last year but I could not attend the ceremony due to Covid-19. I think that Keanu Reeves may have done both teams in his life because of his career. Just saying.
T. W. said…

No need to apologize about the Keanu comment.

That’s what people have to do to have a career in Hollywood.

Plus the profession attracts people who like to “experience life.” I hope that makes sense.
Quinhas said…
Hi T.W.
I think you are right.
T. W. said…

You are very wise.

God bless you.
Briseis said…
There is something strange going on with Keanu ... His face in the last photos in Berlin is sad and dejected ... I see that. Some say he was crying. I feel sorry for that poor soul ... So much money and fame and in the end he doesn't have the most important thing: The salvation that only Jesus can give and the peace of mind that exceeds all understanding. Something that money can never buy.
Anonymous said…
Keanu is fine: an adult man can not always smile.
Here Keanu's name is used to sell predictions.
Everyone has to eat, of course, but A.G. is not unique who takes advantage of Keanu's name.
Rosescented uses every day the its fake "fight" against A.G.and Keanu for its own interests.
And there are many others who use Keanu's foto etc.
Anonymous said…
Rosescented was a fan of Keanu in the past,
he is angry and does the right thing so many people will not become victim like him;
Keanu is a celebrity,
and everybody has the right to do what they do about him,
but AG is a criminal who harmed many people using Keanu as protection,
AG must be punished;
world love to read honest predictions on Keanu;
also Keanu is NOT fine,
he is immature and needs to grow up.
Anonymous said…
Rose is afraid of AG and is afraid of going to the Police. Rose is no longer a fan of Keanu, therefore, RO is not against a fan of Keanu. Rose is committing Psychological Violence against Keanu in way to attract the people to own interests, but the world is not stupid!
Rose's fight for "world" is fake. Rose has own interests.
Come on, do not you know that all wrong behavor will be punished? - Parker, A.G., Rose, etc. Be sure! The truth cure us - go on light to see the truth till you are in time.
Starlight said…

Sometimes we use words
that we will regret. 💫

Jill said…
What is gonna happen to the Republican Party? Will Trump be exposed or Will he win back in 2024?
T. W. said…
Starlight 💫

Thank you for your wise words.
Anonymous said…

Anonimous May 12, 2021 at 2:30 PM
You're right, "Rosescented" is a man, it's Cristian Dion.
Psycholigic Violence against celebrities.
Let's see if he admits this comment.
You see, the celebrities and whoever wants to become, may not sue, but the non-celebrities and whoever doesn't think, they sue!
Psychic Gossip said…
Funny it's always the anonymous ones.
That what other to reveal who they are.
But they don't.
After I stopped laughing..
re Rosescented being ME..
Really is that the best you can do.

Mind you I do like roses..
cheers said…

cd is the best.
keanu is waking up.
Violetta said…
Hi Christian I like your blog and YouTube channel I love what you do.
Will Keanu eventually sue Alexandra Grant for some of the things she has done to him and will he take out an RO someday against her for stalking him?
oceanblue said…

thanks everybody who cares about Keanu
who helped me last year,
have a nice day.
oceanblue said…

many fans of Keanu knew that I was in love with Keanu last year,
I still love Keanu.
he helped me last year,
thank everybody who supports Keanu.
Anonymous said…
"Rose", "Rose"... or "Christian", "Christian"...
or one of the authors of
Do you write for

Everywhere, especially HERE, you are promoting the reading of the site which SELLS cookies leaved on the readers' devices.
YOU are writing all these articles, blaming others.
You won't be able to fool the Universe for long.

P.S. Let's see if he admit this comment...
Psychic Gossip said…
Dear ? I don't write for anyone.
So you're wrong again CDX
Anonymous said…
We will see if am wrong "again"...
Sooner or later the truth will come out.
Sooner or later all names will come out.
So, pay attention.
Parker, A.G., "Rose" and many others want from Keanu the same: "
Promotion + Money.
If they get it, he is "good", if not, is he "bad"? No, the career of celebrities does not depend from dissatisfied "fans" who hate and take revenge on social media.
The law is the same for everyone: whoever commits crimes is punished.
Celebrities are human beings and are protected by law like everyone.
Psychological Violence is a more serious crime than scam.
Gossip and predictions are not the proof, it is a show.
If Keanu is not "good", are you not afraid his revenge coming sooner or later?
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry, but the law is not the same for everyone, the law is different for the poor and the rich, and not everyone gets a reward in this life, even a kind of murderers and thieves often get nothing

Keanu is a good soul,
but like all of us,
he has made mistakes;
with honourable and honest assistances such as support and criticism from Ms. Parker, Mr. Rose, fans of Keanu, Mr. Dion and his community,
Keanu is waking up to truth,
Keanu is loved by all including me.
I am 100% sure that,
Keanu will be happy and start a great chapter of his life,
Ms. Parker and other victims of AG will win their case against AG.
Be truthful to ourselves and have faith in God.
once again,
thanks to everybody here.

matrix said…
should he wake up from communicating with her too? 30 years? and with his mother and sisters he "sleeps" all his life ??? does he sleep too much ??? communication with a woman who actually humiliated him in her shit book. for there is her essence
I'm lucky enough to have photographed this magical human many times over the years. I have a big section of my archive that is just Keanu pics. Some we did for magazines and others are personal moments in time from our friendship of 30 years. It’s a profound experience to document someone’s life over such a long period of time. #AdeCArchives
Anonymous said…
anonymous May 15 2021 7:50 AM, You are absolutely right. I hope that bullies like Rosescented will also be held responsible for using social media to incite hatred and degrade people's image. Christian Dion also comes into this concept. To use "psychic" gossip to defame. Roses thinks she is doing some kind of justice or whatever ... But the only thing she does is waste her time. She is no hero. She is just a man dressed as a woman who was also in love with Keanu as was Christian Dion. They need to find a life and leave others alone. This became an obsession.
Anonymous said…

millions of fans are in love with Keanu,
nothing is wrong about that,
I love red colour and am in love with peaches these days.

we all respect Mr. Christian Dion and Rosescented and other former fans who spent much of their own time providing great work.

Keanu is lucky to have great fans.
Anonymous said…
all his life being surrounded by pigs like a cadene is not a dream or karma is a choice
Anonymous said…
Whoever does not accept own biological nature, hates himself.
Whoever does not know to love himself, does not know to love the others.
The belief "I love you, so you owe me" is the beginning of the crimes of Psychological violence and of Stalking (violence).
A man who wants to be a woman, has a psychological disorder, that, if it does not have the right artistic outlet, it unleashes in violence.
Anyone who is convinced that one can do psychological violence against celebrities (their mothers, sisters, etc) with impunity and endlessly, has a mental disorder.
There are many who commit crimes to go to prison to live for free.
What are you aiming for?
While you are "talking" about A.Grant, you are committing the most serious crimes, in group (!), against Keanu and his relatives and colleagues.
Do you really think that you will not be punished?
If Keanu will make the RO against A.Grant, the RO will be also against all those who commit violence.
Isn't it better to take care of your health?
The ailments that you have, Does Not entitle you to commit the crimes.
What are you wasting your limited time on?

Regarding the sensitive predictions about other people, let me remind you: they are "valid" (right or wrong) at that moment of time.
If and when other factors and events intervene, things CHANGE and your predictions turn being false.
So, when you make your predictions, don't forget to say "at today".

" Christian Dion" is not real name.

P S.
A.De Cadenet are using Keanu's name for own interests, yes, but that Does Not entitle you to commit the crimes against Keanu.

Psychic Gossip said…
You are so good at saying others are fake yet you never reveal who you are?
As for me not using my real name.
Not true...
it is my name thank
Christian Dion xx
Anonymous said…
Psychological abuse was committed by Taylor, as the press wrote about.
"The fear of the dark haunted Reeves since childhood. He was not even four years old when his mother began to leave him alone in the dressing room: the administration of the institution saved on electricity, so when all the girls were in the hall, the lights were turned off in the dressing room. Boy that is. strength closed his eyes and ordered himself not to cry"
It is a pity that her son was not taken away from her! And also for the pictures of Christmas with feet on the table and the satanic coloring in which Karina's inadequate friend was staying
Anonymous said…
You're right, rosescented is not a hero, it's a rabbit who hides its name because it knows about its crimes and uses multiple accounts to comment on itself.
All participants in this crimes against Keanu and his family will be discovered, be sure.
And someone will have to "answer" clearly on the questions of syphilis and others.
At least for now rosescented makes a full-time housewife.
Does it and others have enough money for a good lawyers?
Because Keanu has to make a good cleanings.

Regarding ADC's book,
let's hope, Keanu's authorization were requested, otherwise it's a crime.
Anonymous said…
Of course, Christian Dion is his real name. When you get a reading from him, his paypal is set up for the payment to be sent to Christian Dion. If he's not Christian Dion, then he has been working for free and someone name Christian is getting pay. How very kind of him...
Anonymous said…
A. about "abuse":

Yes, you don't love yourself. You seek punishment.
Those who become enemies were never friends.

A. about paypal:

Then we will see if Christian Dion pays the taxes.
Anonymous said…
A. about "abuse":

Yes, you don't love yourself. You seek punishment.
Those who become enemies were never friends.

A. about paypal:

Then we will see if Christian Dion pays the taxes.
Psychic Gossip said…
I do pay taxes do you Anonymous?? cdx
Anonymous said…
You are not a god, you are a seller:
you attract the customers, you build the customer loyalty, you "milking" them and you want them to read an inglish site of gossip.

You commit (in group) the crimes of:
- Violation of intellectual property;
- Violence against celebrities and their relatives;
- Violence against the intellectual property of celebrities.

If you do not pay taxes, you commit Tax Evasion to the states where you are resident.

Before you kick up the dirty dust, you should be able to think about the consequence: you attract the court investigations against yourself.

Psychic Gossip said…
anonymous still no name.
Ps you should look in the mirror CDX
Starlight said…

if I see a person
running into the street,
where a car is coming,
I would warn him,

we can see to the next
corner of the street,
Christian Dion can see
around the corner,

it is important
to tell the truth -
and to stay
in the light by it

Anonymous said…
Your computer or network may be sending automated queries. To protect our users, we can't process your request right now. For more details visit & orgasm
T. W. said…
These Anonymous comments are ridiculous and out of control.

They can’t even properly communicate.

Christian, I thank you for making me laugh.

I’m supposed to be in bed right now.

I have to be up in less than 6 hours.

Not good.
Anonymous said…
To warn someone of the danger,
one must not commit the crimes, in group, for revenge
and for selling of predictions.
Souls of light do not this.
You risk to lose your "sight".
You already need labels to distinguish people.

who writes under a label, but anonymously,
"CD." does make you laugh?
nobody said…


I love you,
I drank red wine yesterday enjoying my life,
and I did not make a comment.
today I drink sparking wine,
and I want to say
how much I love you.
Magdalena said…

Anonymous said…
Anonymous, there is still a porn book from the waitress and a script from the screenwriter with an Oscar, did they ask permission? good reading excites you
T. W. said…

I love you too and I am thrilled you are enjoying your life!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous about porn book,
who does not ask for authorizations, sooner or later suffers legal troubles, be sure!

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