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karma said…

I did not get every word of CD about KR and AG.

My feeling is that, form their video on book deals, KR and AG had sex immediately before the book signing event, AG wore a sexy red dress with KR sitting beside her unemotionally, KR sexually conquered AG many years ago.

They have spent 13 years together, they look like each other, talk like each other, act like each other, behave like each other and the relationship was accepted by both families.

I still feel CD is assisting KR against AG for his reasons, it is ok for KR to get rid of AG, but I think it is IMMORAL to drag other innocent women in this "energy business", even though those women are in hard times.

Once KR gets rid of AG, he will be free to date and love any woman in the world.

But I do NOT feel that so called "true love" of KR wants to get trapped in this mess, she might be experiencing extreme hardship, but it is not fair for her to become a "target" of KR.

I feel the relationship between KR and his called "true love" is karmic, I don't feel she is happy with this future relationship.

I am not a psychic, I do things based on my skills and experiences. CD was wrong about Hillary Clinton in 2014, and I of course could be wrong too, after all, I do NOT know KR as I am not his fan.

Please do NOT ruin a innocent person.

Cat Lady said…
Thank you for the update. Will Joe Biden be removedor from office this year? Will the Bidens ever be held accoubtable for their crines? Will Kamala Harris ever visit the U. S. Mexican border? Will Kamala Harris be removedor from office? Who will be president of the U S. by the end of the year?

Thanks again CD.

Anonymous said…

KR and AG might be in a Karmic relationship, mainly because KR took advantage of AG sexually and emotionally in their early years when feminism was not accepted, he could give her money for her to have a comfortable life, but he did not, he chose to continue to enjoy sex with AG while promoting AG being his partner around the world for 2 years.

AG refused to leave KR and wanted to marry KR, that is natural.

I agree that AG is not a good person, but I do NOT think KR is a good person either.

I simply feel it is unfair for KR to take advantage of a good women who has been suffering from hardship to achieve his life goal, I do NOT feel KR is capable of "loving' someone given his racial backgrounds and his life path, I feel that woman trapped has been harmed by KR and is very confused, she did not feel love from KR but rather, she felt sad and hopeless about her fate.

yes, KR deserves a good man, may be your daughter or your sister, but not a woman who accidentally got into his life.

do NOT push things, or you will get bad Karma of your own. again, I might be wrong, but I might be right.

Anonymous said…

When I was young, I was in an extremely powerful position, and I made huge mistakes attacking innocent people for being racists whatever, now I have my own Karma.

of course I could blame others for misleading me, such as the media, the government, the university education, the people I worked with, whatever.

still, I suffer the consequence of my own conducts.

when you say, people are in a Karmic relationship, that means, they are both bad, period. hahaha.
Latina said…
Thanks so much Cristian for this new reading.Nice to hear good news coming to Keanu and Evans.Please don't forget make a reading on Leo DCaprio,thanks in advance.
Anonymous said…

I MEAN... "I do NOT feel KR is capable of "loving' someone given his racial backgrounds" WHAT THE FUCK DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…

I agree that even though KR and AG live together having sex with each other, he no longer loves her, so he will break up with him by his birthday; if not, next next birthday.

Anonymous said…

Grant could not get in Germany, Keanu helped Grant get a visa. simple.

but again, Keanu needs some sex so he has to keep Grant with him all the time.

that does not mean Keanu loves Grant, their show is only for the fans to donate money to her.
Anonymous said…
Christians do not have karma in their doctrine. There is God's punishment and God's mercy. Also many in the bible suffered when they did nothing wrong, like Job. God gives blessings to the just and unjust as the sun and rain fall on the just and unjust. The wheat and tares are allowed to grow up together and are not cut down until they are separated on the threshing floor.
So remember be humble and obey God.
T. W. said…
Anonymous June 25, 2021 at 4:00 AM


God bless you!
Anonymous said…

before KR and AG break up, they will have more love shows in Berlin this year, more kissing and sexual activities like teenagers, I believe.

so the media will write stories that KR and AG were virgins not a long time ago.

Keep in mind, AG is a long time criminal who will continues to work with its partner of 13 years to get donations from their fans, as they need money to hire criminal lawyers, tax lawyers and to pay the media to shut up.

so before the final breakup, be prepared to see more shows; but I think it is better for victims to make complaints to the FBI and the tax department about the illegal charity.

we enjoy the psychic perditions, however KR is NOT an angel whose 13 years long common-law wife is a criminal/fraud, his father was in jail once, mother a dancer, sister was supporting AG, dead baby and ex addicted to drug.

KR will ONLY separate himself from AG physically and emotionally when the media reports its criminal activities.

I agree KR will not go to jail, I want to see AG face jail terms, KR and take his mother and sisters visiting his common law wife regularly in the future.

Anonymous said…
Karma &
anonymous !!!
Nice comments, but you don't have to worry about other women,
I think she’s
THE ONE who decides where she's going into ,
Or you don’t think so?!

How long you decided living a being someone’s mouth how to live..and what to do…
Accidentally not happening nothing in this life ,
if this 2 find route each other’s life then for sure , there is a reason😉..

But you don’t want accept that,
don’t you 😊..

Sex is sex ,it’s only sex take how it’s resonates with your story…
Do you want me tell you a sex story ?!
(can you feel yourself…)
Desperation is sad expression motivation..
Anonymous said…
Wow! Keanu Reeves is again THE Topic of nearly everyone, CD!

I have one question for your next A2Qs, Psychic Burst, Pot Luck or whatever Feature you're doing next:

Question: Will Johnny Depp get to know his future love by introduction of his friends, his inner circle of people, or through other means, like (pure) luck or fate or destiny or whatever?
the weather network said…

this is my guess:

AG is a DARK witch (bad);
CD is a WHITE witch (good).

we love psychic predictions but we shall never rely on them 100%; just like weather predictions, we take an umbrella with us when we learn there might be raining from TV, but sometimes it is not accurate.

KR and AG read CD's blogs, so they may act in the different way to make fans suffer, then they will control them better.

have a life everybody. cheers.

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
June 24, 2021 at 11:01 PM

Anonymous, being in a "karmic relationship" means there are two people, who have been already together in one or more of many other lives before this one.

Either way they still have unfinished business, or their love transcends every life they live and they find each other in every or nearly every lifetime.

And they don't have to be bad people because of that. Some would call it a Blessing.
Anonymous said…
Latina said...
June 25, 2021 at 12:10 AM

Latina, you forgot to mention the good news coming to Johnny too, not only to Keanu and Evans.

Or aren't you a fan of the great actor Johnny Depp?

I believe Keanu and Johnny have learned their lessons, hence they're being given a chance at real happiness.

And being allowed to be entirely comfortable, relaxed and feeling completely secure with this one person is something we all want and desire.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said...
June 25, 2021 at 4:00 AM

Anonymous, you can be a Christian and still believe in Karma. Many do.
Anonymous said…
CD, Lady Monika Bacardi isn't Johnny Depp's new love, because he already met her 34 weeks ago at the Monte Carlo Ocean Gala, or did I understand something wrong in your Johnny Depp Birthday Prediction?

But you said JD has never met her (his future love) and doesn't know her yet. So I understood you correctly, CD? Right?

Could you just say yes... or no..., please? Because this is all really a little bit confusing...

You didn't say, if she (JD's future love) is famous, well known, or completely unknown... And how will the media and fans of Johnny react, when he introduces the world to his new love? What do you see?
trust in God not CD said…

to PR's fans:

you need to ask specific questions to CD, before you spread hatred of AG because you are angry; CD only cares about the final result (it is about accuracy of his predictions); AG is a dark witch trying to prove CD is wrong by doing evil things; KR is gullible otherwise he would not get involved with a criminal for 13 years.

CD is only a messenger, but even weather forecast could be wrong. have a good time and not get crazy.
fan of Dr Evil said…

I am a fan of Dr Evil and I don't understand why fans of KR are so angry, hahaha.

AG is not talented enough to be a major criminal, rather, AG uses KR to do things in a criminal way.

anyway, I enjoy predictions and had some fun.
AG is a criminal said…

Taiwanese woman conned by fake 'Keanu Reeves'
Reeves imposter also bilked 2 victims out of NT$350,000
Anonymous said…
Anonymous June 25, 2021 at 6:09 AM
you are (as they say in my country) cagando fuera del tiesto.
happy Saturday said…

may be KR and AG are not together in Berlin, I don't know but like to think the worst, then I will not be mentally shocked: the worst would be a porn video, a sex scene, between beauty and beast.

I have had some fun, happy Saturday.

Anonymous said…

I could be wrong, but based on what I heard of,
I think KR has been in another trap
with a different woman (not AG) and had a trip with her,
and that was
a more dangerous trap for KR.

I could be wrong,
but I pray KR is ok.

Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Not any woman in the world will choose an addict of an alcoholic discharged on money, sex and drugs. The whores from the brothels will choose and a normal woman will not choose the environment of his former and real whores and his shitful herds of evil sisters and relatives \ his cheap sisters, who eat in expensive restaurants and sway, although they themselves left the mud evil envious
Anonymous said…
Anonymous Anonymous said...
June 27, 2021 at 9:34 AM

there's a comment in your resentment. You seem more evil and envious.
Go find another hobby.
Anonymous said…

Mr Christian Dion said many times, Keanu is a good man, and will be ok once AG is gone. great.
Anonymous said…
keanu has long gone crazy from money and sex and his women from brothels
KARMA said…

Keanu and I had a big fight then we had a huge breakup, I thought that was the end of the beginning and entirely disbelieved your predictions, I believed Keanu was a fraud like AG.

but things changed and I came back to Keanu yesterday, and your prediction was right.

I start to believe in fate.
Anonymous said…

Mr Dion: AG did NOT register its Grantlove with the government even after it received a letter from the Attorney General 30 days ago, it is said AG went to Berlin to stay with KR, what will happen from now on? thanks.
Anonymous said…
Dear Karma! Keanu has not yet seen his true love, the one. to whom you returned, I do not know. he has a crowd of women
Anonymous said…
a real woman would not write here to sleep with him after the witch? money doesn't smell? then the psychic is lying?
matrix said…
a couple of months ago, a lady wrote here that she returned to Keanu. so how many of you are there?
Anonymous said…
Dion said the only Reeves his age is over 50?
Anonymous said…
Answer to Matrix😘

Neo : A black cat went past us, and then another that looked just like it.
Trinity : How much like it? Was it the same cat? ...
Trinity : A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix.

Anonymous said…


Keanu and I break up every other week,
if not every other day

wonder why the Catfish
always there making him a fool

grand-father karma said…

I may meet with Keanu in person soon, he fears me after I threatened to file a RO against him in about June 2020 when I discovered he was obsessed with me.

Keanu's stupid "hair extension" photo, that very long hair means he has been stalking and copying me for a long time, together with his Catfish, they acted as a couple, hahaha.

but it does not hurt for me to meet with a movie star for work related reasons.

matrix said…
If people break up with each other every two weeks or a day, then they are not suitable for each other. love is harmony, in true love there is nothing to share. but many people cling to such toxic relationships
happy karma said…

I kept breaking up from Keanu, I could not stand a sad face, really.

but I am now in love with his fans, I have had a lot of fun playing around mocking people; ironically Keanu never get upset no matter what I had done to him, that means he may love me, who knows.

I still have to study "twin flames", I never heard of it before, Keanu seems to be too sad to be my twin flame.

I plan to meet Keanu on my business trip soon. He might be a bad person, hope not.
Grand-ma karma said…

I think there would be over 1,000 women qualified to be Keanu's twin flame and true love, so Keanu must be very busy dating women around the world. hahaha.
Anonymous said…
There is … more to this story. He connected with his true love, he played games, like he does. Sad life. He is desperate. Sad. Alone. Very snakey. Bright eyes.
Anonymous said…

Keanu helped AG get a visa for Germany in the same way he did to AG in 2020; and Keanu said his mother and sisters forced him to marry AG.

Kenau is very happy in Berlin from photo you may find, so it is time for some of us to leave him alone: it is the choice of him and his family to marry AG, why the fans would say no to them, sounds like arranged marriage.

If you don't like AG, then leave Keanu and become fans of Depp.

Mr Dion may do some readings on Trump, he has been extremely busy like AG. thanks.
Anonymous said…

yes, we all know Keanu's true love is a sex worker. it is better for him to stay with an artist, con or not.
Anonymous said…
dear Karma relax you are not a twin he knows his twin
Anonymous said…
the Reeves family = the Britney Spears family. sisters and mother witches and evil vixens are afraid of losing a laying hen with golden eggs
Anonymous said…
KR's woman fans believed he is a hero like in movies, so they were angry when KR presented his long term partner AG in the media, they denied the two were a couple and had dated or sex, so KR and AG sued these women fans in court and won; the RO order was not entirely unfair, those women fans went too far to such a degree that they denied AG is KR's girlfriend.

KR's woman fans also learned that KR has a "true love", so they tried to get rid of AG for KR who is ugly and has no manner, in order to save KR from AG, that is wrong.

But KR and AG have made a lot of money for KR to be the internet boyfriend dating women from 41 to 59, which means "age appropriate".

KR has no education, he learned everything from his mother who worked at a night club as a dancer, for KR everything is about money and controlling, he treats women like shit.

If his women fans were not jealous of AG being KR's long term girlfriend and partner, there would be no lawsuit, these women wanted KR to have a beautiful girlfriend like Leonard's so being fans they would feel better, they got what they deserved being the fans: AG.

Anonymous said…
FYI, from many tarot and psychic readers they all said that Keanus true TF has past life connection with him. So he will recognize her immediately.
FUN said…

I have made many comments here, mainly for fun.

perhaps it is time to not talk about SAD/ANGRY and UGLY/ARROGANT people for some time, instead, we need some relaxing time enjoying happy, beautiful and humble celebrities such as George Clooney and Jane Fonda.

I feel very tired reading predictions on AG, really, we need to spend more time on good and successful celebrities.

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