The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
I have my own answer:
if you commit suicide today, you will reincarnate and may be born a baby tomorrow, then you will start your painful life all over again.
suicide is a sin and crime, you get bad karma for committing suicide.
our bodies may die, but our souls do NOT die; through re-incarnation our soul may start a new journey in a new body with a new identity, however your KARMA follows your soul no matter what may happen.
face reality and change, and this is the answer.
That is just mans thinking...
God does not punish people who take their lives...
thats not how it works.
we shpuld be thinking more
" Until you have walked a mile in another shoes" SHUT UP
I also pray that if ANYONE is in despair, as I have been many times especially in my early days... but also when I was badly assaulted a few years ago at school and made to work in the building with my assaulter, that you REACH out. To a friend, to a loved one, to a stranger, to a professional because there WILL be someone there to help you cross that thresh hold of despair because when you look at it LIFE IS WORTH LIVING EVEN AS SCAREY AS IT IS.....there is always something. My something is I am here for a reason whether that be 5 rescue dogs, 2 rescue cats, my sister, my 4 terminally ill friends, David's illness that causes his moods......I am here for service. My life has always been service hard as it may be sometimes.....even in the bad times there is always spots of good. PLEASE BEFORE YOU DECIDE TO LET GO OF YOUR LIFE, GIVE SOMEONE A CHANCE TO HELP YOU. And if you are in doubt and thinking should I shouldn't I....then I tell you ...NO You are simply in need of someone to help you through a dark period....just ask for help. Ending your life is not the answer....
We all deserve to feel loved and valued and know that we're not on our own.
That's not the kindest thing to say.
I know many religions and spiritual practices preach the same thing about suicide, but I disagree.
As someone who has tried over 20 years ago and has just recently been having strong suicidal thoughts, I wish to God I didn't have these thoughts or feelings. There's much deep internal emotional intensity & I long to be "home" with my Creator.
I know many people may not understand, but sadly some people do live very strongly with suicide ideation.
I feel very trapped.
Always good to try to have compassion for something you may not fully understand.
be careful, suicide is still a crime in some countries:
Suicide is a crime in some parts of the world.[1] However, while suicide has been decriminalized in many western countries, the act is stigmatized and discouraged.
You have no clue what you’re talking about. Mental illness is real. Suicidal thoughts are real. Don’t assume unless you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. Sometimes the hurt and pain is so real, they don’t feel like they have a reason to live. Support them, help them, be there for them. Have compassion and empathy. Your soul will be mine because you don’t have one.
People talk about karma and reincarnation all the time and they don't know what they are talking about!
If there is such a person OUT THERE who is reading this blog and thinking of ending it all please reach out to us.
There are so many good people who post here, not to mention the owner of this blog!
We can collectively help you. Just let us know what is going on and we'll do the rest. All of us have either known people lost to suicide or have have experienced difficult times. Something I always tell people (or myself) is "This too shall pass," and it will. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.
In the meantime, we'll all be praying for you. You too, Soul Never Die.
CAP Anonymous
Wow, I've been through so much pain, that I thought I wouldn't have any more joy. And with time, life brought me some moments of happiness, of smiles! Life here on earth is like that! There are these fluctuations, we just need to get to know each other to see if it's time to ask for help, time to make changes to protect ourselves!
We are spiritual beings, we don't die. If your problem is causing you pain, find someone to talk to, you will see how your problem becomes easier to solve, as you begin to see that there will always be a solution!
Writing and crying....the same way I smile, I cry....but the crying keeps more to me, except if it's crying of joy. We deserve to be happy, happy.
Any sadness is here for us to try to ease your pain!!!
Signed by a person who has suffered a little bit, but who loves to be alive!
Kisses in the heart, an invigorating hug !!!
I know how you feel.
You just want the pain to end.
You just want the situation to end.
Please talk to someone.
Please distract yourself for 1 hour.
I am serious.
Research shows that if a suicidal person can be distracted for one hour they are unlikely to commit suicide.
Please do not drink or use drugs.
Hire a hooker or toy-boy if you have to. God will forgive you for that.
PLEASE do not depart the Earth prematurely.
God loves you.
We love you.
With love,
I hope it helps you:
ぐでたまの部屋 / Gudetama LiveCam & Chill Out BGM Radio
1) People who hurt and damage the others, get sick.
IG account "k...r...sisastalker" will end badly: that BS community hurts many people, all of them are kids of the Creator.
2) Forgiving and asking for forgiveness open the doors to the Creator, heal and save the soul.
Suicide does not cure and does not save the soul from the pain.
3) "C. Dion",
yes, God does not punish suicides, because God does not punish anyone.
4) Whoever hurts the others, punishes himself.
The term "karma" just explains how does it work.
Healing sent this day to the gentle soul who prompted the need for this post, to my adorable blackbird, and to all those souls who have spoken up here who have been affected by suicide, myself included xx
we help each other
we are many. ✨