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Kim Kardashian & Van Jones Dating ?


Kim Kardashian is dating CNN commentator, Van Jones.
Well, she is seperated from her husband I hear you say.



That they have been dating since 2019.
So that means she was cheating on Kanye West...

I also sense this is going to be a mess.
This won’t help Van Jones career either...


T. W. said…
Why do they keep dating black men?

Is that how they “follow the white rabbit?”
T. W. said…
I truly hope Kanye & his legal team see this & act accordingly.
T. W. said…
Tarot by Janine:

TRUTH BEHIND THE BREAK UP OF BILL AND MELINDA GATES (Deepstate Distraction? Who Are They Really?)
T. W. said…
Christian, you already have a Closer & Closer about this:

We Need to Talk About That CNN Director Admitting That His Network is “Propaganda” (video)

In a series of revealing videos, a CNN staffer is caught in tape admitting that his network is engaging in propaganda and that its “coverage” is based on pushing pre-defined agendas. Here’s a look at what he had to say about their coverage of COVID, BLM, and global warming.


Chester explains how the interviews are framed to push a specific narrative.

“Listen to the way they ask questions. Because they’re not actually asking questions. What they’re actually doing is telling the person what to say. It’s an art form in there. (…)

We lead them to talk about how we want them to talk about it. It’s always like leading them in a direction before they even open their mouths. And the only people that we will let on the air, for the most part, are people that have a proven track record of taking the bait.”


Throughout his revelations, Charlie Chester clearly laid out how his network (and all mass media) functions. 1) An agenda is decided by elite rulers. 2) A constant flow of biased and fear-mongering stories flood the network, all centered around telling a specific narrative. All facts that go against that narrative are ignored 3) The hysteria is taken to a level so extreme that it convinces people to abide by the agenda, prompting real-world change.

This real-world change is never in the best interest of the masses. It is all about scaring people into giving away their rights and freedoms. It is about dividing the masses to make sure they never unify and rise up against the elite. It is about dumbing down debates and keeping people completely ignorant. In short, it is about making sure that people never become .. vigilant citizens.
Anonymous said…
Hi TW, sorry can you pleas explain your comment re Kim Kardashian re her dating black men and “ follow the white rabbit” thank you.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 2:45 AM

Follow the provided link.

Look at the pic of the molecular structure of adrenochrome.

Now turn your head or your phone to the right.

You will see the white rabbit.

As for black men:

“In solution, adrenochrome is pink and further oxidation of the compound causes it to polymerize into brown or black melanin compounds (Wikipedia article on Adrenochrome).”

“In humans, melanin is the primary determinant of skin color. It is also found in hair, the pigmented tissue underlying the iris of the eye, and the stria vascularis of the inner ear. In the brain, tissues with melanin include the medulla and pigment-bearing neurons within areas of the brainstem, such as the locus coeruleus. It also occurs in the zona reticularis of the adrenal gland (Wikipedia article on Melanin).”

Kristy said…
CD question :

What will happen with the recall election in CA?
Sana said…
She’ll probably lose her “billionaire” status. Tired of seeing her kind making the buck
Ps CD is Hollywood going under?
Jules said…
HRH TW – Project Veritas are absolutely brilliant.

Trump was massively ridiculed whenever he mentioned ‘fake news', with some thinking he was behaving like a petulant child because the media never painted him a favourable light, for those who fell for the mockingbird media's negative depiction of Trump, the truth of the matter is, Trump did not lie, he was angry that YOU were being lied too. CNN do create fake news, and they do use crisis actors, they absolutely do manipulate the truth, they did blatantly lie about the president, and this is all revealed/confessed in the links HRH TW posted via the vigilant Christian website and in the videos, I linked down below direct from Project Veritas themselves.
I highly recommend you look at both websites.

Exposing CNN Part 1.

Exposing CNN Part 2

Exposing Part3

Project Veritas official website
Jules said…
HRH TW - I’ve come across many, many rumours stating the ‘couple’ were murdered/executed by the inhabitants of an Indian village because of the horrendous reactions and deaths due to the vaccines they pushed on them, one rumour stated it happened in Africa.

Like many, many others I believe the couple who present themselves today are NOT the original couple the difference in appearance, although similar, is highly noticeable pre-the rumoured India event.

Elite marriages are prearranged, it is acceptable for them to have affairs.

I am also of the opinion that Joe Biden is NOT Joe Biden, came across a recent Instagram post that had two photos of Biden, one had grey arm hair, and the other had black arm hair. Looked up the sources of both images. I highly doubt he dyes his body hair.

Joe Biden with grey arm hair

Article and another photo with grey hair taken at the same event,

Joe Biden with very hairy black arm hair
Jules said…
For those who have often doubted what HRH TW has told you with regards to the connection between freemasons and Luciferisiam and their connection with Hollywood, a video created by Australia's 2010 X Factor winner Altiyan Childs will put any doubts to rest.

It's a must-watch video.

X-Factor Winner Reveals World's Secret Luciferian Religion

Jules said…
JK Rowling debuted a new tattoo in January 2021, (completely missed that one) the tattoo that is inked on her wrist, I have no idea which wrist it has been inked on, but is her own handwriting and features the words Solve et Coagula tattoo.

These are the exact word that are written on the arms of the baphomet of the Church of Satan…

Twitter status featuring her tattoo
Anonymous said…
Ugh. Since 2019?

Van Jones is a lawyer and a grown man.

Kim has a keen interest in law. She is working towards becoming a lawyer. I really do believe she will be awesome at it.

Therefore, not surprised she is hooking up with Van Jones for the moment.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Caitlyn Jenner Says “The Homeless” Are Driving Her Friends Out Of California
T. W. said…
Caitlyn Jenner tells Hannity friends are fleeing California because of homeless people
T. W. said…
Interpreter Zhe ‘Shelly’ Wang allegedly denies splitting up Bill and Melinda Gates
T. W. said…
Bill Gates Was Left At Home While His Whole Family Flew To A Private Island To Escape The Divorce News
T. W. said…
At Least 9,245 Americans Tested Positive for COVID-19 After Vaccination; 132 Dead
T. W. said…
Why Ellen DeGeneres is living with Courteney Cox
T. W. said…
I think Trump’s choice to label the lies fake media tells as “fake news” contributed to his ridicule.

I’m on record here saying that “fake news” is another word for “lies.”

While I prefer we call a spade a spade (speak plainly), I do see there are times we must speak carefully for our own safety.
T. W. said…
BREAKING [VIDEO]: Project Veritas SUES CNN After Network Host Said PV’s Twitter Ban Was Result Of ‘Misinformation’ Crackdown … ‘If You Think Defaming Us is Without Consequence, Think Again’
T. W. said…

I’ve heard those rumors about the Gates Family too.

I believe them because my eyeballs function.

When one views photographs of these people that were taken before 1997 and compare them to photos taken afterwards one can see these are not the same individuals.

Tarot by Janine recently did a reading on this.

She confirmed the Gates & their children were replaced around that time.

She also confirmed the real B’Linda (Bill & Melinda) Gates were evil people, it’s not just the replacement LDS that are evil.

She also discussed one of the reading THEY are promoting their divorce: this is a transfer of wealth.

THEY are out of cash because the White Hats (Light Workers etc.) have put a stop to a large amount of their activities. These people truly are under house arrest, some are really wearing ankle bracelets, & photoshop & holograms are being used to make us think these people are somewhere they are not.

She also stated many of these people were “taken off the Earth plane.” Remember I said here that Prince Philip died last year. In other videos she said 3 more members of the British Royal Family will be taken off the Earth.

Tarot by Janine also said rasPutin has been replaced. In my opinion either she is correct or that is the real rasPutin but he is in poor health. Either way that does not look like him.


1) TRUTH BEHIND THE BREAK UP OF BILL AND MELINDA GATES (Deepstate Distraction? Who Are They Really?)


3) TRUTH BEHIND THE OSCARS EPIC FAIL! (Woke Virtue Signaling, PsyOp Theatre & Hollywood's end?)


5) LOOKING INTO PRINCE PHILIP'S FUNERAL! (PsyOp Theatre! What's Behind The Veil?)

T. W. said…
Whether or not the real Joe Biden has been permanently replaced I cannot say.

He most likely has a double because he was once Vice President & he is now President.

So he does have a legitimate, non-nefarious reason to have a double.

We do know for a fact that the real Joe Biden has had multiple cosmetic procedures done to his face & he has had hair plugs.

We do know that gray arm hair does not turn black again.
T. W. said…
I have taken the liberty to post Cherie Jay’s comments from one of the videos Jules asked us to watch. I am doing this because:

1) Some people don’t read video comments

2) Information often “mysteriously” disappears

3) What the person has to say is important.


Cherie Jay

Satan/Lucifer is not an angel everyone, but a Cherub. The anointed cherub that covereth. Ezekiel 28:14 Also no angel in the Bible has wings. BUT cherubs do. So they have twisted that truth just like they TWIST everything. The fallen follow a CHERUB. The greatest of the cherubs. The 5th cherub. There is one missing from the 4 described in Revelation 4. He was probably the FIRST until he fall because iniquity was found in him.

He only APPEARS as an angel of light. Yes, the angels fall with him because he seduced them. Just like he seduced Eve. NEVER do you see him in scripture as an angel. He ONLY appears as one. He is the serpent and the old red dragon as well. Get inside the BOOK everyone only the King James AV tells the truth of these matters. The rest have many words changed or just removed.

May the Lord God of all Creation watch over you all and hold you safely in the palm of his hands🏵

Time grows short🏵
T. W. said…
The Twitter post of J. K. Rowling’s tattoo was uploaded April 10, 2020.

Therefore she has had it for over 1 year.

Who knows when she got it?

See, these people hide everything in plain sight.
T. W. said…
For those who cannot or do not want to see the Twitter post:

arry Gaiters


Author J.K. Rowling Is a Modern Day Witch and a Deep State Luciferian.

Notice On The (Left) Rowling's Tattoo of 'Solve et Coagula' -

Notice On The (right) Deep State Luciferian Baphomet 'Solve et Coagula' "DISSOLVE TO MAKE SPACE" = DEPOPULATION (COVID-19)

#Alchemy #Transmutation
T. W. said…

From r/Marilyn_Manson subreddit:


What does solve coagula mean?


Found a couple meanings from a Google search, one about satan statue and another saying it simply means dissolve. Thinking this would be a cool tattoo but want to know what it means first haha!




Solve et coagula is a maxim or motto of Alchemy which means "dissolve and coagulate". It means that something must be broken down before it can be built up. One interpretation of this saying is to dissolve the body and build up the spirit.

T. W. said…

There is photographic evidence Rowling had the tattoo in 2019.

She got the tattoo in the Winter of 2019 & it is on her right wrist.

Rowling is right handed.


1) Photograph

2) Article
T. W. said…

Solve et Coagula

Posted on December 8, 2013


But long before quantum physics, alchemy pointed to its most important operation:
Solve et Coagula. “Solve” or “solutio” refers to the breaking down of elements and “Coagula” refers to their coming together. In the process of transmuting base metal into gold or arriving at the Philosopher’s stone, this contained both literal and hidden meaning. Esoterically, “solve” referred to the dissolving of hardened positions, negative states of body and mind , thereby dissolving and vanishing negative energetic charge. “Coagula” referred to the coagulation of dispersed elements into an integrated whole, representing the new synthesis. Solve et Coagula expresses transmutation from base to a finer state, the perpetual goal of spiritual growth and human evolution.

Thus in the widest meaning of the term, Solve means dissolve, disperse, dilute. Coagulate, by definition, is “to gather or form into a mass or group”.

So, the real meaning of these three words (“Solve et Coagula”) is the formula that the alchemists used to effect this transformation. It could be described as a process where something is broken down to its elements, a process which produces energy that compels reconstitution in a purer form.

The same meaning we find in the well known scientific terms: Analysis and synthesis. We first break something down into its parts and then make a new, better or more acceptable whole. A result of this process is the release of energy.

Even in some particular occult systems we find this realization. For example in thelema, A. Crowley speaks of the duality of Nuit and Hadit. Nuit is the “goddess of the infinite space” (meaning the wave) and Hadit is the point (which means the particle).
T. W. said…

Solve et Coagula: What It Means
T. W. said…

Myth of the Baphomet - "Here is wisdom..."


The famous Eliphas Levi drawing of Baphomet has a set of tattoos on it's forearms. "Solve" is on the right, and "Coagula" on the left. "Solve et Coagula" in Latin.

Solve et Coagula, or Solution and Coagulation is an Alchemical concept, where you break down something into it's smallest components, or base elements (solution), cleanse this solution of any impurities, and then reassemble these components (coagulation) into a more useful or valuable substance.

In exoteric terms, it refers to "Transmutation of Metals", where, through alchemy, you ideally would be able to turn a base metal such as lead into gold using this method.

In it's esoteric meaning it's talking about 'information' or 'knowledge'.

The end goal is to find "The Philosopher's Stone" - allegory for a rock solid base of truth.


If you have this, it's very hard for someone to deceive you.

“When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.” - Sherlock Holmes

Back to Baphomet...

In the Atbash Cipher Code, it translates to "Sophia", who was the Goddess of Wisdom in mythology.

I've also seen it translated as meaning "Baptized of Wisdom", which, in some Mystery Schools, is the "baptism of fire"
T. W. said…
Important Note from HRH T. W.

These Luciferians, Kabbalahists, etc. are eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil.

Satan said eating this fruit will:

open your eyes (you will know the hidden/occult knowledge)

you will be like god (you will square the circle)

and you will know right & wrong.

Notice that Satan never said you will know right FROM wrong.

Now do you know what humanity is dealing with?

Genesis Chapter 3:1-7 (New International Version)

The Fall

3 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?

2 The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,

3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”

4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman.

5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
CyndiTx123 said…
Always trusted T.W. She helped me many of times and told me truth about the weirdness that goes on in this world. I am very thank ful for her knowledge. When my son met this old man somewhere where he was on a delivery run....Telling him weird stuff... how is the top guy in this cult....Asking him if he believed in God, etc.... I printed what T.W. told me that this old man is true like satanic or something... They can look normal, but inside something a total different scary. Anyway, Love T.W.
And C.D.
Jules said…
Whoops.. meant to write 2020 for JK Rowling's tattoo.
T. W. said…

Is there anyway you can delete the spam post from Alta Finance LLC?
T. W. said…
Kim Kardashian Blames Kanye West For Stolen Ancient Statue Scandal
teacher wendy said…
TW JK Rowling is working on writing books with alchemy . Her tatoo is the first step in alchemy "dissolve and take apart". Goes back to Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. She was always fascinated about alchemy and now has time to learn about it. One of my favorite writers Gigi Pandian writes mysteries about the Accidental Alchemist where she fits in her vegan recipes from breast cancer. It has a talking gargoyle. I love them. It doesnt mean its devil's work. Ask Christian. I dont know where to ask him questions.
T. W. said…
Rutgers Infectious Disease Expert Dies of Covid – After Getting Both Pfizer Shots in the U.S.

Dr. Kapila, a professor at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, was in India to take care of ailing family members when he fell ill and died.
Jules said…
CyndiTx123 - I clearly recall your post regarding your son. Much love to you.

I have come across horrendous accounts of individuals who were ‘targeted’ because THEY wanted their gifts, one such account appears in a book called, ‘he came to set the captives free’ by Rebecca Brown M.D. which you can purchase via amazon. You can find a free pdf version, and you can listen to the audio of the book as someone has uploaded it to youtube.

Blurb from Amazon,
For seventeen years, Elaine served her master, Satan, with total commitment. Then she met Dr. Rebecca Brown, who served her master, Jesus Christ, with equal commitment. Elaine, one of the top witches in the U.S., clashed with Dr. Brown, who stood against her alone. In the titanic life-and-death struggle that followed, Dr. Brown nearly lost her life. Elaine, finding a power and love greater than anything Satan could give her, left Satan and totally committed her life to Jesus Christ. In this honest, in-depth account of Satan's activities today, you'll see how to recognize and combat the many Satanists who regularly infiltrate and destroy Christian churches; recognize and combat satanic attacks; and recognize those serving Satan, and bring them to Jesus Christ.

Link to the book on amazon
T. W. said…
Cap Anonymous

I just now seeing your comment about Van Jones being an attorney.

Them Kartrashians are doing witchcraft to get men & their money.
T. W. said…

Thank you for the vote of confidence!

I vaguely remember the incident you speak of. I hope your son and the rest of your family are doing great.

T. W. said…

I read the Amazon reviews.

One person said the package arrived with blood on it.

Another person said they felt sick, uncomfortable, etc. every time they tried to read the book.

Several people said the book is not for everyone.
T. W. said…
Lucifer was a cherub.

The primary function of a cherub is to worship God at His throne.

Lucifer didn’t like that.

Lucifer wants to be worshipped.
T. W. said…
Satan prefers to finesse & beguile humans.

Don’t expect something scary to trick you.

Satan knows you will see that coming.
Jules said…
HRH TW - I can well imagine some people have had those physical reactions to stop them from reading the book, because ‘he’ does not want anyone to read the information it contains inside. The book is literally full of the Glory and power of God. It’s a very powerful testimony and contains vital information with regards to spiritual warfare. Many, many people struggle to pray. I did. I would fall asleep the minute I started to pray or get distracted. Oppression is very real.

I read the ‘not for everyone’ reviews, as well as the reviews that think the book is utter nonsense and a hoax, however, I honestly think it’s very important to also state that by far, the vast majority of reviews clearly state the book is ‘a must read’, or an ‘essential read’ with many reviews emphasising that the book clearly shows ‘Gods work Glorified’. Here are just a few examples of the books review ‘titles’ … ‘absolute biblical truth, every believer should read this book’ … ‘one of the best Christian books I have ever read’, … ‘ a very informative book of the hiddenness of the things’ … ‘ Extremely good insights to the spiritual truths of the universe and of Jesus.’., ‘Inspiring - It developed my relationship with God - I will recommend it to my friends so they can be blessed as well’ … ‘I recommend this to any discerning believer in Jesus Christ who wants to know the reality of evil.’ .. ‘I have given this book a rating of 5 stars because it explains in detail all that is involved in spiritual battles’, Then there are reviews by professional medical people such as this one, ‘ Brilliant insight into spiritual battles at the workplace! A must-read for all Christians. - As a medical doctor, I could identify with some of the spiritual scenarios Dr Brown described. It is certainly helpful to know that most Christians turn a blind eye to any suggestions of witchcraft operations within hospital settings. I work as a Consultant Psychiatrist in the United Kingdom. These spiritual dimensions exist. And that a Christian fails to acknowledge this does not mean you can not be a target! I have come to know that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God. As a believer, you must always engage the whole spiritual armoury described in Ephesians 6:10- 18. Praying in the Holy Ghost helps you stay grounded and in tune with His leading.’

Amongst those that I like and listen to this book is a very highly thought of and a most highly recommended book.

The book has given so many people trapped in the Luciferian system due to generational bloodline ties the much-needed courage to finally break free from what can only be described as a living hell for them, the abuse they have to endure on a daily basis as children is beyond words and truly horrific, this book has enabled them to finally come to Jesus. It saved so many people.

T. W. said…

Amazon is full of fake reviews.

I trust your review!

God bless you always. 😘
T. W. said…
teacher Wendy

Thank you!

Yes, the saying is to do with alchemy. I thought I posted that. If not, please forgive me.

The problem is that the slogan is associated with Lucifer (Satan) because those words are on Baphomet’s arms.

Alchemy is linked to Lucifer/Satan.

I do not know if Lucifer created alchemy or saw humans researching it & decided to influence humans that way.

You can ask Christian questions here, on his YouTube channel, or via email (
T. W. said…
I have neither read the Harry Potter books nor seen the films for obvious reasons.

My nephew read the books & said the series gets boring after a while.

He & other teenagers report the Twighlight series is excellent! I hope I spelled it right.

He let me read an excerpt. I thought the “juicy” part was written age appropriately.

Jules said…
A direct translation of the latin “Solve et Coagula” is ‘dissolve and coagulate’ which literally means, ‘something must be broken down before it can be built up.’ That's very apt for what is happening today.

It now goes without saying that the Latin phase has Satanic connections given that it is depicted on the arms of the Baphomet, illustrated in Eliphas Lévi’s 1854 Dogme et Rituel la Haute Magie, allegedly originally worshipped by the Knights Templar, and mentioned first in 1098 by a French crusader.

The question is whether or not JK Rowling knew of its Satanic connections before she inked it on her body and there are many who would scoff at the idea, however, there are just as many who will answer with a definite yes.
There are some that will say her books are harmless and they are just fantasy, but there are others who will completely disagree, especially those who ‘understand’.
T. W. said…

Does JK stand for “joke”? I am serious.

If JK Rowling did not know about Baphomet & that Latin phrase then Madonna is a virgin.
Jules said…
HRH TW - Given the amount of research JK does, the Latin phrases connection with the Baphomet would have come up.

Given how we know how the real world works, it would not surprise me in the least if her jaw-dropping success is due to them. One thing I can be absolutely certain of, given the subject matter of her Harry Potter books, her success is absolutely not due to our heavenly Father.

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