The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
so it happens
like predicted
This was posted today in Austria:
It's an article about AH and her career. They also mention that the Virginia Lawsuit will begin only in 2022.
Now, Christian, you predicted, that the Virginia Lawsuit will be over this year - you didn't mention the specific month. So, will it be really over this year? Completely finito?
You also said that Johnny Depp will be vindicated and be able to buy a new home from what is left over of the really big sum he will get from AH after he has paid his own lawyers (or will she have to pay his lawyers too?).
Will JD be able to NOT live over his income, since we all know he splurged a little bit too much during the last, shall we say 15 years? Even though he did have a really, really bad management back then, and shall we say, not a practical thinking wife on his arm...
Of course, what, for example, I believe to be luxury is surely not luxury but standard for JD. But what I'm trying to say is: Will he and his future wife have enough to live comfortably, even if he should quit filming someday and concentrate on music and other things, like you have seen in JD's birthday reading? Or do you see trouble in that area?
I can't quite put the finger on it, but, my dear Christian Dion, I can't shake the feeling off, that YOU know more, much, much more than you are telling your viewers/readers! Maybe because JD is one of your clients (am I right?) or because you wait till you can make another video, when you've gotten more psychic bursts regarding him...
Part 2:
What I do believe is, yes, the majority of what you have seen concerning his future may be true (hopefully!), but I still think there may be some little things, like, for example, the details regarding her looks, that may or not be exactly the reality of what you have seen. Because if his third wife should look like a second copy of AH - oh hell! That would be a nightmare - not only for him! Because you can be the most charming, loving person, but if you look nearly like a good copy of someone, who has beat you, has belittled you, made fun of you etc. etc. ... if I were in Johnny's shoes... god, I couldn't take that...
So, I humbly say that with "blonde and petite" you meant someone, who's skin is of a lighter color aka a person from white cultural background, and petite, someone who doesn't actually have to be (ultra) skinny or slim, but someone, who's a delicate person, whose feelings really can be seen in their eyes, not only through their words or how the eyebrows rise and fall and how the lips curve or are in a straight line or shiver.
The "Entertainment Business", well, lets just say, I, again humbly, say, this person would be a real idiot, if she didn't pursue every dream she has - no matter how small the film role. And the most important thing, even if she was just an extra, is to have fun and enjoy every moment! Because that's what's truly important with acting. If you don't have fun, you don't really have a reason to be there at all.
Also: Entertainment Business is such a wide area, it can include so many jobs... so she can have done several different things, studied several different topics... Personally, I don't think, she is widely known at all; what do you see, Christian?
I think it's so funny that you skirt and brush over some things, yet give exact details to other things... Is it because you believe some things to be better kept secret, till the right time or secret at all costs, or because you can't see every little detail? I'm really interested, how your gift works, Christian. Because I DO KNOW THAT YOUR GIFT IS REAL ;-) .
Would be really lovely to hear your thoughts on these points above.
And should JD be really one of your clients - you, Christian Dion, are a really good man, for keeping quiet!
I just hope that, if JD already knows her name and where she lives, and if he's really interested in her, that he acts on it. Because we both know that Johnny really thinks about everything he does (well at least the things that will have a great impact on him) really long and really carefully.
And I want him to be happy, I truly do, from the bottom of my heart, with every fiber of my entire being.
I really hope this Christmas (at last) he will have his new love at his side - wherever he will be.
Keep up the good work, CD, and I'd really like you commenting on my comment-points! Thanks so much!
And now I'm going to be soaking in the sun-rays on the balcony! It's already afternoon, so I have to hurry!
Keanu Reeves/Alexandra Grant
Johnny Depp/Amber Heard